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Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-12-2022, 08:21 PM

Kotori lead Aia carefully down sunset falls, watching that she never slipped.  Once again the wolf reminded himself she was old enough to expect her to be fine in such matters but it was hard to remember she wasn’t younger in that small body.
At the hot springs, he made his way toward a smaller pool.  Kotori had spent many a day here, occasionally while still in the armada for hunting grounds.  The springs had also been nice on his healing injuries, the warmth a pleasance comfort on an aching body.  Now he was here to watch a puppy explore with the eyes of one seeing it for the first time.  “The corner of this pool is thin but drops off.  If you wanted to step into it, you can still stand here.  You know how to swim?” If she didn’t, she’d get a great lesson now.

There were other parts of the springs to enjoy after all, and they would but Kotori imagined in the novelty of youth surely the water would be the first thing noticed right?  If not, well, he’d be learning more about her.  The water didn’t have to be first.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


10-20-2022, 01:11 PM

Aia was more than happy to spend time with her Uncle Kotori. After letting her parents know where they were going, the pair set off to a place that she'd never seen. Before they even broke through the trees, the girl could smell the sulfur on the air. She could see the steam wafting through the leaves. Excitement thrummed through her as her little legs tried to keep pace beside her much larger uncle.

The trees gave way into a large space of tiered rock. The rocks were natural pools filled with steaming water. Instantly Aia's blue eyes lit up and her tail began to helicopter wildly. "Wooooooooow..." her little voice whispered in awe. As her uncle invited her to check out one of the pools, she nodded excitedly and bounded forward.

Did she know how to swim? The amaranthine child gave her head a little tilt, her lips pursing. "A little bit, Uncle. I'm so small that I float, so if the water moves, then it's hard." But this water wasn't moving. Aia stepped into the warm water, a soft little gasp pulling from her at the temperature. Once all four feet were in, she moved to the edge and proudly sank into the deeper water. Little paws paddled as she swam circles, confident that her uncle would rescue her if she needed.

"Aia Indarra"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-07-2022, 10:38 PM

Aia’s first words being ‘wow’ had a small smile creep across his face.  He’d guessed a pup would enjoy this place and his assumption proved to be correct.  She was both innocent and polite.  When she answered his question it wasn’t some energetic gleeful response or any sign of worry.  She had simply considered her ability and explained what she was able to do and what her limitations were with the reason why.  Her demeanor was building his faith the little girl would work hard to meet Valta's standards.  

Kotori watched the small little pup sink into the water and start paddling about.  Kotori sat down to just watch her for a time.  “So, what do you think of this water compared to the other water sources you’ve been in?  You were in Elysium so did you spend time playing around fresh and saltwater then?”

After a moment Kotori also stepped into the water, feeling the warmth of it on his legs.  The sulfur smell didn’t particularly bother him too much, it was worth it for these warm baths. “The waves would be hard for you, that makes sense.  You’ll grow,” even if not as tall as most wolves she was still a pup so bound to grow a bit, “and regardless, keep exercising, building up your muscles and you can improve what waves you can tackle.”  Size would always be a factor Kotori imagined and there wasn’t much they could do for that but, improvement was something always possible.

“We can stay out here a while.  Swim as much as you like or explore the scenery.  Enjoy yourself.” Kotori was big into wolves growing stronger but all kids deserved to get to play at points.  Kotori wouldn’t begrudge them of having fun.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


12-10-2022, 11:58 PM

As she paddled about, the girl listened to her uncles words. She wasn't really able to respond, so she hoped that he knew she was listening. After paddling around for a moment, Aia made her way back to the little stone shelf, water dripping from her slick coat as she sat in the shallows. Uncle Kotori always had some words of encouragement for her and it made the girl feel like she could do anything with enough practice.

Birds sang in the surrounding trees and the small child listened to them, her gaze on the warm mist drifting upwards through the air where it slowly disappeared. It was a little stinky, but Aia decided that she liked this place. The heated water had felt nice. A drastic difference from the cold waters of other places. Kotori asked her about Elysiums waters and the girl shook her head. "Too cold and I'm too small." Dad had taken her to see the water though, both ocean and lake.

