
Woke Up In A New Buggati



Extra small
04-30-2014, 03:05 PM

?She had left Ludicael again, however, this time was not because she was leaving Alacritis in search of something. No, this time was because Fal?Dara needed to find something and she needed some time to just fall for the world around her all over again. She was excited, however, it wasn?t directly visible in the common term of the word. Her excitement was displayed through a light in her eyes, gentle movements of her body, and immediate smiles presented to the oddest of things. Specifically speaking, the green path of earth that was displayed before her not so far away. It was particularly bathed in splendor and the level of excitement she could have to bask in the sun there was wonderful. She would need something to do though. Eyes darted around and as she observed her surroundings the solution to her problem of boredom became incredibly apparent.
?Fal?dara danced around the valley and occasionally her head would dip down. The sight became more amusing as her maw became fuller and fuller. Upon closer inspection it was quite vividly apparent that Fal?dara was collecting flowers. There was an arrangement of colors and sized that she carried (her favorite being a purple one she had picked up). In her mind the scent of all of them with her was pleasurably intoxicating. She was an odd one, but she was equally happy. As the adventure came to an immediate halt the young woman turned her head towards the sun and watched it for a moment. It was beginning its ascension in the sky, but regardless, it was to be several hours before she needed to dedicate her time to her return home. After all, she did not wish to worry her mother again.
?Pulling herself back to her aforementioned ?spot of green? the babe pulled her body down onto the ground and dropped every flower that she had across her paws. A smile daunted her dark lips and she used her nose to push around the flowers. she wanted something of them. Though, this was not an attempt to learn about some herbal remedy they should have had, but it was more an attempt to make something remarkable of something that was already beautiful and Fal?dara couldn?t imagine crafting anything less than ingenious. She was a tiny thing (particularly and incredibly on the lower spectrum) however, she had (in her mind) a large task at hand and if it were the end of her she would accomplish it. Determination was something she had picked up from her sweet maman; and anything obtained from her mother was something she pressed close to her. Something she?d not be rid of.



04-30-2014, 03:34 PM

The aroma of flowers would be her guide, the pain in her mind would lessen with the intoxicant of these creations, and she sought the blissful release of their velvet petals. Time had ceased to hold importance to her being; it meant nothing but to further her agony and loneliness. If anything, she had come to hate time and all it entailed.

?Avro, where are you?? her voice no more than a sigh to the wind as the consistent movement of her steps finally brought her to his garden of flowers. Without consciously making the movement she would find herself on her kneed amongst the array of daises, bowing her head to the soft yellow light and taking in the scents around her. If the aroma of wolf had reached her, she made no sign of recognition to its origin, no movement to find its owner. She kept her head bowed to the soft colours before her and closed her eyes, wishing away the world and the present, wishing away anything that kept Avro from her side. He had promised her safety and sanity, had brought her from her cycle of insanity, and then he had vanished from her side. She was left with the pain of her head, the constant stream of memories that engulfed and terrified her.




Extra small
05-01-2014, 02:41 PM

? ?She should not have been so curious about others. Nevermind the curiosity, though; it was the blatant disregard for their capabilities that would draw her from where she sat and press her to pursue an audience with the vagabond woman. A lack of discipline in these areas was the brunt of her naivety, but the babe cared little and exercised perfect precision as she sat up and turned her head round and round through the field. Eyes trailed around and around and she sought for a scented disturbance to her garden, but she found none. It was likely that the other had already masked herself in the scents of daisies and sunflowers. Fal?Dara wrinkled up her nose and stared forward a bit more. Her flowers were at her feet, and before looking for her enigmatic co-?flowerer? she made sure to take her assortment with her. Dainty paws lifted her back to her walking height and the beauty began to move around the perimeter with perfect ease?.and it wouldn?t take much longer.
?Eyes would train to a white silhouette. Her coat was lightly glittered from the sun and she was particularly dazzling. A ?cute? smile appeared on the lips of miss Destruction and she made every attempt to move towards her. Silence was her ally (partially due to a mouthful of flowers) with ties to the fact that Fal?Dara was generally silent unless spoken to. Even if hers was to be the initial speech; it was sweet and polite. Also, incredibly short. Her head lowered in line with her breast and she watched carefully as she attempted to make eye contact with the stranger. Golden eyes were warm, sweet, and borderline inviting. She wasn?t aiming to make enemies nor make friends; everyone had some friendly quality in them in her opinion.
??Hello,? Brief and sweet and slightly inaudible through the mouthful of stems she was holding she twisted her head and watched the woman; speechless.