
Coming Together (Tortuga Event)



8 Years
04-26-2014, 02:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 03:00 PM by Qanik.)


in defense of the innocent

Not long ago, before Roman had taken control of Tortuga, Qanik had tried to call the young members of the pack together to train them, but had failed to generate interest. Now her conversation with Misha had made it much more clear to her - Tortuga needed trained members, and the young needed to step forward to fill that role, which left it up to her to make sure they had what they needed to do so. She'd been thinking about it since then, and decided it was time. Time to do what her rank called on her to do.

So she had found her way to a large clear area near the lake, a clearing where ice had not taken hold and she was able to clear the light snowfall herself. Resting a moment after her exertions, Qanik glanced around at the pack's territory, a calm pride evident on her face. This, their home. This is what they would train to protect. Their home, but more importantly, themselves and each other.

Lifting her heavy muzzle, Qanik issued a deep call, summoning the members of Tortuga to the training field.

OOC: This is official, people. :) Unless specifically excused, all pack wolves are expected to attend or face Qanik's incredible disappointment. You have been warned! :D First round posts by May 1st, I will be starting second round posts then and if you haven't shown up by that time, post anyway and you'll just be showing up late.

Edited to add: Any wolves that don't show up face punishment from Roman as well.


cowardice is the only sin



04-26-2014, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 04:44 PM by Dayton.)

The lands of Tortuga were cold and layered with frost. Winter was quickly approaching. Dayton flinched a bit as the freshly fallen snow began to nip at his paws. His breaths stirred clouds of mist into the air, worrying him further. He hadn't expected the weather to turn this quickly - it was still only autumn. But here, in the northern regions, seasonal changes seemed to flutter about as they pleased. The russet boy felt a frown settle into his expression. He still needed to talk to Roman about getting a den for Misha. He would not allow her to be attacked by illness as his sister had been. Never in a million years would he let that happen. If his love died, all happiness would disappear.

The young male had shaken these thoughts from his head when a loud howl met his ears. The voice belonged to Qanik, and she was extremely close. Even her gentle call hurt his head a little. As soon as it began to die away, his frown was replaced by a smile and he jumped into an easy run. Of course, considering the proximity of her call, Dayton was the first to arrive. He grinned at the white female, remembering how she had been his first acquaintance here. "Hello, Miss Qanik. I trust everything is well? Are you keeping warm?" As if on cue, the boy felt a slight shiver ripple down his back. Misha was not the only small, fragile wolf in Tortuga. Perhaps Dayton was not built for these conditions either. His thoughts faltered, but he managed to keep the smile on his face as he approached the lady.

"For what have you called the others here today? Is everything alright? His tone was colored with a bit of concern as he said this - but surely nothing would be wrong. Tortuga was in fine shape. Wasn't it?




5 Years
04-26-2014, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 06:58 PM by Aldoro.)

It wasn't too long ago since the tall man had been accepted into Tortuga. And so far, he liked it. Well- the territories and such. He hasn't been assigned to patrol the borders or he guessed he was supposed to do it without permission? The man didn't know, and he didn't want to find out. He'd have to ask Qanik. But for now he'd follow pack events. Because he heard a howl from the familiar she-wolf, the one he met when he joined, he decided to go to her for whatever reason she wanted him there. Propelling around the trees, the man took the time to inhale the aroma of the forest and the smell of many wolves. But it was faint. Either way, he knew it was Tortuga he was in. And he knew he was going the correct way. The aroma of Qanik was getting stronger and stronger the closer he got.

Finally, the frozen lake appeared with two figures near it. One white as snow, and the other, a russet-brown and tan boy. He knew the white one was Qanik, but the other- he had absolutely no clue who he was. Aldoro skidded to a stop in the snow and nearly flipped over, but adjusted his balance and shook his crown fleetly. He sucked in a breath and neatly trotted over to the pair, before stopping before them and bowing his head to Qanik with respect. "Greetings, Qanik. And..." Aldoro lifted his head and turned to the russet man, a smile stretching the edges of his lips. "I don't think we've met yet?" This man looked kind and young. But all he knew in this pack was that it was small. But soon it would grow...he knew it.

Or, he hoped it would.



