
Build Me Up, Make Me Stronger

Stolas Fighting Seasonal


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
09-02-2022, 05:19 PM

The warm spring days have the young Seere feeling restless as a deep, unfathomable itch tickles the back of her brain. Since the girl’s fateful encounter with Azure, the young healer has come to realize that she needs to improve her knowledge in fighting. If a predator or, heaven forbid, another wolf that wanted to attack the downed wolf, the girl would have been lost in how to defend herself. She has been training to protect her family, and any patients that might need it but all her lessons have been in offensive forms.

That is why the girl leads her older brother into the white-barked trees that surround the shrine, mismatched eyes looking for a good area for the pair to spar in. Soon enough, a wide, flat area ringed with trees appears and Seere moves to trot into the middle of the clearing. Once there, she turns to her tall brother, tail wags gently as she gazes up at Stolas, happy to be spending time with her more reclusive sibling. She knows that he likes to study a lot and so she is grateful that he gave up his books to come out here with her.

With a wide smile, the small girl says, “Okay Stolas! Now, I have fought large predators and stuff but I have always been on the offensive when fighting them. Dad says to use my speed to my advantage but I also want to learn how I can to be more defensive. So, how about you attack me and I will try to defend myself? Is that okay?” Head tilts as she looks at him, curious if he has any ideas or suggestions to add before they begin.

WC: 285
Total WC: 285 / 1500

"Seere  Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
09-02-2022, 07:11 PM

Although he usually kept to himself as his introverted nature tended to be, Stolas was doing his best (only partially at his father's recommendation) to socialize and be more present with his family. It was not that Stolas did not love his family or anything—quite the contrary actually!—but that he found it easier to focus in on himself, losing himself in his studies of the stars and the celestial heavens and now beginning to dabble into the more occultish interests he had discovered. So when Seere came to ask him to help her with her fighting training, it was a knee-jerk reaction for Stolas to want to dismiss his small sister. "Seere, I'm very busy at the-" The yearling wolf caught his tongue, realizing he was doing it again. The brushing off of others, the deflecting and ignoring that he had to get better at. With a sigh, the tall, lanky lad closed his book and gave his monochrome sister a smile. "Actually, some training sounds lovely right now."

Stolas had followed Seere out into the alabaster trees of the birch forest that surrounded the Abraxas shrine he really wanted to start studying some more, letting his littler sibling choose the location for their sparring today. The dark-furred Abraxas-Destruction prince had donned his bracers and taken his dagger with him, not because he intended to use them on his sister, but because he needed to get used to fighting other wolves with them on. Moving with things attached to your body still felt strange. Once Seere had found a suitable arena in a clearing for them to use, Stolas stepped up and surveyed the land with keen graphite gray eyes. Seere, the bubble of joy and happiness that she always was, explained to him what she wanted to work on and how he could help her. Her mood was infectious, and with a small smile of his own, Stolas nodded. That would be easy enough!

"Very well, but I won't hold anything back, okay?" he warned her in advance. "Father wants me to get used to fighting with my new equipment, and the only way I can get better is if I give it my all. If I start getting too rough, just let me know." He did not suspect he would actually be able to hurt Seere in the course of their training spar, but there was also a good two foot difference in their heights. Shaking out his coat and stretching to limber up his muscles, Stolas took his rudimentary battle stance and waited for Seere to give him the go ahead. "Ready?" Once Seere told him to begin, Stolas wasted no time and launched himself at the smaller female, large paws thundering over the ground as he lunged for her, his head held low and aligned with his spine with jaws open aimed to snatch at Seere's neck. He would aim to use his greater height and weight to scoop her off her paws and tackle her to the ground, paying attention to the way he had to maneuver with his bracers on his legs.

