
Where Can I Go From Here?



04-30-2014, 06:51 PM

The male had recently lost a trace of his sanity. An easy thing to say. An impossible thing to grasp. His eyes squinted up to the heavens, where wild clouds painted streaks of alabaster across the sky. The sun seemed to beat down relentlessly, even in the cooling air of autumn. Everything seemed too bright lately, and his head was swinging. Dayton had passed out before, during the incident, and he knew that these were the symptoms, but still nothing had happened. He had survived the entire run from the obsidian beach, where his father had made his reappearance. The russet male shuddered uncontrollably again, that incessant whining sound returning. But now it droned on in a staccato pattern, cut off by his scratched and tired throat.

His steps were growing shakier by the second. He knew what was coming now, and he accepted it gladly. The small male continued to walk, accidentally wading into the tepid waters until his legs were soaked well past the ankles. Then he seemed to stop and cock his head to the side, confused by the new sensation. Why was he wet? His amber eyes trailed down the water he was standing in, watching the dizzying motion of the ripples. Then he began to laugh hoarsely. He saw his last shred of sanity sliding into the depths of the water as patches of black began crowding in.

Then Dayton passed out.



2 Years
04-30-2014, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 07:44 PM by Crucifix.)

?Shit? The dark hued boy hissed as the figure slid into the embrace of the sea. He knew in a moment who it was he laid eyes upon, what he could not understand was the condition this being was in. The sweet, but surprisingly strong and wise Day of the past was a far cry from this miserable being he saw now. It was with shock that Crucifix watched, watched him fall against the water. But in a moment Cru was bounding forward, his stride swallowed the beach as it had once before in the presence of the other boy. However in this moment it was not with joy, it was not to chase the sun, but to chase the tide. He bounded on until his paws touched water, and the autumn chill of it hit him. He did not however stop here, but pounced the gentle lapping waves that kissed the shore.

For a heart-breaking second the shape of the boy was lost to him, swallowed by the great expanse of open water, was that a flash of brown? he couldn?t second guess himself, he couldn?t stop. On he went, thrashing through the water until he was upon the other. His unconscious body was limp against the waves, and the thundering of Cru?s heart spoke his terror for this boy. Then his jaws where clamped upon the scruff of his neck. Thank the gods this boy is small he huffed in thought as he twisted his head and jaw and half threw Day?s head and forepaws over Cru?s shoulders. Then, with the weight of the boy upon him his movement to shore was a little less jerky then his entry. Still with speed in his step, his paws touched dry land and he was gently heaving the boy off his back. In the safety of dry land he would roll Day onto his back and push gently on his stomach to dispel any water that might have reached his lungs. He listened, through the pounding of his own heart for the sound of breath from Day. If the world could take this sweet creature, Cru did not think he could keep faith with it.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-30-2014, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 08:12 PM by Dayton.)

The darkness was sweet.

As Dayton let his consciousness drift away, he was distantly aware of cold water all around him. He dreamed that his entire body was filled with the liquid, and he could feel the numbing sensations of it entering his nose and ears. It even seemed to creep down his throat and trickle into his lungs. Eventually, he thought, I'll be weighed down with water.He could imagine his fragile body sinking to the bottom of this murky pond, never to be seen again. But in his mind, he was still laughing. It was amusing, really. All of these strange feelings with pain so far gone, what could have brought him down in that moment?

In the end, though, it wasn't exactly something that brought him down. Something brought him up. But it was someone, his savior, an angelic being that had come to bring him to eternity. As his sanity clicked back into place, it all made sense. The fool had allowed himself to pass out in a pond. How stupid could he be? And now he was dead. Misha was left alone forever. This would kill her.

This would kill both of them.

Then the light started to return. It was small at first - a flicker, really. As if someone had lit a candle in a dark room. Then it swelled, bringing with it the feeling of clear lungs. His breaths came desperately now, and water dribbled from his lips unto the damp sand. The sand. Water. He could feel these things, and he was still alive. What kind of miracle was this? His shocked amber gaze flew every which way, searching for the one who had saved him from such a tragic death. His eyes spotted the dark cross first. Then he stared into a pair of amethyst eyes. "Crucifix?" he croaked, his voice shattered and breathless. "Am I... still alive? Did you..." He fell into an awful coughing fit, shivering under the sudden blast of cold air. Dayton was chilled to the bone, his body made even smaller by the way his fur clung to his spare figure. Now he started to shiver again, but not from fright or insanity. His mind was fully functioning again. But damn, it was cold...




