
Love me like you'll never see me again...



04-29-2014, 01:07 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 03:49 AM by Maija.)

Time had frozen for the Romanian vixen and her children. When Taurig disappeared, it was as if she had lost sense of everything going on around her. In her mind's eye, their children were still young, eager to see the "world" (meaning the island) and ready to learn from their parents. Alas, only Maija was there when they asked questions about anything in general. It broke the woman's heart that their father wasn't there to help with answering their curious minds, but what could she do? All she did was hide the pain that fell from her cracking heart and do her best raising them.
Now that Taurig had returned, it felt like he had missed so much. Time had sped up and Maija was lost in a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts. She had doubts that Taurig wouldn't return, much as her mind, body and soul tried to fight the possibility. His reappearance made her happy and relieved, but she was still at a loss for words whenever she looked at him. Nothing could be said to soothe her raging thoughts, for she still held the mixed emotions within her core. Those reasons were the cause of her need to speak with him.
She didn't feel like she would be good company for their babies. Maija had let him spend time with the children, for they needed his nurturing more than she did. Self sacrifice was something she had learned after having them, and that was what she chose that evening. They had curled around him and were possibly sleeping in his massive shadow. Maija didn't feel compelled to do the same. Instead, she walked the length of the island, hoping to have her thoughts trampled by her golden paws.
When she reached the other side of the island -- the beach that looked out to the massive ocean -- she reclined to her haunches. A silent sigh escaped her as her leaf-green gaze watched the water. Her thoughts still ran and she closed her eyes to rid her mind of the tornado-like effects they had. What would she say to him, should he approach her? Her tail loosely wrapped itself around her legs as a warm breeze blew around her fit frame. What a world...

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5 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 01:36 AM by Taurig.)

He had never thought he would miss anyone as much as he had missed Maija and the children. It had literally almost killed him to be away from them. Perhaps the next time an illness came along he would try to get his wife to help him, though he wasn't sure if he would want to risk her well-being. Now was not the time to be worrying about the kind of stuff. He had returned to his family and that was the important thing. The children had quite literally latched on to their father and hadn't let the cobalt titan of their sight since his arrival. They had begged him to play and romp on the beach and being unable to deny them anything, Taurig had complied without a second thought. They had played until they'd gotten bored and then the children had taken him around to show him all the new things that they had learned during his absence. Needless to say, by the end of the evening, the pups were all tuckered out. He would've tucked them into the den by themselves, but they had been adamant about sleeping with him so he had curled up in the middle of his puppy circle, each child making sure to have one part or another of their body touching his. It was quite touching to see how much his children had missed him, but at the same it was heartbreaking to know that he had missed part of their lives that he would never be able to get back.

Maija had left him to spend the day with the children, and although he did enjoy the quality time with his kids, the prevalent thought in his mind was her; his wife. It had been so long since he had felt her embrace, touched her golden body, felt her heat mingle with his own. Did she hate him for having left? It was clear that there was turmoil churning within her, he had felt her unease at the beach, but what exactly did that mean for them? Taurig tried to stay in the den with his children, but the lure of his wife was far too much for him to deny. He needed his golden treasure and he would be damned if he spent anymore time away from her. With care he would untangle himself from the puppy pile, taking care not to step on any paws or tails as he slowly made his way of the den, mindful as always of his massive skull so as to not bump it against the roof of the den. He would take a gulp of fresh air as he stood outside, the cooler temperature telling him that night had befallen the landscape. But Taurig didn't care much about the time of day, he just wanted his wife. With her scent tantalizing his nostrils, he would return to the beach, using that point as a reference to track her. He spent a good while moving along the edge of the island until he had gone a long ways from where he'd started, their scents extremely stale in this particular part; all except for one. Maija's.

