
Den Crafting



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-08-2022, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 07:02 PM by Cerberus. Edited 1 time in total.)
It had been some time since they had claimed Cedar Falls and they had gotten the bear situation mostly under control. There were still some instances but much less now that they had claimed the land and ran enough patrols to run off the predators. It was now open for the rest of the pack to travel here, at least with the patrolers nearby.

Cerberus was not patrolling currently however, instead he brought a couple of the women of the pack to help clean up the grounds for building the community den out here like they had over at Aspen. He traveled close to both the women, both he knew very lightly though Reila had more ties to his father than Azzurra did. He led them out to where the falls ran down the cliff side and into the pool at the bottom where they would be using the walls of the rock face to seclude the community den to itself.

Other members of the pack had gathered some materials that had made their way into the future den area but would need to be moved around to condense and prepare the grounds for the building of the den. They may have started to build it up a little today, but that would be a bigger task in the weeks to come. When they arrived at the falls, Cerberus looked around at the different supplies that were there, and looked to the two women that joined him today, "We can start moving the logs and stones in an orderly fashion off to the side here," He pointed near the stone face of the falls close to the pool's edge. "And then we can pull up some of these weeds and shrubs to make it a little more spacious and homey. We can see about planting some flowers near the trees and some around the water too later on." With that he would move forward and start to push some of the heavier logs by himself while Azzurra and Reila could move some with each other's help.

w/c: 346/1500




4 Years
Chrono I

08-13-2022, 09:29 PM
While Chimera had grown busy with the newest addition to his family, Reila was more than happy for him but found herself in just the hint of feeling left out. She had grown used to to wanting Chimera and the company he gave her, but she didn't see herself at the same level as his queens. She may never have honestly. So much could happen between now and... well forever she guessed. She could change, he could change, it wasn't things she thought of really. But she just tried to fill her days with anything other than the extra thought, hunting on her own for the pack, and today she would help his son with a community task of preparing the lands for the future den out here in the falls.

She had known Azzurra in passing through Erystotle, and they had all hunted together not long before now. Or maybe a little longer, it was hard to keep track of time these days. Still, she'd be happy in the girl's presence just the same as she was happy in Cerberus' presence and well anyone else's. The same mask was easy to put on.

They made it out to the falls, looking around at the supplies that were in the mostly clear area here. They still had much work to do. Cerberus would ask them to move the logs and wood here first, and started to go on his own while he was bigger and stronger than the two women. So with a quick glance and smile towards Azzurra, Reila would move towards one of the larger logs before standing at one end so that her and the other white girl could push it together off to the side where Cerberus' had asked of them.

She'd repeat the process, it wasn't too many logs for the three of them and had Azzurra wanted to push one herself she'd be fine with that too. She wouldn't restrain her or anyone for that matter. Once all the wood and other loose supplies were all set up neatly beside the fall's pool, Reila would follow Cerberus out to the tree and shrub line so they could start digging up the bushes and other weeds that were scattered in the clearing here. Soon the project would be coming together, and she couldn't wait until the day with the final outcome.

w/c: 742/1500




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
08-24-2022, 10:23 PM
After Balthier's official and emotional departure from the pack she had focused in even more firmly on making a home for herself here in Fenmyre without him. She continued to remind herself about what Satira had said about him and his decision to leave her here and in turn tried to do whatever she could to make sure she didn't slip back into the feeling of being a burden to this pack that he had left her in. When they first joined Fenmyre she hadn't felt the fear that she would just be a hindrance since Balthier had always cared for her and made sure that he could cover for both of their needs, but now she wanted to make sure that she could pull her own weight and make herself a useful part of this pack that had become her home regardless of her brother's presence in it. Chimera had made it obvious that the pack could provide anything she needed to her regardless, but it made her feel more independent and more capable than she had ever felt before whenever she was able to add something to their food stores or lend a paw on odd tasks from time to time.

Today she had been recruited to help clear out the space where they intended to build a large community den out in the recently acquired cedar forest and she walked out that direction along side Cerberus and Reila. She had interacted with Reila more than Cerberus simply because of the shared friend in Erys, but she didn't know either of them particularly well. She understood that that was going to be the common theme for most wolves in the pack as she continued to branch out and get to know more of her pack mates. As it was Erys was really the only wolf she was close to now and she supposed she was more comfortable and friendly with Chimera after he helped her get her new bungalow set up. Aside from them everyone was still a newer face to her since she had spent so much time either alone with Balthier or secluded to herself up until he left. Still, she was excited to be included and happily trotted along beside the other two wolves as they neared the future building site.

She turned her attention to Cerberus as he explained what they would be doing first—mentioning the logs and stones that could be gathered up and consolidated off to one side and the weeds that could be pulled from the space as well. She nodded in agreement and then turned her sapphire gaze toward Reila as Cerberus went off on his own to start working. She exchanged a smile with the other woman and then followed her lead over to one of the logs, taking to one end while she handled the other so the two of them could team up to roll and push it out of the way. She strained a bit after a couple of them, but luckily none of them were in a big rush to accomplish the task at hand so she didn't feel like she really had to worry about pushing herself too hard. She still didn't try to move anything on her own just in case and mostly just kept to whatever task Reila was working on so that she and the gray and tan marked woman could accomplish the heavier tasks together.

Once the logs and stones were taken care of and neatly organized off to one side, the attention moved to the weeds and stray shrubs that were encroaching on the space that they wanted to build in. Cerberus led the way to where they could start their work and she took up the task of gathering up the weeds and such as Cerberus and Reila dug and pulled them free. Whenever another one would land on the ground beside one of them she could take it and carry it over to a slowly growing pile off to the side near where the supplies they had gathered were. It was a slightly lighter task, but it was a welcome break of sorts after the more muscle-intensive task of moving the larger objects. Her physical well being had certainly improved by leaps and bounds since she was a weak, sickly pup, but she still felt like she had to be careful about how much she did or how far she pushed herself. It was disheartening at times to see others do so much when she felt like she constantly had to hold herself back to keep from exhausting herself, but she just reminded herself that at one point she could barely walk a few feet from the den even with Balthier's help. In comparison, at the very least, she was doing very well.

WC: 806
Total: 1548 / 1500