2 Years
04-30-2014, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 10:17 PM by Crucifix.)

"Come on Day? Cru?s tone was a growl as he pressed against the other boys chest. With each compression water pumped from the boys lungs, but he was yet to hear the sounded he ached and needed to hear, the sound of breath. ?You?re not allowed to go anywhere, boy? it was spat between fangs, as Cru found, to his surprise that he was angry, more then angry he was furious. Day had come to mean something to Cru, to forma friendship despite their single meeting. There was something about Day that had clicked right, that made him worth while. No, Day was not allowed to die, and Cru would be damned before he let him slip free now.

With the first in-draw of breath Cru would shudder, relief flowing through him like air to Cru's own lungs. The stark intent in Cru's luminescent orbs showed itself in fire and liquid within shades of his eyes. Even as Day blinked to consciousness and their eyes would met, the fire in Cru's eyes was for him, the relief and anger, it was all there for Day to see. The slip of sounds passed the pale lips of the half drowned boy, and again Cru would shudder. Day would be alright, he could see now that he was okay. His name was spoken, and in that showed something of Days return, of his grip on sanity. His next words through Cru's calm and once more delve into his anger. Don't you dare do that to me again Day!" it was suppose to be a cry, but it slipped out in a whisper, in tones of pain not anger.

When the boy began to shiver, Cru let go off his last shreds of anger, and help on instead to his pain and worry. He nudged Day gently on the shoulder, sniffing him, watching him for signs of injury or pain. All he could see was the cold that brought forth the shivering. A sigh would slip his lips again. "Come on, Day. I'm getting you somewhere warm" his voice was tender now, soft and gentle. dammit, he hated the scare he had gotten however. He reached down and nosed Day again, waiting for him to collect and prepare himself before Cru would gently grip the damaged boy once more, and gently throw him once more over his shoulder. Then, with his load he would make his way off the beach and into a cluster of trees that would provide their temporary den. he would lay Day down, and cover him with the warmth of his own body. he didn't allow Day to protest any of this, the fool had gotten himself into this, and now Cru would see him through to health.

"My sounds""My Soul"



05-01-2014, 11:41 AM

Dayton continued to blink up at his savior, his jaw parting with disbelief. Only a moment ago, the boy had been as good as dead. But this other male had rescued him. "Did you..." he began again, voice still rougher than sandpaper. "You saved my life." His amber eyes held an immense amount of appreciation for Crucifix, and they burned with that fire as he stared relentlessly up at him. He heard the darker male as he spoke, demanding that Dayton never do that to him again. For a moment the russet boy was confused. What had he done to Crucifix? Was this younger boy - the one he had only just met several days before - truly that frightened for his life? Would he have honestly cared that much if the boy had died in that water?

These thoughts touched him. There was now no doubt in his mind that his rescue had been more than a moral obligation. Crucifix had not only felt that he needed to save Dayton. He had actually wanted to save him. Had anyone really cared that much about him before? When he thought about it, he couldn't even imagine Misha diving in to save him. Dayton was the protector in their relationship. But that was not a role he was born to play. Was it? He had saved his sister, but that was one time. That incident wouldn't shape his life. He had already decided that. Dayton would write his own destiny.

So he gritted his teeth and held in the cry of pain as Crucifix gently lifted him by the scruff. It was true that his vision swam a bit when this happened, but now his sanity sat firmly in place. This friend of his was gentle, where his father had been rough. Where even Misha had been rough. Dayton abandoned the thoughts and stayed quiet as Crucifix carried his small frame across his back. He was warm and strong, a stable rock to lean on. Dayton couldn't even bring himself to complain as he was dropped to the sand once more. The stormy boy with his beautiful eyes laid across his friend, providing heat to combat the shivering.

