
Liquid fire


04-29-2014, 01:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 01:21 PM by Reinhold.)
[ooc - hover translate. sorry it's short]

Irony. Sweet, sweet Mother irony. The very blood which flows in his veins, the very hell he crawled his way out of. His Mother would have appreciated it. She would have probably tried to throw him back in, fortunate really she was around. Though, in hindsight, he'd have liked to see her try. Maybe she'd have slipped and he'd have been able to see if the stories of his kin were true. That they could indeed survive in the pits of hell. He hovers by the edge, suddenly filled with a morbid curiosity. He wants to slip his paw inside and see what happens, yet he holds back. Logic out-weighs curiosity and he allows a soft chuckle to rumble up from his chest.

"Mein alter Freund. Blut von meinem Blut. Meine Mutter w?rde gerne in Ihre brennenden Wasser schwimmen." He chuckles, head shaking as he imagines his Mother diving form the top of this fiery waterfall and laughing with sick pleasure as she dies. Despite what he has been taught he knows better, he knows this liquid fire would consume him should it have the chance. Yet still, he finds it homely, as if he truly did crawl from its depths.



5 Years
04-30-2014, 11:50 AM

The purple Nymph had been pulled towards this place, Which had only recently formed after the disaster that had taken place on alactria. She could only feel the relief coursing over her that she had taken no serious damage. Infact, none at all. Though, Desire? knew full well that others where not quite so lucky. Her small paws would caress the dusty floors, shifting her towards Hells river where the stream burns deep, and the color illuminating. So pretty to see, though to touch was never an option. The most beautiful of things can be the one object that those can never feel, which only makes them envy it even more. Des would look into it for atleast a minute, blurring out everything else, almost drifting of. Until she heard another speaking in another tongue. A grin would pull upon her thin lips, happy to know she already knew the language. She knew many, and can hold it to her advantage. But right now, she had no intention to tell the stranger. Her gaze would drift upon his form, only slightly bigger then hers. The silken tail would lick at her heels before departing her pretty little maw. " Whats so funny?" It was then the petite babe would break the silence that was slowly building up like a wall between them. 'My old friend. Blood of my blood. My mother would like to swim in your water' Seemed like a rather unusual thing to say, though what left her wondering was why he found it funny.

image by Serendipity