
How Fickle my Heart



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-26-2022, 09:28 PM

The ambiance of the falls was something she had grown accustomed to. She was nearly deaf to its roar, only vaguely aware of its influence as the humidity lingered from the droplets and mist that materialized upon impact. The song and dance of a nymph was a lifestyle she had settled into quite easily and embraced. It was easy to ignore the outside world while tucked away in the little utopia she had happened on. Each passing inhale was touched by the dream-like sickly sweet scent that resonated from the area- something she had never experienced before. And even better yet, the crystalline pool fed an astoundingly beautiful array of flowers and herbs. It reminded her of home- or at least what home had been. Though she would leave that pain to deal with at a different time. As a nervous tick, she hummed a few notes of a tune that brought her comfort.

In the spontaneous spark to find something to occupy herself with, Kiliaen’s citrine orbs fell on a single sprig of pale pink flowers tucked away in an outcropping of mossy rock overhanging the pool’s surface. However, it was just too far away for her to properly identify. She had her suspicions but found herself seeking a closer look. Like a moth to a flame, she slowly began to close the distance. The auburn fae didn’t even bat an eye as the chill soaked her skin while wading out to her knees. Where the herb had rooted, it was far easier to reach it by approaching from the water’s edge. As she gingerly worked her way closer, she was able to confirm her suspicions. Marshmallow. Excellent to use in the case of a superficial wound. How delightful. Kiliaen pressed her nose among the blooms once she reached its spot. With a deep inhale, she was meant with an easily distinguished earthy, spicy scent. Definitely Marshmallow. After getting her fill, she withdrew to inspect its quality. Fortunately, it was seemingly in pretty good shape. There were only a couple of spots of damage that was easily removed. Removing them would allow the plant to continue to thrive. And, the damaged parts could still be of use. She only hoped she could do the same for herself.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
09-27-2022, 09:22 PM
Balthier had been as settled as he could be inside The Hallows, but nothing would ever feel like home for him. Not without Azzurra. The easiest way to divert the memories and emotions that hurt him was to drink, but in the times he couldn't he filled with patrols or hunting for The Hallows. Anything to keep himself out of his head. He tried to be more responsible with his alcohol habit, at least try to make a good impression for his alpha and those that may have noticed around the pack. But that didn't really mean he was any better than when he had left Fenmyre.

Today he found himself more south of the pack. Partly in search of prey while they had been hard to come by in the unusually cold winter for Auster, but also it seemed to be where his paws wandered to get away. Always trying to get the escape even when everything could seem so perfect. He had a roof over his head, he had a job to do for the pack. That didn't fix any of the emotional damage as much as he may have wanted.

He caught the scent of someone nearby before he approached the falls and while he wasn't too interested in meeting anyone new his path still moved forward. He had learned to company of strangers was better than risking bad behavior inside the pack. He was more lonely than willing to admit. He could spot the fae before he came out of the tree lines into the small clearing of the falls. He didn't stop until he was just at the bank, watching her inside the water. In a way he was preying on her, but he wasn't so harsh. He was no bad apple at least.

He stood there silently for sometime as he watched her observe the plant she found despite the cold months brought to Auster. The water had to be cold, he thought it was a bit odd for her to take the swim just for a silly herb, or at least that seemed to be her intention. "Might catch frostbite if you're not careful." He spoke in a quiet tone, maybe expecting her to be flightly. His soft smile may have told her otherwise but he hadn't given up his presence until his voice hit the air.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-29-2022, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2022, 12:11 AM by Kiliaen. Edited 1 time in total.)
OOC | Full Disclosure. Hi. Newbie here. This is awkward ... I absolutely did not realize Auster seasons were opposite of Boreas seasons … so uhh … you’re going to have to forgive her winter flower, swimming, and her seemingly current interest in gardening ^^; Don’t mind me as I recon her into the appropriate setting lol.

The autumn fae had become so absorbed in her own musings, she had no idea that she was no longer alone. It wasn’t until a masculine voice manifested out of the roaring falls did she become more aware. Her heart skipped a beat, her expression an open book- as she gasped, her amber gaze flashed towards a gold-adorned shadowed figure at the water’s edge. However, at the realization of the seemingly friendly stranger, her sudden startlement began to recede. As it faded, a soft bought of laughter escaped her lips, and a gentle grin of her own spread across her features. More so at her own reaction than anything else. It took her a moment to recall just what he had said, but when it registered, she was quick to find her own voice. “You can’t live your life thinking of all the bad things that may or may not happen.” Kiliaen playfully insisted. But as he mentioned it, she was suddenly made conscious of the fact that her legs were indeed quite cold. With this recognition, she slowly made her way to join the gentleman at the bank.

