


04-27-2014, 09:14 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her anger had finally dissipated though remained just there upon the edge of her ability to reason, as if waiting for the right kind of excuse to ignite again. She had left the battlefield seeing red, so angry at Hansel that she could hardly process the heavy emotion even now. It had been such an unpleasant experience that she refused to think on it, her thoughts instead focusing on the here and now and nothing else.

It might not have been very far south but it felt warmer here in this unfamiliar location, lacking the typical snow she was used to. Her white coat and identifying black tail might have made her nothing more than a phantom on the white fields of the north, but here she stood out so easily. She seemed not to notice, still walking out in the open, exposed, her body loose and lethargically relaxed with her head and tail hanging low. So much time had already passed since her reunion with Hansel and yet she still felt as if the energy had been drained from her.

Sea green and icy blue eyes stared down and ahead of where she walked, only occasionally glancing upward. There was little here in terms of scenery, of which she was accustomed - the frozen north was very much the same. And considering it appeared more or less deserted, the reasoning for this unknown to her, she was content enough to wander listlessly alone a while longer.



04-27-2014, 09:23 PM
The man's golden eyes focused on the scenery before him. His slate, black, and white body shook slightly as the cold came over him for a little before dissipating. His body continued to send heat throughout his form so that he didn't freeze from the cold of the landscape. That was when he could smell the scent of a female nearby. He didn't seem to know her, and he walked over to where her stench was located. She smelled of both oak and maple, and it was a pleasant smell.

He soon caught a glimpse of her. Her mint and sea colored eyes looked dashing on her white coat, and the black tail put everything together. He thought she was gorgeous, and everything about her seemed cool and composed. The man walked over to her and stayed relaxed, not wishing to make her mad in anyway.

"Hello," he spoke in a kind and gentle tone. He was considered more of a kind and composed wolf, but, if any male made him mad, it would be the biggest mistake that they ever did. "My name is Klypso, and may I ask what your name is?"


04-27-2014, 09:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was so out of focus with the world around her that she failed to take note of the wolf who had walked onto the scene until it was far too late to slip quietly away. Not like she could have done that anyway. She was too bright for this landscape, too vivid to be hidden by the foliage and shadows that were offered here. She was more suited to her northern lands, and now that she was here she was going to have to deal with standing out like a tree in the middle of a field.

Her hope was that he might merely stroll past her and keep walking, but when she glanced upward and noticed his bright gaze already set upon her she knew she would have no such luck. A quiet sigh exited her muzzle as she blinked, unsure if she was ready yet to deal with some overly friendly stranger. She was still half afraid she might snap, though at the moment she felt calm if not empty. Her fight, for the time being, had deserted her.

After making the last few steps, the greyscale-colored wolf greeted her, his tone kind and warm. Oh great. Another too sweet guy like her brother. Just the perfect kind of reminder that she needed to remind her of everything that she had lost. "Keep walking," she responded, her tone just as empty and cold as she felt inside. She did not care how her tone was interpreted, nor did she care about the stranger who had tried to politely speak with her. She was not fit for company; she was doing him a favor.



04-27-2014, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 10:00 PM by Klypso.)
He gave a small smile and looked to see a rabbit. He eae happy to have seen a female, but he understood why she would be cold. "I apologize for disturbing you miss, I was only passing through and hoping I could speak with someone with a friendly conversation. He did like her even though she didnt seem to care for him that well. He didnt like tp see someone down and upset. "I will try amd hwlp you if you ever need anything," he spoke with a small smile as he lied down underneath a tree and placed his head down on his paws.


04-27-2014, 10:19 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of course, just like her brother, the intent behind this male was nothing but innocent. Casual conversation, that was all he wanted, nothing more and nothing less. It was just a shame he had decided to single her out for it. Her different colored eyes glanced away from him and out across the terrain, as if seeking another figure which she could send him to instead. Anyone would have worked, at least then she could say she did something for him, even if the other person turned out to be worse than herself. But no, it was just them, and she kicked herself for leaving the north. At least there the cold kept strangers away.

