
hey, soul sister


04-26-2014, 03:39 PM

The summer child missed the warmth of the sun upon his flanks. Russet orange ears were as relaxed as ever, as his multicolored paws would rest upon the warm and fine grained sand. The mainland of Alacritia was so beautiful in the light of the rising sun, the sun shining right on the island he was upon. Salty sea air stung at his nose, but the mocha boy only relished it, as his honey gaze settled upon the shimmering sea waters. He would wade, but he seemed to be expecting someone. A smell tickled him, causing the summer child to stay put, his crown lifting to inhale, past the saltiness of the sea.

'Summer children, when will they all be found, when will they be reunited? Tell me, mother...' The young man silently thought to himself as a memory flickered past his eyes.

The young boy's russet orange ears were pinned against his head playfully as his russet mother would groom his head, her rouge tongue scraping against rebelling hairs. He pushed against her playfully and laughed. "Mooommmm, let me go play with June and Jules! You didn't make them get groomed!" Summer would only give a simple chuckle and continued to groom the dusty boy, then her paws loosened as she nudged him off. The pup gratefully joined his siblings in horseplay, and gave a small roar before leaping into the tussle.

"Hmph, I miss those days."

Walk, "Talk",


04-26-2014, 07:19 PM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

She had been born in the summer to a wolf named Summer, and so it made sense that June had always been drawn to warmth. With autumn bringing a swift cooling to the world, she had wandered south, heading towards tropical beaches and warm sands that would remind her of what it had been like before. Before the world had torn itself in two, practically literally, and June had fallen by the wayside during the escape. Her siblings had abandoned her - and yet, she couldn't find it in her heart to blame them. It would have done them no good to stay by her side, and it was likely that only sheer luck had saved June from being swallowed by the cracks that had opened up in the earth. That same luck probably would not have been extended to Gus or Jules, had they chosen to stick around. And so June was almost glad that they had left her when she had fallen, for they might not have been as lucky as she.

Still, she missed them. With every breath, June missed her siblings. Her voice had practically rusted away with disuse, as she had said not a single word to any since her separation from her siblings. While she was far from the most talkative of wolves, this was a new record, even for her. The island, however, did not judge her. The birds chirped without comment on the little brown wolf below them; the water had nothing to say about the silent figure that sat, tail wrapped around her paws, just beyond the reach of the waves.

And she might have stayed that way for some time if the wind hadn't stirred, lifting up stale scents and carrying them towards June's nose. At first, it didn't seem real. There was a wolf, one who smelled like . . . Gus. She breathed his name almost reverently inside her head, springing forward before she had time to think. June raced towards her brother's side, slowing only when she could see the male. Her approach from there was silent and a little cautious, as she padded up to her brother. June cocked her head slightly, letting a soft little whuff to alert him to her presence. Would he be happy to see her? June knew he would, but some part of her was afraid that he would scorn her. Maybe he had left her on purpose. Maybe he didn't want her back.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae


04-26-2014, 08:10 PM

The water was lapping at his paws while he stood, his honey gaze stretching over the shimmering waters where his new homeland was found at. He had always been drawn to the allure of heat. How it crept along his dark pelt. The fur would hold all of the warmth it could, as it was short and soft. A short noise caught the summer child's attention as his head turned, russet orange ears alert. Honey gaze would settle onto a familiar damsel, his paws kicking up sand as he would trot toward her. She was the same as ever. 'June...'

His honey gaze looked down at her, a small smile forming on his face as he lowered his head, giving his sister a lick on the shoulder and putting his right paw over the brown lady, drawing her into an embrace. When he had had enough, he would step back and lyrics would form in the air. "June... I missed you so much. I thought no other cousin except for Feburary had survived the disaster. So much has happened, and I was not sure if any one of us survived... Not even myself."

