
A Mirror Never Lies; I See What They See


04-21-2014, 06:35 PM

Have you ever had those dreams to where your counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums? Where your the only black sheep to the herd of all white? You feel forgotten, misunderstood, and frowned upon. You're proclaimed the kin-slayer of the land, where all you know how to do is kill. That sweet taste of metallic, sticky, liquid that seems to ravish your hunger with it's forsaken lust. You can never have to little, or to much. It's a priority, a dark obsession that inhabits a part of you and makes heist at drowning the little sanity you have left; you crave it. You must know what this feels like, for, the demonic female standing before you is aware of this feeling. Find's ones self lost in the masses of raging tides of blood-thirsty behavior; turning you to a savage beast that is lurking in the shadows just waiting to strike. You may notice, that this indeed is who Sinister Amenti Kills has become..

So beware the dangers you shall come across upon meeting the Devil's Masquerade.

The evil fae paraded through the Devil's Spout, dodging past low hanging branches, and propelling herself over colossal logs that blocked her path. Nothing could stand in her way, she was on the hunt, the kill. That endless craving of blood started to eat her alive, peeling each layer of sanity she tries to keep standing, but some how it comes crashing down again. And this was just one of those days when this female needs to bask on some flesh, whether it be her own kind or something foreign. This she-wolf was itching to sink her daggers into some plump epithelium. But that shall not be done by just a flick of her wrist, should she unravel the fundamentals of pure chaos and have her demon unleash itself and summon wrath on a helpless being.

Within an hour, Sinister's limbs were crying out for remorse, yet she pushed herself forward to continue on. Keeping herself at bay from collapsing she purged faster, low, rough grunts vibrate against her mighty jaws; ones that threatened to rip the juggler from her next victim. which will be quite soon, very soon. The femme was loosing her temper, sending her oculars into punishment as they swirled an electrifying blood-shot red and her scarred being that showed the many battles she had been in. All of them she had won, and none of her opponents came out alive. The scars on her being entitled dominance and the true appearance of a gladiator..

That scent, the burning one of a near-by in heat doe. It drew her forward, enclosing on the fragile force whom of which grazed upon a patch of thick swards. Draping her depthless eye sockets along the frame of the deer, counting down the clock and timing her attack just right so that she'd execute it automatically instead of the beast fighting for it's life. Sinister started her countdown, readying her position as her masculine alignments swayed while she crouched down further, so that now her white coat scraped the earth surface. Ear lobs flickering left and right, trying to catch the quietest sound that could be heard in her ear drums. Sinister's tongue fell over her black tinted lips, those dark circles underneath her eyes darkened, giving her that insomniac look. Now all it took was the last rounding of the shoulders and she launched her attack.

Landing sharply on the hind quarters of the doe, it's eerie cries of 'help' could only be heard for the slightest moment until the she-wolf ended them. One claw torn into the layers of flesh on it's neck, while her canines drove into the back; daring to yank it's entire spinal cord out. Of course, that would take a lot of effort, so she simply hammered her jaws down upon her victims throat. slicing through one soft tissue of muscle to the other, her muzzle now fully covered in the tainted prisms of maroon blood. Moments passed by and the semi-large hoofed beast was slowly beginning to let it's life be cut off. The ending of it's pain only took a second to do, dangling it's juggler from her maw and allowing the rich liquid to sate her hunger.

Sorry for the shitty post, running on a low fuse.

Walk,"Talk", Think


04-24-2014, 06:02 PM

They had escaped for the day, slipped out of the territory unnoticed. It had been pleasant little vacation. It took away the stresses of leading a pack and her impending litter. Her sides had not swelled as much as they had the last time so she could only hope that this litter was small. The pair had crossed the lands, paws leisurely taking them to the north. It wasn't often that she ventured this far north, but ever since her meeting with Basilisk, she felt comfortable leaving things in his care for a day or two. The Queen bumped against her Dukes side as the navigated the new terrain. The North was probably the only area that she hadn't frequently visited and was still new to her.

"What shall we do today?" Coral gaze would turn to the dark man, her voice a seductive purr. She would nip lightly at his neck, near his shoulders. But the sounds of a dying animal would shift her attention, breaking her playful mood. Eyes scanned the area, seeing nothing nearby. But she wanted to know who had dared to interrupt their day of play. Breaking away from the man, she would move towards the sound, her paws carefully placed to make as little noise as possible.

It would not take long for a pale female to come into view, clearly the one who caused the cries for mercy. Her gaze would shift to Kylar before approaching the woman. She would purposefully step on a fall branch to alert the stranger to her presence. Bring herself to stop several feet away, eyes would rake her pale figure noting her size. "Thats quite a catch." The Queen would purr. Pregnancy had caused her hormones to be all out of whack, making her either an irritable bitch or insatiably horny. Crown would held high, chin tucked slightly to protect her throat, but overall her posture was fairly relaxed as she waited for the woman to address them.



