
T-t-t-t-t-tasty, tasty



09-10-2022, 05:41 PM

Ngurulivu had come down here to Algoma Praire once before though, last time, the woman hadn’t been able to do much in the way of hunting. A shame, really, when the Prarie seemed as though it was teeming with life. She remembered there was a very small and shallow creek running through the prairie where prey animals could quench their thirst and figured that would be a good place to start as far as finding some prey went. All creatures, big and small, needed water after all. So with Splatter taking to the air above her, the monochrome woman set off for the creek in hopes of finding some sizeable prey to take down. If worst came to worst she could always go after a hare or something… she just craved something a bit more sizeable.

Ruu was in luck, however, as she neared the creek. A small group of female pronghorn and their fawns were drinking currently, though Ngurulivu suspected that there might be even more babies hidden elsewhere rather than the couple that was present. They were fast creatures, but Ngurulivu could see her target even before Splatter winged down to inform her of it. An old doe who seemed to be struggling. The cause? A back leg that she was favoring, possibly broken once before but she was definitely limping. Ngurulivu licked her lips. Perfect, that one was going to be her target. She hunkered down on the grass, gauging how she wanted to come at the beast.

It’d be easier for sure if she had a paw but she wasn’t going to hold her breath that someone might be happening by.


Tracked and killed any medium prey animal (Pronghorn) - 1 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'



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Dream WeaverUnderachieverSmall FriesSocialiteDerby WinnerBy A Whisker
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How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! OverachieverCritical Fail!Ooh La LaEastern ExplorerExplorer
Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - Pansexual1KBeeventDouble Master
09-10-2022, 05:50 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence

Jynn made the journey in stages, checkign out the landscape as she went and debating the merits of each regions whether. One thing she quickly realized about southern summers were that they were quite hot. She'd dug a den for herself in order to set up camp in the prairie. She'd been to this land a number of times and she knew it was an excellent place to hunt. She set out looking primarily for rabbits and prairie dogs when she spied a woman cloaked in shades of gray. She was looking out toward a herd of pronghorn. Oh? Was she hunting? Jynn slunk forward, moving through the tall grasses before very gently clearing her throat. "Are you hunting? If you have need for a partner I'd help for the chance to fill my belly."


09-19-2022, 06:47 PM

Or perhaps someone would. Strangely enough, the sound of someone creeping through the grasses caught her attention and Ngurulivu turned her head towards the stranger that had arrived. A maned wolf, a female, had joined her, asking if she might be hunting, and offered her assistance if she would be able to fill her belly afterward. Ngurulivu gave a good-natured smile at this. “I am indeed. I would never ask someone to help without the chance to eat their fill and take a little with them too. There is plenty of meat on a prey animal, even if I do like to bring some back to my brother from time to time.” Not that she had to, but it gave Florian the occasional treat of a different beast to try.

“So let’s try this. I’m going to have you flank around her and try to chase her this way. Then, once you get her running I’ll come at her from the front and try going for the throat.” It made sense to her. She was a bit bigger overall, with more weight to throw around, and she didn’t want to risk the stranger; getting potentially trampled by a pronghorn probably wouldn’t be the best part of her day. Besides, if the other woman could slow the beast down at all that would make Ngurulivu’s job even easier.

“I’m Ngurulivu Ancora-Desresoiers, by the way. Call me Nuru, though. Shall we get started… uh…?” Hopefully the other woman would introduce herself.

"Talk, 'Think.'



Master Navigator (260)

Master Fighter (315)

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An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

8 Years

Dream WeaverUnderachieverSmall FriesSocialiteDerby WinnerBy A Whisker
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Festival OrganizerWordyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Block!Slow Poke
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How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! OverachieverCritical Fail!Ooh La LaEastern ExplorerExplorer
Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - Pansexual1KBeeventDouble Master
09-25-2022, 10:04 AM
Come down, come down sweet reverence

Jynn listened as the woman laid out a plan of attack and introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Nuru, I'm Jynn Tirana." She certainly had an interesting and almost noble sounding name though now was not the time to ponder where the other woman was from. It was time to get down to business. Jynn slipped away into the taller grasses of the prairie to try and flank the pronghorn. She was used to hunting in this type of environment. She was built for this even though her skills lay in hunting small mammals and birds.

