
Please don't cheer too loud for me




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

6 Years
08-08-2022, 11:04 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 11:12 PM by Florian. Edited 1 time in total.)

Night had fallen among the redwood forest that Florian had established as his base. Unlike Ngurulivu, who had been wandering all over Boreas, the man hadn’t wandered far from the North just yet. A sense of nostalgia filled him now that he was back here. The Pines had stirred up old memories of his childhood, of his parents, and of younger, happier times with all of his siblings. He missed Claire, he realized, and he was starting to really miss Gargoyle too. His heart yearned for Faolan too… but he’d never see his brother again. He was gone, off to Somnium, the land of the dead, to be with their parents forever. A sigh passed his lips.

He had returned back to the base of a tree that had been hollowed out by some other animal. The scent had told him it had been abandoned for some time, though he didn’t know why. All the same, it made a pretty decent den for him, big enough for him, Ruu when she came back, and two others to comfortably fit inside. It felt empty right now though… with just him in there. His smile faded as he moved his head to his paws. Before Faolan had passed Flo had never felt lonely… but now he noticed it a bit more often. Maybe he had been too used to having his siblings with him…?

The male’s eyes slid closed.

He didn’t want to think about that. He wanted to sleep where he could see all of his siblings again in his dreams. It didn’t take long for Florian to start to nod off… only when he started to ‘come back' he would be in the hollow of a different tree.

A tree in Somnium.

"Talk, 'Think.'