
The other side isn't always greener

Athena I


9 Years
05-02-2014, 10:12 PM

Sometime between when she had left to be on her own for a while and when she had returned to Glaciem, Tortuga had apparently planted itself right outside their backdoor. From what she understood one of the numerous Armada relatives was the ruler there as well, which made it a little easier to understand. It just meant their family dominated the north, which was fine by her.

She sat on her haunches under one of the many trees that surrounded the area. Athena was outside the Tortugan border of course. Family or not, she wasn't disrespectful. She leaned against the bark of the tree to her left, looking out over the gap that separated her and the allied pack. She wondered what it was like there. Was it all that different from Glaciem? If it wasn't, why were they two separate packs?

The real question though was what if it was different? Was it better than her current home? These thoughts drifted through her head, not quite a bother or even a real concern, just more of a curiosity. Enough of a curiosity to keep the fea sitting outside its borders, waiting for someone to wander by, preferably the alpha. It was always fun to meet family.



05-02-2014, 10:47 PM
Out of all the territory that Tortuga had claimed, the alpha had found herself preferring the trees of the redwood forest, or the lake out of all of her territories. The trees offered much protection from snow and rain, and she always stumble across something or someone new. It was just happy coincidence that the red forest bordered the sparse pines of Glaciem, so it kept her close to her father and aunt's lands- something that she wasn't complaining about. In fact, that close alliance was perhaps why she spent so much time patrolling the border, she hoped one day to run into the albino form of her father- or Sendoa, she had heard Isardis had fallen ill, and she was curious to know the state of him.

Her paws drilled against the ground as she moved at a steady prance, her silky fur billowed slightly on the breeze, tail- though erect in the air, moved slightly in a wag, nearly to the tune in her head. A familiar yet strange smell lingered in the air, a Glaciem wolf, yet not the one she hoped for or one that she knew. Curiosity drew her forward, until the other was in her sight. Stepping up to the border, her ivory audits flicked forward in interest. She sniffed the air, her violet eyes staring at the strange female with interest. "I'd almost bet that we're related." Her voice was soft, but warm. The odd colors on the female reminded her of a few of the other half-siblings she had. "Pardon my manners, I am Roman Armada- Queen of Tortuga." She introduced herself, waiting to hear the other woman speak.

Athena I


9 Years
05-03-2014, 10:10 PM

The Glaciem woman wouldn't be kept waiting long. Before long an unfamiliar scent would reach her nose and heard the sound of paw steps not long after. Moments later a white form would appear, though not a solid white. Athena's gaze traced the marks on the woman's thigh and head, curious as to how they got there and why. Her first words would make Athena scoff softly, replying, "Who isn't my family in some way around here?" She smirked and rose to her paws, padding a bit closer to the white fea before stopping and settling down on her haunches once more.

Athena would listen to her introduction with interest, noting that she had been right about an Arada leading Tortuga as well. "And I'm Athena Armada, just one of Isrdis's many, many daughters," she replied, her tail curling around her haunches. It did sometimes feel like she was lost in a sea of Bloods around here sometimes. When she was really little she thought being Isardis's daughter made her special since in her little world it was just her and her brothers, but she was quickly discovering that wasn't the case.

Pushing the uncomfortable thoughts away, Athena focused back on Roman, her emerald and ruby gaze curious. "What's it like in Tortuga? I mean, is it all that different from Glaciem?"



05-04-2014, 03:06 PM

'Who isn't my family is some way around here?' With those words, the silvery wolf would rise to her paws, moving closer- before stopping and settling. At these words, Roman could only chuckle. It was true- most of the wolves around the northern area were related to them. The silvery wolf introduced herself as Athena Armada, and Roman mentally noted the name- wondering what litter she came from. "Ah, but between you and I when it comes to our siblings, I think Isardis prefers his daughters to his sons. The sons are slightly unruly." She chuckled slightly, her voice light and whimsical. She was joking of course, she didn't know if Isardis preferred any of his children over others, she could almost bet that he didn't. Athena went on to ask about Tortuga, and Roman felt her eyes light up. She liked discussing Tortuga, it was her home- and she felt a lot of passion for it.

"Tortuga is smaller than Glaciem, kind of similar, but different in a lot of ways. I'm the only Armada here, but the wolves here have become my family. I want Tortuga to be a fighting force, something other packs will hesitate to challenge, but I also wanted a family. I kind of missed out on the family experience when I was younger." She paused, her last statement admitted kind of ruefully. In the chaos of her life, she had missed out on what a lot of the younger Armada's seemed to take for granted. Sure, Isardis was busy- right now fighting off an illness, and he didn't see them as much as any child could hope. His love for his children, was undeniable however, and the children at least had each other- siblings to bond with. "Did that make sense?" She asked, wondering if she had lost Athena in all her rambling.

