
Interesting Notifications, My King


04-30-2014, 02:45 PM

Sturdy paws gripped the snow as the brute would remain shy from borders of strong scented territory. The cold weather here would make Fen smile as it intrigued the brute and his decision to join a pack of great force and superior demeanor. Eyes of the brightest blue would scan the horizon in hopes of finding some sort of member of the pack, wish he not for any mistake of trespassing. Fen would only await, unwilling to use a howl to summon any wolves near him in worry of angering their leader. "I hope this is a good idea,", black lips would curl as speech would form and escape from the maw that withheld many sharp fangs that would rip the flesh of any attackers.

The canine's stance would seem regal, yet submissive as the hill of snow would allow flurries to loosen from icy grounds. Swirling around the large body, he would only seem a little intimidating. The brute was new to fighting, but if crafted properly, Fen could become one of the sharpest swords to be broken on the battlefield.


05-02-2014, 03:03 PM

An unfamiliar musk caused the nymph's nostrils to quiver in question, her head swinging toward the direction of the borders edge as she inhaled it again. It certainly was not a member of Glaciem treading fairly close to the borders, but instead a rogue, and from the hormones she was detecting, it was a male. It was rare for rogue males to walk up to Glaciem's door without a knock(howl), and so the overseer would briskly travel toward him, hoping to beat the beast to treeline before he could cross it. She would approach him without caution, her tail raised to align with her spine, and her audits perked forward atop her highly raised crown. Everything about her screamed superiority. She would halt a yard or so before him, her neck extending outward as he sniffed in his direction, inhaling his scent once more to make sure this was the male she had detected- and it was. "You're treading dangerously close to the king's territory, stranger. I hope your reasoning is to join our superior kingdom?" She would question him, her eyebrow furrowing as she waited for a response. If he were here to join she would go through the whole "what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses" bid and see where it went from there. If not she would dispose of the rouge properly and go about her business.



05-03-2014, 05:12 PM

Seeing as a wolf from Glaciem lands would soon approach the dark appearing brute. Blue orbs would look forward to the briskly moving figure whilst his nose would twtich to allow scents to be detected and recognized. Seeing the wolf as female, Fen would simply await for her to say anything.

"You're treading dangerously close to the king's territory, stranger. I hope your reasoning is to join our superior kingdom?" Words would escape from her maw as ears would perk to listen intently on her words, Fen's head tilting slightly. Soon, he would speak to address himself and allow her the comfort of knowing why he would reside so close to the borders. "I am Fen Darekson, and yes I have come to join the Glaciem pack in hopes of serving it to my best ability," he would speak with his masculine voice, mischievous and young eyes practically blinking. Towering pillars and buff shoulders would show that he would be a perfect weapon if trained properly. In fact, Fen actually did have a hint of blood lust despite his will to remain free from bounty. Soon, the male would only await for further questioning, assuming that she'd need to know what he would be good at and what he could suffer from.


05-07-2014, 11:12 AM

What about your soul, is it cold?
"I am Fen Darekson, and yes I have come to join the Glaciem pack in hopes of serving it to my best ability," Ahh, so it was true, this male intended to join Glaciem and was here to plead for acceptance. The charcoal babe would hover her azure gaze over the mans body, noting his robust physique and masculine voice. He had the build to be a warrior, but was he a warrior? Her eyes would rise to align with his again, their similar gazes interlocking as her brow furrowed. Let the questioning begin. "I am Liberty Sovari, an overseer within Glaciem. Tell me, sir Fen, how would you serve the pack to your best ability? What is your best ability?" She would pause and allow him to state his strengths before covering his weaknesses, her brow furrowed in curiosity as she waited for him to respond. She would need to know as much about this male as possible before she would make a decision.

Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold?


05-07-2014, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 05:58 PM by Fen.)

Words would pour from the Glaciem damsel's charcoal lips, the vibrations of her speech reaching his auds as they'd perk and brain would allow gears to turn as a process of thinking would begin within the brute's mind.

"I am Liberty Sovari, an overseer within Glaciem. Tell me, sir Fen, how would you serve the pack to your best ability? What is your best ability?"