As the shivering slowed and his breathing returned to normal, Dayton found that it was much easier to speak. "Thank you for rescuing me, Crucifix," he whispered, closing his eyes with a sigh. "I live in your debt now. Tell me if there is anything I can do to repay you. I already know it will be impossible to thank you enough...." Then his voice began to fail him again. The boy had worked his throat too hard, until it was scratchy and sore. Something that must have happened when sanity was not within his grasp. He had no recollection of those events, in fact, and he had no idea how he had ended up here in the first place.

"Where am I? Do you know what happened?"



2 Years
05-01-2014, 03:08 PM

The anger was all but gone now, anger born of fear and worry, and of pain to the heart. Day needed protecting, he was too pure, too good. For despite the traumas of his past he was oddly unblemished from the hardships of the world. His past had given him wisdom, even as it had left him clean and wholly good. He couldn?t understand what had happened to the boy, despite the distance Cru had stood at he had seen the pain and confusion in the body of Day before the collapse. Yet, there was no injuries here to explain his actions or his collapse. That could only mean that what had happened was of the heart or mind. The boy would sigh, a soft and oddly sad sound and he lay draped over Day. Offering his own body warmth, and the protection of his own body.

He could feel in the breathing of the boy, of the shudders that ran through both their bodies as one that he was recovering, that his air came clean and fresh to his lungs and that his time in the sea would do him no permanent damage. Words would flutter free from the lips of the brown tones boy, soft words that spoke of regret, and in shades of sadness. ?No Day? Cru?s tones where soft, and gentle, and he lowered his muzzle to blow his breath against the side of the other boys next, aided by his position across the boy. ?You owe me nothing. If you need to repay it, do so with your life ? by living it.? He said without a seconds hesitation, but then paused, as through another thought had come to mind. ?Perhaps you can tell me how you got here and what happened? [/color] his words were spoken at the same time as Days, at his words of question.


Cru thought again, hearing Day?s words of confusion, of asking Cru what had become of him, how he had gotten here.

The boy would let out a soft sigh, pushing himself gently off the by, using the ground rather than Day to support the push. ?Ok, I?m going to get you some water. After that, we?ll work out what we need to? His voice was soft and soothing as he quickly left there copse of trees and out into the world. He would return a good half an hour later with water pooled into the thick, and clean skin of a rabbits hide. He dragged it before Day and sat on his rump before him. ?What?s the last thing you remember?? he asked gently.



05-01-2014, 09:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2014, 09:12 PM by Dayton.)

The words Crucifix spoke were nearly poetic. Dayton didn't need to repay him at all - living his life happily would be enough. No more thought or contemplation. It was so... simple. Why couldn't life itself be that way? Without all of the obstacles and pains? He let out a sigh. As terrible as life could be sometimes, he was grateful for it. He appreciated that now more than ever. After all, his life had nearly ended a moment ago. Dayton smirked a bit as his friend spoke, warm breath spilling over his face. He was surprisingly comfortable here, even with another male draped over him. As long as each touch was tender, no bad memories resurfaced.

Then Crucifix asked what had gone wrong. Dayton felt his ears beginning to ring, as if his mind was refusing to relive the hours before his tragic experience. What had caused him to come here? Why couldn't he remember anything? He shook his head in a bewildered way and gazed into those amethyst eyes. "It's the strangest thing, Crucifix, but... I really don't know what happened. I came here somehow, and then all I remember is darkness." He chuckled bleakly, narrowly avoiding a coughing fit in the process. "Not very helpful, is it?"

The russet boy gave a nod and shifted as his companion rose to his feet. He would go find water for Day. Give both of them some time to think. Also, despite his close encounter with drowning, the smaller boy felt suddenly thirsty. It must be the shock, Dayton thought. He pushed the thoughts aside and managed a smile for the dark pelted brute. "Water. Yes. Water would be nice." Then he waited.

It seemed to be much later when Crucifix returned with water carried in the scraped hide of a rabbit. Dayton had fallen asleep and jolted awake when the other wolf returned. "Oh, thank you," he murmured, his increasing strength evident in his steady voice. Already the male was recovering. Everything would be fine. His body sang with relief as the cold stream of water trickled down his throat. This time it would go where it was supposed to go. Water could give and it could take away, but this time it was giving. He drank the entire container and let loose a slight grumble of content. "I appreciate all of this help, Crucifix. It means more to me than you could ever imagine."

