
Last Taurgent Pup up for readoption


04-26-2014, 12:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 12:51 PM by Cherokee.)
Hey everybody! You remember my handsome blue boy Taurig, yes? He was the one that had all the drama with Isar and Tortuga, blah blah lol anyways, his second litter with Argent has gone rather in active. Two of the four pups have gone severely inactive and I'm not a very happy camper. I want all my Taurig children to be actively played and that's not happening at the moment.

So. Ya'll in for a special treat because one of the pups is back up for adoption. I am taking one of the pups, a female, for myself, so that leaves one more pup up for the taking. Since the previous player never played this pup, the adopter is more than welcome to completely remake this pup however they chose. All I need from you is this:

Age: 1 yr
Appearance: Taurig is a cobalt blue with dark black marks and argent is silver with dark markings too, but white and red can be included in the design since his mother was red.
Alignment: (should be pretty lawfully good, but a slightly darker side might be allowable if I see fit.)
Rp Sample:
Activity level: I need to know that you will be actively playing this pup because if I give it to you and it falls inactive AGAIN, I will take it back and readopt it out AGAIN. If you can't be posting with it at least 3 times a week, then please do not bother trying to audition for it. The Taurgent pups have become stale, so I need an active player to bring life to the litter again.

Keep in mind that this pup will still be in Glaciem, since that is where Argent took them to live last I knew of. They don't know their father at all, so there is that to consider. I don't think they'll be forced to stay in Glaciem since they're almost a year, but it's up to you whether they leave to find Taurig or stay or whatever else. Just lemme know ahead of time what you would like to do with the pup.

So there you have it folks, if you think you can handle it, go ahead and give it a shot. Ya'll have till next saturday to get your apps in before I decide to gets this pup :3 Have fun and good luck!