WC: 518
Total: 803 / 1500

"Stolas Abraxas-Destruction"


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
09-02-2022, 07:37 PM

The small girl is excited and it isn’t just because she is eager to spar. More than that, the monochrome girl is happy to be out here… with her brother. The fact that Seere had managed to pull Stolas away from his studies had seemed like a small miracle but then he had gone and actually got his fighting gear. That must mean he really wants to fight! Short legs kick up high as she leads him to the clearing, stating what she wanted and smiling at him with unbridled joy. Mismatched eyes find his graphite gaze as Stolas speaks and she nods vigorously saying, “I wouldn’t accept anything else. Uh, if I get too rough, let me know.”

A wide grin is on her lips as she separates from him, moving back slightly and immediately squaring up him. He falls into a rudimentary stance and the girl readies herself. Seere lowers her center of gravity, legs spreading to be shoulder width apart and makes sure her knees bent. Eyes narrow to slits, ears pin back, her scruff bunches and hackles raise. Finally, her lips pull back, revealing her teeth. While Stolas may have size on his side, Seere has experience and all the dead predators she has fought have helped to hone her skills. They also helped her to become in tune with her body.

Head dips in acknowledgement, ready to take whatever Stolas has to throw at her and he does not hold back. Swiftly, he closes the distance with a thundering of his massive paws and, as he lunges for her, Seere shifts her weight. Throwing it down and toward his right side, the girl rolls under his attack snapping jaws. Using her momentum, the small girl makes it back to her paws and aims a solid whack at her brother’s head with one of her shorter legs. Back end shifts to square her back up to her brother, ready to duck and dodge as long as she needs to.

WC: 333
Total WC: 1136 / 1500

"Seere  Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
09-02-2022, 09:12 PM

Stolas did not have the fighting experience many of his other siblings had. It could have been called laziness or perhaps a lack of enthusiasm for the art of war. Whatever it was, it meant he was at a disadvantage against Seere, whether he realized it or not. He had not expected his initial attack to land. That would have ended the fight far too soon. Instead of making any contact with Seere, Stolas' jaws snapped down on nothing but air. Gray eyes blinked in surprise. Sure, his sister was small, but she was not that small! Glancing down, Stolas noted his sister was not there, and looking to his right side he saw her rolling back to her paws, completely unscathed. He gave a wry smirk to her and pivoted on his paws, facing off against Seere once more.

Stolas shifted his weight, then lunged for Seere once more. This time though, Stolas changed up his tactics. With his bracers protecting his forelegs, the lanky dire wolf boy was able to throw himself into a slide, aiming low to try and sweep Seere off her feet, or at the very least prevent her from trying to duck out of the way again. With his larger frame and longer legs, Seere would have a much harder time trying to avoid him when she would not be able to simply duck out of the way this time.

WC: 236
Total: 1372 / 1500

"Stolas Abraxas-Destruction"


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
09-02-2022, 09:34 PM

Ducking under the attack seems to have taken Stolas by surprise and Seere gives a small smirk as he squares up with her again. Her small body is set in a defense stance and she stays true to her word, waiting for her brother’s next attack. Switching it up, he slides at her, long forelegs blocking off any escape from underneath so, the small girl does the next best thing and jumps over him. Effortlessly, her small, monochrome leaps into the air, dodging mouth and legs alike as she jumps to the side once more. She may be small but the girl’s body is built like a dancer, with her short legs carrying all her muscles.

Nimbly, Seere’s paws touch the ground and she immediately dances away from her brother’s next attack. She does not attack, instead focusing on tiring Stolas and deflecting the blows that she cannot dodge. Their fight continues on, her taller brother trying to pin her down while the small girl slips away like diamond dust through his paws. She wears him down, her seemingly limitless energy never wavering as she dances with her brother. Finally, Stolas signals defeat and Seere relaxes her stance.

Tongue lolls out of her mouth as she pants, saying in between puffs, “Good job Stolas! Next time, I’ll attack you and you can defend. But what do you say we go grab some water and then, you can show me some of your studies?” Small monochrome form moves to her brother’s side as Seere beams a smile up at her brother. Since he was kind enough to help her with fighting, the girl thinks it is only fair for her to show interest in what he thinks is fascinating. Besides, she would spend more time with Stolas doing anything if it means she can just be with him.

WC: 307
Total WC: 1679 /1500

"Seere  Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.