5 Years
04-26-2014, 09:42 PM
I got my red dress on tonight

dancin' in the dark in the pale moonlight

Misha Elaine Cae would work her way through the dampned snow that had been settling around the Kennocha Lake for a while now. She was trying to find some alone time, anything to get her mind off of Dayton. It seemed as if the gods were on her side, for Misha would twitch her ears towards the howl that had broken through the wintery silence. It was Qanik.. The fae would immediately answer to her call, running to Qanik at almost full speed. She was close, so she didn't have to be too quick.
Misha's reflexes would clash like thunder when she caught sight of her mate, Dayton. A low grumbling rumble rising from her throat would be cut short as the small woman would begin to notice the other wolves. Of course Qanik, and at that Misha would dip her head in a respectful bow, then she would stand up. Another wolf was there, one she had met not too long ago.. She had forgotten his name, but not his scent. Misha would smile at Qanik and the other male, turning her back to Dayton.

throw my hair up real big, beauty queen stylehigh heels off I'm feeling alive


04-27-2014, 12:50 PM

The man had just joined the ranks of the pack known as Tortuga, and coincidentally, a training session had been called as he was leaving the lakeside. A sharp howl would fill his ears, as a growing group of wolves approached the summoner. A white damsel stood in the center of the meeting, sapphire blue eyes showing in the blinding snow. Pillars would lead the summer child to the front of the audience, awaiting an answer to a question he would soon ask of the pearly woman. "You must be Qanik, the Legionary of Tortuga." The mocha boy would give a small nod of respect, his tail lowering between his legs to show no threat. "I am August, if that is asked of, and I have recently been accepted into this pack by your queen, Roman. I wish to attend this training session today, and I will do my best to be of worth." A smile would form on the man's inky lips as he would step back into the crowd, seemingly disappearing, his russet orange ears still perked to listen to what the white damsel would announce. He would sit down, shivers creeping up his spine, and his breath becoming frosty from the ever approaching winter. Ice shelves would collapse, but some still yet grew stronger, like the pack of Tortuga.



04-28-2014, 03:47 PM
Ritsuka was still greatly unsettled. He had been balancing his duties to the pack, doing border checks, stopping in to check on Gossamir, though mostly from afar, and checking on Blizzard... He was... Worried. If that male caught her scent again, saw that she was alive... Would he go after her again? Or would he stay where the Sotakiu family had settled, destroying everything that he and Blizzard had ever known or loved before coming to Alacritia? Anger and worry mingled within the young male... Duty and loyalty clashing with a different set of the same thing. Tortuga was his home now... These wolves his family... But... His birth family... What was becoming of them?

His father was already believed to be dead. His mother carrying the pups of that damned male who tried to take his sister?s life. He knew he had to get stronger... To protect everyone he loved and, perhaps, one day, make the journey back to his homeland to free his family if there was anything left. At the very least... Avenge his father?s murder. Emerald eyes shown with these conflicting emotions as he padded towards the lake.

He heard Qanik?s call, and the hope that some training exercise would be enough to distract his mind from it?s troubled state. He would lift his head as he approached, a gentle smile on his face as he looked to the older female. Sure the happiness was feigned at the moment... But these matters did not involve the other members of the pack... And he wanted to keep Blizzard involved as well. He wanted to protect her.

?A wonderful morning to you, Qanik.? The male said. To the others gathered he would give a warm nod of greeting. He knew two of them... And the others were strangers. ?Hello to you all as well.?




8 Years
05-02-2014, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2014, 10:58 AM by Qanik.)


in defense of the innocent

OOC: quick comment, but OMFG guys I'm sorry for how long this rambles on. XD

The first to appear was Dayton, and Qanik gave him a warm smile. He had certainly been eager to prove himself to the pack since he joined... first joining in on the pack hunt and now coming to this meeting. "Nothing is wrong," she assured him. "I will explain when we've all gathered, so that it's only said once."

They hadn't long to wait, since another wolf was already quickly approaching. Aldoro, one of the wolves she'd personally accepted into the pack. "Aldoro," she greeted. "This is Day, another of our wolves. Please, make yourselves comfortable while we wait."

The next to come, at a fast pace, was Misha. Qanik was glad to see her here, as it had been her shyness with the pack that had prompted Qanik to hold this training to begin with. But her strange behavior - greeting both Qanik and Aldoro with a smile but turning her back on Dayton - had Qanik frowning internally, one ear flicking back as she could not help but wonder what had happened. Had Misha not just informed her that she and Dayton were planning to have pups? Had the relationship really soured so quickly? That was too bad, particularly considering how doting the boy seemed towards her. Qanik would let it pass, not wanting to comment on it and embarrass either of the children, but she made a note to speak with them at some point in private. Their private issues could not be allowed to taint the pack's unity, and Misha's deliberate slight against Day did just that. "Misha," she greeted the girl simply, her voice cautiously reproving.

Another wolf's approach went nearly unnoticed in her distraction, a boy of warm hues that she had not met before, but he bore Tortugan scent and his scent was another she'd begun to notice around the territory - one of Roman's new recruits. He greeted her by name and went on to confirm that Roman had recently accepted him into the pack. Qanik nodded toward him. "Hello, August. I am indeed Qanik... welcome to the pack, and I would be glad for you to join us today."

Next would come Ritsuka. Qanik was happy to see that his enthusiasm for working toward bettering the pack had not waned in spite of the long period where they and Gossamir had been the only wolves willing to come together in pack fellowship. "Good morning to you, too, Ritsuka," she returned with feeling.

