
Learn Of The World And Those Within


04-26-2014, 01:58 PM

It was another day to explore. This time it was the falls that drew the boy in. The water cascaded down in a powerful way, light shimmering on the water and reflecting beautiful color. The bi-colored eyes of the boy shown happily as he looked upon them. So very, very beautiful. But F?licien knew better than to approach the water. He had yet to learn how to swim... And the warning of how deep the water could get rang in his mind. So instead the boy took to playing on the bank.

A large bit of wood, soaked through by the water, had drifted onto the shore... A bit of wood that F?li was trying to drag further away from the water. He looked quite the sight, yanking and pulling it... And barely making any progress with it. Finally F?licien would sit down, a huff escaping him as he looked at his new found toy. It was too big to move like this... But he wanted to bring it back to the den! He was sure Sorrel and Cerise would enjoy it too.

?Hmm...? One ear would give a thoughtful flick. What to do?



05-01-2014, 11:39 AM

Silently he watched from a distance, hidden in the vegetation. Having moved to den in this area, the boy had gotten the hang of camouflage. Boy was crouched low to the ground, tail curled around his rear, body completely still except for the slightest movement of his chest rising and falling with his breathing. Ears were perked up and facing opposite directions, listening to any sounds out of ordinary around him while his aqua gaze was focused on the pup a couple yards away.

The pup had been trying to drag a piece of wood out of the pool of water, yanking and tugging on the object with all its might but with little to no progress. What was he trying to do with it? Was it special or was he just wanting something to mess with? All Australis knew was that this was where he lived since being abandoned by his parents then his sister, this was his spot, no one else was allowed, especially if they were trying to take things away from it.

Enough of this. Carefully he raised, making sure to not brush against the vegetation around him. Moving back and away, the boy would move into a space worn down by his constant presence, creating a sort of small game trail within the brush. That's how he moved around silently, almost a though he wasn't there, trails all over this area of Ludicael that he used for spying on others or hunting small animals.

Using one of these trails he made his way in a semi-circle towards the unknown pup. Tail held straight out, head leveled with his spine, pace steady yet silent. Within moments he was close enough, just a few feet away downwind. It was then that the child had sat down to catch its breath, having given up on the piece of wood.

?What are you doing?? He voiced finally, tone cold, distant, demanding in a way. A second later he would move out of his hiding place, head lifting and held high, tail lashing behind him. He easily towered over the younger wolf, not quite his full height yet, but most definitely two third the way there. Eyes narrowed on the child before him, ears turning to face forward.



05-02-2014, 04:08 PM

F?licien would look up, lowering his ears ears at the cold, distant, demanding voice of a pup who was older than himself. The bi-colored eyes of the boy would look around, gaze falling on the male he had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He wasn?t sure why... But this wolf clearly wasn?t happy with him. The other pup?s head was held high, tail lashing out behind him. His eyes were narrowed too... Giving him an intimating look. F?li took a step back, feeling water lick at his back left paw.

?I was just trying to take this back to the den so my brother and I could play with it... He doesn?t like exploring and stuff as much so I thought I?d find stuff to bring back to him.? An honest answer... But he wasn?t sure why this pup would be mad about something like that. F?licien frowned deeply. ?Is it yours...? If it is I?m sorry I didn?t know... There was no scents on it or anything...? His voice was apologetic, hoping that the other didn?t decide to randomly start smacking him around or something.



05-03-2014, 12:43 AM

Gaze remained narrowed, watching the boy, waiting for a reaction or movement. Looking him over, the pup was just a bit younger than himself, but one thing was bothering Australis... the boy's eyes. How could they be two different colors, was something wrong with him? Was that why he couldn't pull the stick out of the water?

The boy quickly spoke up upon Australis's appearance, explaining that he was trying to take the log back to his den so he could play with it with his brother. His brother didn't like exploring so he was looking for stuff to bring back. The whole time the pup spoke, he would keep a straight face, still as displeased as when he came out of his hiding place.

Then the boy went into asking if the log was his, apologizing that he didn't know and that there were no scents on it. For a brief moment Australis thought about claiming the log as his, to scare the pup off so he would leave his things alone, but he would do something else. The older boy took a step to the side, head turning away finally to glance over at the object still floating around in the water. ?I don't want it.? Short, simple. He glanced back at the pup, face still void of emotion. ?If he isn't there?? He questioned whether his brother would even be at the den. Who knew, maybe he would be gone like Australis's family, his sister.



05-04-2014, 12:08 PM

It seemed that, even with his apology and explaining, the expression on the older pup?s face didn?t change. He felt uncomfortable under that gaze... Almost as if the other was looking at him like he was some freak. Ears would remain lowered, uncertainty growing in his chest and the feeling that maybe he should leave getting stronger. For the moment however F?li stayed, waiting for an answer from the older brute. At any sign of aggression, however, he was likely just going to bolt and get he heck out of there.

The older brute would speak, saying he didn?t want the log. Did that mean this part of Lucidael was his area...? Maybe he was reading too far into the answer but... He would just give a little nod, still uncomfortable. The question that the other asked though... It shocked him. ?W-why wouldn?t he be? Sorrel?s always at the den... He hardly ever leaves unless it?s with mother and... She hasn?t been around lately...? Little did F?licien know the information he gave the other boy was something already understood. Losing a parent... And slowly the rest of the family would follow. But F?li didn?t think like that... Didn?t want to think like that.