Walk, "Talk",


04-27-2014, 08:36 AM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

His approach was swift, robbing June of any doubts. The brown wolfess' tail began wag enthusiastically, and she moved to swipe her tongue across his neck even as he licked her shoulder. A small, quick display of her affections, but then, she had never been one to force herself on others. And even with Gus speaking of how much he had missed her, June was still careful. Her tail wagged easily in the air behind her, showing her joy to any and all who watched. Gus knew her well enough that he would recognize her happiness without her parading it around as much as some might. And so June would content herself, for the moment, with wagging her tail joyously as she allowed Gus to speak.

August's words were comforting and familiar, and the female closed her eyes for a moment, letting his voice wash over her ears. "I . . . missed you too." Her voice, hesitant and soft, came out as more of a croak than anything else. It was clear that she had been silent for a long time. Too long, even for June's tastes, but that was over now, and the brown female was happier than she could begin to explain. "You're all right?" She was worried more about Gus than she was about February, which was perhaps selfish of her, but in that moment, June hardly cared. All that mattered was August.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae


04-27-2014, 10:48 AM

As the summer lady would gaze up at him, the mocha boy could only smile as she licked his shoulder, letting her lyrics wash over him like water. Each note was perfectly clear, and he opened his eyes before replying. "Yes, I am... Surprisingly. I was blinded for a couple days after the earthquake, due to the dust, but I managed to get out of danger before the blindness got to where I could not see at all." The mocha boy then scanned his elder sister for any odd unconformities about her. None seemed to jump at the boy's honey gaze, except that she seemed much more timid than she was before.

Hopefully, to reassure the brown damsel, he gave her a lick on the head then came closer and sat down next to her, his ringed tail quietly thumping on the sand, a small groove in it forming where he would be awaiting a reply from the wooden colored lady. "It's probably selfish of me to say this, but I don't care much about anybody else right now. Only you, because I have not seen you for nearly a year." The mocha boy smiled and licked his sister on the head once more, more out of playfulness this time. "Mind if we spar, like olden times?" He smiled, awaiting a reply.



04-27-2014, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 07:43 PM by June.)
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

Blinded? Horror washed over June and it took her a moment to rationalize that if he was talking to her now, he could clearly see just fine. But she had been scared for a moment, terrified in a way that she had never been about herself. Gus was just so good; he didn't deserve anything bad happening to him. No one did, really, but especially not her guardian. He was younger than her, something that June was endlessly aware of, and sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) she felt bad that he had been the one to step up to the plate and look after his siblings. But she was a mouse in the form of a wolf and as much as she'd hated herself for it, she'd let him do it.

His next words drew June from her shell and she smiled a lupine smile, head cocking slightly as she wagged her tail. "But we're together now." The female murmured softly, letting her voice echo in the air once more. It sounded unfamiliar to her now, rougher than it should have been, and it was strange to hear her voice now. It would take her a while to get used to talking again, and even then, June probably wouldn't talk as much as she had before. Then again, she'd never been much of a chatterbox. So it probably wouldn't matter.

The suggestion of a spar was a sudden one, but June was used to just rolling with it when her brothers were concerned. She allowed her body do the answering for her, not yet opening her maw. The female pinned her ears back, shifting her weight to be centered more evenly to hopefully make it more difficult to throw her off balance, and dug her claws into the earth to make her stance even more solid, her tail extending like a banner behind her. She moved to narrow her eyes, aiming to limit his access to her more vulnerable body parts. With that, June settled, gaze silently tracking her brother as she waited for him to make the first move.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae

round 0 / ???

defenses - weight centered, tail extended & claws dug into the ground to solidify balance; eyes slitted and ears pinned to protect them as much as possible
attacks - n/a
injuries - none yet!

ooc: so i've never actually sparred before so this may be terrible but that's okay because EXPERIENCE
also does 2 rounds sound okay to you? that way it could be pretty quick since i'm not sure how busy i'll be this week with tomorrow being my first day back at school

AAAAND edited because i'm a derp and forgot the closing tag on the table sorry!