Though, as she slowly made her way back out, and her own words echoed in her head, she felt the need to make an addendum. “Or, well …  I suppose you could, but where is the fun in that?” Judging by the larger brute’s harder-set countenance, she imagined he was no stranger to brooding. However, in an attempt to convince him that she wasn’t completely insane, she motioned back toward the waterfall itself. “Besides, it’s a little warmer in the caves behind the falls.” It wasn’t a perfect shelter. But it worked well in a pinch, and it wouldn’t be the first time she had stayed in the candy-coated cavern. “When I’m ready to thaw out, I’ll find a spot inside.” She lightheartedly assured him. From there, it was only a reflex to politely offer her gratitude. And she found herself quickly doing so before much thought could be put into it. “Thank you for your concern though …” It was then, her voice trailed off as she discovered her error. They had not been properly introduced yet. Her grin momentarily deepened as she went on to offer her own name instead. “I’m Kiliaen.”


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
10-01-2022, 09:11 PM
She gasped a little in surprise, he could expect it. He could play it off too. She made it easy in the way she reacted with a followed laughter. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." He still looked across the lake with a gentle and warm smile, at least most others found him friendly enough. There wasn't a soul that saw the bad parts of him aside from his sister.

His chin tilted just a little as he showed interest when she spoke. He could say he wasn't so worried about bad outcomes in the day or in his future but with the harsh life he had so far it would be hard for him to fully let go of such a silly antic. There were so many things that the stranger couldn't know about him, and of course the other way around. He just assumed he had more things to hide or that he was self conscious about. As she made her way back to the bank where he was, he reached a paw out to help her out but wouldn't take so personal if she didn't.

He was much more the quiet type, but deep down he was in search of something with her. It wasn't just her specifically, and he knew it wasn't only just a friend. No one in their right mind would have spoken that out loud especially to someone they had just met. He wouldn't be so quick to jump either. He supposed he could, he was a relatively confident guy at that. But for now he'd play it off as just an average friendly encounter. Maybe it would go further from just that. "I've never been this far across Auster, do you live here at the falls?" He wasn't aware of the hidden caverns behind the crashing waters though they were probably close enough to the face of the cliffs for him to notice if he just took a closer look. His mind was much more occupied though. "Kiliaen is a beautiful name." He responded with that maybe growing familiar grin she had seen in the few moments they had met, "I'm Balthier." He waited just a moment before asking, "Did you want any help with that herb you were looking at?"

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-01-2022, 11:47 PM

Just as she reached the edge of the pool, she was met with an outstretched paw. An offer of assistance of sorts, or at least that was how she interpreted it. For a split second, it took her aback. It was the little gestures like this that she was sure you could tell someone’s true character. And as her mind clouded with fairytales, she lightly met his touch as she stabled herself on her way out of the water. “Not at all!” Kiliaen sheepishly insisted- a gentle heat rising to her face as the words rolled off her tongue. “My tunnel vision often gets the better of me.” She quickly added, offering an excuse at her own expense. It wasn’t that she had problems seeing or noticing minute details. She was prone to being a victim of her own one-tracked mind. Focus on her immediate interest, and the devil may care for the rest.

It wasn’t until that moment that she realized she had allowed her touch to linger, in which she withdrew her paw at once. Her citrine gaze found his of cyan, a slightly embarrassed smirk edging at her own expression. “See, just like that.” She pointed out another instance of her own foolishness. “Thank you though!” She was quick to finish, but gratefully recognizing his silent offer of assistance all the same. What a gentleman.

As she settled herself on the bank, she fell to her haunches. Tucking her limbs into her core, and wrapping her tail around to cover her paws. In doing so, she met his gaze once more as he carried on their conversation. Auster? Is that what they call this place? She nodded along but didn’t pursue the question that had formed in her mind. “I’ve been staying around her. Sometimes in the caves in a pinch. Though more often in a den nearby.” The autumn fae explained. “The caves smell very sweet … which doesn’t sound like a bad thing in conversation. But I assure you, too sweet can be unpleasant after a while.” After all, she knew from experience. Plus, mixing with the thick humidity of the falls- the lingering thought threatened to turn her stomach just from the memory of it.

But just as she had offered her own introduction, the shadow-cast man did the same. Granting her a compliment all in same breath. “You are far too kind, Balthier.” Kiliaen remarked, her own friendly twinkle illuminating her features. But when he mentioned what she had been doing when he first made himself known, she took a second to think. “Oh, the Mallow? I was just pruning it a little. I’ve no need to harvest it, with no place to keep it. But thank you for the offer though. Truly!” It was a very kind offer. She just hoped that she hadn’t made him feel unwanted.