Athena I


9 Years
05-04-2014, 10:00 PM

Athena watched Roman light up at the mention of Tortuga. It was very clear that the pack was a point of pride for the ivory woman and it made Athena smile. While Roman was describing this family-like pack that was still a force to be reckoned with, Athena was riveted, her ears turned forward attentively the whole time. She wasn't sure if the way Roman described her pack was entirely true, but she had no reason to not believe her either. It was just hard for her to believe that a whole pack could feel like a family. Even with almost all of Glaciem being related to her in some form or fashion she hardly felt like family to any of them, at least not in the way that she thought family should be like. She had gotten close with Vereux since her return and she was trying to get closer with Talvi, but she had hardly spoken to her mother since she had gotten back and she hadn't even laid eyes on Isardis. She knew the albino had been sick, but it was still disappointing since one of the reasons she had come back was because she had missed him.

At her fellow sister's question she nodded in response. "It made perfect sense... I know it's silly to say I've never really felt like I had a family when I'm surrounded by it constantly, but in Glaciem it just feels like we're always competing against each other. There's so many of us, the Bloods I mean, it just feels like we're always competing for a spot or competing for attention... at least it feels like that to me anyway. My mother was gone for most of the first part of my life and of course you know Isardis, always busy. My two brothers were just a pain to deal with when we were younger, but now one of them is missing and the other is one of my only friends. I left and lived as a rogue for a while. Got tired of all of it, you know. I came back recently because I thought I missed it, but I'm not so sure anymore." She hadn't expected to ramble on like that. Usually she wasn't so talkative, but it seemed like once she got to talking about it her frustration with the whole situation got all stirred up.

She gave a little shake of her head to clear her thoughts. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble."



05-07-2014, 02:07 AM

Her answer seemed to suffice, the yearling and Roman listened intently as she spoke. Athena spoke for a couple moments about her feelings, and as she listened, Roman realized that her words were so what similar to what another one of her younger siblings had said to her. A feeling of not knowing what to do, was running rampant with the young wolves it seemed. Oh, did her paws itch to be back in the familiar forests of Glaciem, where she could directly mentor her younger siblings and help them feel like they belonged. She listened until Athena was done, chuckling slightly as her sister apologized for rambling, perhaps it was a genetic thing?

"Nonsense, it's nice to hear someone else talk for a change" She spoke good naturedly, dismissing her apology. "I must admit that it is hard to live in a family of such ambitious blood sometimes. It seems like the better half of our family spend the time fighting with one another, or undermining another. I found Father last winter,... and even in my short time here... I see what you're talking about. She paused for a moment, her expression thoughtful. "If it makes you feel any better, I feel the same when surrounded by our family. I feel... lost in a sea of wolves, but I know Father loves me, and that he loves you too, Athena. He loves all his children, and I'll bet he sees the potential that I can see in you for greatness." As she spoke, her eyes were alight with warmth. Would her words settle any of the confusion that her sister felt? "Don't worry about besting your siblings, it's exhausting. Just be who you are, a wolf that you're proud of- at the end of the day, that's all that matters." She added, speaking in true sincerity. Isardis probably wouldn't agree with all of Roman's choices, as a leader and as a wolf- but she could live with herself and she was happy and to her, that was what counted the most.


Athena I


9 Years
05-07-2014, 08:00 AM

Athena had worried that she had said too much, had made her first meeting with Roman uncomfortable, but her fears were soon dashed as Roman dismissed her apology. She listened intently to the Tortugan alphess, absolutely riveted as she gave her advice and explained how she understood Athena's feelings about their family.

When Roman spoke of their father, her thoughts went back to one of the last times she had spoken to him. If that meeting with him was any indication of his love for her then she could definitely agree with what her sister was saying. Pride bubbled up in her when she spoke of seeing greatness in her, making her sit up a little straighter and a little more of a light come back to her gaze. She nodded in agreement to Roman's final advice, a slight smile coming her her muzzle. "I wish you were in Glaciem so you could remind me of that every day."

She shifted her weight before settling back on her haunches as she contemplated everything Roman had just told her, her mind working over all the information. "I think that when father is better I'm going to have a talk with him... Just to see if there's anything I can do to do more for Glaciem, maybe see what he wants me to work on training wise... Maybe show him how much I've been working on my fighting." She chuckled lightheartedly, wondering if her father would really appreciate all the work she had been putting into her training.



05-07-2014, 09:30 PM

More and more concern crept into Roman's life, as she worried for her younger siblings. If only they realized that they weren't the only ones who felt so alone, they'd realize that they'd have each other. At Athena's words, Roman chuckled, before speaking "Well, you're always welcome to visit Tortuga, should you need the reminder. We are neighbors after all." She said with a good natured chuckle. It really was a shame that she didn't see much of her family, dear lord- they lived right next to each other. She waited in silence as Athena seemed to be thinking, her ears pricking as her sister spoke. She mentioned Isardis, and Roman felt her expression soften slightly into a fond smile. "I think that is a wise choice, Athena. Until you talk to him, you could patrol the borders- greet new members and things. It's what I did before he promoted me." She offered her advice, if Isardis saw her making an effort, a promotion would be so easy.

