



4 Years
04-26-2014, 02:18 PM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

The golden girl had no issues with traveling constantly for days on end to get away from the family she had come to loathe with all her heart. She hissed at herself as she continued forward with eyes wide. Her paws ached but she remembered her code and so she continued forth with pride and dignity. There was a certain weight in her step as pride filled her eyes. She could make it through the dark forest that seemed to lurk. It wasn't scary or anything, and she loved walking in the dark, it was just the fact that the roots of all the trees seemed to be trying to make her trip. She narrowed her eyes as she perused the forest with soft eyes.

Her fur was coated in mud as she walked against the moon and stars in the midnight hour. She wanted to find a pack but at the same time she was afraid to stop because of her family hunting her down. She assumed that most would sneer her name. She figured she would be called traitor or betrayer and no children would be named after poor Elli. Did she care? No, she had a code and the marriage she was being plunged into only interfered with her duty. That was the most important thing to her. Her duty.

All that mattered to her was that she was free to do her duty in order to protect her pack and do her duty. that was all that mattered. The multi-colored, mud-covered girl would not be taken down.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]


04-28-2014, 02:57 PM

"We'll be kings and queens in this dream,"

Winter was quickly approaching, even the wind would speak of it, whispering lies into the femme's audits. Blue-grey paws would skim the surface of a frozen empire below. Lilac pools would gaze at the objects beneath the scratched ice. All that she could see was mighty spires of branches protruding from a seemingly never-ending dark pit. Perhaps this would have been what had driven her family from their homelands, a looming monster of pure ice, grinding and peeling away at the world she had known for so long. Or was it not?

The answer would be of no importance to the pearly woman as she gave a melodic howl, seemingly reaching to the edges of all ice nearby. Perhaps any wolf would answer, or the whistling of wind would rise to counter this song to annoy her. The lady had given up her old life, and had gone under a new alias, Asteria. Asteria Ivori. She was desperate to forget her own betrayal, but she would soon find a femme who had faced the same dilemmas as she. Only time would tell, as the pearly woman would scent the smell of wolf, and gave a cry. "Ma'am, you may reveal, or you may conceal. The choice is yours, perhaps we can become friends."

Walk, "Talk", 'Think'