With that, the boy settled into the sand again and waited for his fur to dry.



2 Years
05-01-2014, 09:28 PM

The day had not been young when he had first seen Day, and now as he found himself back in the corpse of trees he knew it would not be long before the sun and warmth where lost to them entirely. Her worried a little for the welfare of the boy he had saved. He wanted to ensure that Day didn?t get a chill, worried for the water that had gotten to his lungs, but more so then all this ? he worried at why. The calm and level headed boy he had first met wouldn?t have gotten himself into a situation such as this one ? would he. He thought back, imagining the lovesick and strangely wise being, and he could not associate it with the one of Day collapsing into the embrace of the sea. No, something had changed between now and then and Cru needed to get to the bottom of it.

The delivered water seemed to do him good, calm the hoarse sound of his voice and ease him from his past trauma. As he watched the other drink, he struggled to think, and to understand. Day claimed to have forgotten his memories, did that mean it was something terrible he wished not to remember? Or could there be another cause to the forgetfulness? Again, the boy would thank him, and Cru would simply nod his head lightly to say he heard, but did not yet respond. He was chewing on a thought, something creeping slowly into his mind, something he had to struggle to drag across into awareness. ?Ok so we don?t know what happened, you?re not sure why you?re here, or remember hitting the water, just darkness and then me.? he mused, summing up their total knowledge, trying to find a new way for it to connect together. ?First of all tell me, where?s Misha?? he hoped to god Day remembered her, and perhaps it would help them find a starting point to this problem. He watched Day settle against the ground, but he was too alert, his mind whirring and clicking against his skull like a living mechanism. No, he could not sit and took to prowling before the boy instead.




05-01-2014, 09:56 PM

Dayton had hoped to relax and sleep away his troubles, but the way Crucifix was pacing began to worry him. All he had wanted to do was forget, but the other male seemed to insist that he pry open these wretched memories. He gave him a look of polite distaste and did not respond. That is, until his next words entered the air. "Where's Misha?"

All it took was that one phrase to bring the thoughts barreling in.

The beach. Misha had been upset, and he was trying to calm her. Then he remembered pain... on his scruff... had Misha grabbed him? It didn't seem possible. Faded memories of a cloudy hallucination began to form. He had imagined that his father was there, but surely this wasn't true. Perhaps his mate had tried to harm him and that shock was enough to throw him into a state of panic. What had happened then? Had he run away to this place, only to pass out in the water? It still seemed so unlikely, and yet it was the only explanation he had for the strange occurrences.

These thoughts ran through his mind in a matter of seconds, and then his open gaze flew to Crucifix. "I think I remember..." he began, a line forming between his brow. "We were on the beach. Misha and I were talking... she was upset for some reason, having a mood swing I believe, and I was trying to cheer her up. She kept telling me..." Yes, it was flooding back now. "Telling me not to touch her. But I was only trying to comfort her. At last she must have snapped, because if I remember correctly something grabbed me by the scruff. It was then that I must have lapsed into a temporary state of dementia... or something, because I remember my father being there, holding me by the scruff again..."

Some things were painful to remember. But it was necessary.

"Then the grip was gone, but I started running away... I must have ended up here, somehow. Then, I don't know, I just passed out from shock and fell into the pond?" It still didn't seem right. Everything sounded so strange, even to his own ears. He couldn't imagine what the other boy must be thinking. Dayton probably seemed even crazier by now. He found himself feeling sympathy for Crucifix. It was a shame that a handsome brute like him had to play doctor with such a horrid excuse for a wolf.



2 Years
05-01-2014, 10:35 PM

His words it seemed unleashed the damn, as he watched the boy and the spark of understanding in Day?s eyes that came with the flood of memories. He waited, allowing the boy to collect himself and to understand what was going on within his own head. His waiting stilled the pacing of his steps, the prowling weary tones that came within his violet eyes. He had stilled, and waited and watched Day, trying to get a sense of the emotions that came with the recollection. He seemed aggravated, but perhaps not afraid. Cru didn?t get the sense that there was a danger prowling the night beyond, a danger he would have need to eliminate for the safety of his friend.

