
Put on your war paint


08-18-2022, 09:20 PM
These lands had so far been to the dames liking, perfect to pluck warriors from its ripe soils. The Phoenix had found few places she liked as much as her father's castle though, there were just certain homey touches in a place like that. There were warriors and generals always about and the walls lit with the glow of fires, it was something this land seemed to lack, or at least her travels hadn't brought those things to her as of yet.

Her companions were no longer with her, weak beings dead by the various trials and consequences of the lands she had passed, though she did have to admit some had their uses when she needed them. One such companion she had slew on her own, an old ball-less bastard her father had sent with her. She had warned him that he had worn out his welcome, that if he didn't hold his tongue he might lose it. Warnings he hadn't headed.

She smirked as she moved remembering the faces of those around as she ripped his throat from him. So many shocked, though one she remembered well, impressed and maybe smitten. Alaois of Foi he had told her when he was asked his name. The man was useful enough, a soldier and didn't question her or spit words of hate about her when he thought she wasn't listening.

Her paws touched the dark dirts as her eyes found themselves on a large dead looking tree. The sky had fallen dark and her wanderings had brought the would be conquerer to this dreary place. The sounds of the dark night were quiet and peaceful for now. She padded towards the tree deciding it a decent place to camp for the night. She set about pushing some leaves and sticks to pile in a spot a small distance from the tree. Close enough to warm her and provide light but far enough to cause no damage while she slept.

It didn't take much and she had a small fire and was laying in the crook of the tree root. The night was young but Calida was not a dumb woman, she knew better than to wander at night when she did not know the lay of these lands.


08-20-2022, 01:54 AM
The lands were… interesting to say the least. The man had only met one individual thus far from these lands but it had been a unique encounter. The other had drawn the attention of a bear and without any coaxing, the man had jumped into the fray without fear. No other predator was a reason to stand down on the path to glory. But now he needed to find Calida again. The woman had no other bodyguards or guides with her now, save for him, and he’d been picked up along the way. It was almost a shame the others have lived out their usefulness… but that was how things went, unfortunately. The man would not shed a tear for them.

He knew the woman was more than capable on her own, however. She was a leader, a fighter, the Phoenix of War itself. She didn’t need those followers, or technically, if he was being honest with himself, even him. But the fact that he was expendable to the woman meant that he had to work even hard to prove he was an asset to her. More than just some mere soldier and loyal follower. Unfortunately, for what his heart yearned for, loyalty would only get him so far. It was more than just simply pinning after a woman to lay; Divinities knew he could have laid with his fair share if he so chose. But Calida was not like the harlots and slaves he’d seen.

She was beautiful, strong, elegant, a perfect woman to be at the side of. He was not of noble birth by any means… but that didn’t mean that Alaois would give up his dreams and aspirations that easily. It just meant that the man had to work that much harder, and Celeste willing, he would win her favor. He knew he was not of the lightest path, but neither was Calida and was Nox, the Allfather, not god over destruction as well? Sometimes for creatures to thrive they needed that as well. It would be for the greater good of course, and in the god’s name.

He caught Calida’s scent in a forest of thick vegetation and vines. He had to navigate around with care, mindful not to get a foot carelessly caught in a root. The last thing he needed was to explain to his female companion that he’d been careless and gotten himself in a spot. No, he’d be of no use as a hunter or fighter then. Still, when opportunity struck, Alaois could not help but risk going after a hare in the area. It went down quickly, their neck snapped with ease, and the man continued on his path with the smell of food invading his nose and the taste of blood on his tongue. It was enticing but it was not for himself. He brought it as a gift for the princess he served.

He approached the woman without caring to disguise himself, nor hide that he was coming. In fact, he knew doing either wouldn’t work anyway. Calida seemed to have a sense for such things. His blue-green gaze glowed in the dimly lit area as he approached her, gingerly lowering his head to set the rabbit near her.

“A gift for you, Princess.” He tipped his head respectfully as rich tenor chords left his maw. He backed away after that, moving a respectable distance away before laying down on the grass close enough to the fire to share in its warmth. His gaze shifted back to her though, curiosity in his gaze as he spoke. “What are your thoughts on this land thus far? I’ve heard about it from my family friends. Boreas, they call it. Full of soft hearts, though a good deal of them are warriors as well. Could be useful to bolster your followers, if you so wish.” Alaois laid his head across his paws, set at an angle so he was facing the woman. Soft hearts… the term he used for the “good” and “lawful”. They were a bit pathetic, following such light… did they not realize there would be no light without shadow? That without war they could be no peace? Everything needed balance, an opposite to itself. Just like the Divinities of Foi.