
hows your day going?


04-22-2014, 12:59 PM

Boredom was beginning to gnaw at him as he lay near the back of the den, flopped on his side with forepaws flailing uselessly. He hated this, it had been almost three weeks since the earthquake and since he had broken his leg. His dad said he still had another month or two of healing to go before he could do anything. So that meant a lot of alone time. His dad had people to teach healing too, his mom had people to teach to hunt and his sister was probably off doing everything Erion wanted to do but couldn't. That left him laying in this stupid cave with his stupid pink cobweb cast completely alone. Erion would occasionally lift himself up, propping himself on his elbows to look out the entrance of the den but as soon as he realized no one was coming to rescue him from his boredom he would flop again, dropping his shoulder onto the ground and throwing his head limply down. It hurt but at least it was a different hurt from the dull ache he always seemed to have from his leg. "Iiiiissssssiiiiiiisssss.... Aaaalllllpppiiiinnnneeee..." They were really the only ones who visited him regularly to take his mind off things. Though he would prefer his mentor his sister's company was also enjoyable. He didn't call for his mother or father, especially his father. Friciton seemed to be enjoying the fact that Erion couldn't move and escape his healers lessons.


05-03-2014, 12:26 AM

The girl grinned at the sound of her brother calling for her and Alpine, but it wasn't the calling that was making her smile, it was sitting just a few feet outside of the den, purposely making the boy sit in there bored out of his mind. She lay on her belly, tail lightly wagging behind her while a paw rolled a smooth rock from side to side. While out and about looking for something to bring back, she had stumbled upon this nicely shaped rock, and when she found some moss she had an idea.

As soon as she began the girl would stop rolling it around, instead planting her paw on the ground and pushing her front half up. Once she as sitting up her right paw would hook around the small pile of moss, bringing it in close then using her left paw to spread it out. With the moss spread out now she would place the rock in a corner of it and begin to roll, kind of like making a blanket around the object for a small game she wanted to try.

Within two or three minutes she was done, the rock now wrapped in moss held gently in her jaws but firmly so that it wouldn't fall out. Now she stood up, giving a hake before head right for the den, head held high and tail swinging behind her.

She would stop in the entrance, aqua gaze staring down at her brother laying in the dirt. Nothing would be said, but a look would be given. 'Come and get it.' Lips pulled back in a grin, a brow raising and head tilting to the side.



05-24-2014, 06:38 PM

As he lay there he swore up and down that when his pay was healed he would never take his mobility for granted again, never sit down and refuse to do things because he was tired of anything... He would bounce and frolic and play until he dropped from sheer exhaustion then he would get up and do it all over again after a break. That was his plan. And he only had a few more weeks before he could begin it. But until then... He needed company and lots of it. Preferably Isis, she always seemed to be the best even if she was teasing and taunting him half the time. He recognized the fact that deapite the fact that when she showed up he ended up hating her she always took his mind off everything. So when her scent drifted towards him from outside his skull would lift, ears pricking and nose quivering to see if she was in fact outside or if it was just a trick of his imagination... Again... Unfortunately it wouldn't be the first time he had imagined someone's scent when he had gotten crazy bored. "Isis...?" He asked tentatively as if his voice might chase her away.

He leaned this way and that, craning his skull to try and look outside at different angles but unfortunatly no matter what he did nothing really seemed to work. So he would sigh, allowing his head to flop back down on his forepaws, glaring outside at the sky he hadn't really been beneath in forever. But a moment later she would appear, standing just outside the den with some strange look in her eyes. It was a challenge. He could tell from the half smile and narrowed eyes. At first he didn't lift his head, glaring up at her seethingly. Why had he wanted her to come again? But at the same time he was curious. It was round in shape and looked kinda spongey...? Moss? Finally he lifted his head and pricked his ears forward, allowing his hatred of her and her ability to walk to subside for a moment. "What's that?" He asked, allowing the curiosity to slip into his tone.