04-28-2014, 05:04 PM

"Hope you're ready, I've gotten a lot better since last time." The summer child would give a playful grin before his defenses would settle into place: ears pinned, abdomen tucked, tail raised, paws grounded, weight balanced, eyes slitted, hackles raised, pupils focused. In a swift motion, the man would lurch forth with a rocking movement before sidestepping around his sister to the right then pushing hard with his hind legs to launch himself at her, hopefully to throw her off balance, as he would not aim to land upon her, then the mocha man would attempt to knock her to the earth with his weight and pin her, to attempt a bite on her ear as to not hurt her too much, before allowing the dame to make a move.


Round: 1/2

Attacks: Tease move, throwing weight toward June, knocking her over, pinning her, biting ear.

Defenses: 2nd Sentence

Injuries: None yet


04-28-2014, 07:49 PM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

June waited, body tense and ready as she watched him settle into his battle stance as well. They stood still for a moment and then August launched into action, starting forward and making June flinch away from him, recoiling from an attack that would not come. Her body was just enough off balance that when August came at her from the left (his right) and his body hit her left shoulder, June went down to the ground. She landed heavily on her right side, a soft 'oof' escaping her in her surprise. August's body was over her now, effectively trapping her beneath him and limiting her range of movement, but she tried to shield her vital organs as much as possible. Her hind paws pulled back to cover her stomach as much as she could (though she doubted he would aim for her stomach) and she narrowed her eyes to shield them from any dirt and dust that might be kicked up in the fray. June pinned both ears back almost as soon as she'd hit the earth, hoping that that would protect them from any attacks.

As August's fangs reached towards her ear, June launched her first attack. He bit down on her left ear - not the worst injury, all things considered, but the teeth tore through her flesh, leaving bite marks that began to bleed almost immediately. For a second, the sensation of blood trickling outwards perturbed June enough that she hesitated, remaining still beneath August's body for a second. But then the moment was over, and she forced herself to stretch her neck out and attempt to bite at August's lower right ankle. It was not intended to be a strong bite if it landed, though she aimed to break skin; June didn't want to cause any serious harm to the male, but hopefully it would be enough that he would move and let her onto her paws again.

Should August shift enough to allow her to do so, June intended to leap onto her paws immediately, though whether or not that would be possible remained up in the air.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae

round 1 / 2
defenses - currently pretty basic; hind paws are pulled in to protect her stomach a little, eyes are narrowed to shield them from dust/dirt/injury, and her ears are pinned
attacks - aiming to bite August's right ankle, which will hopefully get him to move a little
injuries - bite on her left ear, possible bruise on both shoulders (left from August hitting it, right from hitting the ground)


05-04-2014, 08:38 AM

As the femme would raise her crown swiftly to nip his ankle, the summer child would recoil in a rather playful way, as this was only a fun spar, as reeled back, allowing the dame to stand upward to stand. The man would set his defenses once more: eyes narrowed, brows creased, paws grounded, weight evenly distributed, neck scrunched, teeth bared, tail raised, abdomen tucked, mouth contorted, hackles raised. He had been trained in defense, and this fight he would use for practice. The man would stand still briefly, contemplating a light attack.

Once a movement would pass by the man, he sprung forth once more in a tease move, then sidestepped to the left this time, lowering his head to make a swift attempt to nip at her ankles then swerving past her body in attempt to avoid any retaliation from her. He would have minimal injuries in this fight, or so he would aim to.


Round: 2/2
Attacks: Tease Move, Nip at ankles
Defenses: 1st paragraph
Injuries: Moderate bite on ankle


05-13-2014, 01:37 PM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

Gus' swift recoil from June's aimed nip allowed the female to leap to her paws, licking her lips awkwardly at the taste of blood as she landed on her feet again. This movement allowed her to once more prepare herself for an attack on Gus' part - as he prepared his defenses, June too would get ready for his attacks. Her eyes narrowed once more, limiting her field of vision but protecting them from any attacks, and her tail extended to improve her balance as June settled her weight to be as centered as possible, and dug her paws into the soil. Her ears flicked back, pinning themselves back against her skull, protecting them from damage.