Still, though there was no one around that she could try sending him to, she wanted to dissuade him from trying to converse with her, to save them both the trouble. "You're better off looking somewhere else," she remarked dryly, willing him to take the hint. Was she really going to have to be blunt and offensive? Why was he being so persistent? Could he not realize she was not worth the effort? "I'm not interested."

But, proving his persistence, the male moved away a short distance and made himself comfortable there on the ground. She saw her chance; Yin moved to leave, taking steps away with the full intent of abandoning the too-sweet wolf who reminded her of her kind brother there all by himself. His question ran back through her mind, however, and in them she heard not only her brother but another elder wolf, one who had become an unlikely friend. Could that be possible here too?

As she stopped her ears turned back to rest moodily against her head. She needed no help - she had always been self-sufficient - but maybe she did not need to pass it up every time. Turning back, she covered the ground that she had put between them, her brow set in a self-directed scowl over sharp eyes. She stopped before him and spoke, and though she had intended to ask a question, forced to be nice, instead she gave a warning. "You shouldn't be so nice. People take advantage of niceness."



04-27-2014, 10:31 PM
"Yes, but being too mean would cause you to have no friends. We need to have friends in order to feel strong. Push those who want to help you, you won't have anyone to be there for you when you really need them. I have been through a lot in my life, and I am trying to be kind for it seems that you seem alone." He heaved a small sigh and looked to the sky.

Hia gold eyes shone as the sun began to beat down upon his tricolored pelt. A small look of sadness came over him, but he still stayed strong and spoke in his kind yet truthful tone. "You will never be happy or love until you forgive those who have hurt you in any way, and I should know." He stood and began to walk away slightly as he soon stopped and turned to look at her once more.


04-27-2014, 10:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Unlike her brother, who had accepted her as she was, regardless of temper and bluntness and an inability to care, this male was different. He was not so strongly a match for him as she had first thought, pushing his views that you needed friends for strength, for help during troubling times. Yin could not disagree more. Friends were a waste; they were only good for as long as they were within your sight, but the moment they left they were gone, deemed unreliable and therefore untrustworthy. How could she depend on people - her brother and friend included - when they vanished so quickly, and for so long?

She was quick to point it out too. "Because they left," Yin argued, her tone growing slightly more aggravated now that the conversation - which she had wanted no part of - had dredged up unwanted thoughts. "Those "friends" you speak so highly of. They left me, not the other way around."

He glanced away, still so full of his words and that disgusting charity that the white wolf found herself becoming irritated again. He knew nothing. He was clueless just how heartless everyone else could be, how selfishly they could abandon her without any forewarning. And it aggravated her. He spoke one last time, quietly, and turned as if to leave, getting a distance away before he stopped and cast another glance her way. As if he was still waiting on her response, Yin called out to him, "They don't deserve it," and fell quiet, ready to watch him leave if he really intended to.



04-27-2014, 11:08 PM
He would sigh slightly, "Well, I am not like those who abandoned you. Even though I am not with my friends, I am with them in spirit. You can say whatever you wished for it is your opinion, but I am also speaking my mind. Despite how you say you do not need friends, well, even though you do not know much about me and I dont know much about you; I wish to know more about you. Though, if you wish me to leave, then I will. But I dont like to leave someone without a friend, and I am willing to be your friend if you will accept my offer. "

He walked away from her but lied down near a stream that was not that far away. He placed his head low and a tear trickled down his cheek and into the clear water.


04-27-2014, 11:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She wondered briefly whether he thought himself to be as much of the valiant knight that he projected himself as being. Did he really believe everything that he said? Did he really expect any of it to make a difference? Yin knew better. She had been with her brother, her twin, since birth, an he had vanished. Hansel she had taken a chance on, even thought he might be the first to prove her wrong about everyone unrelated to her, but even he had disappeared. If the third time was the charm, did that mean she would be proven right yet again and have her doubts settled once and for all?