She waited, but it seemed Ritsuka would be the last wolf to come, and she wanted to get things moving. It was disappointing - she knew there were more wolves than this in the pack who hadn't come, some who truly needed the lessons... Gossamir was ill, she knew, and she hadn't expected the girl to come, but Blizzard and Melody were both absent, both in need of training. Aithusa and Elli, the other two wolves she'd accepted - though Elli was so recent that it was perhaps understandable that she had not come. There was also one other new scent that had tracked through the Tortuga territories belonging to a male she'd not yet met that was currently unaccounted for. Roman too was missing from the meeting but Qanik had not expected the alpha to attend. She was, Qanik knew, busy with many other things.

"We may as well start," she spoke finally. "I called you all here for a few reasons. Firstly, many of our members have little or no training for battle. I know some of you to be ill-suited for war or with no interest in it, but there may come a time when you need to defend yourself and having training may well mean the difference between life and death. That is, foremost, our goal for today - fight training. Additionally, this will act as a chance to get to know our packmates, to get comfortable with one another. Being a pack is meaningless if we are so scattered about we never see each other." She met Ritsuka's eyes as she said this - of all those gathered, he was the only one who would remember what it was like when they'd first joined and the only pack wolf they ever met was the alpha.

"That said, this will not be the only training meeting. I will split it into several, each focusing on a different subject, then another to bring all the lessons together. I hope you will continue to meet up outside of the group lessons, to practice what you learn and to keep your skills sharp. They will do you no good when you need them if you never use them." She gave them all a sharp look - she would not personally require them to spar on their own time, but it was important to her that they understand how significant it was. Her warm, low voice shifted to a more brisk, lecturing tone - teacher Qanik was in the house. "Today we will be focusing on defense, which will be the most important skill many of you will learn. All of these skills are important to win a fight, but proper defenses will lessen or prevent injuries altogether. To start I will demonstrate."

She began by squaring herself, paws a little past shoulder-and-hip width apart and equal to each other and her legs slightly bent. "You want your stance to be squared and sturdy, toes spread and flexing into the dirt, your knees slightly bent. This will give you more balance, makes you hard to knock over, and also gives you a base to immediately attack or defend from, rather than needing to adjust your footing. It is usually best to begin with your weight equally distributed over all four paws, though that will change as you move and you should redistribute your weight to allow you to balance despite any movements.

"You may choose to hold your tail level with your spine for balance or tucked to protect it and give some small protection to your underbelly - I prefer it level myself. Lower your head to be neutral with your spine as well, and angle your head slightly to protect your throat. Rolling your shoulders forward and pulling your head back a bit will bunch skin and fat and fur over your neck, which protects the back of your neck a bit. If you raise your hackles, that gives some added protection as it's a little more difficult to judge where to bite when the wolf looks bigger than it actually is." She continued to demonstrate as she spoke.

"Pinning your ears narrowing your eyes will give them some protection by making a smaller target - you'll also want to wrinkle your brow to bunch the skin there and give a bit more protection to the eyes. You can still hear with your ears in tatters, but eyes aren't as forgiving."

She glanced around, meeting their eyes in turn to be sure they were paying attention to all this. "Now one thing many wolves forget is that movement is defense. It can be used offensively as well, but not solely. Don't hold still waiting for them to hit you before you respond, but you can't just leap around unthinkingly. You need to think about what you're doing with your feet. For instance, don't do this..." she moved as though avoiding an attack, her feet scissoring beneath her as she did. "Crossing your paws compromises your balance. It puts you at risk and slows your reactions. If you must sidestep, do this instead." She repeated the action, this time placing her paws next to each other before immediately moving the matching one out. "And always, always account for your weight distribution and balance."

She relaxed from her fighting stance and glanced around once more. "If there are no questions, I would like you to each pair up to practice this. Concentrate on perfecting your defenses. Don't hold back too much on attacking, though - you will never learn how to make an effective defense if it's never been tested against an offense. We don't want anyone seriously injured though so be careful. We aren't looking for winners and losers, we're learning. So!" She mentally calculated. Judging by Misha's earlier behavior toward Day, it would be best to keep them separated... luckily they were all around the same size, Aldoro being the tallest by a couple inches at most. "Ritsuka, if you would spar with Misha please. Dayton, you will be with August, and Aldoro with me." Most likely out of all of them she was the only one with real consistent experience sparring taller opponents, so she would not be distracted by needing to adjust everything to account for even Aldoro's slight height advantage like her students could be. She wasn't sure of August's skill level so she hesitated to put him against Day, but she did trust Ritsuka to be able to adjust his skills to Misha's.