When the eyes of the boy would touch the shines of Cru?s, he knew the other was ready. He took a few steps before Day, showing the boy he was attentive, ready to listen. Eyebrows would raise in response to the stories told, but other than this little movement he was still, waiting for Day to finish his bizarre tale. Misha? Day had described her as sweet and small, not crazed and unpredictable. The part about his father? he was certain it was more symbolic and memory then reality, and it was not... well, the Cru would simply remove the danger, and his father would stalk the life of Day never again.

He would let out a soft sigh as Day completed his telling. He would move forward, placing himself beside Day, so they lay side by side. His attention was still on the other boy, and finally he would speak. ?Is there any chance your girl is pregnant?? that could be a bombshell to drop on poor Day, and his voice would gentle some more. ?And I think you should stay here, sounds like either way it was a shock, the morning will be soon enough to hear Misha?s side of this? he murmured soothingly.



05-02-2014, 07:31 AM

Dayton felt weary with his story told, but now his mind was whirling. Surely the vision of his father had been just that - a vision, and nothing more. But if that were the case, and the events that had led up to all of this had included Misha, where was she now? He felt a frightened pang in his chest when he thought of his love, alone and frightened and possibly wounded. Where was his love? Was she alright? The small boy stirred suddenly, as if to get up and go look for her. But as soon as his muscles were stimulated, they seemed to give out again. He was far too weak to find her tonight. Hopefully she would survive another night, and they could head out in the morning, as Crucifix said. He sent up a quick prayer, asking whoever was up there to watch over her and keep her safe. She was so fragile... and him leaving must have devastated her...

He let out a long, trembling sigh and looked at his friend once more. They were resting next to each other now, and the younger boy was radiating steady heat that was comforting to Dayton. He placed his chin on his forelegs and closed his eyes for a moment, resting. Then the darker male spoke of Misha being pregnant, and Dayton was wide awake again. "Of course not!" he exclaimed, before composing himself and answering once more. "I'm sorry. What I meant was, that couldn't be possible. Her season isn't until winter, and even if she... we've never even, you know... because I can't-" Dayton pressed his lips together as he felt his face grow warm. "Crucifix, you are one of the only living souls who knows my story. So I'm sure you can imagine how difficult relations like that would be for me. Misha does want pups, in the future. But she couldn't be pregnant now. Not with my pups, anyway." He added with a touch of dark humor. No, that couldn't possibly be the issue here. She was simply on a prolonged mood swing. That made enough sense. Didn't it?




2 Years
05-04-2014, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2014, 08:58 PM by Crucifix.)

Amusement, would be the silver boys first emotion as Day reacted in shock and exclamation. Clearly he was not pleased with the thought, and would go on to explain why. After the explanation Cru's expression would soften again to understanding. Yes, with Day's history he could perfectly understand how the next step in a relationship would be difficult for him. He would find himself stifling a yawn as he shuffled and tried to get comfortable against the earth. The soft warmth of Day beside him was a very different feel the warmth he had felt recently, and his thoughts would drift to another night, and another wolf beside him... he shook himself free of thoughts of Othello and brought his attention back to the distressed Day. he was certain Day would be amused at the prospect of Cru being caught in the sticky strands of love since their last encounter.. but he wasn't going to offer that up just yet.

He was quite amazed at the mood swing displayed by the other wolf, if she was pregnant he might grudgingly understand, but without that defence.. he narrowed his eyes in thought. Day deserved far better then a wolf who might abuse him upon a whim. ?okay... so not pregnant. Any idea what might have set her off?? he asked, because he would not leave Day to his fate until he felt through and through that he would be okay and his future a bright one.

Ooc: (Cries at short reply)




05-05-2014, 10:16 PM

The boy sighed as the excitement of his outburst settled back into place. He shifted his weight against the soil, avoiding the patches that had been dampened by his fur. Crucifix stifled a yawn and also seemed to make himself comfortable. Dayton allowed his mind to drift off for a moment as he remembered the weeks after the incident when none of this seemed possible. He had possessed no skills whatsoever when it came to communicating with others. At that point in his life, the boy would have thought it impossible to ever find a friend. Or a home. Or a mate, for crying out loud. But all of these things had happened to him, and in such a short time. It just went to show how much life could change. Everything could transform in a heartbeat. Things had already begun to transform again, he could see it happening, and this time his story was being stained with darker ink. He would tear out these pages and start fresh again, even if it was the last thing he did.

