
Hermes Olympus

Hermes I


06-01-2014, 02:23 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2014, 02:29 PM by Hermes I.)
Is back up for adoption! I don't have the time to manage all these chars so this smexy boy is back up for a home.

Coat Edits: This is an unusual case for me, I've rarely put charries back up. As the design I used for Hermes is particularly close to me and will likely be reused at some point in the future I've tweaked Hermes coat a bit to avoid a perfect twin when I reuse my design. He's meant to be a slightly more russet hue (like his father) and the white patch on his belly has been removed. I figure his winter coat just came in a bit redder and when he sheds it'll stay that way. None of the changes should be enough to upset any ic interactions as he's only recently grown into an adult and hasn't been rp'd all that much. (if you get him sick with the disease it could be a curious side effect to idk)

user posted image

Profile: A new account will likely have to be created for him and this one deleted as luns is a derp and used an email with personal information as well as location info that she doesn't feel like sharing xD

Soooo yea! Post here with a new description, personality (i'd like to read it in your own words feel free to use snippets and to tweak it), and rp sample!

Muse can make the final decision on his adopter if she chooses! Thanks guys! <3

Oh and the minimum is the same as for creating chars. Don't give me anything stubby!


RP Sample:

His tables:

text text text text text


text text text text text


text text text text text.

talk, think


text text text text text.

talk, think




2 Years
06-01-2014, 04:03 PM


The boy is a large one, at 34 inches tall and weighing 90 pounds, although he is not as large as he could be. His tail is raised as high as it will go, towering over him like a scorpion's tail. His head is raised as well, showing his dominance over these mortal wolves. A snug smile is stretched across his handsome face, his eyes narrowed just slightly as if he were showing his dominance even more. Hermes walks with his paws carrying him silently across anything, from grass to snow. A slight rip in his left ear in the only wound Hermes has. But his pelt and eyes take the attention off of his scar.

The base color of Hermes was a white shade, speckled with gray. Now the white has a slight reddish hue, like the color of Helio's fur, only the gray is still there, mixed with rust red. These colors are interrupted by a mask of ebony, covering his eyes and snout. Both of his ears are this same color, and makes the tricolor boy just seem so much more interesting. There is a slight reddish hint on the ebony, too, making it appear a little lighter. All four of the boy's paws have black, stretching up just to where his elbows would be. Hermes' tail, which is long and bushy, has the ebony marking just on the tip, like a giant paintbrush. These colors make his eyes look so much more beautiful.

The boy's eyes are ruby red, gleaming like blood in the mask covering his face. These colors are beautiful, and it makes him look a lot more handsome.


Hermes looks up to his mother and loves her, admiring how she fights with all her senses, and wants to fight like her someday soon. He admires how strong and smart she is, how determined she is to take care of these mortal wolves if they ever try to cause trouble. He does not like the Ludicael pack as much, or the Destruction family, because of what one did to Virgil, but he knows not to cause trouble between the two packs. As for his brother, Apollo, Hermes looks up to him, but in a different way, as Apollo is four inches taller than he is, and wants to prove that Apollo should be looking up to him. Hermes is always trying to get a competition out of his brother, and always trying to win, even if it is something that he isn't good at. Hermes has not understood Apollo's thoughts on isolation, so he can sometimes be a little insensitive to him on this matter. Even though he is a little insensitive, Hermes would never want to hurt his brother.

Hermes is curious, very curious and wants to learn about everything he can, including healing. Although the boy has a interest in herbs and healing, he will always be more of an athlete, not about to give up on fighting or hunting, even if that meant getting hurt. He knows the benefits of knowing herbs, so he can help injured wolves, but he does not like sitting down to sort them out, dangerous from ones that would help. Hermes hates sitting still, and is constantly walking or running, and he likes action more than words, because words include sitting down and becoming uncomfortable. Being confused or unsure of something will make Hermes irritable and snarkish, becoming a little fierce, like the ones in his family, and unwilling to let it go until he figures it out or decides on what he thinks is right. Hermes speaks his mind, but doesn't try to say it straight on, instead deciding on using sarcasm and wordplay to speak his mind. Although this makes things a little better, he can still hurt feelings, and unless it is his family, Hermes will take a moment to say sorry. He would never want to hurt any of his family, at all, even if they disagree sometimes.

Hermes has a good sense of humor and uses it quite a bit, although he will never quite get close to that wolf. He is clever and witty, and most wolves like him. Not many wolves intimidate him, and he will try and strike up a conversation with them. He is very difficult to get close to, even if he is outgoing. Even if he is always on the lookout for possible allies, intimacy does not come easily to him. It may someday, but not today.

RP Sample:

Black paws carried the boy across the cold ground, and he raised his head as he heard a soft howl, from a pup probably almost fully grown. Hermes began to run, panting as he breathed in the cool Winter air, his breath coming out in soft gasps before he reached the pup, who was already a little taller than him, almost being a year old. The ebony female's blue eyes narrowed before she spoke, her lips twitching in a snarl, like she was stronger and braver than him; Hermes felt a soft growl almost push its way out of his throat before he shook his head and left out a soft sigh. "I assume that this small little wolf is the one guarding the borders? Fair enough. My name is Hestia, Hestia Sovari, and if you do not want to be injured, I suggest you come with me. Now." The female still had a soft voice, like a pup's, but it was filled with power and a srange anger; at him, he supposed. But still, he would refuse. It wasn't like this child could hurt him, anyway.

"You know, Hestia, you can't just wander onto Olympus territory and demand that I be your prisoner. That isn't how packs work." No sooner than the words left his mouth Hestia was lunging, pinning him down easily, even though he was much stronger. The ebony female lowered her head, her lips touching his throat, and spread them in a snarl, her sharp teeth barely grazing Hermes, and she pulled her head away. Hermes would feel the trickles of blood sliding down either side of his neck, and struggled to get away from Hestia, sinking his fangs into her white right paw. The bigger, yet younger, wolf winced a little but didn't move her paw, and Hermes would feel the blood from her wound on her paw sink into his fur, and he whimpered softly. How could he have probably hurt her so bad, but not even make her whimper?

Hestia finally moved her bleeding paw away, leaving a splash of blood on the boy's fur, and Hermes struggled to get away. He had barely gotten up before Hestia was at his side, hipping at him, before pulling back her lips and sinking her fangs into his side. Hermes let a soft gasp escape his lips, and stumbled, blood soaking his fur and on Hestia's jaws, before the wolf growled something he couldn't really hear. "Well, we can't let the prisoner die before he gets back to my pack. Mother and sister wouldn't be proud of me then. But capturing a wolf alive......" She trailed off, and walked over to Hermes before sinking her fangs into his scruff and pulling him to his paws, a soft growl escaping her jaws.

Hermes struggled to rip himself from her jaws, and finally did, wincing as he felt fur be pulled from his scruff. He began to run, not as fast as he could, but Hestia didn't follow. Finally, he collapsed on the snowy ground in the camp, and let out a bark. "A wolf just attacked me, and she was going to make me her prisoner!" He managed to say, before blood loss made him drop his head, his ruby eyes closing.