
Live what is known when you hear the softest sound

Spring, Year 18 [Solo Seasonal]

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
08-16-2022, 04:41 AM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2022, 05:21 AM by Memento Mori. Edited 1 time in total.)

The woman had decided to stick around the Falls for a little while longer, her sense of wanderlust not yet bringing her to explore the neighboring lands and familiarize herself with them. For the most part, she had passed on through, back to the crystal blue falls and to the place she had known as a child. For someone who wanted to forget her past, and let it go, she sure showed up here a lot. Yet Meme knew there was something different about being near the falls now. Before, where they had been a small weight in her chest, a sadness that she couldn’t shake, and a longing for her mother, now there was peace. She was able to enjoy the natural serenity of this place with Rein and Jacques and, during her third day in the area, she half expected to see Jynn again. Not that she would have minded the company of the other woman.

Pale silver-blue gaze was focused on the water from her den space as it fell. It moved thunderously, cascading down to the pool before the hidden cave. The roar of the falls was loud in here, seeming to echo off the walls and vibrate all around her. Memento Mori found the noise surprisingly soothing despite its volume, however. It had helped lull her to sleep the past couple of nights she had been resting. Jacques was less fond of the raging waterfall though he was putting up with it in order to remain close to Meme and Rein. The jackal brothers might have been gone from her fairly often but they were always just a howl away.

Currently, they were in the den and as they all lay there in the darker bit of the cave Memento Mori couldn’t help but get to thinking about some things. They had been doing an awful lot of traveling… when was the last time any of them had bathed? Getting dirty, hunting, all of that was all well and good. Sure they had to pass under the falls to get in here but was it really a proper bath? She got to her paws and turned to the two brothers, speaking up in a sharp, loud voice to be heard over the falls. “Alright you two, it’s time to get up. We’re going out to take a bath while the sun’s still up. We’ll dry out way faster that way. Her tone left no room for argument as she turned on her paws and started toward the entrance of the cave… and the falls themselves.

The woman drew in a breath as she came before the water, her heart always starting to race a little to be this so close to the falls. They were powerful and could knock a wolf off their paws into the churning part of the pool below them whether they tried to brace for it or not. It was important to try and move past them, less you get caught under their flow. She bunched her legs up under her body and, holding the breath she inhaled, Meme jumped.

The cold water cascaded onto her back, washing over the scar, and the rest of her from nose to tail tip. Then, in mere seconds, Memento Mori hit the water of the pool with a loud splash and water enveloped her body. For a moment she went under, paws moving to bring her back to the surface. Once her head emerged from the water again Memento Mori gasped, ears lowering slightly as she got her bearings once more. Her hair-like fur was sticking to her face now and as she paddled in the water she couldn’t help but smile. Ahh! Didn’t that feel so much better? Barely in the water for a few moments and she could feel the dirt and grime sliding away from her coat. Hell, she thought, even the cave was a bit dirty when she thought about it. What with the tasty rocks in there and all.

There was a splash beside her and Memento Mori turned her head to see that Rein, bless his heart, had willingly joined her. The jackal wasn’t the greatest at swimming but he seemed to enjoy it, head bobbing a bit in the water as he tried to tread. “How’s it feel?” He asked her.

“Refreshing!” She called back to him before starting to pad for shallower water. While she didn’t mind swimming, she wanted to sit in the shallows and work out the tangles in her mane. She had no sooner got there than did she hear Jacques enter the water as well. Definitely more begrudgingly compared to his brother, he was grumbling under his breath as he came back to the surface. Memento Mori couldn’t help but giggle at his antics as she sat in the shallower part of the pool and started to move a paw through the long hair-length fur. “See! I knew we all needed this.” She stated proudly.

None of them were going to stay stinky for long on her watch.


846 Words

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.