
You brought a light to my dark

Dutiron i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 01:17 PM by Dutiron i.)

The evening had given way to the night, moon hanging clearly in the air with no sign of the sun anywhere in the sky. There was a certain peace for most of the world, though for two wolves who had plodded onwards there was nothing but a mixture of excitement and nerves that kept them going on their journey no matter the time and distance they had already travelled for. Finally they would reach the borders of a pack and there the male would freeze, turning to the white wolf at his side as he took a deep breathe.

Dutiron felt that they had already made one achievement tonight simply upon picking up the scents of their children and would have been happy to leave the day there. His mate had longed to continue though and actually attempt a reunion with their family and with the same desire burning through him, there was certainly no way he had been able to deny Novel's request. Now they'd hit a second achievement it seemed, the scent of the Destruction family and their children would hit him almost unbelievably strongly, there were certainly some of them residing here in this pack. His inquisitive nature would long to know more about this new home his family had chosen, what the pack was like and the wolves within it though all of that could wait. His family were far more important and now here he almost couldn't wait to see them again. It was only sense that kept him from bounding onwards to try and find even one of his children.

"Are you ready?" He would question, glancing to his mate once more. It was a foolish thought he was sure to think that either one of them would back out now that they were so close and he almost shook with the anticipation of setting his sights upon his family once more. He would await the confirmation from Novel all the same before lifting his head to call the family to meet them.

Novel i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 02:09 PM
They would travel on, their paws carrying them forward on into the evening and night. The excitement would swirl and dance within her as the tension of the meeting would combat the feelings. She would try and keep herself calm, but when Dutiron found a strong scent it became rather troublesome. She would find a new skip within her step as they followed the trail, to know her lost family was so close. They would come upon the pack lands, her nose would do its best to single out any of her children's scents. What had they found here? Her curiosity would overtake her as she loped next to Dutiron, both of them eager to see the faces of their children once again. She too would do her best to keep from broaching the borders as their journey would come to a stop.?

She would settle by his side, their body heat and fur intermingling in the cooler night air. His words would come to her, the anticipation almost excruciating as she nodded her head in acceptance. Adding her own song to his voice the two would call out to their family and the wolves of this unknown pack.?



5 Years
04-27-2014, 02:19 PM

Novella had been resting in her den as her parents travelled across the lands of Alacritia. Unaware of their arrival, she'd begin to drift off to sleep as their call sounded. Ears would twitch slightly at the familiarity as she begun to stir and as her head drowsily lifted from the ground it would take a few moments for the recognition to fully sink in. A few lazy blinks and a partial yawn until it sunk in and then she was quick to leap to her feet. The call could only be her parents though she could hardly believe it to be true.

Swiftly she'd vacate her den and make her way across the Ludicael lands that she had now come to know so well. There was no hesitation in her step and finally as she neared the borders the two familiar figures would come into view and still wondering if perhaps she was simply dreaming, Novella would freeze for a moment, her mismatched eyes gazing at her parents, still stunned to see that it really was them.

Joy would soon kick in however and shaking off the surprise she would leap back into action, quickly covering the remaining distance and showering the pair in licks and nuzzles of affection. It didn't really matter why for now, she was simply happy to see her parents again.



4 Years
04-27-2014, 02:44 PM

Sound padded through the mangrove. Her feet dodging the tangle of roots, picking a safe path across. The girl was on her way to see Auntie Novella. Sound had developed affection for her the past few weeks and liked to see her often. Approaching her aunt's den, Sound readied herself to call out. Before she could, a howl sounded at the borders. Shrinking back slightly, she remembered her talk with her aunt about the bad people that were out there. Maybe it was just people who wanted to join... Before the girl could think any longer, her aunt raced off into the distance towards the call. Without a hesitant thought, Sound raced after her.
The girl was panting by the time she arrived. It was a trek fir the season old girl. Tongue lolled for a few dozen seconds before bi-coloured eyes set sight on the trio. Auntie Novella embraced two familiar looking wolves. Relatives maybe? Sound had so many that she'd lost track. Hesitantly, she made her way forward until she stood just behind her aunt. Looking somewhat warily at the two wolves, but more with open curiosity, she said Hello. Auntie Novella, do you know these people? Remembering her manners, Sound hastily bowed her head to the two wolves in turn.




