
of my own accord


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2022, 11:54 AM
Ysmir couldn’t shake the feeling that he had stagnated. A part of him had silently vowed to do better for the Hallows and to do better for Gwynevere. She was the ultimate prize, and as it was the young man did not believe that he could begin to call himself deserving of her. He wasn’t incredibly skilled, and the first priority was to protect her. Yes the young woman had her family, she had her alpha brother, but if Ysmir truly wanted to be her partner, her other half, he needed to be able to hold his own against all threats. She meant the world to him, and he hadn’t shown that yet. He hadn’t put enough effort into himself to be worthy of the Carpathian woman.

He needed ot do something different. The current path he followed would only lead to heartache and ruin, of his own doing. What if the pack was attacked? What if the pair of them were ambushed while outside of pack lands? Ysmir needed to be able to hold his own, to have a chance at defending his woman and her honor instead of sacrificing himself for no reason. He would absolutely give his life for Gwynevere, but if actually had a chance to defend her and keep his life Ysmir would always prefer such a method.

The young man hadn’t actually brought up his insecurities to Gwyn yet, he didn’t know what she would think but had to assume she would try to encourage him. She would tell him that his skill level was fine where it was, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. That wasn’t what he needed to hear though, so when she went to work that day so did he. Dark paws carried him outside of pack lands. He could count on one paw how much he had practiced with the shining new axe that adorned him. He hadn’t actually used it in battle yet. Another massive mistake.

When these decisions he made could mean the difference between life and death Ysmir would finally take up his responsibilities and do something about it. He was quite ashamed at his skill set so he set off alone to find someone or something to fight with. The deer trail that he was on didn’t seem to lead him to any strangers. Though a wolf would probably give him more experience he was also unfazed by the potential of finding another predator of differing species. His dual toned gaze continually scanned the horizon, or what he could see through the trees before him. The seasons were changing, but for now the weather was in his favor. It was an absolutely beautiful day. He wished he was back in the pack enjoying it with Gwyn, but this task was even more important.

He carried the engraved axe within his jaws, he was learning where it fit most comfortably between his teeth. He wondered what would be better use, throwing the massive object or actually trying to wield it as Artorias did with his sword. The Hallowed alpha had much more skill and practice with his weapon than Ysmir did. Once he got the hang of it he wondered if it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some training from Gwyn’s formidable sibling. His thoughts were on Artorias when movement finally caught his eye.

For a moment he wasn’t sure what he was looking at as the dark form waded through the foliage before him. Ysmir’s silver and blue eye did eventually focus on the creature that was stalking him. Unexpectedly the man came face to face with a black bear. Far heavier than himself, but much shorter, this would be the most unique opponent to take on by himself.

He reacted near immediately, lowering himself as his joints bent, his eyes narrowed and a deep growl erupted from his chest. The bear seemed just as taken aback but reacted in similar fashion. It was a young boar, cocky and sure of himself so he didn’t immediately back down from Ysmir’s presence.

The young viking was eager to prove himself, and even if fear raced through his breast. The determination within was much stronger. Ysmir stood his ground, and more than that he would take some from the bear. He stomped his massive paws, lifting his head in a threat as he puffed his chest and took a threatening step forward. The bear wasn’t so impressed though, and mirrored his movements. He lifted himself to his back legs and brought his weight down as he clicked his teeth together to ward the tall wolf off from him.

When neither would back down Ysmir took the initiative, and confidently swung his head and the axe between his teeth. He was a little jarred as he made contact with the beast’s head. Ysmir had been expecting his sharp weapon to cleave through skin and bone but he didn’t quite have the right angle. Instead of spilling blood he whalloped the bear upside the head. Which was just as effective, if not more, than slicing its head. The bear was obviously stunned, but had enough wits to begin its retreat. Ysmir would be victorious as the bear raced back off into the woods.
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.