
It's my life, it's now or never



04-30-2014, 04:14 PM

More often than not Alpine would find himself stretched out against the plush moss of the earthen floor a few paces from the widespread space of Wolfpaw Lake. It was a comfortable setting with the dull shine of the sun peering through the shimmering mirage of clouds and casting a pale golden light that was not too bright nor too cool. The day would stretch out before him, for once empty and thoughtless. Already he had spent time with the errant pup, placed an offering of food to the recently birthed mother who still hardly dared to venture into the pack life.

No, he felt utterly at ease without the chores of the day, and with his special gift tucked between his paws he would find himself utterly relaxed, his tail swished lazily behind him as his crystal blue eyes blinked lazily out into the equally stunning blue of the water. His head rested against folded forepaws and his back legs tucked gently to his side. He looked the picture of peace and relaxation as he allowed himself to soak in the sunny fay and crisp blue sights.


Twig I


04-30-2014, 05:11 PM
Twig would wander back to the lake after spending time with Jinxx. Her plush fur would be twisted gently in the bit of wind that rushed past as she moved. The day still felt wonderful, and she wasn't ready to say farewell to it yet. Her slate covered paws would carry her lazily, her orchid gaze taking in the scene before her. The sun would play gently on the water's surface, the reflection drawing her attention to a still form by the water's edge. Alpine was not holed up within his den like he had been only days before. She would find a smile upon her marked maw as her pretty paws would carry her towards his place of rest. He seemed so peaceful enjoying the sun that shone down upon their pelts. Her frame would draw close to him, her dark ears swiveling to his attention. "Hi, Alpine." she would lay herself across from him, mirroring how he was laying upon the shore. "How are you?" she was still worried about him, and wondered if what had been bothering him subsided.?



04-30-2014, 06:02 PM

A shadow would fall across him, casting him from the soft light of the sun and his sleepy eyes would blink back into focus. He would hear her before his eyes would focus, and a lazy smile would form across his muzzle. The warmth of the day and his lazy antics creating the perfect image of a half asleep Alpine. He would know her voice anywhere, through anything and his lazy eyes would settle upon her form. It was all he needed to complete his peaceful day, feeling utterly serene within her presence he waited as she settled down beside him.

With a yawn and a shuffle he moved himself closer to her form. He took to resting his head against the crock of her shoulder blade as he sighed softly in contentment. He never worried with Twig, was never afraid that his movements might seem too much for her. After all they had been through, after all their time spent together he felt he knew her better then he knew any other being. More than that, that he was closer to her then he had ever been to another. ?Mm.. hey sweet Twig? he murmured, his voice as lazy as his body. ?I?m good, 'tis a good day to relax? he murmured gently, flicking an ear softly as he settled a little more comfortably by Twig. ?And you??


Twig I


04-30-2014, 07:05 PM
As she was brought into his presence her lavender eyes would take in the sleepiness of her Alpine, his half open eyes and lazing form. She would find herself warming, her heart feeling rather well as she looked at his relaxed form. She let all of the tension Dissipate from her as she joined his presence, all the stress she had been carrying with her whisked away with just a simple look at his wonderful features. She would make herself comfortable as he yawned and brought himself close to her, resting his head upon her darkly painted shoulder. She could never be uncomfortable with him, so much had they gone through together and how much she trusted him. More than anyone else in the world she trusted Alpine, she couldn't dream of asking for a better friend.?

Her elegant neck would lean back slightly, causing her muzzle to nuzzle him gently. She would listen as he greeted her softly, her delicate pink tongue would slide from her lips to kiss him on the cheek. She was tickled to hear how well he found himself doing. "Relaxing sounds perfect." she would sink lower to the earth. Letting her form loose and allowing the sun to relax her aches away. "I'm alright," her head would move to nuzzle him.?



05-01-2014, 01:56 AM

Despite the presence of his friend, or perhaps even aided from her presence he found himself unable to shake the dregs of drowsiness. It was too relaxing, too peaceful here beside her for him to shake full conciousness into his being. The soft touch of her nose against him would warrant another few drowsy blinks of his eyes, as they flickered open he would see Twig's face so close to him. It would be then that her tongue would flick out and brush lightly against his form. A soft pink tone would creep against his cheeks at the intimate touch, and surprised at his reaction he would bury his head further into the softness of her neck.

He felt her shift beneath him, to relax and calm and find contentment before again her muzzle would softly caress his coat. It was so nice, and calming and open that he found his own lips parting, and words slipping free. ?Twig, I don't want to burden you with my own worries, but.. I've had something on my mind for the past few days. Perhaps you would be an ear for me?? he asked her softly, knowing that to ask this of her was more then to ask a content being for all her own pains easily threatened to swallow her whole. ?I.. I don't know if you know, but I was courting a girl of the pack, Lyric. She's a gorgeous, lovely girl? here he would sigh, his relaxed state shifting to one of anxiety. ?However.. something changed. Something in me, and I don't know what.. and.. it just wasn't the same.. so I.. I spoke to her, and I believe I broke her heart? he buried his eyes against her check, hiding against the world.


Twig I


05-01-2014, 08:03 AM
Had paradise been open to the pair it was certain that it would be a completely identical scene. The two wolves would completely let their guards down, no walls would separate them. Twig would feel herself relax, the gentle touches of the suns light would massage away the aches of the day. Her head would come to rest lazily upon Alpine as she was overcome by the same sleepiness he showed. She would be alerted of his words, slate covered ears swiveling to catch the sounds. A question or a favor it didn't matter what he asked of her she would gladly do what she could. "Anything for you, Alpine." she would nuzzle deeper into his plush fur as she listened. He would go on, admitting to courting a girl of the pack, she would grow excited for him before she felt him stiffen beside her. She would lift her crown to better take him in, his confession suddenly quite heart breaking. How could he have broken her heart with out calling off the courtship? She would suddenly feel incredibly sorry for him, and the girl he had thought to see. At first she wouldn't know what to say, she would instead push herself closer to him for comfort. "that's so sad Alpine, but you wouldn't have told her such things if you truly loved her. Is it not better to break her heart now, instead of years from now when the connection would have been stronger?" she would nuzzle him gently, not wanting him to blame himself so much. "She will find love again, especially if she is as lovely as you say. And you will too, but just keep in mind I will have to approve." she would giggle slightly as she tried to lighten the mood once again. "She will be okay, time heals all." those words of wisdom she was learning from experience.?



05-01-2014, 05:16 PM

A sigh would escape his lips as his words completed their course and he would wait for her answer. Would she confirm his thoughts? Agree to the harshness of his actions the wrong he had committed? But the head she lifted and leaved to him was not filled with a judged expression, but rather one of empathy for Alpine and his fate. Again, warm red would seep against his cheeks, in that thought that it was him that she felt for and not the poor Lyric. He did not think he deserved her gentle words, but that did not change how nice it was to hear them.

?I... suppose? he allowed, but he was not so forgiving of himself as she was of him. He truly did hope that love healed her, that she found someone again, because he knew that she deserved it. It was so wrong of him.. how could he have changed? What had changed him? Was it all that had befallen him within these pack lands? But still, he did not understand how his connection to Lyric had been so utterly cut. It was as through his heart desired something else, he was just incapable of working out what. ?Is there any who have your eyes? Any I have to ok?? he would tease her gently back, with thoughts still on love it was hard to talk about anything else.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"