As he moved along the beach, toes sinking into the cool sand, Maija's scent would become stronger, pulling the titan in her direction. He would make no effort to disguise his approach, though he would not make an effort to make it particularly noticeable either. He would simply pad up behind her, his muzzle skimming along her spine as he came to stand to her right side, burying his face in her neck. Nostrils would quiver with delight, her scent the most beautiful thing he had ever had the pleasure of experiencing. My golden I've missed you... He hoped that she would not reject his touch, but if she did he would understand.
It would hurt if she turned him away, but she had every right to. But until she did, he would simply stand beside her, enjoying the feel of her skin.

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04-29-2014, 01:49 AM

One of the many great things about being married is that you can sense where your significant other is. No matter where they are in the world, you have an inkling of where their coordinates match up. This applied to Maija, for she knew that the cobalt titan would try and find her after she disappeared. It didn't matter where she went on the island. Taurig would be sure to find her, regardless of if she cared to be found.
She felt his body weight send vibrations through the ground with each step. Her nose caught his scent when he was only half a mile away. Even without looking in his direction, she could tell exactly how he held his head and what was possibly going through its caverns. At the moment, she mentally scoffed at there being nothing but air in his brain cavity, but she didn't voice it. Her face remained smooth and she didn't move when she knew he was close. What she did was probably predictable, but she didn't care.
As his nose touched her body, she felt the usual spark of energy seep through her form from that one spot. He carried his face up and to her neck, where he nuzzled her and whispered sweet words only she could hear. Rather than be flattered and fall for the touch she had truly missed, Maija did the opposite. A low growl escaped through clenched teeth as she kept her gaze to the twinkling ocean. Both ears automatically flattened as if being pushed down and she let her Romanian tones indicate how she felt. "You should, considering how long you were gone." Without so much as another word, she rose from her place on the beach, padded a few steps towards her left, and plopped back in the sand. Loose grains rose and fell with her action, but she didn't care. The usual stony gaze she was well known for had a fire in them, and it wasn't like a warm fire, but more like dynamite,

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 01:58 AM

He had expected her take his affections with warmth, maybe even reciprocate them. He had also expected her to be somewhat upset with him, but not to the degree that she was. Tattered ears would flatten in surprise, his body body recoiling at her growl. Maija had never growled at him before. Ever. Even when they weren't exactly on close terms, she never once show any type of hostility towards him, so this was something Taurig was not expecting. He wasn't exactly sure how to react to it really. You should, considering how long you were gone. There was accusation in her voice and he was even more surprised to hear her stand up and pad away, the rush of cool ocean breeze indicating that she had separated herself from him, putting a good distance between them. The cobalt behemoth stood in his place for several moments, milky gaze glued in the direction that he had heard his wife walk off in. She had...walked away from him. And growled at him. He knew he'd hurt her, but to this severity? It had never been his intention...

He would stare after her for several more moments before a resigned sigh would slip past his inky jowls as he turned to face the ocean, dark limbs folding beneath him as he let himself collapse to the shore, his dark belly sinking into the cool sand. Scarred skull would come to rest upon his ebony paws, blind eyes staring emptily out towards the dark ocean. Tattered ears would remain flat against his skull, tail curled up against his hind limbs, unable to believe that his wife had really done that to him. He would say nothing to her in return, unable to formulate any type of response. The man was stunned into silence and rather than chase after his wife, since she clearly wanted nothing to do with him, he would lie there in quiet resignation, accepting his punishment. It wasn't like he didn't deserve it after all.