Electric blue eyes would meet the she wolf's before allowing words to escape from his maw. Fen would have to speak precisely with the truth to avoid any issues later on. (He had learned the woes to lying as a young pup.) "I intend to serve either was a warrior who will fight alongside fellow warriors and perhaps die under the pack name of Glaciem, however becoming a guard and protecting the citizens of Glaciem would perhaps be beneficial for the both of us," Fen would say, slowing his speech at the end of his sentences to show he as well, was in mid-thought. "Which ever rank is needed the most, I shall take without hesitation to please thee and those higher above you, if there are any so, since I am unfamiliar with the rankings of Glaciem. My strengths are tactical maneuvers that are yet to be sharpened, momentum combined with brute force, checking my defenses, and the lust for finishing an opponent. My weaknesses so far are speed, agility, and the fact that I am inexperienced." Finally finishing the explanation of what Fen could do, the canine would figure that more questions, and perhaps even tests, would come to ensure that he would be fit for the empire.

OOC: Table wip again. xD


05-12-2014, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2014, 03:01 PM by Liberty.)

The man would stare blankly at her for a moment before speaking, and the woman's audits would perk forward to catch every word he would say. "I intend to serve either was a warrior who will fight alongside fellow warriors and perhaps die under the pack name of Glaciem, however becoming a guard and protecting the citizens of Glaciem would perhaps be beneficial for the both of us. Which ever rank is needed the most, I shall take without hesitation to please thee and those higher above you, if there are any so, since I am unfamiliar with the rankings of Glaciem. My strengths are tactical maneuvers that are yet to be sharpened, momentum combined with brute force, checking my defenses, and the lust for finishing an opponent. My weaknesses so far are speed, agility, and the fact that I am inexperienced." He would finish, and she would respond simply, her brow raised as a faint smirk quirked her ebony lips. "Dedicated men like yourself are what we strive for. You appear to be more than willing to lay your life down for our cause, but I must know something before I accept you; exactly how inexperienced are you? She would inquire, her stance already morphing into one of a battle stature.

Her defenses would effortlessly fall into play. Her ears folded flat, her eyes narrowed, her muzzle scrunched, her chin tucked to protect her vitals and her head dropped to align with her spine. Her shoulders rolled forward, her hackles raised slightly along her nape and spine, her neck scrunched, her knees slightly bent and squared, her weight evenly distributed throughout her limbs, and her abdomen tensed to further assist her balance. Her tail was raised to align with her spine and to be used as a rudder when turning sharply, and her toes gripped the earth for traction as she splayed and flexed them all. She would prepare herself for a sudden attack before speaking to him, her voice just shy of a battle cry. "Attack me Fen, give me all you got in one shot."" She would encourage him, her lips twisting into a taunting smirk as she waited for his move. Ramses, her clouded leopard companion, was sitting high above them now, his lavender glare tracking the movements of the foreign male. His eyes would narrow as he stared down at them, his muscles itching to spring in on the action. Should this male prove to be a worthy opponent and best Liberty in anyway the man would take immediate action- until then he would watch with intensity.

"Liberty speech" "Ramses speech"


05-16-2014, 07:41 AM

Hearing from the she wolf who stood quite magnificently,the large brute would acquire his knowledge of past battles and would almost immediately realize that she would attempt some sort of spar with the male. "That, m'lady, is for you to decide," Fen would say in a slightly playful manner before he would lower his posture to allow all four limbs to spread out his weight evenly and claws would dig into the dirt as they'd grab their appropriate foothold. His large tail would also increased in altitude to assist with directing his movements to the maximum of his capabilities. His stomach region would tighten whilst the head of the brute would become tucked to protect his neck. Soon after seeing he'd be well prepared for "attacking" the she wolf in front of him, Fen would raise his fur and allow his face to form into a snarl, it's loud and echoing being making his complete form seem bold, dangerous, and intimidating. Not only so, but his bright blue eyes that had a twinkle to them only made the bind of a warrior solid steel.

Soon, he'd look for a weak spot, scanning the she wolf head to toe before realizing he'd have to use his strength and momentum to knock her over and potentially grab a hold of her neck, however she would be much more agile than Fen, therefore he would need a back-up plan to retreat and attempt again.

Letting out a bit of a grunt, the male shot forwards to her shoulder before leaping over her. If he was quick enough, the brute would then ram all of his weight into her hind leg whilst biting her back in effort to drag her down. If this failed, he would simply peddle back and attempt to bite any of her body if she neared in a counter-attack.


05-16-2014, 02:30 PM

The Queen was not one to miss a squabble, and it seemed her paws were more talented at locating them than her very senses. She stumbled across Liberty and the man just as the fight began, hearing none of the words that had come to fruition before the spar. Having recently seen Liberty in action, the Queen decided to wait - body tensed - and see how the Overseer handled herself in the face of adversity. Sendoa's tail flickered behind her, silently willing Liberty to squash this male from existence, for she did not yet know him to be a recent pledge to Glaciem's cause. Far be it from her to ever root for the silvery Overseer, but times such as these prevented otherwise.
