
When I get the chance


04-24-2014, 01:02 AM

Hajime was starting to remember when he would have nightmares after his mothers death. Days on end he would look around with a drooped head looking for help. Though in the end he had found none, the man eventually healed himself. Now that he was here in ebony he had different plans. He was going to be a father he was going to be there in their lives and that was a fact. And so the walker would try as he could to stretch a paw out to those who needed help. Ebony was his home and he was getting used to it quickly. And he was glad that he was.
After speaking with Arian and connecting more with his roots he had thought of the past and tried to accept t. What he had done was unforgivable yet he was weta in his mother would forgive him. If only he had been a bit sooner then he would have stopped that glaciem man from murdering her. Yet all was said and done and he was healing while the pain never went away it did die down. Hajime was ready to start this life, and he would be there for his children.




5 Years
04-24-2014, 01:27 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was out and about again, scouring the lands of Ebony in search of the plants that it harbored with medicinal uses. Practice was making her better about the whole thing, and already she had found a few of the ones Maximous had pointed out to her during her lessons. It was not always useful to simply keep a stock of it within her den; knowing its natural grown locations were useful as well, especially if she needed them in a pinch. So she had taken to wandering and learning where they grew, and her current investigation had her inside the Rock Garden.

It was not exactly easy ground to traverse; the entire valley was a complex maze of stone set at random, some leaning, some upright, with no obvious order to any of it. It made searching rather tedious, and as she walked she sighed. Was there a better way to go about this? Her silvery-blue eyes lifted away from the ground before her paws and around the rocks on either side of her, her head lifting above the nearest of them to peer through the paths to seek out something worthwhile.

All she saw was another being. Vaguely she recognized him from the pack meeting - another resident of the pack - but no name came to mind. Aside from Maximous, the only other wolf she knew was Vaughan, and that was only because he had accepted her. Did she want to try being friendly? Not really. But if she could see him then it was likely he could see her. Maybe there was something she could get out of saying hello. Turning, Callisto temporarily set aside her herb search and meandered over to him, eying him somewhat uninterestedly. "You're new?" she asked, coming to a stop. It was possibly not the most friendly of greetings, but lacking any natural social graces, and caring very little overall, it was the best she could muster up.

Image by Maka.


04-24-2014, 08:38 AM

His black right ear would turn towards the sound of another, his body would halt and turn towards it as well. A dark black girl with blue eyes and some lighter gray markings on her. Someone he had not seen nor had yet to meet. Hajime was generally a social butterfly, he hadn't always been but now he had gotten so used to speaking with others he hardly thought about the time he'd rather be left alone in his own self pity. Being depressed with no help didn't solve anything, which was why he had forced himself to get stronger. But also now he held a deep grudge in his heart for Taurig and all those who followed him. They didn't care about him, so why should he, there was no point in putting in the effort if they didn't try back not one. Besides newt who had left and gone who knew where. And now he had his standings as Elsa's mate and a very important knight to ebony.
This girl looked to be nothing but a yearling, though he wouldn't sell her short. He had known himself to be a rather strong yearling, highly considering his training as a royal and then some with the murder of his brother. His black tail would flick against his flurry of light brown colors compared to the darker tones and then the black mask on his face. It didn't matter what the greeting was, at least she was speaking to him rather than wandering off without a word where he would pull himself through the trouble of trying to strike a conversation himself.
"Umm Yes, my name's Hajime I recently joined as an Ebon knight." He stated in a rather surprised and curious tone. Though it could be taken the wrong way and she assume him stupid. What an idiot he was, he was supposed to be making friends with these wolves, not acting like a moron and driving them off. Even if she was someone who didn't like to socialize much, these were wolves he needed to care about on the off chance they'd care about him in times of need. Oh who cared.




5 Years
05-11-2014, 01:54 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The male appeared attentive enough when she addressed him, and comfortable enough to confirm her thought that he was a part of her pack. It was no surprise she had not recognized him. She rarely went out of her way to speak with anyone who was not Maximous, and most if not all of her conversations with him revolved around her training. Callisto still failed to see the significance of friendships, or even of making acquaintances, within her pack just for the "fun" of it. She was driven, goal-oriented, and unless she saw value in knowing someone she was most often less inclined to go out of her way to speak to them.

Which still begged the question what she could gain from this interaction. A part of her wondered if she might have stumbled upon another Sola Knight like Max, someone who might know more or different techniques and plants than her teacher did, but that was quickly ditched. This wolf - Hajime - was an Ebon Knight, a fighter or hunter or both and neither of them were especially helpful to her. "Oh," she answered simply, seemingly at a loss. What was there to talk about with a wolf who did not share the one true interest she had taken up for herself?

Oh well. It could hardly hurt to ask anyway. "I'm training to be a Sola Knight," she explained, unsure whether that would mean anything to him but knowing it was necessary for her to ask her next question, which she hoped might prove at least a little fruitful for the endeavor she had set upon. "Do you know of any useful plants around here?"

Image by Maka.