04-29-2014, 02:20 AM

Her eyes continued to look out to the ocean as she felt the spark slowly disintegrate. Once again, she kept her body to herself, away from the potential warmth and love that came from her husband's touch. It was heartbreaking to do, but another part of her was mentally saying, What else can do you when you're mad? There was plenty more she could do! However, that loving part of her kept her in restraint. Damn the goody feelings that ran through her heart for this man!
Maija's breathing went from slow and easy to ragged and fast. She felt the pent up anger slowly rising in her chest and spread throughout her frame. It was a sickness she had to get rid of, the fever causing her body to heat up as a result. Her body was trembling and her words mirrored her physical movements. "You left the island. You left without a word to anyone, with no indication if you were coming back...You left your family, specifically your children and me." Maija knew Sibelle and Falk could handle themselves, especially since they mysteriously disappeared shortly after Taurig.
She continued to tremble and another low growl touched the air in miniature vibrations. Maija felt like she was about to explode, and after so long, she did. "You didn't say a word! Didn't leave a marking, a note -- NOTHING!" Her cry was rich with her Romanian accent as her eyes flared in their bright green glow. "I looked for you. I tried to track you, but there was nothing to be found. I thought you were gone for reasons that should not even be thought of, Taurig." Her tones remained cold and angry, for that was all she had in her heart at the moment.
A part of her wanted to cry, but she held back the tears with a mental iron fist as she continued to pour out her heart. "You had me guessing my sanity. Your absence made it hard to live. If it hadn't been for our children, I would have been pushed to the edge a loooong time ago!" Tones still remained feverish with a chilly air. "I missed you, prayed that you would come back to me, to our family, and each day I was deprived of your presence." She then looked back to him and saw how he cowered to her anger. It shouldn't have been news to him that she would possibly react this way. Dragomir's disappearance had done the same thing to her, causing her to clam up without having the chance to be opened again.
She watched him, hoping to burn a small hole in the ground next to his massive left forearm. Finally, she blinked and felt a bit of decompression take hold. Her emotions were being brought back to a stable level and the demon decided to rest beneath their many blankets. She felt the icy grip on her heart slightly melt as she wrapped her tail around her haunches and closed her eyes. Maija had said everything that needed to be said. To show that she was slowly starting to forgive him, she lowered her head and gave a few soft, sad whimpers. No tears fell, but the loneliness that had taken hold of her was overcoming the anger she had recently housed.




5 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 02:57 AM

I hurt my wife. I left her and my children without a word and now she's going to hate me. And really hate me... Those words kept replaying in his mind over again and again as he tuned into the sound of the ocean waves. It was hard to hear what was going on with his wife over the sound of the waves, but he could only assume that it wasn't something good. And he was right. You left the island. You left without a word to anyone, with no indication if you were coming back...You left your family, specifically your children and me. The waves were crashing hard in front of him, nearly deafening, but there was no mistaking the anger that was laced through her voice. There was another growl that worked its way free of her jaws and Taurig felt himself cower, something that was very unlike the behemoth. His ears flattened that much more against his skull and his tail tightened around his hind limbs as he continued to listen to his wife let out everything that she had been holding in for who knows for how long.

You didn't say a word! Didn't leave a marking, a note -- NOTHING! I looked for you. I tried to track you, but there was nothing to be found. I thought you were gone for reasons that should not even be thought of, Taurig. You had me guessing my sanity. Your absence made it hard to live. If it hadn't been for our children, I would have been pushed to the edge a loooong time ago! I missed you, prayed that you would come back to me, to our family, and each day I was deprived of your presence. He had never heard his wife this mad before and he knew for a fact that he never wanted to have her this mad again, especially at him. He would lie there, looking every bit as pathetic as he felt, unable to turn to look at her. It wasn't like he would be able to see the expression on her face, but knowing that she was mad at him would be enough to dissuade him from turning in her general direction. She had turned him away and he didn't know how to take it. The one person who he loved more than anything in the world had rejected him for the first time ever in his life and it wasn't computing. It didn't make sense, well it did, but he didn't want it to make sense. This shouldn't have been happening. But he brought it upon himself.

Silent tears began to slip down his scarred cheeks and he hardly registered them, even as they fell onto his legs to melt into the sand. This was the lowest the dark behemoth had ever gotten and it was his own doing. He had causes his wife unimaginable strife and grief and he could do nothing but lie there and cry like the pathetic man that he was. What kind of husband was he for her? Clearly not the kind that she deserved...Whimpers would catch his attention, tattered ears twitching with attention. He would now turn towards Maija, tears continuing to stream from his milky eyes, his own pathetic whines escaping from his jaws. How would he ever make things right with her? Would she ever be able to completely forgive him?