5 Years
04-28-2014, 12:28 PM

Canta wasn?t tired, despite a rather full day she seemed to still be buzzing with energy. The moon glowed faintly in the sky and she watched it, ebony head tipped back to observe the night sky. There was a rustling of activity nearby and forest gaze flicked towards it to see a small shape moving out from her mother?s den and off into the pack lands. The girl suppressed a sigh and rose to her paws; she would quickly and silently trail the identical copy of her mother through the pack lands, her dark pelt hiding her as she tailed the girl. Might as well make sure the girl wasn?t getting herself into any trouble, especially not this late at night.
Sound neared Novella?s den and Canta was about to back off, slip away before the girl knew she was there, her younger sister would be safe with Novella around after all, when a call echoed over the lands and both Novella and Sound took off after it. With a grunt she gave chase, long strides pushing her rapidly through the pack lands. She arrived only shortly after her sister did, drawing up beside her.
Canta chuckled at Sound?s question. ?I think it is safe to say she does.? She said softly, narrowing her gaze as she drew in the sight of the unknown pair. One of them were strikingly familiar, the white one sharing many similarities with their Aunt Novella. It was the male that didn?t strike a chord with Canta? till she noticed his eyes. The girl let out a little gasp as she realized he had ?Destruction eyes? the unmistakable blue and yellow in contrast to his otherwise unremarkable pelt.

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



04-28-2014, 07:01 PM
Two years had passed since she had heard their voices and still the familiarity would ease her heart. She had been slightly disturbed by Sound's leaving the den, but she knew Canta had been camping near her den so would find herself falling back asleep. However not long after her slumber began anew the call would fully arouse her from slumber. With the other children seemingly asleep she would scramble to get her feet beneath her and out the den's entrance. She wouldn't have to travel far, but it was farther than Novella and her children had come. Bicolored gaze would take in the forms of her children and sister as well as the silhouettes of both parents.?

She couldn't help the pause, father away than Novella had stopped she could barely comprehend seeing her mother and father again. It was all too apparent to those within the pack that she still absolutely adored them. Two of her children bore their names. She had to continue forward though, catching the fleeting words of her daughters. She didn't doubt their confusion, she'd never quite gotten around to telling them much of their grandparents. Already she could see tears welling up in her mother's eyes. "Your grandparents Sound." her words were oddly calm as she approached from the girls' backs. Standing a bit away she would stop, a look of confusion and relief upon her alabaster features. Words running from her grasp as she looked to her parents.?



3 Years
04-29-2014, 04:20 AM

Dutiron had been asleep at the moment of the call, busy mind resting for the night as he curled up against his mother and siblings. The noise would cause him to stir a little, though it was only as his mother moved and vacated the den that he would begin to awake. Yellow eyes blinked sleepily as he lifted his head, everything still seemed peaceful amongst the majority, though he was suddenly aware of the absence of Song and Sound. Where had they gone without the rest of them?

Curious to discover, he'd move himself away from where he'd been pressed between Saga and Reqiuem and would leave to follow his mother, nose detecting her familiar scent with ease. Sure enough he'd prove to be successful, soon spotting his mother up ahead and as he moved closer he'd notice that Canta and Sound had arrived as well as their Aunt Novella and two strangers.

"Your grandparents Sound." There had never been speak of their grandparents before and intrigued he would venture closer to his family, looking towards the two wolves that stood with his Aunt. She certainly seemed to know them and he could even notice that the female looked rather like Novella. "What are grandparents?" The term was new and though he hadn't been awake long, the boy was still eager to learn.



6 Years
04-29-2014, 12:59 PM

Anthem had always been one of the most joyful of the Destruction siblings -- rarely affected by anything negative, always able to laugh and smile, even at jokes he didn't and would never understand. But his castration had changed him somehow, and though it was not known whether the change would be permanent, he surely seemed more somber since that day.

He was aware that he had done something bad, and that he had made others very upset. His family had defended him, but had punished him just the same. They'd been gentle and loving, but when he awoke feeling sore and groggy, he knew something was different. He limped about for days, feeling lost and confused. Even now, his normal memory had mostly returned, but he was usually withdrawn and quiet. He did not want to play with Song's children suddenly, something he had once loved -- all he wanted to do was sleep and be alone.

Quietly he wandered, never daring to leave Ludicael's borders, always within a quick jog of a familiar family member. He was used to them watching over him, but now he found himself wanting them to ignore him.

A familiar call would interrupt the man's confused thoughts and his posture would stiffen, attention turning to the source of the sound. It had been so long since he heard his parent's voices, and yet he knew it clear as day. An excited yelp would escape his throat, and he would be sent into a sprint, following their calls as fast as his paws could carry him.