OOC: We *will* be doing all three spars at the same time in this thread, but there are only the three separate spars so that should cut down on the confusion. It is good practice for sieges which are much more confusing. This meeting I want everyone to focus on upping their defense scores so don't worry too much about your other scores (that said you do still need to not power-play and stuff, just don't stress about super complex attacks). We are going to get them judged so you can see your scores but it doesn't really matter who wins. Have fun!
Round 0 posts (pairing up to start the spars) are due by Wednesday May 7th and all spars should be short (preferably just two rounds). If people come in late, either they can pair up on their own or (if there's an odd number) wait to spar with someone else.


cowardice is the only sin


05-02-2014, 01:22 PM

"We'll be kings and queens in this dream,"

The summer child would nod respectfully as the pearly femme's aqua gaze would meet his briefly before she would move onto explaining the lesson. Defense indeed was important to winning a fight and wearing down foes. He would watch as the lady would demonstrate key defenses for fighting, and he would think of each defense in his head, attempting to define counters for some. Perhaps some tease moves like pretending to go at them from a direction, then sidestepping to a differing direction. However this spar would end, he heard his name being called, as his honey gaze would settle on a golden wolf named Dayton.

"It will be a pleasure sparring against you, good sir." Instantly as he would speak, defenses would settle into place: eyes narrowed, muzzle contorted, tail raised, feet planted, hackles raised, ears pinned, abdomen tucked, teeth bared. "You take first move, Day."







Quote:Eyes narrowed, muzzle contorted, tail raised, feet planted, hackles raised, ears pinned, abdomen tucked, teeth bared.



Walk, "Talk", 'Think'


05-02-2014, 04:16 PM
Qanik would return his greeting in kind, and the brute felt a surge of happiness at seeing her. She was a member of the pack he had a lot of trust in. They would wait a while longer... But no more would come. Ritsuka would glance around, frowning as he saw that Blizzard had not appeared. Where was she? A bit of worry would rise in his chest. A soft sigh would leave him, emerald orbs would shift back to their white furred beta.

As her gaze met his own he would give a silent nod. He remembered that all too well. The pack was growing... But there would be no point to it if they did not work together as a unit. Fighting training was also necessary... And Ritsuka agreed with that wholeheartedly. It was one thing to not care for battle... But should a war suddenly spark or something they would need to be ready. The skills were certainly something he planned to practice outside of these lessons. With Blizzard hopefully... And Gossamir too when she was feeling better.

Quitely Ritsuka would listen to Qanik as she demonstrated. Distributing weight, protecting the neck, tail positions... All such things he was familiar with. He wasn?t by any means an expert fighter... But his own father had started teaching him such defenses when he was young. Then they would be paired up, Ritsuka being surprised at being paired with the shy fae, Misha. He would give a quiet nod to Qanik and then move off to the side before looking to Misha.

?You are welcome to try the first attack if you want, Misha. Don?t worry... I?m not going to do anything serious towards you. As Qanik said this is all for practice.? That said Ritsuka would begin to set up defenses, hoping that the girl would be able to bring herself to do this.

Paws would spread apart, weight distributing evenly between them as he bent his knees slightly. His digits would spread as well, gripping the dirt beneath them as he prepared for the need to make a counter. He would lower his head, aligning it with the spin as he tipped his chin forward to give added protection to his neck. Shoulders rolled forward and he would scrunch his neck slightly, aiming to protect those areas some more. Hackles would instinctively raise as ears pinned and orbs narrowed. Finally, as a last defense he would tuck his tail, ready for what may come his way.


Rounds:: 0 / 2 {Sounds good I hope Misha? :3}

Attacks:: None. Set-up Round.

Defenses:: Weight Distributed / Widened stance {?Paws would spread apart?}, Bent Knees, Head aligned with spine, chin lowered, digits {toes} gripping the earth, Shoulders rolled forward, Neck scrunched, hackles raised, ears pinned, orbs {eyes} narrowed, and tail tucked.

Injuries:: None.

Notes:: ---



5 Years
05-03-2014, 10:05 AM

The small fae would turn her attention to Qanik as she distributed each pair on their own to spar, her blue grey eyes widening a bit. She could never fight, never hurt something. But, she will soon learn to because it was one of her main priorities to keep this pack; her family, safe. Her gaze would turn to Ritsuka and how he ready he would become, defenses rolling in. She knew very little about fighting, so she would remember her vital open and weak spots, and would cover them up first, then work her way from there, as best as she could. She would plant her paws onto the ground and digging her claws into the ground with balance. Her hackles would raise and her shoulders would roll forward, her head would lower and come to align with her spine and her ears would lower against her skull. Her tail would come align with her back as well and her eyes would narrow into small, blue grey slits. She was so not ready for this.. She would look at Ritsuka when she said rto make the first move, so she took a shakingly step forward, baring her white fangs a bit. "You first, please.."
Defense training :3
Round: 0/2
Defenses: Paws and claws planted into the ground for balance, shoulders rolled forward and hackles raised, tail and head aligned with spine, ears pinned against her skull and eyes narrowed.
Injuries: None
Attacks: None
Extra: Yesh Keno, two rounds is perfect :3