Klypso seemed to think himself different, so much so that he was ready to make promises without even learning her name. Yin was stubborn as she listened to him, not wanting to consider anything he was saying, but as he left and she watched him those damn words lingered, buzzing about her mind. No, she did not need friends. They were a waste, useless. She would only end up alone again in the end. Did she really need more proof of that?

It appeared she did. With an audible, teeth baring growl, the white wolf with the black tail stalked after the black, grey, and white male, eventually finding him lying beside a stream. Her expression had composed though only just, the aggravation still visible within her two-toned eyes. "You'll only prove me right," she remarked stubbornly, taking a moment to calm herself further before she sat down beside him an added somewhat quieter, "I'm Yin."



04-27-2014, 11:44 PM
He turned to her. "Okay, if you think of me as a deserter, then you have another thing coming Yin. If you think I would leave someone like you hanging, then you are wrong. I can promise you that I am different." He spoke truthful yet serious words as he soon caught a fish with ease. He placed it in front of Yin and then looked to the sky. "This may not mean anrhing, but you really have beautiful eyes," he spoke without looking to her for he didnt know if she would be mad at him for saying those words.

"I'm sorry," he replied as he closed his eyes and felt the cold air hit his face.


04-28-2014, 12:11 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He spoke with such certainty, such conviction, that she was for a moment tempted to abandon her own challenge just to get away from his unyielding confidence. He could not be there forever; eventually something would pull him away. It would start off with a meal, and then he would get distracted, and then he would forget all about her while he was off exploring other places, not at all concerned for the one he left behind. "Whatever," Yin muttered below her breath, not caring too much if he heard but hoping he would shut up about it. She might have come back to him but that did not mean as was ready to listen to him go on and on about how much of a "loyal friend" he would be.

He eventually did fall silent, his attention turning to the stream instead. In the quiet offered to her, Yin studied her new companion through another scowl. He was shorter up close than he had appeared upon first looks, much smaller than she would have expected such a confident wolf to be. His coat was admittedly appealing in design but then again so had Hansel's been, and look where the two of them were now. She breathed in slowly and let it out in a sigh. No, she needed to not think about him. At least this wolf did not share his blue eyes. His gold were so much brighter, so much more vibrant. It was like the color reflected the golden knight he thought himself to be.

Eyes met as he turned away from the stream carrying a fish - he had been fishing? - and without a word it was placed before her upon the ground. Her two-toned eyes traveled down to it and then back up to Klypso suspiciously. Was it for her? Would he be offended if she ate it? She had never tried fish before. She placed a paw on it and drew it closer, leaning her head down with her eyes still upon Klypso just to be sure it was hers before she parted her jaws and took her first bite. Certainly nothing like the meat she acquired from the land animals but not entirely unappetizing either.

She was in the middle of her second bite when he spoke up again, this time commenting on her eyes. Finishing the bite in her mouth while lifting her head, Yin stared at him strangely. Her eyes were beautiful? Was that...a compliment? She was not sure how she felt about it, and stayed quiet a moment after he apologized. "They're just eyes," she responded quietly, still not altogether sure of what was expected of her in this situation.



04-28-2014, 12:21 AM
"Yes, they are only eyes, but all of them are different in their own ways. We are all different in appearance, and personality. All of us had different lifes and different parents and siblings, but we are all special in our own way." He gave a small smile, "please, the fish is for you, so continue eating if you would like." Klypso looked to the sky as the sun caused his gold eyes to shine slightly. He lied down and looked to the sun.

"The sun sure is beautiful too, so many different colors tbat it can be. Red, gold, the sky even having different colors." He spole and closed his eyes, "and you are special like everything that is and has already been created."


04-28-2014, 12:43 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Despite her taking his compliment oddly, Klypso hardly seemed put off by it, or by her for that matter. It was strange and made absolutely no sense to her. She was nothing to him but someone he had happened to pass by randomly through this location; they had not even known each others' names. And yet here he was going out of his way to be nice to her - to feed her - and win over her trust. Yin was stubborn. Twice already it had happened that those she trusted left her, and twice had been more than enough. When one was your own blood how could you trust anyone? But he seemed so sure he could change her mind, so sure he could and would prove her wrong. The fool.