"Have you heard any news about father's condition?" She inquired, her voice soft- dropping as if she didn't want to disturb him though she knew his den was quite the distance away from the borders. Even though she was on her own, she still craved seeing him, like she had in Glaciem- still wanted to press against him and hear him speak. No matter what he said, she knew that things were going to be okay. With him being ill, the world didn't feel right- and she didn't want to think about what it could mean if he didn't recover...


Athena I


9 Years
05-08-2014, 09:41 AM

Athena would smile thankfully to the invitation to visit Tortuga whenever she needed. When Roman suggested what she do in the mean time till she spoke with Isardis, Athena would nod in agreement, interested to hear that mearly stepping up and being active in the pack earned Roman a pack. She wasn't too sure how Sendoa would react to her greeting possible new pack members, but she didn't much care what her aunt thought. She wanted to make a place for herself and that's what she would do.

Her dark-colored ears would flick back with similar worry when her sister would ask about their father. "Not a lot... I think he might be feeling a little better since he called for Sendoa the other day and, I could be wrong, but I thought I caught his scent somewhere else out in the parklands the other day. I might very well be out and about and I've just missed him." She hoped that was good news and that it would settle some of Roman's worries. She had been just as worried for their father and hoped that he would get well soon.



05-12-2014, 12:50 AM

She thought for a few moments about her brief time in Glaciem, she had proved herself worthy, somehow, to her father. She had relentless patrolled borders, greeted new members, and called for a higher rank to then accept them. She'd kept herself busy, as if making up for the horror she had endured, past the safety of the pack lands. She smiled in return to Athena's smile, her heart warming to see her younger sister happy, and when Athena spoke of this father, her ears flattened slightly. She was worried, something about a wolf as great as Isardis being ill- falling to any sort of illness... just didn't sit well with her, and that wasn't just because he was her father. Though Athena, said he perhaps was doing better, Roman still worried, though admittedly the worry lessened. She frowned slightly, before speaking. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

She sat quiet for a few minutes, and then questioned, "Has anyone been training you?" She asked, curious to see where things had gone since she had last seen Drashiel.


Athena I


9 Years
05-12-2014, 11:01 AM

Athena nodded in agreement, hoping that their father would indeed be fine. She found it hard to believe that he wouldn't be though. Nothing had kept him down for long before, why would a stupid illness keep him down now? It was only a matter of time before his albino form would be stalking the Glaciem territory once more, she was sure of it.

Roman asked about the training that she had been given and she shrugged her silver shoulders. "There was hunting training when I first arrived with Liberty and Eris trained us in healing a little while ago. Other than that, no one in particular. But, I have been doing a lot of spars and practicing my hunting on my own!" Saying it out loud, she realized how inadequate that was. "I heard they had a fighting training a while back, but it was before I came back." She shrugged again, pausing for a moment, a small smirk pulling at her muzzle. "I really enjoy spars though. They're my favorite."



05-17-2014, 06:51 AM

She couldn't deny that what Athena had told her had relieved some of the internal worry that raged in her mind. Though she was pretty sure, her father would tear her to shreds- with his words if not his fangs for her crappy leadership. Or what he would probably view as crappy, she still found herself craving to see him- to see that he was indeed okay. She would have to make a point to try to visit them soon, perhaps in Winter or maybe even Spring.

As Athena answered her question, she listened carefully- taking in all that she said. They had a hunting lesson, and a healing lesson, both were good. She couldn't stop the smile that lit her jaws as Athena talked of fighting, and how she'd been working with herself. She's ambitious... Roman noted. She was surprised that there hadn't been more fight training, as a good part of Alacritis really wasn't pleased with Glaciem, admittedly, Valhalla had been crushed before. She highly doubted they'd be foolish enough to challenge Glaciem. She chuckled slightly, at her sisters words. "I am surprised that no one seems to be training you in fighting, that is so very important. Are you hanging out on the battlefield?" She commented, she really didn't know the skills of anyone in Glaciem, to tell Athena to seek for battle training. She followed her comments with a question, curious to know the answer. The battlefield was a great place to meet other wolves, that could teach you various fighting moves- and styles that came from a variety of places. It also could be dangerous, she knew. "Perhaps one day we could spar?" She offered with a slightly playful tone. Her eyes twinkled with the prospect.


Athena I


9 Years
05-18-2014, 07:30 AM

Athena appreciated that Roman seemed as concerned with the fight training as she was. At her question, Athena would nod proudly. "Yes I have. I'm there as often as I can be." So far she had been fairly pleased with her abilities against the random opponents she had come across, but she knew there had to be plenty more to learn. She refused to believe that she knew everything there was to know about the art of fighting and wished someone would bother to show her the ropes.

Then her sister proposed that they spar one day and the silver girl's ears perked up excitedly. "I would enjoy that very much," she replied, the thrill of a challenge touching her gaze. If anyone should be able to teach her a thing or two it should be the queen of a pack! An idea dawned on her, and she looked at her sister curiously, wondering if she would even consider it. "Roman, would you train me? You could be like my mentor! We live right next to each other and we could meet here for spars and such. I want so badly to be in a position like yours one day, I could learn so much from you." Her split-tone gaze watched Roman hopefully, her tail thumping gently against the ground behind her.