04-24-2014, 07:07 PM

When she had told him that she wanted to escape for the day he hadn't argued or complained, simply lifted his massive frame and followed her as quietly as possible out of pack lands. They walk had been one filled with easy silence willed with gentle nibbles and easy jostling. He had no idea where they were going to or if she even really had a destination in mind but either way he didn't care, as always he would follow her without complaint. Paws pressed heavily into the ground as he trailed behind yet beside her. As always head would lower and he would drift at her side, skull placed near her shoulder. They had left parklands but this woman would forever be his queen and he her duke. So frame would remain diminished within himself, drawing back slightly to allow her to take the lead even as they joked and played. After a moment she would speak, asking what they should do and silver tipped ears would lift and swivel. "And here I thought you had some diabolical plot planned for the day... I have no idea," he said as he allowed a chuckle to escape his lips, finally lowering his skull a bit more though tail would remain licking at his heels.

He nipped back at her, playful and gentle. Careful not to break skin and mar her perfect form that was carrying their child. He heard the noises almost as the same time she did, skull darting up to raise himself to his full height as verdant eyes searched for the source. She was off before he even realized what was going on and he sighed, expelling a large amount of air as he allowed his gaze to follow her for a moment before pillars would set him off after her. Silly woman always running off without him. She was big for a woman but she was still considerably faster then he was so it took him a while to regain the ground she had gained. Luckily as she had approached she had slowed and allowed him to catch up before making her presence known to this stranger. The snap of the twig beneath her paw was like a gunshot and for a moment his ears would flinch back in irritation before looking to the pallid woman before them. Well... She looked like a psycho... But promising at the same time. He would allow Cat to speak first as always, remaining a massive black force behind her. "Thats quite a catch." Cat would purr and slowly a smile would stretch across his features as he took in the bloody scene before him.

It was indeed quite the catch. To take down a deer on your own was quite a feat, something even Kylar struggled with and he was larger then this woman. But then again it wasn't always strength that ended things, sometimes speed and a bit of luck was all you needed. Vaguely he wondered what she possessed. "New to Alacrita little dove?" Words were a harsh rumble, rolling up his throat from the depths of his chest as skull would lower and finally he would insert himself into this meeting, taking a few steps forward to stand a bit to the side of his queen. Though body language was languid his weight would remain centred, tail tucked with head lowered and chin tipped to protect his neck. Who knew, she might be a raging psychopath or hell she might just want to start a fight for no reason. Either way he would be ready to protect Cataleya if it came down to it.



04-24-2014, 08:04 PM

Cataleya's speech

Kylar's speech

"Thats quite a catch."

Apathetic oculars darted their way up to the sound of a purring voice, one that could be noted as a females. Angered by this, the demonic she-wolf exiled a thundering rumble of a growl. A significant one that certainly did execute her demise, her psychotic entrancement which could lure any victim to promising death by a thousand cuts. That one heated scent that drained into the chamber of her senses, something much more ratchet then what she expected. The female before her was pregnant! Sinister thought to herself, slightly planning a mastermind delusion to scatter these pests and pick them off. Oh the wonders she would do them, a evil grin pulled at her features, reducing to a inhumane chuckle of pure insanity. All she could think about was how she would decapitate them, examining each fragment in their bodies to get to know them by just the way they move -- preparing herself for an attack; if one of the two decided to grow balls and plummet themselves at Sinister without a reasonable conclusion to why she was here and for what purpose.

Staring them down, those rapid depthless nomads of hers were none-the-less, breathtaking and memorizing. It would take a fool to get lost in the emptiness of her pupil-less eye sockets that were crusaded with black circles, making her take that look of an insomniac. Though instead of making herself seem a threat right off the bat, she decided to simmer her nerves down a tad, yet her white walls were still pillared up -- only hoping that no one attacked for the sake of their own pitiful lives. She'd watch each of their body movements with intriguing optics, her crown seemed to tilt to one side -- revealing a fine, deep, and brightly pink scar that published itself from the tip of her shoulder blade to the very end of her entire shoulder. Some would tuck her neck back in, covering up the ugly marking she had received by her father(the one she has been running from for ages now). But that was just not who she was, Sinister would rather wish for you to look her over, from nose to tail tip, finding that not all of her is a sight for soar eyes..

Glimpsing down at her catch, her colossal figure that was shifting with the endless valley of muscles that aligned throughout her entire physique, seeming to crackle and pop from the masses; covering her bottomless pit over the corpse. Her righteous snarls attacked the two with brute force, hinting to them not to take a step closer unless they want to loose a limb. Finding herself beginning to go insane, slowly yet surely, Sinister again tried to ease her tragedies. And once she had, the white femme shook out her pelt until it slightly spiked out, small ears lost in the white sea of fur as they were glued against her skull. She felt her ears twitch, the vibrations of the male's tone of voice soon rung out. He looked as if he were trying to redeem his dominance, but instead he was a mere mouse and Sinister was the cat..