04-29-2014, 03:09 AM

She knew that he felt bad for leaving everything behind. His explanation had been enough to cover his butt, but Maija was still not content with him. His disappearance without saying a word was what had bothered her the most. When you are left by yourself with five pups that need their dad, what can you do except carry on? Lord knows if she had just pouted and cried, nothing would have been done!
However, the situation was different and she knew that life would be able to return to normal. Her jigsaw puzzle piece was back and she needed him to keep the whole picture stable. Her anger was ebbing away, close to being gone, and she needed him now more than ever. Even as she sat in her own place on the beach, she wanted to reach out and touch him. As she remained seated, she felt him move and his eyes turned in her direction. It was what she needed.
Her gaze met his own blind, wet opts as she slowly raised her ears to perk in his direction. Her pink tongue licked the lips that were dry from her angry yells and the salty sea air combined. By that time, the anger was completely gone and she felt the familiar ache in her heart move to every fiber of her being. Yet, she couldn't move from her chosen spot on the beach. She needed him to come to her, to embrace her and let her know the world would not fall apart. "I need you, Taurig..." A soft whimper escaped and she eagerly tapped the ground with her front paws. "Without you, I am nothing and I cease to exist except for our children..." She softly whispered loud enough for him to hear her against the ocean. "I need you..."

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 03:31 AM

There had never been a time before in his life that he could remember where he wanted to disappear or have the earth swallow him up, but right in that moment he did. He had disappointed his wife and hurt her to top it all off. Right now he didn't deserve her forgiveness, he deserved her anger. He shouldn't be getting affection or words of tender love. She should've continued yelling at him until her voice became raw but it seemed that she had already exhausted all of the anger that she had pent up in her system. It was a lot less than he would've imagined but it still stung regardless. But now that she had gotten it all out of her system, did that mean that she was feeling better? He surely hoped so, he didn't want his wife to be mad at him forever.

I need you, Taurig...Without you, I am nothing and I cease to exist except for our children...I need you... She would whimper, her paws tapping against the sand, calling to the titan to come her side. She had rejected him...and now she was seeking the affection that he had so easily given her upon first finding her. Who was he to deny her after having done what he'd done to her? Without hesitation he would stand, the winds from the ocean drying the tears to his cheeks as he moved towards her through the sand, his skull held low, ears still tucked to his skull. He would approach her tentatively, muzzle held out as he inched closer, hoping that she would meet him half way. It seemed like she really wanted him this time, but would she turn him away again if he said something wrong? I need you just as much...




04-29-2014, 03:47 AM

The cobalt titan rose from his place on the beach and slowly approached her, caution evident in his movements. She didn't blame him for being that way, especially when she had given him the icy shoulder. Now that her anger was gone, she only wanted what she had needed for so long: Taurig's love and warmth. He got the message, for he wasn't afraid to be coming near her. She was thankful that he wasn't completely chicken.
He stopped about halfway and she didn't have to think about it at all. Her butt became unglued from the beach and she quickly filled the gap between them. Her nose found his cheek and she let loose with tender licks and nuzzles around his massive skull. She came to his left side, rubbing his cheek with her own before she lowered her face to his neck. She breathed in his scent, taking in his large frame and feeling the wind cease from blowing around her smaller body.
Maija didn't stop there. She pulled back and looked up to his blind stare, opaque in color. Her leaf green eyes shimmered as she slowly leaned in to lick his dried fur upon both cheeks. Then she rubbed his right cheek with her left, doing the same thing to his neck like she had done before. Love rose in her like a balloon and she felt it slowly stretch down to her paws. Her tail began to sway side to side, its elegant plumage catching the moonlight with each shake to the left. Maija couldn't help but show how eager she was to have him again, to touch him and know that he wasn't just a figment of her imagination...not anymore.
Slowly, she walked against his right side, gold fur brushing against his cobalt blue and black. Her tail lightly flicked his nose and a soft giggle escaped her lips. A nip of his tail was given before she walked up alongside his left. Her fur still brushed against his as her body weight leaned into the cobalt's massive frame. It was what she wanted, what she needed, now more than ever.
As she came up to his left, she let her head cradle itself into his nook between his head and shoulder. It didn't last long, for she nibbled her way up the side of his crown to his ear, where she tenderly licked it and whispered a sweet something into his tattered aud. "Face dragoste cu mine." The only words she could say without fully cussing what she meant. It had been so long since she had him to herself and she shouldn't have had to beg.

