
Stretch it out



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
10-13-2022, 05:37 PM

Well might as well see the world right? Desponia wasn't sure what to even expect, she hadn't seen much of the continent when she'd been caught and taken to her sister's pack and so she felt very much like she had only just arrived despite having been on Boreas for some time now... Exactly how long she honestly wasn't sure. She felt like her life had been on hold for so long and she was now just finally coming to. The woman sighed as she passed the rock garden her sister had claimed and felt a thrill of nerves go through her as she crossed over that borderline. There wasn't anyone coming for her though and as she put distance between herself and the all too familiar pack lands she felt some of her stress melt off.

The woman didn't get too far before curiosity stopped her, the standing stones catching her attention. The woman approached the nearest one, sniffing it cautiously and running her gaze over it, trying to surmise if there was any rhyme or reason behind the stones. Monuments? Natural?


Art by yfjyrcnkirsgte
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
10-19-2022, 10:24 PM

'Snap!" Ravenous jaws found their purchase upon that of a rather plump Magpie. Just like that the rogue had found himself a lovely snack and a small workout. There was never a moment this Wolf didn't desire some action. The small thrill of leaping from the ground and snatching a creature from the sky was enough to put a small grin on the male's inky lips. Without hesitation mismatch eyes scanned the area for a nice spot to enjoy his fresh catch. A blip of purple took his gaze by surprise and his steps slowed for a moment. Incubus watched as the seemingly exotic Wolf made their way towards the stone ruins.

Incubus Klein was not one to turn away the opportunity to be entertained so heavy steps were made to get closer without startling her too much. The tall male kept his eyes trained on her but his nose aptly scented the air to ensure she was alone. Which, from what he could tell despite the Magpie in his mouth, she was.  Leaving a good dozen feet between himself and the stranger Incubus leaned down to gently place his catch down. As he straightened up a pink tongue lipped across his lips to savor any of that delightful Magpie blood that he could. "You look as though you should be with the stars." His tone was matter of fact and relatively neutral. Pink and blue eyes then swept towards the odd markings the had originally been looking at, "What do you think this place was?"

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



3 Years
10-26-2022, 04:19 PM
A Ray of Light

The white wolf had been slowly making his way across the grasslands towards the once far obstruction to the horizon. The closer he had come to the structure had allowed him to understand it's material, stone. The only thing he could recollect, was what seemed like a dream now, a faint memory, in which he could not even remember all of the details. But these grey coloured strange shaped stones was part of it.

His brain could only conjure up thoughts of how the stones became to be. Other than two rather ridiculous ideas, his third was not so stupid. Wolven Gods from the stars. He remembered when he was growing up his Paren'ts would tell great stories to him and his brother of celestial plains and magical Gods. Maybe they would have enough power to move these large blocks.

The male wolf's scent caught Calyrex's nose first, they were close, he paused stock still. A startled flap of wings produced a startled cry as a Magpie made it's last attempt at freedom, before being struck down. Audits spun round forward as a large whoosh of black fur rushed past right in front of him. There was another wolf also, this one a vibrant purple, he blinked twice wondering if the other was really there and how he had not noticed them before.

The loner slowly lifted his hackles, his jaw tightening with the rest of his body. His head now dipped with similar body language showing for his tail. There was no intention here of him wanting to start any fight, but he readied himself just in case the situation would arise. He had hoped these travels may leave him with new friends and happy memories, but you have always got to fight through the bad to reach the good.



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
10-28-2022, 01:19 PM

If anyone thought that Desponia was there to amuse anyone they'd be wrong. She was hardly the friendly type and when the scents of two strangers wafted by on the breeze the woman flicked an ear but held herself strong in ignoring them, at least until one of them spoke. The woman struggled to push down a sigh and a roll of her eyes. She cast her gaze towards the black and white man. She could certainly see how to his eye she might seem a stunning wolf, she was used to walking around wolves of bright colors now and still did not know if that trait was common or not on the continent she did not yet know the name of. The woman shrugged. "I don't know, and I doubt we ever will." Her own internal musings about the stones were not mentioned, though she was curious she was loath to admit it to a stranger who showed his own curiosity. Always detached, never allowed to be too personable. It was the only way she'd learned how to survive.

