
Why So Serious?


04-26-2014, 07:34 PM
So I am currently playing with Imonde.

Imonde has a sense of self-entitlement, which is often labeled by him speaking in the royal manner of 'we'. He often thinks people below him and he's a touch insane. His temperament can change on the drop of a dime, he generally doesn't care about anyone around him unless they are family. (Othello) He does -not- like being touched if the toucher is unrelated, warning: if you touch him, expect for him to try to take your face off. He's speech is broken up, and he's a general sadistic jerk, who can be judgmental. He only does things if it benefits him and his 'partner in crime.'

Yeah, he's not the loving/lovers type, I don't think he'll really ever be. But what can happen, if you have a female wolf just as crazy or crazier than him, they can become more of a Bonnie & Clyde pair, or any of the famous serial killing pairs, which could have a load potential of fun. After a period of time this could potential turn into something more.

He could use a few of these, I say a few because he has a nasty habit of losing his temper and trying to maim/kill people.

Yes, but being enemies would have to make sense. You either have to piss him off, he's kinda a hermit at times.

If anyone wants to give up their freedom by brawling with him, feel more than welcome. He already let Roman know that he wants to 'have his victims left to him' meaning that if he goes out his way to capture/imprison someone he wants full rights to torture/maim/rape/starve whoever it is.

If you need characters killed for one reason or another, he's your man.

he is not a PG friendly character, threads with him can go from very calm, to sudden fights or rape attempts. Please do not rp with him if any of this makes you uncomfortable.

Any takers?