
Rangifer Band



Master Hunter (249)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-17-2022, 02:33 PM

Rangifer Band

The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong.

A rugged band inhabiting mainly northern Boreas, the Rangifer Band follows the migrating reindeer herds, living off what the land provides as the seasons provide it. They seek to adapt to nature and move with the flow of it, embracing the challenges and beauty of survival in harsh, and often under appreciated lands.

Hunting and Herding

Hunting and herding are the primary means of survival for this band. Hunters pursue reindeer, seal, musk ox, snowshoe hare and more. The northern fishing season also provides another source of nutrition. In the search for more reliable food sources the band is beginning to tame and herd reindeer. They drive their small herd along the same routes as the larger wild herds though having the advantage to send scouts ahead of the reindeer, selecting the choicest of grazing ground for their own herd.


The Rangifer are keen crafters. Taking what they can from their prey and crafting a number of goods from it. A practical group, the objects they create often first serve a purpose and then are decorated afterwards. Objects created for beauty's sake are typically small and easily carried as the band moves with the herds. Once a year, often during late autumn, they will set up a market to trade their wares with other bands and packs as a means of acquiring new materials and goods.

Nomadic Warriors

A nomadic band, it is important to the Rangifer to keep moving. Many will carry their goods on travois or sleds and those that wish some form of shelter favor mobile shelters such as small ortz (yurts that resemble teepees). The harshenss of the northern lands manifests not only in weather but with predators. Run-ins with bears aren't uncommon and now that herding is becoming a way of life the ability to fight is highly valued. Band members must be able to defend each other as well as the source of their livelyhood.

Resourceful Navigators and Healers

In addition to hunters, crafters, and fighters, navigators and healers are also important in the Rangifer Band. Navigators scout ahead of the herds to find the best grazing grounds as well as the safest ways to navigate through them. Healers are vital to maintaining the health of the band and herd alike and are some of the most resourceful and knowledeable wolves. Learning how to preserve what they find during times of green and also what can be used in the dead of winter.

Additional Notes

Rangifer will likely have a mix of belief systems as members come and go. One important aspect of Birna's belief system is "The Blessing". This is the gift of intelligent speech and one of the key markers of a 'lasting spirit'. It is what designates a companion from a prey species. For example while one might eat a regular reindeer, to eat one that has 'The Blessing', can bring about great misfortune.