She had taken advantage of August's preparation to launch an attack to prepare her defenses, and it seemed that this had done her well. When August moved into action, June flinched away from his first 'attack,' recoiling backwards just enough that his nip at her ankles did not quite land properly. His teeth closed around the flesh of her right ankle (since he sidestepped to the left, which would be her right - hope i didn't read that way wrong), but did not break the skin, leaving her still slightly bleeding ear the most serious injury that she had sustained thus far.

As August attempted to move past her body, June aimed to nip lightly at his left cheek. Her attack was not aimed to land, but instead to be a warning. June figured drawing blood once in a spar was enough, and at any rate, she did not wish to harm her brother any more than she had to. As she drew back from the attempted warning bite, June let her tongue lol from her maw, a light laugh escaping her. She liked sparring! It was a strange thing for the timid creature to enjoy, but she did enjoy it. Especially with Gus.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae

round 2 / 2
defenses - ears & eyes narrowed for protection; tail extended, claws dug into the soil, & weight centered to preserve balance as well as possible
attacks - warning nip aimed towards August's cheek
injuries - bite on right ankle with potential bruising, bite on left ear that drew blood, potential bruising on both shoulders


05-13-2014, 04:31 PM

Once again, faking an assault had worked for the mocha man, allowing the attack to land, but his sister had recoiled, sending her back to accidently avoid his nip slightly, it landing on her right ankle. Either way, it would satisfy the man, whom did not want to bring harm to his kin. Honey gaze would playfully glint as the smaller femme would nip at his cheek, a smile spreading on his maw as he playfully shooed her away with his paw, pressing on her chest and pushing her off of him. He heard a laugh come from the timid femme's maw, a smile pressing his face, honey gaze softening with all of the love he could muster.

"I told you that it is fun to spar. Should've listened sooner." A hearty chuckle would rise from his chest as he would press against his sister, a small lick going over her ear, in attempt to clean up the wound. His rough tongue would scrape over fur, as the metallic taste of blood would fill his tongue, but he simply did not care.

Walk, "Talk",


05-15-2014, 11:26 AM
i used to think when you were gone

{i'd still hear voices in these halls}

June let her tongue fall from her maw, panting with a happy light in her gaze. "I'll trust you more next time." June murmured, tail waving easily in the air behind her. She pressed herself into his touch as he drew closer, closing her eyes for a moment to bask in the comforting swipe of his tongue over the slight wound on her ear. Nothing bad enough that he would have to worry, of course, but June wasn't going to complain about the attention. She liked feeling close to Gus. She had always been his shadow, and that was a role that June was comfortable in. Falling in behind Jules and Gus was natural to her. It was the way that things were supposed to be.

June moved to attempt to lick Gus' cheek, still pressed close against his comforting form. "I love you," The soft murmur escaped her before she could even think to bite it back. But it didn't matter, really. June had no issue with saying that she adored her brother. He was big, larger than life, and everything about him was something she adored. And now that he was back, things were going to be just fine, right? Of course. June assured herself of that with a simple wave of her tail; it was easy to believe in happy endings with Gus right there.

no, you're never really dead to mejune kalendae


05-20-2014, 02:56 PM

"I love you." Whenever his younger sister ever would say the phrase, it had a melodic ring, and would always cling to him, echoing for what seems to be an eternity. He felt his heartbeat now, and smiled, lowering his head to nuzzle his sister as well. He then would withdraw and stand up, smiling. "Well, I guess I will see you around..." His gaze would soften as he gave his sister one last lick of love before he would begin to pad off, his body rippling as he would take his leave.

-exit August unless stopped-

Walk, "Talk",