After a moment of silence, she reached for a question of her own. Curious to know more about the pleasant stranger before her. “But what about you? How far away from home are you?” Kiliaen asked. Not really meaning anything by it other than an opportunity to keep the conversation engaged. However, she also didn’t want him to feel that he had to disclose anything that he didn’t want to … so she offered him an out as well. “Or are you a wanderer like me?”


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
10-06-2022, 06:32 PM
Balthier could look right through her, or at least in some way. The way she played off being a little startled, it was a general reaction of maybe not wanting to be embarrassed. He could see just the subtle look on her face as they met paws and he helped her out of the water. He knew what he was doing. It didn't make her odd in the slightest, and Balthier too just stayed with that friendly, intent grin on his maw. All of his attention seemed to be on her. "It's no problem." His voice ran out quiet, maybe a bit charming too.

His chin tilted a little again as she spoke of the sweetness in the caverns beyond the caves. And now that she mentioned it, he was sure that The Hallows had used some of the crystals in their wines. He had just never been here before. "I am familiar." His head dipped a little with a bigger smile as she called him kind which was a proud compliment to him. Aside from the last few seasons, he was raised to be so. Maybe not in a sense of royalty, but his father was a great man up until the point he left them. And there was a time Allegro was his biggest idol. He liked to think himself the way his father was before everything hit the fan, even if it was hidden behind some kind of faux character. It seemed he may have been following too closely in his pawsteps.

He was relatively responsive, but maybe Kiliaen could see he was much more on the quiet side of the spectrum. Maybe typical for a man, who knew. He gave thoughtful nods and hums to her, but otherwise didn't say much. He did want to keep up conversation with her though, and she seemed to help with that. "Home?" He questioned with the gentlest chuckle, "I grew up far east of the northern continent." Very far from here indeed. "I live just north of here in The Hallows now." He hummed a little again in another chuckle, "I did a bit of traveling for a couple months myself though, by raft rather than land." Now that he was in the mainlands of Auster opposed to the island of Fenmyre the raft was beached more than it was used. But it was also one of his past times to take it out on a night he didn't have a patrol. That way he could keep his drinking habits more to himself rather than inside the walls of the castle.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-06-2022, 08:38 PM

With his assurance that she hadn’t been too invasive, it did help relieve some of the earlier embarrassment she had caused herself. That in addition to his apparent interest in moving on in the conversation made her feel just as good. Her words rolled off her tongue a little smoother as she spoke and became more comfortable. But when he gathered recognition of the caverns that she spoke of, Kiliaen offered a more enthusiastic nod. “You may be familiar, but it’s definitely something you should experience firsthand.” The autumn fae said lightly, an air of playfulness in her tone.

Though when Balthier began describing where his home was she was happy to listen. His soft conversational laughter brought a grin to her own expression. “You have come a long way,” she observed- the idea that he was from a continent beyond Auster was an oddity in her mind. She had only heard stories from strangers, never seeing it for herself. Maybe one day. Meanwhile, she had never really left the southernmost lands. Yet, when he mentioned The Hallows, that did ring a bell. “The Hallows? That sounds ominous … Do you like it there?” Again, stories she had heard. But sights, she had never seen. Tales of castles and royalty that sounded more equipped for fairytales than reality. There was always an air of benevolence when it had been described to her in the past. And it only made sense paired with the gentleman that stood before her.

If being a traveler wasn’t interesting enough, his methods were even more unique. “Rafting? Wow, you must be brave! The sea is where I draw the line.” The beach was fine, but something about thinking about what was out in the ocean made her uneasy. Without being able to see the bottom, she couldn’t imagine launching something to float on and having any inkling of control over it. However, there was obviously a skill set to it if he had been consistently successful in his journey. “Where would you raft to? Or just doing it because it’s something you enjoy?” Kiliaen asked out of curiosity. Not that she was interested in taking up the hobby for herself. But she felt that an easy way to get to know someone was by getting to know their passions.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
10-06-2022, 09:06 PM
Ominous, was just a silly way to describe the pack but now that she mentioned it he could see why. He had known The Hallows his whole life so he would have never really thought of the pack as ominous. She wasn't wrong though for the name that is. "I..." He paused for a moment because he was going back into a time in his life that he wanted to stay in a locked part of his memory. He knew of The Hallows, he had visited before they learned his mother was never coming to live in Abaven with them. And while The Hallows itself wasn't a bad part of his memory, there was a lot of history in just the short amount of time he had been associated. "The Hallows is relatively neutral politically, it serves as a safe space for those to heal and get their bearings. I've known them for quite some time, it's a pretty interesting place in the least." In regards to the castle that was, most wolves lived in dug out dens or mountain caves. The Hallows resided in an ancient structure.

