
Beauty In The Smallest Petal

Kitsune Healing Seasonal



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
07-19-2022, 07:46 PM
Spring is slow to return to the lands of Boreas and, as the snows lifted, rains had quickly settled in their place. The cold lingered and Eulogy had holed up in the den that she has been allowed to use in Ashen. Her arthritis had been made worse by the chilly, wet days and, by the time the sun started to peek out from the stormy clouds, the older wolf was certain she would never leave the den again. However, the sun did come back, and the call of the warm rays were too much to ignore. Gradually, the older woman had emerged, stretching her sore joints for short periods of time. Ah, but it was worth it all just to be in Ashen with Void and his family.

Today, the sun shines brightly in the heavenly firmament, its slow trek across the cloud streaked sky having not yet having reached the bright orbs zenith. Eulogy slowly makes her way through the grassy land that borders Ashen, her escort a kind, fiery pelted youth, who had agreed to help the older woman with a task. Since the sun had emerged, the older wolf had started taking walks out this way and the lovely aroma of lavender had caught her interest. Her leather satchel is slung around her neck and a clay pot, wrapped carefully in leather, is hidden within the dark interior. Leading the way, Eulogy steers the pair to where a huge patch of lavender blooms under the spring sun.

Their scent is intoxicating and Eulogy pauses to close her eyes and inhale the sweet perfume. The plant is known to have great medicinal purposes and, as she directs Kitsune toward a small cluster, the older woman says, “Well, what do you think? We can transplant this small patch to the shrine and cultivate our own supply of lavender for future years.” Lips pull upward as she offers Kitsune a warm smile before Eulogy turns her eyes back to the beautiful plant. She admires the tall, green stalks that end in bulbous nodes. Lavender colored petals bloom on them, opening to offering their aroma to the world and a content sigh escapes from the older woman.

WC: 367
Total WC: 367 / 1500

"Eulogy Destruction"
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (250)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-07-2022, 07:17 PM

Kitsune had been delighted to be picked to help the older, grey wolf today. She followed along beside the other wolf. Almost equal in height, but one with cool, dipping greys and the other a wolf of blazing reds. They arrived at the field of lavender without much difficulty and Kitsune crouched to breath in the gentle aroma of the flowers. Finding their scent calming and welcoming. She could understand why Eulogy wanted to move one, and she was excited to learn what she could from the older healer.

“Yes, Lady Eulogy, I think you’ve found a good batch” She agreed warmly, brushing a paw lightly over the purple petals. ‘How many plants do you think we should grab in order for it to flourish in Ashen?” she asked. She wanted to help Eulogy fifull the idea of lavender growing near the shrine. A couple of the plants showed hints of budding flowers emerging from the tops. Others were closed, tucked tightly together along a thin green stalk. She knew if she brushed a paw along them, some of the petals would fall free. If they were able to transplant a few, they could also pick others. She thought she could perhaps mulch some up and put them in her mothers pillow to help Venom sleep.

WC: 220
Total: 587




Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-07-2022, 08:40 PM
The princess with the fiery coat is a kind woman and Eulogy smiles at Kitsune’s words. She allows her blue eyes to turn and look at the small lavender petals, admiring their delicate structure and the beauty that they offer. The calming aroma they give off fills the air and the older wolf knows she would get a peaceful night’s sleep here. She is glad that they will be planting them near the shrine so that all of Ashen’s wolves can enjoy them.

Looking over the patch, the older woman carefully shrugs off the bag that has been hanging around her shoulders. Once on the ground, Eulogy gently removes the small clay pots she has brought along. Spreading them out, she then turns her gaze to Kit and offers the younger woman a warm smile while saying, “Well, I brought along four pots. For now, I think we should bring back four of the younger, hearty ones. We can always come back later and harvest more but I think four should be fine for now.”

With that, Eulogy steps up to one of the closest plants and runs one of her gray paws over the green leaves that sprout near the base of the stalk. Thoughtfully, she calls out to Kitsune, “Also, be sure to inspect the leaves and flowers, we don’t want to take any that might have diseases on them.” Her gray form moves from plant to plant, inspecting, smelling, and feeling the petals as she goes. If they want their lavender garden to flourish, they will need to bring back good, healthy plants. Transplanting can be traumatic for the herbs and they need plants that will be able to handle the shock and lay down roots.

