
Kitten VS Bow Wows



09-30-2022, 12:01 AM
The young male seemed to have come into an interesting problem. Alaois had never been one to back down from a challenge or turn and run when things got hard for him... But this was different.

Calida seemed to be off on her own more and more which left the soldier to his own devices. It was strange to not have orders and he felt empty. Pinning for someone he could not even hope of impressing it felt like. He felt frustrated though his feelings for her did not waver. But they were feelings of lust more than anything, if Alaois was being honest with himself. He thought she was strong and beautiful but what was she doing with it right now? How could he remain loyal to someone who wasn't present? He hated that doubt… but what could he do, really?

A sound nearby caught Alaois's attention. His ears perked, gaze shooting to see a large, melanistic puma's golden gaze staring him down. Oh, well this was fantastic then. He threw up his defenses with a snarl. "Let's dance, kitten!" Maybe this was what he needed to get his mind off things. He sprung forward as the panther raced for him, feline and canine hoping to meet each other with open jaws. The heavy bodied man rose up as the panther reared on hind legs and sought to wrap its forelimbs around his neck. He attempted to mimic the beast's movements. His own paws slipped, however, and, as claws dug into his shoulders and jaws flashed down, Alaois's jaws came up to snap around the big cat's lower jaw. This puma was pretty big, however. It wasn't much smaller than he was, probably thirty six inches tall or so, and with its current position, jaw controlled or not, it could still shred Ala's body. Claws dug in and with a snarl Alaois released the feline as it sought to wrestle him to the ground.

This thing was becoming a cape after this. He'd wear it's hide and make it rue the day it dared try to take him out!



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-30-2022, 09:42 PM

The challenge to some type of cat rang through the mangroves.  Kotori, the valiant hero, ran towards the sound as fast as his legs could take him.  The ‘valiant hero’ really just wanted to fight, the notion of needing to save someone hadn’t crossed his mind.  However, the wolf who said it clearly wasn’t the timid sort so that was on their side.

Through the pools of water, leaping over routes and around a tree the flash of the horned wolf came into sight.  Kotori didn’t slow down to assess the situation or give the puma time to reconsider its plan.  It was a large black cat of some time and while he wasn’t sure what species it was didn’t really matter.  Tigers, lions, and black cats could all die.

As the cat and Alaois focused on each other Kotori, lowered his head like a battering ram and aimed to slam his head into the cat’s back shoulder.  The animal did start to spin when it realized what Kotori was attempting but it couldn’t fully escape the wolf's attack.  A slash was left on its shoulder even if the full-on puncture was avoided.  

This also meant the puma had to twist around to avoid the shot, no longer all its focus being on Alaois.  Kotori stared at the cat, meeting its gaze and demanding it not ignore him.  Kotori pulled up his gums, making sure his teeth were fully visible.  He hadn’t been the one attacked first so he’d give the stranger a nice chance for a good attack.  Cat’s were a shit load faster than bears but it still was at a disadvantage against now two opponents.

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


10-16-2022, 03:17 PM
Just when Alaois thought he might be in trouble with this big cat it seemed like luck was on his side. He didn't see Kotori cine charging in and ready to do damage - but it seems the puma had sensed him. The bug cat twisted away from Ala in favor of lashing out at this new threat. It was not fast enough to avoid injury, however. A road of pain erupted from it's maw as it focused on Kotori… leaving Alaois time to adjust his footing.

'Talk about a stroke of luck!' Alaois thought to himself. He straightened himself out, redistributing his weight across his four legs. His blue-green eyes narrowed as he spat. "Damn cat…" The words were a snarl.

It was time to give this dumb feline a piece of his mind. While the puma was distracted with Kotori, Alaois lunged forward, toward the dark beast's back right leg. Jaws snapped closed around the leg with force. Enough force to hear the bone beginning to give and break under the pressure.

The cat yowled in pain, lunging back towards Ala. The wolf releases his hold, dancing back as he watches the blood trail down the now flavored leg. The man flashed his teeth, snapping them in the direction of the big cat. It should have never messed with him.



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-16-2022, 12:37 AM

Dumby puma focused on Kotori and it wasn’t but a moment later it yowled in pain as Alaois got its back leg.  The cat took its attention from Kotori and the wolf leaped forward, tossing his chest on top of the puma’s back, his teeth clamping to the top of the shoulder, where it connected with the body.  As he jerked his head, tearing into the muscle he jumped away to avoid the cat spinning back towards him.