The russet male looked up at his friend once more as he began to speak. Crucifix was wondering what might have set Misha off. Of course he would never understand... "Well, Misha seems to be prone to... mood swings." He paused here, eyes cautious as they examined the other boy's reaction to this. Then Dayton continued. "Nothing but a simple setback, easily overlooked, especially when one cares for another so much. I hope that doesn't sound... too strange..."

The smaller brute cleared his throat in the silence that would most likely follow. It did seem strange, after all, no matter how hard he tried to deny it. Was he truly in another abusive relationship? If so, how had the boy been so foolish as to fall into such a trap again? And, the worst question of all...

Was Misha somehow worse than Dayton's own father? He had never known the man who abused him as a child, but this beautiful girl that he loved so much... these scars would run deeper than any others. He needed to work this out in his own head before discussing it with a friend.




2 Years
05-06-2014, 02:12 PM

He was settled now, with the day wasted away to the excitement of this little scene. He would shift his eyes back to Day, his face twitching into a frown as he thought back to the beach and how he had felt in the moment of seeing Day drop. It had been then, that the boy fell that Crucifix had realised something vital. In his anger and fear and his tearing dash to find him he realised that this boy could not die, he could not leave Cru's life now. He puzzled over this thought a moment longer, with the family orientated life he had lived and then the rogue one after he had never really settled enough to make a true friend in the world. Sure, he had fun and was easy going enough to laugh at just about any situation, but a true friend... he blinked, and with a grin it finally came to him. Yes, Day was easily becoming his closest friend in the world.

Day's eyes lifted to his now, and Cru took in the others Tawny eyes as Day spoke again. His smile would fade, and be replaced with a frown once more, and a look of confusion. He wasn't sure he liked what the boy said, and had to take a moment to try and decide what to say. ?Day... don't.. don't be driven by a need to find what you might think of as a happy life right now because you thought you never might. Your a good soul, and could easily find a good life for yourself here. I don't want to see you hurt again...? he finished softly, finding himself now looking away, he would lay his head in the soft embrace of his paws, oddly lost in all that came to his mind now, with what Day meant to him and how Day might be treating his life.



05-07-2014, 11:00 AM

The boy stared out of their safe haven at the murky waters of the pond. He gave a little cough as Crucifix seemed to wait in the silence. His russet fur was becoming unruly as it dried, and he was itching to groom it clean of the sand and disgusting pond water. Then he decided to go ahead and do it. He and Crucifix were close enough for him not to be embarrassed. Dayton pushed his slim body from the sand, the muscles in his legs trembling and twitching with the effort. Then he shook himself out, releasing the final drips of moisture and clumps of sand. He was sure to step away from the darker boy before doing so, not wanting to soil his fine coat as well. As he finished throwing his weight from side to side, he would stumble and nearly fall back into the sand. This wasn't normal. He needed to rest.

The smaller brute returned to where he laid before, settling into the sand on his haunches. His tongue moved repeatedly across his shoulders first, moving further down his back as he picked small twigs and strands of grass from his pelt. When he was a bit more comfortable with his appearance, he stopped. He didn't want to seem rude. So he smiled at Crucifix and uttered a quiet laugh. "Sorry about that. I just couldn't stand the feeling of sand in my fur." He even threw the other boy a wink before laying out again and resting his head on his paws.

As his companion spoke, he listened. But what he said seemed to hit a guarded wall in Dayton's mind. "What do you mean? Misha would never hurt me... I am happy. We are happy. My life is perfectly fine the way it is." But the words were so false to him, he could hear the stress in his own voice. Hadn't he thought the same thing a moment ago? That Misha's offense could be worse than that of his own father's? The one that raped him? Could that really be possible?

Dayton had lived most of his young life in uncertainty and fear. Only recently had he finally felt secure. He didn't want to return to his old life of not knowing, not ever feeling safe. But that would how his mind was seeming to function now. Every thought was a frantic question. Why was Crucifix saying these things? Was it really that obvious that his relationship was abusive? Was his relationship abusive? Could he handle the mood swings that Misha seemed to be prone too?