On the other hand, there was the white brute. Even from here, she could see his stance and it took little effort at all to hide the scoff her body tried to express. She was good at that, keeping herself from the emotions that bubbled just below the surface. He was maybe a little too anti-social. Especially considering both she and the black and white male easily stood above him. It was bold... If a little stupid, the lands carried no distinguishable scent marker and there was no strong scent of a den nearby, so was he just jumpy or was he aggressive? Both were stupid in her books. "As for you, I suggest if you're not looking for a fight you stop acting like we're about to rip your throat out, or we might be tempted to try. If you are, well I'm sure I can summon some frustration to take out on you." This time she did let herself visibly roll her eyes. Maybe her half-sister had done her a favor by stealing her freedom, it had certainly kept her from running into idiots like these two.


Art by yfjyrcnkirsgte
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
10-29-2022, 12:49 PM

Incubus continued to study the ancient ruins with mild interest as the woman relinquished an answer. "I don't know, and I doubt we ever will." The Klein offered a firm nod, she had a point. They would likely never know the true histories of the lands. Unless a higher force were to reveal information or they knew where to find it. But, even then were they to trust a 'higher power' even their morals could be twisted and self-serving. Also, they were Wolves. Despite some having extraordinarily innovative minds when it came to crafting and what not, they were unable to comprehend much beyond their own Wolfish existence. "True."

As that single word was spoken a scent landed on Inc's tongue. With a twitch of his lip those mismatch eyes flicked towards the source. A white Wolf was readied in a mild defensive stance just some feet away. Incubus allowed his vicious gaze to rake over every visible inch of the stranger. Accessing the sight before him as if it was some sort of highly offensive statue. But, before Incubus could say anything the purple one ripped into him. Venomous tones swept from her inky lips with clear agitation. He considered her verbiage well said but he felt the need to contribute to this rather nonsensical but severely entertaining encounter.

As Incubus spoke he maintained unbroken eye contact with the other male, expressing dominance without true physical display. "You appear to be lost." A pause as his lips formed a small sneer. "Which is why I am deciding not to take your stance as an invitation to use your eye as a horn ornament." The thought made his lips flick into more of an amused grin then a sneer. Incubus did enjoy a good fight here and there but he wasn't one to go challenging everyone that stepped on his toes. Honestly, the male just wasn't interested walking around with copious amounts of wounds all the time. It sounded dreadful, to be honest.

At this point Incubus took a single step forward, still not breaking eye contact even if the stranger did. "Explain yourself or leave." If the strange white male wanted a fight he would get one, but selfishly Incubus would prefer the two options that didn't involve violence. His tummy was quietly rumbling in anticipation for his meal and a fight would probably destroy his appetite with the sheer amount of adrenaline that would soar through his veins.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]



3 Years
10-29-2022, 06:04 PM
A Ray of Light

All eyes were on him now, his shoulders instantly dropped as he knew he had to let go of his agreesive stance. Acting now would only be stupid, especially as he was outnumbered and the other male was so close. His gaze he held with both wolves in site, the female's voice shivered along his spine, a harsh tone which she had chose to use to what seem to be instructions for him to follow, a slight offense taken, but did not feel the need to act upon.

The other Black and white coloured wolf, had been right, Calyrex was lost. His tail tucked casually at a low position and he lowered his head, nodding towards the female and then to the male. Hoping they would assess his actions to see he had no bad intentions.

"I apologise, I was taken a fright and the truth is, well, I'm a bit lost. I must of veered off a path a little while back when I was hunting for prey. I could see this in the distance, so had chose to come here."

The white canine swallowed hard after finishing a few sentences. He was unsure whether the female would be happy with what had said, her body language gave off that she was not impressed by his actions. I mean why should she be, he was a stranger to her. A stranger that had shown an agressive stance on the first meeting. All he hoped for now is that his lowered body language will be accepted.

Rex was now feeling rather stupid, idiotic and full of regret about how he had presented in front of the two wolves. Friends, how would he ever find friends. If everytime he has a chance, he comes across unannounced and then almost threatens them into thinking he is agressive and wants to fight. It wasn't that he couldn't fight, he just would rather try making friends or find other ways to talk out the issue. Although he knew not everything can be settled by talking, but there was no harm in trying, is there?