5 Years
05-03-2014, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2014, 06:06 PM by Aldoro.)

Many other wolves arrived, well, two or three, and they all greeted eachother kindly. How nice. He liked the seems of this pack already, and so far, since he's arrived, no thoughts of Six or his pups have crossed his mind. It was relieving, really. And he felt the need to walk up to a few of them and greet them as they did to their other fellow pack members. But, he decided to hold the chatter for later. Besides, he was listening to Qanik as she spoke of their names. Misha, August, Ritsuka...he registered their names and dug it deep into his mind for later. However, Qanik began to speak. He turned his big head to the pale woman and adjusted his ears forward so he could take in every word. And to his surprise, he found himself stumbling on her defense tips and instructions. Most he knew...a little. But some were a bit confusing. Although, instead of complaining, the man simply nodded after her long speech and smiled as she paired the gathered canines. He got to spar with the teacher, eh? Some thought of sparring with the trainer meant that he looked less-experienced. But he always thought it was a good opportunity to get ahead of the other trainees.

The man rested his eyes on Qanik's for a quick second, taking in the beauty of her sapphire eyes in the sunlight. Geez, that'd be hard to fight. He carried himself over to her and dipped his head fleetly. Lips would part to a few soft, friendly words, "Ladies first." A playful expression was fixed upon his face as he yielded before her, somewhat away from the others. And then, all the words that Qanik spoke of, spread out through his masculine frame. The man slowly moved his fours out and balanced his weight onto all four, bending his knees ever so slightly. Chin would lower slowly in order to shield his throat, while his ears flattened smoothly against his skull. He gripped the moist ground with his large claws and extended his toes neatly, as Qanik informed the students. Then his hackles rose, and he narrowed his eyes into her. Just as he was about to ready for her attack, he leveled his head with his shoulders and leveled his tail with his spine, balancing himself. Finally ready. Aldoro wrinkled his brows and prepared for his opponent. "Speech"



DEFENSE Weight distributed to all four paws for balance, head and tail leveled with spine, toes extended and digging into the undergrowth, ears laid back, eyes narrowed, brows scrunched, hackles raised.






8 Years
05-04-2014, 09:12 AM

Qanik waited long enough to see the younger wolves pairing off as she'd asked before turning to Aldoro. He had readied himself, carefully set his defenses as the lesson called for, and was waiting for her. Qanik was willing to oblige by making the first move - they were after all supposed to be testing his defenses. She shifted her feet, sliding them into the squared, slightly widened stance, her joints soft and slightly bent for ease of movement, weight held lightly and equally distributed to each of her four limbs with her toes splayed for balance. Her tail flagged behind her neutrally with her spine, head lowered to the same and pulled back slightly, tilting slightly toward her chest as she rolled her shoulders forward to scrunch the scruff over her neck. Pale hackles rose along her neck and back, the long guardhairs adding several inches to her actual size. Thick ears pinned back against her skull, eyes narrowing as her face contorted in a snarl, the skin of her brow wrinkling with it over her eyes.

Once her own defenses were set Qanik wasted no time waiting, slipping forward quickly but smoothly to seemingly circle around him, but before she would have gone further than where his right shoulder had been she pivoted on her forehand, bringing her hindquarters under her to push off powerfully in his direction. She ducked her head, bringing it around to her left to protect it and to potentially ward off attacks to her left side, readjusting her weight as she twisted to bring her right shoulder forward, aiming to hit with the sharp front part of the shoulder into the the joint between his leg and his ribs. At the same time her jaws opened wide to snap at his right foreleg, hoping to catch hold of the forearm portion and pull it toward her to disrupt his balance further.


Fight Stats

Round: 1/2

Defenses: initial: square widened stance, joints slightly bent and loose, weight evenly distributed, toes splayed, hackles raised, head and tail even with spine, head pulled back and shoulders rolled forward, head tilted slightly toward chest, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, brow wrinkled

During attack: weight readjusted to account for twisted position, head to the side to guard against attacks

Attacks: aiming front of the right shoulder to his right shoulder between his foreleg and ribs, bite aimed toward forearm (between wrist and elbow) with the intention of gripping and pulling

Injuries: none, first round

Out Of Character Notes: Actually filled out the extra coding for once instead of just deleting it.... oooooooooo special. XD



05-07-2014, 12:06 PM

Dayton stayed attentive as Qanik began to speak. So they had all been gathered for a fighting lesson. He nodded quietly in agreement with her words, it was important for pack wolves to learn defense. He watched with genuine interest as the experienced female spoke, explaining stances and showing the proper way to avoid an attack. The russet boy smiled eagerly as she paired them off, announcing that he would be sparring with the male called August. He turned and gave the other brute a small nod in greeting. They would start immediately.

The smaller boy took care to meet every expectation in his defense. His size difference would make attacking a bit difficult, but as long as he could find August's weaknesses and expose them, he would be successful enough. He still desired to prove himself to the leaders of Tortuga.