He remarked briefly that though her eyes were only eyes they were still special, and that each of them had something about them that made them stand out, some trait that was considered beautiful. Yin acted as if she paid no attention, continuing to eat even before he had assured her the fish was hers. Everyone was special. It sounded like a lie. How could everyone be special? If everyone was special then why did they not all receive the special treatment they deserved, whatever it should have been or them?

She licked her lips as she finished the fish, taking a paw and pushing it aside as she noted the male wolf staring skyward toward the sun, seemingly lost in thought. A random comment about it was made, another remark about beauty, with the sky tied in as well. Following the wolf's gaze she supposed the skies and the sunlight to be pretty, at least sometimes. She had never been one for standing pointlessly around and just watching the world around her though. Another compliment followed, and though she was no less prepared for it her reaction was more promising. "You sound like my brother," she answered softly, just a little bit of tenderness entering her voice for the sibling she used to be so close to. "He thought everything was beautiful too."



04-28-2014, 12:54 AM
"Everythimg is beautiful, it just depends on the picture," he gave a small smile. "Why not just give me a chance, Yin? I am sorry for what ypu had to go through, I really am, but this is the future, and uf you dwell on the the past you can't move onward with your life." He stayed silent and closed his eyes. One tear would fall once more, but that was it. He had done everything he could to help her, now, he must stick with her and see what will happen when he stays with the femme for a little while. He did not care if she hated him, he would do everything he can to help and stay by her as a friend until his dyimg breath.


04-28-2014, 01:22 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He still clung to his ideals and seemed ready to keep doing so no matter what. In that she supposed he was like Yang too. Her brother had been as stubborn as she was but in the opposite manner, as unfailingly optimistic as she was pessimistic. Everything was bright and beautiful and lovely in his world, including her, while she could only see the dark, the bad, the things that should not have seen daylight. How funny was it that she felt strangely calmed by the familiar resistance to her push, to his refusal to give up on his thoughts when she was so convinced of the opposite?

But she could see that she was beginning to wear on him at least a little, audible within his voice and within those golden eyes of his when he stared at her, begging for a chance to prove her wrong. Why did he think this would help? Why did he think she needed others around in order for her to be happy? She had tried that, and the absence they had left behind was not one that she wanted to repeat. "I'm not afraid of being alone," she countered, still stubbornly resisting the changes he was trying to make seem so significant to her. Why could be not be like her brother and just leave it be?

What did she need to do to convince him that she was, in her own way, giving him the chance he desired? What could she do to prove it? "I am giving you a chance," she stated lowly, "I followed you, didn't I?" She certainly would not have bothered had she not intended to let him have his chance, even if she still thought him likely to fail. The white wolf sighed, contemplated for a moment, and moved. Yin rose to her paws and stepped closer to Klypso before lying down and curling up tightly on the ground, her back touching his side. The last two wolves she had trusted like this had vanished on her, only one returning but pretending that his absence meant nothing; here was Klypso's chance to prove himself to be different.



04-28-2014, 01:25 PM
He looked to the female and smiled to her in a calm look in his eyes. When he once realized what he had been doing, he wiped the smile off of his face and kept his haunches down, but looked to the sky as his body stood tall and proud. He would not let Yin down, he would remind himself that no matter what trails come in his way, he would be willing to help the femme that he had sworn he would not leave. His gold eyes would sometimes shift to look at her lime green and blue eyes, and he would close his eyes as he began to meditate.

He stepped inside the stream, staying in the shallow part of the water and keeping his eyes closed. He placed his head down and opened his mouth, sometimes swallowing some water, but staying on keeping his nose above the water so that he could breathe.When the fish came into view and touched his canines, he snapped down and tore into the flesh of the fish, soon breaking the bone that was inside. He lied back down beside Yin and making sure to leave enough room for her so that he didn't make her mad.