He was always quite childish, but even now he seemed to revert even further back into a boy. As they came into view, he began to bark wildly, even spinning in circles. His excitement was uncontrollable, and the smile that had been absent from his face for so many weeks was illuminating, even in the dark of night. "Mom! Daddy!" he cried out, his voice quivering with joy. He would rush forward, aiming to kiss their faces all over, though he was aware of their age and would not be too rough with them.

Dutiron i


8 Years
05-02-2014, 02:13 PM

Patiently the man would wait, leaning gently into his mate's side as mismatched eyes peered through the darkness into the pack lands, hoping to see some of the Destruction family arriving. From the scents there were certainly some here, and now though he looked as calm as ever Dutiron could hardly wait. Fortunately it seemed they wouldn't need to wait for too long, the first to arrive would be Novella and his face quickly broke into a happy smile as she rushed up to greet them. The girl looked as healthy as ever much to his joy, no harm had come to her and he would warmly greet her in return.

The next to arrive would be a child, her appearance so familiar he had to do a double take. She was the spitting image of their eldest daughter Song and this surely was one of her children, the thought almost certainly confirmed as she referred to Novella as her Aunt. But she was so young, did this mean that Song had had more children?

The third to arrive was dark coloured female, another stranger to the man, though certainly seemed familiar with the current two wolves and her scent smelt strongly of the family. She didn't hold his attention for long though as the sight of Song suddenly came into view, informing her little look-alike that he and Novel were her grandparents. This was indeed one of his grandchildren then, as he had thought and most likely Song's daughter.

Before he could greet her for himself though, he let out a chuckle as another child emerged, questioning what a grandparent actually was. So filled with happiness from the reunion of old and new family the sound left him easily. "Grandparents are the parents of parents." It was likely to be a confusing concept and he would have explained more had another wolf suddenly not bounded towards them with such an intensity that it even put Novella's excitement to shame.

"Anthem." He responded, greeting the boy warmly. It was he that they had been the most worried about and he seemed fine. Something was a little off about him, though he wouldn't question it just yet, simply so pleased to see the entire family once more.

Novel i


8 Years
05-17-2014, 10:20 AM

Excitement would course through her as Novella raced to see them, her nuzzles of affection were reciprocated ten fold. She'd missed her children incredibly. Behind her though, a tiny girl barely a season old, would take the woman's breath away. Had she not known any better she would have thought she was Song. She looked identical to their daughter at that age and she could only assume this was one of her daughter's daughters. Another girl would arrive shortly after, her pelt completely different from any Destruction but her voice was so similar to Song's and her features reminiscent of Cherokee.
Then she was there. Song, she had grown up, a full adult and very much as gorgeous as ever. She would not notice the tiredness within her eyes just yet, but would just enjoy her returned presence. Lowering her ears she would find herself leaning into Dutiron's side for support. At least she would not be run off today. She would offer a kind smile to her daughter, wanting nothing else but to embrace her.
Thoughts would be interrupted again as another small wolf would appear. His tiny form matched that of the first child to appear. Brother and sister? Dutiron would answer his question before another familiar face would appear. Her Anthem. She had been most worried about him, but as he burst through to greet them she would loose all her worry. She would find herself kissing the boy back, so happy to see him again. Her tail would wag wildly as she greeted him, "My Anthem." never had she experienced such joy.?




5 Years
05-17-2014, 06:06 PM

Of course it wouldn't take long at all for others to begin to arrive though it was somewhat surprising to see Sound amongst the first to arrive, not one of her own siblings. Somewhat unwillingly she would withdraw herself from her parent's greetings, mismatched eyes falling upon her niece as she questioned her. A smile remained plastered to her face, certainly pleased about the little reunion and as much as a part of her would have selfishly enjoyed some time with her parents alone, that loyalty to the family was winning and she couldn't wait to share the excitement with others.

Before she could respond however Canta and Song were arriving as well, the latter being the biggest confirmation for Sound's question, that Novella certainly knew these two wolves. Smile would widen a little at Dutiron's question, he certainly always seemed to have one and though he hadn't arrived quite as swiftly as some of the family he would still find himself with something to ask all the same.

The next to arrive, even putting her own excitable greeting to shame would be Anthem. To see him so happy again would only cause her joy to grow, tail wagging happily behind her and smile still present upon her face. There was still more of the family that should be here to greet them though it was late and perhaps they were too deeply asleep to have realised the call was in fact real. "What are you doing here?" She would question, it was a surprise though definitely a pleasant one and her cheery tone alone was proof that she was glad to see them.

[Image: novellabot_zps431b5c94.jpg]
image by lunarcat7