So he spread his legs the way Qanik had shown them, splaying his toes into the soil. He rolled his shoulders and tucked his chin, protecting his scruff and the vulnerable part of his neck. Then he pinned his ears, narrowed his eyes, leveled his tail, and tightened each muscle. But as he heard his opponent speak, it would seem that he would attack first. "As you wish, good sir," he replied with a grin that soon transformed into the baring of fangs.

He leapt forward in the small pace, keeping his defenses aligned. Balance even in motion, as their teacher had said. As the distance between them disappeared, Dayton attempted to ram his right shoulder into the area directly behind August's left shoulder. If the smaller boy succeeded, his opponent would be caught off guard, his balance slightly compromised. Dayton would take this opportunity to tuck his head even lower and then bring it sharply up, knocking his (Dayton's) skull into August's upper throat. This would cause the breath to be knocked out of his sparring partner. Dayton planned to hinder August before making any real attacks.


Round 1/2

Legs spread, toes splayed, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail level with back, muscles tightened and braced.

Attacks: Leaping at August and ramming left shoulder into area behind opponent's right shoulder. Then a skull snapping upward to knock air from August's throat.

Injuries: N/A (FIRST ROUND)



05-08-2014, 06:27 PM

"We'll be kings and queens in this dream,"

The golden man would wish the summer child luck before he too set his defenses. The summer child's honey gaze would focus on the smaller boy's frame, looking at each of his defenses as he would set them, searching for any easily distinguishable flaws in it. When nothing would leap at him in the quick search, honey gaze would once again train itself upon the golden child, gaze hardening as eyes would become narrowed to slits. He would not be defeated by this smaller boy, but he would not beat him, either. Legs would spread outwards, digits spreading to grip the snowy ground, as his body would contort to protect his vitalities, scrunching his neck up, tucking his chin, raising his hackles, contorting his muzzle, raising his tail, tucking his abdomen.

The golden boy would lurch forth to assault him, and honey gaze would only look at him, watching carefully as he would thrust himself (Dayton) toward the summer child. Russet orange ears would pin as his legs would shuffle swiftly in a sidestepping motion, narrowly brushing the golden boy's charge, but his shoulder would still slam into his own and cause him to waver slightly, and he quickly would raise himself high to avoid the smaller male's snap toward his neck, to which he would reply to with bringing his head down to hopefully collide with the golden boy's and clamp his jaws onto his left shoulder, in attempt to cripple him so he would not be as successful in the attempts to outspeed him. He was smaller indeed, but the man, at thirty inches, was not all heavy, and was purely skin, bones, and muscle, from the days spent training with the Kalendaes.

AUGUST vs. Dayton
Round One of Two

Quote:Defenses: Legs spread outwards, digits spreading to grip the snowy ground, body contorted to protect his vitalities, scrunching neck up, tucking chin, raising hackles, contorting muzzle, raising tail, tucking abdomen.

Attacks: Bringing head down to hopefully collide with Dayton's, then attempting to bite at his left shoulder.

Injuries: Minor bruising to left shoulder, moderate bruising to lower jaw should his attack to slam his head down on Dayton's head succeed.

OOC: Hopefully my post wasn't too confusing, okay? PM me if it was, and I will explain some things more clearly if needed. ❤️


05-08-2014, 06:51 PM
Ritsuka would give a small nod as Misha passed the first move back to him. Honestly he hoped not to scare her with this spar... Or intimidate her. That was definitely not his goal in this at all. The male would spring forward, ears pressed flat to his skull and eyes narrowed into slits. Legs would carry him forward, head kept aligned with his spine, chin tipped downward slightly to protect his throat, and tail neatly tucked. Neck remained scrunched slightly, shoulders rolled to a more forward position as he propelled himself forward. Paws would land upon the earth, claws digging in to help send him forward. He would seem to head straight on before fainting to the right, Misha?s left, and spinning around hard so that he would come to face her shoulder.

Hackles raised, jaw unhinging as he prepared to strike. He honestly hoped that he wouldn?t scare her too badly with his attack, but he had faith that the young fae would be able to handle herself. Her potential would come out... He was sure of it. Legs would bend before Ritsuka made a lunge at the fae. He was a bit bigger, and using that as an advantage he would reach for her scruff for a small hold. The focus of the lesson was more on defenses rather than attacks... so the damage caused from the grip he aimed to get would be of the minor sort.

While he focused his jaws upon her scruff Ritsuka would swipe his his left front paw towards Misha?s left front ankle in an attempt to sweep the leg from under her. Should the swipe succeed Ritsuka would push forward, aiming to throw his weight into Misha?s side and try to barrel her over. If the swipe failed, he would plant his paws upon the ground, stance widened enough to evenly distribute his weight, and push in a backward motion, attempting to maneuver backwards and drag the fae with him as another attempt at off balancing her.