04-28-2014, 07:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He seemed to react little to her lying beside him, and for that she was grateful. She had half expected him to make a big production of her little show of trust or think too far into it, but he merely stayed still, watching the skies as he seemed so accustomed to doing. He was such a strange character to her, a slightly more righteous version of her twin, but with enough there to make her want to roll her eyes at him rather than take a piece of his ear to get him to go away. Maybe she could learn to deal with him and keep him around, a stand in to her brother who used to keep her temper in check. Was that possible?

For a second time, he drifted into the stream, leaving her there upon the banks. Yin lifted her head from her curled up position and watched him as he began to fish for a second time, intently yet calmly staring into the waters while waiting for the right moment to slip his muzzle fully below the surface and drag up a shining, wriggling fish. He made it look so easy and just a little she felt a twinge of envy. How did he do that?

Fish in tow, he wandered back, returning to his position beside her though this time leaving a gap between them. Had her originally closing that distance been too much for him too fast? Was that not his way of showing trust? Or perhaps this was a matter of respect as she had made it clear she did prefer to be alone. Either way she chose not to comment on it. "You seem good at that," she remarked, extending one leg to rest her chin upon it while she watched him eat. "I've never tried fish before today." Of course, she had seen others do so - she had grown up beside a river after all - but her own taste for meat had mainly been pointed at the creatures living on land within the forest instead of below the water.



04-28-2014, 08:01 PM
He smiled and nodded, "I didn't care much for fish, but since I am a rogue it's pretty much all I have to eat. Would you like me to help you catch a fish?" He asked with a small smile, tilting his head slightly. He could smell the saltiness of the flesh that the fish had, but it was still good in it's own way. His gold eyes focused on the female wolf's blue and green ones. The brute didn't know how she would react to the question, but at least he offered if she refused.

He continued to dig into the fish carcass, soon only leaving the bones and cartilage behind. He used his front paws and dug a hole, pushing the bones in and then closing the hold back up. Klypso liked being around Yin, even if she did not like being around him. It was nice to have someone new to talk to when all he had was himself and his thoughts.

Trees swayed onward throughout the land as the cool air hit against his form, causing his fur to shake. He heaved a sigh of tranquility as he turned back to look at her, waiting for a reply from the femme before him.


04-28-2014, 09:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could not imagine fish being the only available source of sustenance. Surely there were plenty of creatures within the woods that would make just as easy meals, if not easier. Sure they were fast, and sometimes a little crafty, but that was what made the meal that much nicer once you ate it, the hard work that went into getting it. Fish were just...different. "I don't want anymore," she answered simply when he offered to help her catch another. No, one was plenty for her. Or at least for a while.

He finished the fish in due time and taking what was left over he buried it in the ground, hiding it from other predators that it might attract. At least that was smart. Being in unclaimed territory without borders to protect them from the other creatures that they shared the lands with it was the wisest option, aside from throwing the leftovers back into the water to let the stream carry them away. She sighed, eyes closing. Unclaimed lands or not, she was glad she could feel relaxed at least.

The cool autumn breezes started up, carrying with them the fresh air and smells of the forest but also the coldness that was creeping up on them. Winter would be upon them before they knew it and then she was less certain of what she would do. The north always had its appeal to her, all that snow that she could hide so easily in. What were Klypso's plans? Would he end up trailing after her if she went back that way again? Opening her eyes again to peer at him, she remarked casually, "Getting close to winter."



04-28-2014, 09:26 PM
He nodded and looked to her with slightly kind eyes. His eyes focused on the sea and a small sigh came through. He was sure she would be going to a different location, and he would be going another. He didnt want to leave her alone, especially when he promised he wouldn't. He placed his head on his paws and closed his eyes.

The water was cool as it was sprayed in hia face by a fish. He snarled and leaped in the water, trying to get the fish, but it kept on getting out of his grasp. He began to pant and sighed as the fish continued to spray water at him, but he gave up with the fish and lied down once more, laying a little closer to Yin this time.