Blue eyed shifted as the girl considered her uncle. "Why don't you have any pups, Uncle Kotori? You're old enough, right?" Children didn't have very good filters so the young girl asked what was on her mind. She tilted her head slightly as she waited for an answer.

"Aia Indarra"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-11-2022, 10:31 PM

Kotori was content to sit and wait while the girl swam about.  Swimming was a good thing to be used to in case ever necessary and it was a great way of exercising.  It would be a hike back up the falls after the time here and Kotori planned to go slow if needed and have the tiny child make it home on her own paws.  He’d protect her from any danger that crept up but he’d also have her get a good workout to grow strong.

When she got into the shallows and sat the little girl answered his question about the Elysium waters before throwing a curveball question at Kotori.  Discussion of water was tossed aside as he was stuck with deciding how to answer the innocent question.  “I’m waiting for a mate who I would like to have pups with.” That was the simplest answer.  She was small and young but maybe it was better to have good advice now than make the same mistake Kotori did later in life.  “I thought I had found the right wolf but it didn’t work out.  I waited to long and lost her.  If you ever love someone Aia, don’t wait to tell them.”  

It was an awkward thing to discuss, especially with a small child but maybe things would have worked out better if someone had told him this as a child.  Not everyone had to learn some lessons the hard way.  Kotori wouldn't repeat his mistake at least.  The next potential mate he found would be told straight away once Kotori made his decision.


[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


01-30-2023, 11:15 PM

The purple child came to the bank and sat in the shallows as she listened to her uncle speak. He told her that he'd lost his chance with a woman and Aia frowned. How could anyone turn down her uncle? He was the coolest. He took her on adventures. He didn't treat her like a little kid. He had really cool horns. As he continued, Aia tilted her head, deep in thought. If she loved someone, she should tell them? The damn young wolf moved from the water, flung her arms around her dry uncle, and spoke with every ounce of childish innocence. "I love you, Uncle Kotori." That was what he meant, right?

As she slid back from the hug, the girl sat before her uncle, dwarfed by his large size. Aia looked up at him, her tail swishing in the warm water. "You'll find someone even better, I know it." Blue eyes lifted as Aia smile, tilting her head again. "Should we try to find them? Where should we look?!" At the idea of hunting for a mate for her uncle, the girl hopped up, tail helicoptering as she couldn't hold in her excitement at the prospect.

"Aia Indarra"



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-31-2023, 01:59 AM

Kotori hadn’t thought about how a child might view the subject of loving someone.  His little niece called out that she loved him before getting his chest wet with a hug.  Kotori lowered his neck and head down for Aia’s small legs to hug.  Kotori had been so distant and even avoiding Azure’s kids when he’d still been in the armada.  The last thing Kotori had wanted was to deal with children.  Kotori’s little wet niece was so quick to call out her love for him.  How could he not grin at her doing exactly what he had said even if in the wrong context?  Besides, none of those kids had seemed as sweet and innocent as little Aia.  

The young child spoke of helping him find a mate and Kotori chuckled, “Well, that’s what will take some work.  I want a mate of good pure blood,” a pause as he imagined listing his qualifications to his niece.  She seemed so true in her desire to help even if she didn’t fully understand the weight of the matter to him.  “So they would need to be related to the same bloodline as the leader of a pack we are allied with. My choices will be a bit limited.  I wanted to get the pack well-founded before I started actively looking for a mate.  Then one who's company I would enjoy.”  However, it was true he might want to start thinking about that again.  His pack was well set up now with the numbers slowly growing.  How long did he plan to wait after all?  

“You know, when I do have a mate and we have pups, I’ll need help in caring for them.  Do you think you’d be able to help pupsit by then?  Maybe teach them some of what you’ve learned.”  Would she like the idea of teaching?  It would be a good way to encourage her to learn more if she liked the idea of teaching future children.

Kotori Fatalis

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]