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5 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 04:08 AM

Much to his relief he would feel Maija stand to come and close the gap, her cold nose coming to touch his scarred cheek, her tongue lashing over his facade with tender licks and muzzles. Her body would find its way over to his left side as she buried her face in his neck, breathing him in. Taurig could've howled with joy. This was all that he'd needed, all that he'd wanted during his self-imposed isolation. And he finally had it. Sure he'd had to work for it a little bit and his ego was more than bruised because of it, but it was well worth it in the end. He would allow his massive frame to curl around her smaller golden one, shielding her from the oceanic winds just like old times. For that moment, everything felt normal again, almost if nothing had happened, as if he'd never left in the first place. If only.

But his wife wasn't done there. She would pull away from him and even though he couldn't see her, he could feel her emerald gaze on him, her tongue once again caressing his facade. She would begin to lather him with affections again and the titan would bask in it, unable to keep the stupid grin that overtook his ebony lips. He could feel a whole new feeling emanating from Maija and he loved because he knew exactly what it was; love. His golden treasure was back and oh how he had missed her. She would begin her rounds, pressing her body up against his right side, her tail flicking beneath his nose. Taurig would chuff, nipping at their air where her tail used to be, a gasp rushing past his jaws as he felt her teeth close around his tail. Feisty now was she? His grin would turn mischievous, all the happenings of the past few minutes forgotten, his body now beginning to respond to his wife's attentions.

She would come around to his left side, her head finding the crook between his shoulders and neck before her teeth were back it, nibbling their way up his skull until they reached his tattered ear, her kiss sending shivers down his spine as she whispered to him in her Romanian tongue. Face dragoste cu mine. He really had no idea what she said, but from what she'd just been doing, he had a pretty good ideas as to what it could mean and he was most definitely not going to deny her that. With pleasure. He would whisper huskily against her ear, dragging a gentle fang against the side of her face as he made his way down her neck, repeating the process she had just done to him on to her. This was the first time he had her to himself in a really long time and he wasn't about to let that opportunity slip away so easily.




04-29-2014, 04:19 AM

She intended on him to automatically take her for himself, but she was wrong. Surprise was evident in her face for just a second before she felt a mischievous grin appear on her lips. Maija didn't openly show emotions to anyone, but Taurig...Taurig was the only exception. By him taking control of the situation, she didn't feel helpless. In fact, the gold Romanian felt more secure than ever as her husband took his time with her.
Maija closed her eyes at his touch, allowing the sparks to fly with each part of her spine that was tenderly rubbed. When he got to the end of her haunches, she felt her hind paws push up, making her sacrum rise as a result to his intentions. Her tail lazily swayed behind her, avoiding his face so it wouldn't ruin the mood. Her paws dug into the sand expectantly, dragging up sand between her toes each time. She was usually vain about how she looked, but at that moment, it didn't matter.




5 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 12:25 AM

It felt like it had been years since he had been with his wife. And it very well could've been. The last time they had ever been intimate with each other had been when she'd gotten pregnant with their litter and the pups were almost a year now. That was far too long that the couple had gone without reaffirming the physical aspect of their relationship. It wasn't a huge part of their relationship, but it was still nice to know that they were both still attracted to each other. It was even better to know that his wife was still attracted to him now even though he was blind and was no longer able to give her children. It was a real confidence booster for the days where he wasn't feeling too hot.