-Going for a minor / small hold on Misha?s scruff from the left side.
-Swiping his paw to Misha?s ankle to hopefully offset her balance.

{Scenario One. Successful paw swipe. Grip on scruff can be successful or not.}
-Pushes forward, aiming to use his weight and larger size to to knock Misha off her paws.

{Scenario Two. Failed paw swipe. Grip successful.}
-Ritsuka will push onto the ground in a backward motion, aiming to pull Misha with him as he moves back.

Definite:: Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, head aligned with spine, chin lowered / tipped forward, hackles raised, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, jaw unhinged.


{Scenario Two. Failed paw swipe. Grip successful.}
-Paws planted with weight evenly distributed.

Injuries:: None. First Round.

Notes:: Hope that the ?projected? things don?t confuse you. Basically those are just how Ritsuka will respond depending on what attack(s) land on Misha. ^^ Hope it helps keep the fight flowing smoothly.



05-09-2014, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2014, 06:55 PM by Dayton.)

Even in battle, the smaller boy was taking a liking to August. It was clear that he wasn't brutal in his tactics, for if he had been Dayton could have very well been thrown to the ground. He completed his leap and felt their shoulders scrape together, only to realize that his swinging skull had missed its mark. August had avoided it nicely, moving his own head up and away only to bring it crashing down on Dayton's.

The russet male whined briefly, seeing small patches of light, before retreating a few feet. He was careful not to cross his limbs over themselves. Even in the heat of a spar he wanted to remember the things Qanik had taught them. Dayton then heard the close sound of snapping jaws and realized that his opponent had gone in for a bite. Luckily it had missed. Now for his next move.

With action all around them, Dayton quickly tightened the muscles in his back and abdomen and squared his balance once more. He rolled his shoulders and gathered his brows once more, not wanting to be the victim of that vicious bite. He tucked his chin and bared his fangs before digging his extended claws into the snowy ground and rocketing forward once more. He had some very slight bruising on his left shoulder, but nothing that would bring down his speed. And this was fortunate, of course, because the smaller boy could use his speed to his advantage. For his next attack, he planned to dart forward, approaching August on his right once more. Then he quickly turned about and jumped to his other side, hopefully throwing him off. If his movement tracking was set off, he would have time to stand on his hind legs and press all of his weight onto the weak part of August's back. If successful, his opponent would collapse, allowing Dayton to pin the other male with his parted jaws against his throat. If not successful, he would cause bruising to his ribs either way. This fight would soon be over. It was only a quick spar, after all. The russet male had done what he could.


Round 2/2

Legs spread, tightened muscles in back and abdomen, tucked chin, bared fangs, extended claws, gathered scruff and brow, rolled shoulders.

Attacks: Faking August out on his right side before running to his left side and rearing up. Front legs will come down, pressing all of Dayton's weight into the vulnerable part of August's lower back. If this causes opponent to collapse, Dayton will trap the other male's throat with his teeth.

Injuries: Slight bruising to left shoulder, minor bruising to top of skull that may cause aching and dizziness.


05-09-2014, 07:56 PM

"We'll be kings and queens in this dream,"

As a whine would come from the golden boy, the summer child would loosen a bit, as he writhed from his grip and would set his defenses once more after the attack, a good strategy. During this short splinter of time, the man would also reset his defenses in preparation for the young boy's next attack. He would spread his legs, making sure to distribute his weight evenly and raising his tail for balance, spreading his digits for best grip upon the frosty ground. As the golden boy would begin to thrust himself toward the mocha hued man, his body tensed, tucking his chin, contorting his muzzle, raising his hackles, thrashing his tail, narrowing his eyes, creasing his brows, waiting for an attack that would never come.

He would tense up more as he craned his neck in time to see the golden body swerve past himself and honey gaze would watch him intently as he would rear, the man moving his body, but no quickly enough to avoid the swift attack, so the man's paws would land upon his shoulders. The mocha boy's crown would jerk forward as the golden boy's would as well, baring his teeth and snapping at the golden boy's throat as well, only the golden boy was swifter than he, latching onto his throat. Honey gaze would harden as his body would insinctually tense up again, Adreniline dismissing the pain, as he would move his crown slightly so it would hover over the golden boy's threatening to fall upon his head once more, and if he should release by instinct, the man would lurch forth and attempt to latch onto his right shoulder, to firmly bite him for a moment before the spar would be deemed over.

AUGUST vs. Dayton
Round Two of Two

Quote:Defenses: spread out legs, evenly distributed weight, raised tail for balance, spread out toes, body tensed, tucked chin, contorted muzzle, raised hackles, thrashing tail, narrowed eyes, creased brows.

Attacks: Faking slamming his head onto Dayton's, then if he should release, attempt to firmly bite his right shoulder, and then releasing for the end of the spar.

Injuries: Minor bruising to left shoulder, moderate bruising to lower jaw, moderate bruising to lower back.