After a bit, she gently calls out, “How are you faring over there Princess Kitsune?”

WC: 304
Total WC: 891 / 1500

"Eulogy Destruction"
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (250)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-07-2022, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2022, 10:21 PM by Kitsune. Edited 1 time in total.)

Eulogy it seemed came well prepared. She watched as the ageing wolf took off her healer's bag and opened it up. Curiosity and proprietary warred inside of her for a few long breaths as Kitsune politely fought the urge to peer into the other healer's things. She always wanted to know how others did their crafts. She knew every moment she spent with Eulogy, she could learn something new. As it was, she borrowed bags every now and then, but had none of her own. She knew she would need to get into the habit of carrying around the basics in herbs. So that she could be ready in case any emergency struck. She was a fighter first, but she had dedicated so much of her life to the art of healing that it would be a crime not to use her knowledge to help those around her. As a newly ranked Chunin, she had to think of the pack in all things.

As Kitsune watched, Eulogy pulled out some beautiful clay pots, and the Ashen princess understood what Eulogy meant to do. This way, they could carefully transfer the plants - roots, dirt, and all to the new location. Bringing with it the dirt they were used to would surely help them acclimate to their new plot.

“Four sounds like a great idea” She agreed easily. You wanted at least two of the plants to help with germination. Four sounded like a good amount for redundancy. As Kitsune considered that, Eulogy stepped forward and started to inspect a plant. Calling out something important as she did so. “I will, Lady Eulogy” She agreed readily. Knowing it was time she started to do the same, she turned back to look at the plants. She began to carefully inspect the lavender. Wanting to make good choices in the plants she picked. She surmised they would pick two each. That would be the most efficient way of doing it.

Absentmindedly, Kitsune reached over and grabbed one of Eulogy’s clay pots. Treating the beautiful clay pot carefully as she pulled it closer to her. Her mind was more on the plants then the pot, however. She was carefully examining the stalk, the earth, and the plant itself. The first one she looked at showed some faint signs of dots. Perhaps where bugs had been a little too careless in eating it. She studied it, then moved on.

The next one she looked at seemed rather hearty. It looked strong, and vibrant. Plus, while she was examining it a little ladybug crawled out of the flowers. “Hey there little one” she said, and grinned. Ladybugs were always good in the garden. It was almost like a sign. This one was the one. She began to dig into the dirt and carefully dug out the roots without damaging them. Lifting it from the earth, she placed it into her clay pot. Rubbing a little bit of dirt off her nose (and likely just smudging it around) “I’ve got one lovely plant, how about you?’ she asked, turning to see how Eulogy was faring.

WC: 525
Total: 1416




Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-08-2022, 09:14 PM
The older wolf slowly makes her way around the lavender patch, mentally marking three plants that will be prefect for transplanting. Kitsune reports her progress and Eulogy calls out, “That is great! Would you mind helping me dig up my plants? My joints are a bit arthritic.” A shy, embarrassed smile crosses her gray lips as she looks to the fire-kissed princess who kindly agrees to help. Moving to the nearest plant, Eulogy carefully pulls one of the clay pots over to them and points it out. Kitsune makes quick work of it and Eulogy repeats the process, pulling over a clay pot and pointing out the plant.

In short order, the pair have four beautiful, hearty plants to take back. A warm smile is given to the princess as Eulogy move back to her bag where she roots around before pulling out two makeshift slings she had brought along. Looking to Kitsune, she explains, “With these we will be able to carry all the pots back at once. I will help you get yours on and then you can help me with mine… okay?” Once she agrees, the older woman steps up to Kitsune and, with a warm, friendly smile, helps the slightly taller princess put on the contraption. Testing it to make sure it is snug, Eulogy then puts two of the potted plants in the sling with one on either side.

Next, she hands off her sling to Kit and shoulders her herbal bag once more before putting her sling on. Once the pots are in place, the pair slowly make their way back to the Shrine, where they carefully transplant the beautiful lavender. They give them water and make a plan to come out and check them every day. Eulogy feels excited at the prospect if sowing plants that will grow and, as she retires to her den to rest, the older wolf feels a youthful bounce in her step as she moves.

WC: 327
Total WC: 1743 / 1500

"Eulogy Destruction"
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]