
Blue’s plot page


09-11-2022, 02:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2022, 03:36 PM by Bluetick. Edited 4 times in total.)
Actaea Praetor : Female : 6 years : Single : no band or pack
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She has been gone from ardent for quite a few years and a lot has happened to her. Badly wounded, ambushed and taken captive, turned into a breeding slave with several litters of stillborn pups (all to a tyrant wolf that was king of the pack that took her), ended up having one live son to that male, was sprung by a Norse pack at war with them who also nabbed her son as well, murdered her son, taken in by the Norse pack, healed up and had a fling with her rescuer and had a healthy litter of three pups. Lost two of those pups as another pack raided the Norse pack, then traveled for a while over water to get back here in tow with her daughter.

Actaea is heavily scarred up mostly from the king who made her his slave and she wants to find a pack or band stable enough that her daughter can continue to learn and grow, but she is having a hard time finding any shreds of what she was taken from. Currently has a thread up to reunite with Ignis, her brother, but I have already decided that I feel the pirate band would not be what Actaea is looking for and it’s nothing against them.

She will not join a pack or band that has slaves, because she knows how the slaves feel and will not partake in that. And I’m looking for wolves still around that were involved in her younger years here on Ardent. (Abaven members & Winterfell members, even extended family she may have only seen from a distance.

There also may be potential for adopting out the male who rescued her if I get more time to do and can keep up with things.

Skills: Healing & Intellect (looking to further those as well)

Ulula Praetor : Female :  year and a half : single : no band or pack
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Much like how her mother was as a child this girl is intelligent and has a need to keep her mind busy. She is up for learning new things, growing her skills, and is attached to her mother’s side. So far she is doing her own exploring while her mother is out and about. She’s young still so she still has some growing to do and I want a lot of interactions for her. She knows only a little about her Praetor bloodline and not enough to be biased towards anyone.

Skills: healing & intellect (looking to further those)

Arcticus Praetor : Male : 4 years : single : no pack or band
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Another returning character that has had very little interactions on ardent. Son of Acere and Heloise and has spent most of his life away he has missed out on some big things in his family. He was not abandoning his family, but paying off a debt to the kind nomads who saved him as a pup. He has also rescued another returning character that belongs to skelle and bringing her back with him. So he is pretty blank and I would love to get him thrown out there!

Skills: hunting & intellect

**Note to those who plot with me: right now I have a fair bit going on and most of what I can do is through my phone unless it’s on my morning off from work when I can actually get to a computer. So anyone who is willing and able to make the threads for our plots is a huge help, thank you!!