OOC: One more Dayton post, and we are already done. ❤️❤️❤️



05-09-2014, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2014, 10:22 PM by Dayton.)

The two males continued to brawl. Dayton fought back a smile as his previous attack was mostly successful, pushing August mostly off balance while latching his (Dayton's) jaws to his throat. He now released, however, feeling the other wolf preparing to knock into his skull once more. Already the russet brute was feeling slightly dizzy from exertion coupled with his minor head injury, another slam would surely mean defeat. So he lifted his grip free and started to backpedal. His tail was just beginning to raise, hackles spiked, when he felt a slash of pain in his shoulder. The flesh hadn't torn yet, thanks to the gentleness in August's nature, but still there were teeth beginning to sink into his skin.

Dayton narrowed his eyes and contorted his muzzle, scrunching his eyebrows to provide the most protection to his face. Then he, too, went for a bite. His vitals protected, the smaller boy latched his jaws into flesh once more, this time into August's cheek and lower jaw. If he was successful again this time, Dayton would convince his opponent to let go of his shoulder and prevent any major wounds to either party. Then the spar would be over.

- - -

As adrenaline began to dim, the smaller boy would step away with a bow, even managing a smile. "Good fight, August. It was my pleasure to spar with you." Dayton then shook out his fur and cleaned himself off, watching the other spars now that theirs was over with. Hopefully he had displayed enough talent during their fight. But now he could rest.



Tightened muscles in back and abdomen, spiked hackles, balanced tail, narrowed eyes, contorted muzzle, pinched eyebrows.

Attacks: While trapped in August's grip, Dayton will attempt to latch one more bite onto his opponent, this time targeting his cheek and lower jaw. This will hopefully cause August to release Dayton from his grip, finally ending the spar.

Injuries: Bruising on shoulder, possibly broken skin if biting persists, slight bruising to left shoulder, minor bruising to top of skull that may cause aching and dizziness.



05-10-2014, 06:10 AM

"We'll be kings and queens in this dream,"

The summer child's plan to fake another blow to the golden boy's head had worked, and his movements were sleek and smooth, yet while he was latched onto his shoulder, the golden boy had writhed around to snap at his face, and he would release more out of it being the end of the spar. No major injuries were sustained by either side, but bruises and bites. Honey gaze then softened as the mocha hued boy relaxed, rolling back his shoulders and then lying down to clean himself off, beginning to lick at his shoulders, one of which was now bleeding, likely from the impact of his body on something.

"And to you, Dayton. I haven't had a nice relaxed brawl in a while. You were very good in defense, and I didn't want to injure you too badly, otherwise, I would have bitten much harder." A playful grin would spread on the man's inky lips as his crown would turn to the other ongoing spars, awaiting the results and his criticism from Qanik, so he could better himself for next time. Next time.

Walk, "Talk", 'Think'



5 Years
05-11-2014, 05:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2014, 05:07 PM by Aldoro.)

The man watched as she shuffled into position after he did, her stances seeming flawless in his eyes. He had seen her do a few things that he didn't do, and it made him wince with humiliation. But it was too late to change them now. The ghostly woman already began to propel her medium sized frame at him, her stare sending shivers up his legs. But the man quickly collected himself and focused on the happening. To his surprise, the woman slowed at his side instead of trying to ram at him. But immediately she bounced back and began her attack. It all happened so quickly. Her shoulder was brutally sent right in the sensitive spot between his foreleg and ribs, sending him backward in shock. But not far enough to wear he'd be out of reach. She twisted her head to an erect angle and clamped down onto the area between his wrist and elbow. He could feel the pain explode within him, and it gradually grew as she began to tug and pull him in toward her. Now was the time to do something. Aldoro splayed his toes further into the ground to keep his balance from becoming uneven. Then, he jerked forward with a fair amount of force.

His head would slowly crane down onto the girl's neck as she pulled his leg in, and within a fleet few seconds, his maw would split and aim to grasp the soft fur of her neck between his ivories. The boy tugged and yanked on the delicate skin, biting down harder every few seconds. He hoped this would be enough to cause the woman to release his leg. If she did, he'd lift the burning limb and wrap it around her lowered crown, distributing his weight to his upper body and aiming to lower her head even farther. Jaws would, while hopefully bringing her down, snap at her cheek and graze fur. But of course, this was all attempted.



DEFENSES Ears laid back against head, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled, chin lowered in order to protect neck, weight dangerously distributed to upper body, toes splayed into ground

ATTACKS Aiming to bite and yank at her neck as she bite his foreleg, causing her to release him. Then he would attempt to wrap that same leg she bit around her neck and bring her down, while snapping at her cheek and aiming to do as little as graze the fur on her cheek

INJURIES Major bruising in the area between foreleg and ribs, bruising in the forearm, torn skin and minor bleeding in the area between elbow and wrist