Was he lying to himself?




2 Years
05-07-2014, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 02:45 PM by Crucifix.)

Day it seemed had the right idea, shaking free the last clinging substances from the sea, washing away both it and the memories of that little trauma. Cru would be quick to do the same, shaking out his coat a few paces from their makeshift den and giving himself a vigorous shake down and quick one over with his tongue. As Day completed his cleaning, so too did Day and the dark mottled boy would take a seat once more beside him. He had forgotten how unpleasant it had felt with the horrid clinging feel of salt and sand to his pelt, and felt oddly light and free now that he was parted with it. ?yeah, it?s pretty terrible? Cru admitted, not quite feeling up to smiling, but there was a bit more of a twinkle against his violet eyes.

They had cleaned at settled, and once more there was no distraction from the conversation that loomed over then. Day seemed taken aback by his words, as though they simply didn?t connect together, as through what Cru said just couldn?t be true. happy, perfect? no, it was none of those things, Cru settled his eyes upon Day, trying to read him, trying to see if her admitted this in his mind as easily as he admitted it to the outside world.

Cru would sigh again, a trait that was starting to feel too familiar to him as he moved himself closer to Day, so that he looked him straight in the eyes with little space for the other to move away. ?I can?t really judge without all the facts, yet I?m doing so anyway. Forgive me, and lets try and get some sleep. The sooner we do the sooner we can wake up and find your Misha? his voice was soft, and tinged with a sadness also shown within the shines of his coloured eyes.

"My sounds""My Soul"



05-09-2014, 04:18 PM

The male felt his eyes grow heavy, everything mostly resolved for tonight. This had been one hell of a ride, and he was ready to sleep. He could face this existential crisis in the morning. The russet boy didn't even have the energy to laugh at his internal joke. He simply heaved a sigh and settled his head back on his paws. There was a heavy lethargy that washed over him, but he still managed to make out the words that Crucifix spoke. ?I can?t really judge without all the facts, yet I?m doing so anyway. Forgive me, and lets try and get some sleep. The sooner we do the sooner we can wake up and find your Misha.? Dayton blinked sleepily and smiled. "You don't have to tell me twice."

But as the smaller male sighed once more and drifted off to sleep, one last thought escaped him. He seemed to welcome the slumber while dreading the scene that would come after. Dayton was actually afraid of seeing Misha again. He hoped that she was all right, of course, but his last memories of her were caught up in one of her violent mood swings. He didn't feel safe around her anymore, and while this pained him, it was about time he faced the facts. With his final shred of consciousness, Dayton requested something of his friend. "Will you promise to be there with me, Crucifix? When we... find Misha?"

But the answer would not be heard, for the brute had sunken into darkness once more.



2 Years
05-09-2014, 04:42 PM

He could see that sleep was overcoming the other boy, and there was a tinge of fondness in Crucifix's eyes as he watched him fall to sleep. He had never felt such fondness and prototevness before exept with his own family. It almost astounded him how much Day had come to mean to him. Perhaps descovering that he viewed this boy as his closest friend in the world was akin to calling him family. Whatever the reason, he knew it was his intention of watching out for this boy now, this boy who stood at a smaller size and held a much greater heart.

The day had only grown later, and long stretches of shadows reached over them as Day tried to mumble out his last question. Even as he spoke his breathing seemed to change to the rthymetic tones of sleep. Crucifix bent low to Day, a smile gentle on his maw. ?I wouldn't have it any other way? he promised gently, liking the other on the forehead and curling up beside him to wait out the long night, he wasn't certain he would be able to sleep and he found that he would be right. Even as the faintest hint of dawn began to seep against the horizon he would still lie in wake, his gentle gaze switching between boy and outside world as he watched over him in his sleep.

He did not sleep for his troubled mind, of the situation Day was in, and how to find a solution here that would leave Day's heart whole and his future bright.. but.. he was finding it difficult to find such an anwer and knew he would not know how this could turn out until they had spoken with Misha. He sighed softly beneath his breath and waited for Day to awaken.