"New to Alacrita little dove?"

Not being one for small talk, the female blinked twice, trying to find the right words to allow ooze from her god forsaken lips. She was always once for crude comments, and that little dove remark pushed her from the edge of the cliff she was trying so hard not to fall from. And to her disbelief, she had, and all her bottled up pain and resentment poured out. The loathing of her words were pure, venomous, and sharp enough to slice through titanium with no effort.

" Who in bloody hell are you calling little dove?! I'd watch what flies out that mouth of yours before it gets you killed.." Oh the pleasures she would have with this one, just thinking of the ways she could kill him. Maybe she'd skin him alive, hang him on a tree by his intestines.. Ooh, maybe she'd even give into consideration the idea of decapitating him, open him up and wear his still-beating heart as an amulet. Ah, how lovely, the sociopathic acts of a serial killer. the troubles she will have in the near future with these two, her devious mind will put her on the brink of death -- but whoever said she was afraid of dying. Hell, death is afraid of her, from counting how many times she should have withered over and died throughout her life something always seems to prevail her from passing over. Which puts her in this position, with two unknown wolves who seem as though they have the worlds in their paws and they are the puppet master of our strings..

Walk,"Talk", Think


04-24-2014, 08:37 PM

They would be greeted only with hostility, growls and snarls ripping free the woman's pale jaws and stood protectively over her meal. Audits twitched as Kylar spoke as he came to stand beside her. Venom spewed from the woman's lips as she dared to threaten Kylar. Was she really surrounded by so many fools? A bark of harsh laughter rolled off her tongue at the mere thought of this woman taking on the both of them, even just Kylar alone. "Such hostility from one who is so alone." Words were like silk, falling easily from dark lips. This one was different from the rest she had recently encountered. This woman screamed crazy serial killer.

The Queens tailed swayed at her hocks, toes splaying as her weight centered. She doubted anyone was foolish enough to attack two wolves, but you never know. "Is there something more acceptable we can call you?" It often came in handy that the woman was well versed, a master manipulator, she was more than confident in her abilities to talk the woman down, to persuade to put her talents to use.

Eyes would roam the woman's frame, they stood about the same height, but the woman looked to be much heavier. Admits her ivory coat was a long pink scar, visible only when the woman tipped her head as though to show it off. Already the Queen was liking this woman. But the real question was, could she be controlled? Was she capable of following orders? But the way the silver temptress was, if Neios was capable, anyone was capable. Coral pools stayed locked on the woman, watching her every move, memorizing her every features, every twitch.

ooc- crappy post


04-24-2014, 09:19 PM

Cataleya's speech

Kylar's speech

"Such hostility from one who is so alone."

Hostility was never the word for this female, more like brutality. In fact she aimed to kill them by just the tone in her voice. Yet, these two seemed like they weren't so easily persuaded. Which meant Sinister would have to deal much more of an effort to sway them; even the slightest bit. Concealed with her own saliva, dripping slowly from the edges of her sharpened blades, the only thing she felt like doing at this point was enjoy her meal without being annoyed by foolish souls that orbited around her. Something inside of her screamed out for vengeance, and yet the only thing that seemed to come out now was her emotionless comment thrown back at the fae. "So alone I am indeed, but what you do not know is that in time we are all left infinitely, and utterly.. alone.." Sating her words over with a fine coating of powerful rage, splitting the eerie breeze current that nipped and tugged violently at her broad features.

"Is there something more acceptable we can call you?"

Again the pregnant femme before Sinister was making her two-sense known, and this was starting to crawl it's way under her skin. Pressuring her to launch herself at the female and commit punishment upon the innocent women. Rounding her shoulders, stretching out her back to ease her now aching limbs from the stiffness she was weighing down on her. Thinking of some way to proclaim herself, announce her name and get this conversation over with so she could vanish into the night. Though, at this point, Sinister was beginning to realize this wasn't going to happen so she went with it. the caliber of a murderer stood up to her full height, crossing over the line of a Godzilla and cranking her neck to glare down on the unknown she-wolf. Canines bared dangerously, flashing in the little sunlight that gleamed down through a gap of two twin trees. Sinister's vocal cords released an intimidating, rough, and yet still semi-calm tone.

" My name? You want to know what others call me? Well, I would tell you, but that's classified. There are reasons why I'm known as a phantom in these lands." She dared not announce her name until she knows she can at least trust these two, it would only plague her name out across the plains, soon it would get back to her father and he will come after her and there will be no stopping him.

ooc-- yeah, same sorry.

Walk,"Talk", Think