It wasn’t so hard to avoid the puma now, it was slowed down considerably with its leg injured.  Kotori didn’t know if the bone was broken or just damaged but the cat clearly was trying to avoid putting pressure on it yet still having to use it for this battle.  Kotori showed off his horns to the angry cat, daring it to come after him.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


11-22-2022, 08:36 PM
The puma had slowed down considerably with its injury, and for that Alaois was glad. The feline had messed with the wrong wolf, especially now that he had assistance. It injuries seemed to make it think twice about lashing out first too, playing the defensive game now. Aww, poor kitty. Not. Alaois’ blue-green gaze narrowed as he lunged for the beast while it focused on Kotori, clamping his jaws sideways around its neck. His lower jaw rested over the feline’s throat, and, as it struggled to try and get away from him, Alaois locked his jaw and dug his legs into the dirt.

Bit by bit the puma weekend, until at last the big cat went limp in Alaois’ jaws. He held onto it for a couple of extra seconds though, ensuring it was really dead before he dropped it onto the earth. The battle was won. His gaze shifted towards Kotori, surprised to see the same wolf that he’d helped with the bear. A smirk crossed his face then, and Alaois dipped his head respectfully to the Valta Alpha. “Another meeting, it seems. It is good to see you again, Kotori.” He allowed his gaze to trail to the puma.

“What do you think? I figure I should be able to make a cape out of this sorry creature, no?”



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-12-2023, 11:51 PM

When Alaois got the cat in his jaws it looked as if the game was going to end.  Still, Kotori took a bite into a back paw when it had tried to kick out.  In time the animal died.  As far as Kotori was concerned its fate was sealed the moment it tried to fight two wolves at the same time.  There was no predator Kotori had fought that was a match for wolves when they teamed up, at least not competent wolves.

The puma died and Kotori glanced at Alaois a smirking smile shared with him on the cat's demise.  “Good to see you Alois.” His eyes skimmed the cougar's coat, “the skin should be good for appearance so long as it's not too sliced up.” The legs weren’t a problem but would the cuts on the shoulder affect much on making the cape good?  “I’d say it’ll make a fine coat.  You seem to be a competent fighter.  Whose idea was the fight when you began it?” Kotori was arrogant enough to look down on the majority of the world but he could acknowledge and respect the skills of a good warrior, at least so long as they didn’t piss him off in some way.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


01-20-2023, 11:26 PM

The deed was done, and the cat was dead. Alaois allowed his gaze to meet with Kotori’s and he gave a small nod to the Valta alpha’s greeting. “Good to see you as well, Kotori.” It was the truth. Both times he’d seen the other man had been a show of strength. Kotori said it would make a fine coat, and Ala’s gaze trailed to the cat. There was a small area where it would be marred, but that was manageable. He didn’t care if there was a small blemish on it. At least in this way, the cat’s end had more of a purpose.

“Mine I suppose. I met the cat’s gaze and the battle was on. Sometimes you need to exert a bit of pent-up energy.” Alaois gave a soft grunt at that. That was an understatement. He had needed to do something, feel more a use for his claws and jaws than idly waiting. Alaois let his gaze trail back to Kotori and he arched a brow. “You smell of a pack now. You following someone now, or…” He grinned as if knowing better. “Nah, you’ve got to be running the show, eh?”

"Speech," 'Thought.'



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2023, 11:51 PM

Kotori well understood the urge to fight something.  It was both a joy and a task that helped keep him at peak performance so he could fight at his best whenever the need called.  Besides, it seemed there were always a good number of predators lurking in nearby areas of his home, no doubt due to the large supply of water his land offered for any animal daring enough to sneak on his land.  

Kotori quirked a bit of an amused smirk at the notion of joining another wolf's pack.  “I created the Valta pack.  I’m the Sumatar, the leader, for the pack.”  As Kotori had gotten older even being a prince in the armada hadn’t been enough for Kotori after a while.  He needed the freedom of being the leader who made every decision on what would happen.  

“You know,” Kotori spoke, “if you ever get tired of being a loner I could offer you a position in my pack.  I already know you don’t lack the courage to fight and you are competent.  If you decide you’re interested you are free to stop by and I can let you know the rules and responsibilities.” Kotori shrugged, “but if you’re the sort who just wants to roam without settling, then no need to big you down with information.”  He understood some preferred not settling down and he wouldn't fault anyone for that.

His pack was growing but he still had room for some more strong members.  The horned wolf wanted his pack to shine amongst all the packs.  He needed to be sure every wolf knew who Valta was and make sure all wolves with half an ounce of sense would respect his packs name.  He needed more members but, only the useful ones.


[Image: HMmbDEu.png]