Scarred nostrils would flare and he could taste his wife's arousal in the air, bringing about his own arousal in return. It was a bit strange to be in such a state after having been sick for so long, but his body settle into it naturally, as if they'd made love just the day before. He could feel her body moving against his, silently asking him to take her and he would, but he wanted to take his time. He wanted to make it up to her in the most intimate way possible and he needed to get reacquainted with her body now that his eyes couldn't enjoy it. He would skim his nose along her spine until he reached the base of her tail at which point he would nip her just as she had done to him, a smile curling his ebony lips. Her tail would sway away from his face and he would silently thank her for being so considerate as he moved down her haunches, nipping his way down until his nose found a particularly familiar fleshy part. He would chuckle, rumbling into her canal huskily. I love you my golden treasure... His tongue would be quick to follow his words, swiping against her sweet spot, hoping to make her squirm in ways he knew she hadn't in quite some time.




05-02-2014, 12:42 AM

Taurig took his time, enjoying every part of her that any caring husband would do for his wife. She felt so lucky to be his, lucky to have him in her life. He was her present and future, for the past was so dark, even she didn't want to step into the murky blackness. Thoughts of such times were pushed from her mind as she focused on the here and now, loving Taurig even more with each small movement and touch he made.
If she had been surprised before, what she felt next was difficult to compare. When she realized what he started doing, Maija let out a soft moan. She felt like she was gasping for air as her heartbeat rose in its steady pace. Her eyes widened at the same time before lazily closing due to pleasure that seeped from where Taurig had struck. "Taurig..." was all she could say, for her mind wasn't properly working due to his touch. Once she realized he confessed his love, she sighed happily and voiced, "I love you too, my cobalt titan." To prove how wrapped up she was in him, she gently pushed against him, tail lightly twitching at the tip. Her toes continued to curl and her muscles tensed and relaxed, sending signals through her frame and hopefully to the man she had taken as her own. It was all worth it and she knew that the more emotion she showed, the longer it would last in their memories until the next go round.

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5 Years
Extra large
05-14-2014, 01:40 PM

As much as he wanted to take his time and draw out this love-making session, it had been far too long since they had shared body heat and his body was begging to be molded with hers. I love you too my cobalt titan. Shivers that had nothing to do with what they were doing ran down his spine, causing the hairs along his spine to rise. It had been so long since he'd heard those words from his wife and hearing them now made his heart soar. How he'd missed hearing that...

A soft whimper would fall from ebony lips as the titan nipped her fleshy canal, unable to deny the urge any longer. Forelegs would reach around her hips as he rose onto his hind legs, hips coming to mold against her own as gold and cobalt meshed together, forming one single pelt. Crown would extend forward, tongue bathing Maija's ears in soft kisses. He would never leave her again...

ooc: lame post >.<




05-17-2014, 01:53 AM

The love they shared radiated from their location on the beach. Warmth spread through the sand and continued to stretch out as the two wolves showed their undying yearning for each other. After much heartache, depression, and doubt for so long, the outcome was well worth all of the trials. Maija never thought she would find another love, let alone one that was healthy for her soul. In making Taurig hers, she had found a man that would remain forever faithful, who didn't need a harem of women to be happy. Taurig only needed her, just one wolf, and that was what she had needed to feel secure.
Maija didn't fight the cobalt as he moved to physically claim her. She heard him whimper and a soft smile appeared on the usual stony face. Taurig didn't need to voice his love any more than he had to physically show it. Just knowing that he was going to properly take care of her from then on made it the most concrete thing in her life. She gave in, her world becoming more than just happiness and peacefulness.
After the session had ceased, Maija felt Taurig's weight leave her lower back. The crisp ocean breezes soothed her damp coat and the golden goddess slowly walked forward. She felt Taurig step up on her left side and she gave him a gentle nuzzle on his cheek. The two then stepped in the same stride as they started to walk down the lonely beach together. She leaned her head against his massive shoulder as they took their time admiring the sights and smells of their home for the past year. Maija felt a hint of sadness in her soul as she thought of how she would miss it. The time had finally come when she would have to ask Taurig of something very important.
"Taurig?" She said softly, still pondering how she was going to open the discussion of this topic. "Do you think...that is time for our children to see more of the world? They only know the island and everything that comes with it. Are we depriving them of a future where they can travel and see unknown places?"

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