
Shard - Pack Creation (Valta)



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-03-2022, 03:53 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2022, 09:07 AM by Nyx. Edited 2 times in total.)
List your members and their intended rank.

Pack Name: Valta
Territory: Monument Rapids
Pack Color: 640000
Alpha Name: Kotori
Link to Alpha's Account:

Member Name & Rank: Aslatiel – Takoa
Link to Recruitment Thread:

Member Name & Rank: Indigo - Varma
Link to Recruitment Thread:

Member Name & Rank:  Vanille - Raita
Link to Recruitment Thread:

Member Name & Rank:  Arcturus  - Raita
Link to Recruitment Thread:

Member Name & Rank: Tove - Ratsu
Link to Recruitment Thread:

List what your intended ranks and laws will be.

Tier 1 Rank: Sumatar
Description: Pack Alpha

Tier 1 Rank: Yleva
Description: Alpha’s mate

Tier 2 Rank: Perija
Description: Heir – will be required to learn duties and responsibilities that come with being alpha.  Able to invite other wolves into pack lands.

Tier 2 Rank: Takoa
Description: Head instructor – Can train those who feel not getting enough training from their own teachers.  Also responsible to make sure individual teachers are doing their jobs.  If they are not doing their jobs sufficiently speak with the Sumatar for potential punishment or lowering of rank.  Able to invite other wolves onto pack land

Tier 2 Rank: Varma
Description: Councilor – Room for 2 councilors.  Offer up their own advice, suggest plans for the future, and point out concerns directly to the Sumatar.  Able to invite other wolves onto pack land

Tier 3 Rank: tuhota
Description: Noble Master Fighter – first to battle, knowledgeable in strategy, train lower ranks

Tier 3 Rank: Jousi  
Description: Noble master hunters – catch prey to kill, or capture for use in trials, teach

Tier 3 Rank: Kirurgi
Description: Noble master healers – must know skills both for healing and poisoning, teaching

Tier 3 Rank: Opas
Description: Noble Master Navigators  – message carriers and help find good locations for trials, teaching

Tier 3 Rank: taide
Description: Noble Master  crafters - help in trial creations, teaching

Tier 4 Rank: Ratsu
Description: Common blood Master fighter – first to battle, knowledgeable in strategy, train lower ranks

Tier 4 Rank: Nuoli
Description: Common blood Master hunter - catch prey to kill, or capture for use in trials, teach

Tier 4 Rank: laakari
Description: Common blood Master healer - must know skills both for healing and poisoning, teaching

Tier 4 Rank: Kasityo
Description: Common blood Master Crafters - help in trial creations, teaching

Tier 4 Rank: Kartta
Description: Common blood Master Navigators – scouts – message carriers and help find good locations for trials.  

Tier 5 Rank: Soturi
Description: Majority of fighters

Tier 5 Rank: Raita
Description: Majority of hunters

Tier 5 Rank: Kohtelu
Description: Maority of healers

Tier 5 Rank: Jalki
Description: Majorit of navigators

Tier 5 Rank: Ruuvi
Description: Majority of crafters

Tier 6 Rank: Veri
Description: Noble children – must reach advanced skills before 9 months of age

Tier 6 Rank: Lapsi
Description: children – must reach advanced skills before 1yr of age

Tier 7 Rank:  Orja
Description:  Pack slave  - ready to assist any pack wolf who calls for them

Tier 7 Rank:  Matala
Description:  Slave for one individual wolf

Tier 7 Rank:  Vanki
Description:  Prisoner  

1) Respect the leaders of the pack.  Respect any who bear the Fatalis or any of noble blood.  Noble blood is defined as leaders of packs that are close allies and their direct kin they acknowledge as blood.  The right to be labeled as nobility can be lost if the leaders fail to live to the expectations expected of nobility.  This is at the Surmata's discretion

2) You must speak with the Surmata of Valta to join or to leave the pack.  Permission is needed for both.

3) If you want children you have to speak with the Surmata.  Realize that Fatalis pups and others of noble blood have the highest priority.  If you ignore this rule and have kids then it is Surmata’s discretion on what happens to them, including death.

4) Anyone regardless of blood, who will not work or acts in an unbefitting way will be punished.  If they stay but do not correct their behavior they will be punished again and then thrown out.   The punishment will be worse if you are a Fatalis.  The privilege you gain by blood comes with responsibilities and consequences.  You will acknowledge that or lose the privilege.

5) When a child turns six months he is eligible to take the trials but it is suggested he wait at least one more season.  If the child has not taken the trials by a year's age he or she is required to do so at the next upcoming trial.  Failure to do so sets them to the lowest rank in the pack.  Miss the trial again and you must leave the pack.

6) Trespassers are to be captured on sight.  They will become slaves either for the pack in general or possibly for an individual who requests it.  If they want freedom they can try to prove they deserve it in two seasons.  Age doesn’t matter.

7) You are a representation of the pack.  If you give the pack a bad name you will be punished.  Valta is not a pack for cowards nor idiots.  If you bring trouble or a bad name to the pack you will be punished and either made a slave or thrown out.


Account Name: Kotori
Gems Intended to Pay: 500

complete - nyx
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