He chuckled again as she suggested the sea wasn't really her forte, "Is that so?" He rose a testing brow, maybe as if he were judging her but not in any serious way. He supposed she was seeming like any usual girl, of course she'd have her own little quirks. Just an opinion for this one meeting. She'd ask about where he'd raft to which was a little bit of both honestly. "Me and my aunt built it when I was younger, I used to go out to the islands until we moved down here to Auster. Traveled a little bit until we settled down in a pack." He wasn't truly aware how much he was giving away about himself, or at least the hints. Something they may have gone deeper into later on. "You should try it at least once." He suggested, suggested with him of course and maybe he'd prod her a little more before they parted ways today. "As for the caverns..." He lifted a paw and pointed out to the falls, hoping she'd take the hint to show him inside.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-06-2022, 10:09 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2022, 10:11 PM by Kiliaen. Edited 1 time in total.)

It seemed as if he went to start, only to momentarily lose his line of thought. Though, she remained tuned o him as he contained whatever had escaped the back of his mind with gentle patience. But as he went on to describe the political nature of the group, her curiosity peaked. She had never been affiliated with a pack persay. And for it to be a refuge of sorts, it had to have positive intentions as a group. “It sounds interesting.” She concurred, mentally adding another destination to visit at some point in her lifetime.

At the mention of her respectful distaste of the water, she was met with laughter. It was contagious, and she couldn’t help but chime in with her own. “As a matter of fact, it is. Kiliaen sprightfully insisted. “Who knows what's down at the bottom of the ocean? I doubt it’s all little fuzzy seals and sea turtles.” She jokingly sneered through her own bubbling amusement. But when he mentioned his aunt, the teasing nature faded as she listened. Perhaps sentimental value was a part of the equation that made him keener to sailing. She appreciated the love of a familial tie, even more so if it was something that they bonded over. When he mentioned ‘we’, she couldn’t help wondering if it was his aunt that he was referring to, or if it was someone else. Even so, she didn’t want to push for a conversation that was too personal.

All thoughts of that were immediately shoved aside as he mentioned her trying it for herself. “Maybe one day,” she lightly giggled. She also wanted to tell him not to hold his breath but found herself not wanting to outright refuse him either. However, his next request she was happy to oblige. “I’m happy to be your guide.”

-fade for travel in respect of time-

The waterfall was loud around the pool it fed, but as they drew closer it was deafening. But she knew it was only for the moment until they could get back into the caverns behind a layer of stone. There was a narrow path beside the water's edge that she trudged her way down. Occasionally glancing over her shoulder to ensure that Balthier was doing okay. There was a narrow passage to the entrance that she easily fit through, and once inside was fully immersed in the sickly sweet scent and the remnants of smoke. Just a little ways further in was the warm glow of a dying fire that she had managed earlier that day with an old damaged knife and a cluster of quartz that had been left behind likely for that very purpose. Even in the low light, the sugar crystals sparkled in reflections. Once her eyes adjusted, just glanced at Bathier to try and read his expression. “Well, what do you think? Worth seeing once?” She lightly asked as she wandered closer to some of the larger stalactites that nearly touched the ground.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
10-12-2022, 10:12 AM
He had to admire just her sense of fragility, innocence. It was maybe what was drawing him in more to her. But in all honesty, he wasn't quite picky. He didn't have much experience in this sense of others, in ways he was thinking that she may have never caught onto. And he'd hide those darker feelings well. He'd push them down himself a little. He knew he'd have to learn to do so.

"That depends on how far you go out. Though the silence over the water at night is very relaxing. You'd never think of anything underneath." He was trying to pull her in more to the idea, and he was sure over time he'd get her out there. That was, if there was ever a meeting after this. But he thought it was easy to think so. He believed she was being drawn to him the same way he was drawn to her.

The loud sounds of the crashing waters weren't bothersome to him as they moved behind the falls and into the sugar caverns. He had grown up in the rapids and while not quite the same as the falls it had a similar sound. They walked through a narrow path on their way to her hideout and Balthier kept his eyes directly over her rather than the path he walked. A silent compliment, a warm grin as she turned back to make sure he was making it through okay. How generous.

