
Friendly Foes


04-29-2014, 10:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 10:02 PM by Fen.)

The dark colored lupus would finally reach an appropriate place to rest, a cave. There seemed to be no one around, not even the nearest scent of prey. It would require a walk to the nearest location for food, however being a loner would mean risks to come with everything. In fact, loneliness was beginning to nick at Fen's heart since he had left the small little family pack he was born from. "Oh well. My family is in the past. I need to stop looking back at them," the brute would think before reaching the mouth of the caverns and feeling that bitter cold and autumn breeze that would notify the brink of fall and the beginning of winter. Would survival really become so difficult for the male? He knew how to hunt and how to find shelter, however the lack of his own kind would constantly bug Fen.

Unsure of what he was to do tomorrow, the canine would curl up against one of the cavern walls and would attempt to gain rest for the next day.



2 Years
04-30-2014, 02:46 PM

It took an effort of time, through long days of travel to make his way into the colder climate of the North. He rarely made the effort to come this far from his usual haunts near the Valhalla pack, but the new sensations and alternate landscapes had made it worth the effort. It was with a need to run, for long days to pass in a tireless pace of thundering paw steps that he had made the trip this time. He knew that time was against him, he knew that very soon he would be forced to watch his sister face her fears, and knew also that despite all his efforts he did not know if she was strong enough to do so.

He paced the earth, and found himself here, in the lands of the North and the familiar landscapes of Valhalla where far behind him now. Still his anger displayed itself in his need to run, and on he would go once more. It was not until a great expanse of rock lay before him that he would still his efforts, coming to a light work to cool the racing of his heart before he reached the cavern. Here would be a good a place as any to face his own fears, to prepare himself for the days to come, and to rest away the night. His steps where light, but audible as they traced the outline of the den, inhaling heavy breath into his nostrils, ensuring himself no beast slumbered within. The scent that reached him would be in the tones of wolf, and he with a sigh he would ret himself upon his rump before the great opening of the cavern. He would tip back his head and yip three times, announcing himself to the one that lay within. If he was not welcome here he would turn, and walk away.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-30-2014, 02:58 PM

The slumbering brute whom lay within the cavern was only in a light sleep to stay alert and would perk his ears to the yips of a stranger. Allowing bright blue eyes to peer through the lids, the male would stand and yawn before shaking his head side to side in attempts to wake up.

Seeing that the yips were as if Fen would permit another soul to rest within the caverns, the lupus would leap out and trot up to the stranger with a monotone face before addressing himself. "Hello there. I am Fen Darekson. If you wish to rest here, you may do so. I was planning on heading over to Glaciem territory anyway. It's about time I joined a pack," the brute would say in a kind manner, a small smile forming on the black and ebony lips that allowed words to escape from. "However, it has been quite a while since I have spoken to anyone, would you mind to chat for a bit?" Fen would ask before allowing strong and muscular hinds to reach the cold, icy ground beneath the both of them.



2 Years
04-30-2014, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 03:17 PM by Crucifix.)

It seemed his wait was not to be a long one, having barely settled on his hunches before another would bound into view. Here the wolf would stand before the backdrop of the cavern and Cru?s first impression of the boy would manifest from the luminescent blue glow of their orbs. There was a similarity here to Alpine the boy that had taken the heart of his sister. Despite the opposite gleam of black that cast this boy in shadows, a far cry from the bleached, snowy white that adorned the Alpine he knew. Perhaps it was simply his inability to draw Twig from his mind, that all this thoughts would be on his sister and in turn the boy who captivated her.

The tones that slipped through the muzzle of this shadowed beast would diverge also from the lyrics of Alpine, and this as much as the shadows of his coat helped him overcome his thoughts and ground him to reality. The boy spoke of Glaciem, and this would be met with the raising of an eyebrow. He was yet to meet any wolves from that pack, despite understanding their nature. Next would come the request of an exchange, for company and words in response to access to the cave beyond. Crucifix would incline in head in acceptance of this. ?Of course, I have no qualms with understanding a Stranger wolf? he said with a chuckle. ?it?s a pleasure to meet you, Fen, I?m Crucifix? he introduced himself, taking another moment to settle himself more comfortably against the earth, waiting to see what direction the conversation might lead them.

