
[CLOSED] hello mr saturday

[ taken! ]



Rapid Poster - SilverPride - Asexual
08-20-2022, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2022, 08:16 PM by Lackadaisy. Edited 1 time in total.)
just a healthy and respectful trigger warning due to the theme of the wanted plot please do not read further if agitated by emotional abuse

ok so

daisy really wants to explore a darker side. i have too much fluff and i FINALLY got my concept of a darker aligned character that works. be warned it won't be physical abuse. i do not do that unless it is agreed upon, and even then i don't like to play the char doing it. this will be very twisty, manipulative, and condescending. this will be emotional at the core, a control tactic and a refusal to see the "light" at the end. aka my dude does not feel bad doing his shit. but he also won't be blatant about it. he will seek to control a character for as long as possible, being the 'nice' guy.

meet Saturday. he's a sighthound (canine pass pending along with design!) and basically pretty asshole-y. what i have so far of his personality is he is controlling, egotistic, and has creepy vibes. like 'the type to collect dead animals and make an alter', 'hell, just dissects things for the sake of it', 'talks to nobody and claims to see spirits' etc. he's pretty tame compared to some characters around, but i digress.

Saturday appreciates "pretty things" aka pretty women. he collects them like aged wine bottles, and throws them at the wall when he is bored. i don't really WANT to type out an entire planned plot - because i hate them - but this is an interest check for one female character to be taken under his proverbial wing. a giant bat wing. she can be ditzy, she can be smart... the point is she is charmed. he pays attention to her. he flirts with her. he has an interest in her. for any real reason to be discussed.

right now, he's a new character feel. he's... cautious IC. he wants to see what he can get and doesn't give a shit if he fails a few times. he's charming and suave. he is a sociopath. he does not have the capacity to fall in love EASILY, but will fake it. maybe your girl is part of a pack, and he's curious. maybe he uses her for information. it could be discussed. basically, she's a fly in his web for a bit. maybe he gets bored of her and releases her. maybe he breaks up with her. maybe your lady wises up. who knows?

my plot points are;
1. saturday and your girl meet
2. she is charmed by him
3. he tries to collect her for himself
4. rushed relationship feels rushed (or can be prolonged IDC i prefer it actually)
5. things happen IC

anything can 'happen' barring rape and physical abuse. so why do it? i want to explore a more manipulative character and i want your character to come out stronger for it. if they end up together, that's fine. if not? also fine! messy break-ups for the win! if you want a chance to change someone for the better? also fine. i promise it won't be fast or easy though. i really just want the chance to be an asshole IC, and I am open to many different scenarios!

anyway. if you are into it, please contact me (discord!). i'll probably choose someone who will be respectful of the topics and mature about the situation.