Once she was on the side of the deer opposite of Nuru she tensed and then bounded forward, snapping at the deers legs. It immediately kicked back at her then took off running. Jynn raced forward, doing her best to match its incredible speed and used her agility to herd the creature toward the other wolf lying in wait.


10-08-2022, 02:05 AM

Jynn. The maned wolf’s name was not one that Ruu knew of off the top of her head, likely not one of the main families of Boreas or Auster, but she was kind, and to Nguruvilu, this was worth more than any namesake. Their plan was laid out with Nuru planning to take advantage of Jynn’s lighter frame and agility to help secure their meal. While Nguruvilu could make the effort to chase down a prey animal she was far more useful when it came to taking them down. She lacked the agility of leaner creatures but made up for it in brute strength. Besides, from what she could tell of Jynn at a glance, she seemed built for this sort of environment and hunting.

Her tail flicked thoughtfully back and forth as she kept her nose to the wind. The pronghorn would be moving soon. She could feel anticipation running through her as her ears flicked back slightly. Then she heard that shift, the shift of prey animals on the move, and she started to move as well. While Jynn could guide the pronghorn she did not want to rely solely on the other woman’s skills. Especially given how fast the creatures were she couldn’t afford to be still. She was careful to try and use the grasses to her advantage but Jynn definitely had the coloration here for them to actually be useful in concealing her.

Once the pronghorn was close enough Ruu burst from the grass and lunged for it. Unfortunately, her aim was off, partially due to miscalculating the speed of the animal they were hunting, and she grabbed onto the beast’s neck. Well, crap. Her hind legs hit the ground running as she threw her front legs around the pronghorn’s neck. She had to really work her hind legs even as the prey animal slowed down to avoid getting caught under it and trampled, but if they could slow it enough she could adjust her position to its throat. For now, blood from its neck flowed into her mouth as she bit in deep to secure a hold so she wouldn’t fall off.


Tracked and killed any medium prey animal (Pronghorn) - 2 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'



Master Navigator (260)

Master Fighter (315)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

8 Years

Dream WeaverUnderachieverSmall FriesSocialiteDerby WinnerBy A Whisker
StudentSamhain 2022HomebodyTeacherSnake EyesRapid Poster - Rainbow
Festival OrganizerWordyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Block!Slow Poke
WealthyRenowed ExplorerUnderground ExplorerIsland HopperBoreas ExplorerWestern Explorer
Northern ExplorerSouthern ExplorerGlobetrotterLegendaryAuster ExplorerScaredy Cat
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! OverachieverCritical Fail!Ooh La LaEastern ExplorerExplorer
Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - Pansexual1KBeeventDouble Master
10-20-2022, 08:35 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence

Jynn leapt over a fall log, wincing as the loose branches snagged her coat, each stride taking her closer and closer to the deer. Wait, no, not deer. Antelope. She'd spent so much time tracking deer and nibbling on scavenged kills in some ways the pronghorn were nothing more than a strange deer species. Putting on a burst of speed she placed herself between the target and its escape, effectively shifting their prey's course right to Nguruvilu. The woman leapt up and latched onto the pronghorns neck but it didn't fully fall. Worried her hunting companion would be seriously injured set a jolt through her system. Jynn raced forward and leapt for the pronghorns left back leg just as it tried to leap. Her fangs latched hold and the combination caused the creature to crash right into the earth.


10-28-2022, 11:04 PM

This was a predicament. Nguruvilu held on but each second that the pronghorn was able to run and keep going would be a problem for the monochrome woman… especially if she were to slip and get caught under those hooves. She could feel the pronghorn prepreparing to jump and, for a split second, debated about letting go. But Jynn was right there coming in with the save, latching onto the pronghorn’s back leg and the prey animal was sent spiraling to the earth. Nguruvilu was able to adjust just in time as it landed.

The monochrome woman released her initial hold then, swapping for a more devastating blow as she clamped down hard on the beast’s neck. Seconds later it was dead, blood flowing into Ruu’s mouth as she kept a hold of it for a few extra seconds as good measure. Then she released the pronghorn, looking at Jynn gratefully. “Thank you for the assistance.” She smiled. “Go ahead and choose where you’d like to take some meat from first. You deserve it after that save.”


Tracked and killed any medium prey animal (Pronghorn) - 3 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'