"My sounds""My Soul"


04-30-2014, 03:30 PM

Fen would perk his ears again to hear the acceptance of a "chat", his smile widening a bit more before hearing the name of the strange wolf. "Pleasure to meet you, Crucifix," the male would say before looking around. "I am kinda new to this place. Do you have any knowledge of the Glaciem pack?" Fen was curious to know before plunging into the pack without knowing anything about them that would concern him greatly. If so, there might be a problem. Either way, Fen would rather trust his instincts that listen to what might even be a lie from a stranger.

Fen would begin to think of what might happen if anything were to go wrong. It has been far to long since he had been near others and at last things were going to change since he had left the "home" Fen was born from. Being the largest, the canine was looked upon by too many, and many being his 3 sisters. It wasn't that he never enjoyed caring for them, however a brute of such size and capabilities should not be held to babysit, but rather serve something much, much greater.



2 Years
04-30-2014, 03:54 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 03:57 PM by Crucifix.)

Again, the boy would dip his head subtly in response to the words the wolf before him. The pleasantries of introduction behind them he would allow Fen to decide the direction of their words. He was partly surprised, but equally in part understanding as he would direct it towards the Glaciem pack. Having wondered through almost the entire expanse of Alacritis, it was no surprise that the Silver-black boy would know something of this pack, more certainly then a stranger would. ?I know something of their history, tendencies and allegiances? he would admit, this knowledge gleaned more from the Valhalla pack than anywhere else, admittedly.

He would sigh again, levelling his eyes upon the other before he would begin his telling. ?Firstly, from what I understand of Glaciem they were funded by a wolf that went by the name of Crusade, who held the values of the strong protecting the weak, of gaining in strength as they must to survive the harsh winters. I?m not certain of the challenges they faces, by both the wild and apposing wolves however I know that they would fall into the paws of Isardis, the current king. However, I believe he has been scarcely seen and the running of the kingdom has in turn fallen to its Queen, Sendora? would be the sum of his knowledge to his history. He knew there where holes to its past that he did not know, but perhaps he would find these answers for himself should Fen join with the Glaciem pack.

?As for their nature, first you must understand something of the King. He is the sire of the majority of the wolves within its borders; I believe he has built the pack into something of a harem, with him at its centre. I don?t however know the full rules of a males or females position within the pack other than this? yes, there where definite holes to his knowledge, but having never actually crossed into the territory itself that would be to no surprise. ?They are also less likely to run to the aid of a wolf in need, desiring another to be strong enough to fend for themselves. Some take pleasure in the acts of maiming or killing another? he would offer forth as an example to the personalities these wolves boost. ?That is the majority of my knowledge, is there anything you would like for me to further detail?? he would finally ask.

"My sounds""My Soul"


05-01-2014, 02:39 PM

"Interesting..." a word would rumble from the brute's throat as more information was spilled regarding Glaciem. It seemed that he had enough information to agreeably enter their territory as to join in their ranks as a warrior. Seeing that it would be best to start heading towards the region where this pack resided, blue eyes would scan the wolf in front of him before standing on tall and muscular pillars. Fen's fairly large frame would tower higher from the ground before nodding to Crucifix. "The cavern is all yours, Crucifix. Enjoy your rest, and fair thee well until our next encounter," the canine would speak with a casual tone before allowing a howl to escape his maw. Lids would close over the bright eyes of the male as his head would throw back. Soon, the dark and mysterious male would gallop off. The silhouette of the brute's body would stand out on the white terrain before eventually disappearing along with the distant horizon.

OOC: Nice chat. xD