His eyes wandered over the sugar stalactites and the little camp she had set up for herself inside the caves. And once her voice rang through his ears, he looked back at her again with that same charming, hungry expression, "Very beautiful, worth every step down here." More than the sparkling cavern itself. He'd move over to the embers of the firepit, laying down and motioning with his paw, "Did you have more wood for the fire? I'd like to see to it you are warm and dry before heading off. Perhaps we can meet again." It was an offer, a hidden demand. But he hoped she'd like him enough to see him again. Otherwise he may have found himself tripping over her on accident.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-12-2022, 04:39 PM

The thought of being out over the water in whatever vessel Balthier had, left her on an edge of nervous anticipation. However, she was well aware of the fact that she didn’t know if she could refuse him. As he painted a picture of floating in the dark, she could only imagine how beautiful the stars might be unobstructed by surrounding land masses. Maybe if they could focus on the sky, it would be easier to forget about what may happen to be underneath- as he suggested. Though, she wasn’t totally convinced. In a round of light nervous laughter, she glanced away momentarily to catch herself from leaning in too closely. Though the brief respite only lasted a moment, before her amber gaze immersed itself in his of cyan. “I’m afraid I have to say I’ll believe it when I see it. She finally admitted through the amusement that twinkled in her expression. Nevertheless, she was still uncertain of exactly what she had just committed herself to.
- X -
It was easy to forget how something looked the first time you saw it. Of course, the cave was beautiful no matter how many times you had seen it, but some things truly had the power to take your breath away in the first few moments. Allowing that line of thought to soak in, she was only vaguely aware that his words echoed the same sentiment that flashed through the back of her mind. However, it was the movement that caught her attention in the lowlight. Her eyes trailed along as Balthier approached the embers remaining from the hours-old blaze. Upon his request for fuel, she quickly worked her way to the wall. Stashed behind one of the stalactites, she pulled out some kindling and a few good-sized twigs to get it going once again. Returning to the circle of ash, she placed what she had gathered just off to the side, before glancing in his direction. “I’ve got a little put back. Enough to get it going again for now.” She responded warmly before scattering some of the dry grass over the glow of heat that still remained. As the fire was fed and slowly working its way through what she had set on top, a different kind of smile filled her features. “I would like that.” She mused softly, as her attention lingered on the intricate golden mask that outlined his face. “How else are you going to show me this raft of yours?” She playfully remarked with a little more volume as a call back to their earlier discussion.

It was at that moment that the snap of fire reminded her of her current task. Throwing the twigs on top of what had built up, it quickly regained its strength. A small column of smoke disappeared as it traced its way into the shadows overhead. “Is that to your liking?” She asked part jokingly, as he had pressed to ensure that it was warm enough. But it was a genuine question as well, as she wanted to ensure that he was satisfied as well.


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
10-19-2022, 08:11 PM
He stayed still and comfortable as she drew the fire more, watching her as she seemed to be accustomed to this lifestyle on her own. He could almost relate, though he always had someone to share that life with at the end of the day. These days he was surrounded by the pack, but he was going to be alone at night. He was missing the days before everything was complicated and he did have that other to share more physical moments with. He probably would never admit that, but it was deep down in there. He had to tell himself he didn't miss Azzurra, it was his only way of moving on.

He smiled gently as she had mentioned the raft again, so he must of had her attention. It did make him feel admirable in a way. He did think a little more highly of himself than he truly was not that he was very blunt about it. But he did like that kind of attention. "Perfect." He responded to her asking if the fire was the way he wanted. He gestured again with his paw for her to lay down by the fire, and after some time he would get up to leave. But he would enjoy their quiet silence, or if she pressed on him any more small talk. He supposed he didn't want to encroach on her time for too long, as much as he may have wanted to see how far he could pressure her. He was a gentleman after all.

"I think it's safe to say you can take care of yourself for the rest of the evening." His paws were careful as he rose up off the stone floor of the caverns. "We'll see if I can find you out here again." It was a bit of a joke, a bit of an offer. Maybe she'd be waiting for him every day until then, or maybe that's what he liked to think. But he would be coming back for her.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-20-2022, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2022, 09:46 PM by Kiliaen. Edited 1 time in total.)

She was flooded with a sense of satisfaction once he confirmed that the life of the fire was to his liking. He motioned towards another spot for her to join him. She tucked her legs beneath her smaller frame, grateful to have the warmth after wading through the pool outside.

Kiliaen beamed as he made the observation that she would be able to care for herself. "I'll be alright." She agreed, but his friendly concern was not lost on her. "Thank you, though!"

When he finally got to his paws, she had to fight the disappointment from invading her features. He gave an open-ended farewell to announce his departure, and in response, a friendly grin would lighten her expression. "I'll see you around, sometime." She said playfully, but pointedly at the same time. It was all in hopes that their second encounter wouldn't be left up to chance.

-end thread-