
Flippin' The Bird

Jack Solo Fighting Seasonal

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-25-2022, 11:09 PM
The days are beginning to wane in both their warmth and length which singles to Calico Jack that a change of seasons is near. While he has never actually seen this change there is a sort of instinctive knowledge that lays deep within, hinting at what may be coming next. It means he will be older and closer to going out on raids with the rest of the pirates, so the boy needs to be ready.

Paws crunch the familiar granules of obsidian as the patchwork pup makes his way toward a flat part of the beach. Jolly Roger, Jack’s juvenile macaw companion alternates being flying and toddling along on the ground beside him as the pair move up and away from the water’s edge. They only stop once they are on a large flat expansion of the beach that is mostly free of clutter.

Scanning the area to make sure there are no debris that may hurt him, Cal nods his agreement to himself before turning to the bird next him. A grin splits his maw as Jolly Roger clacks his beak, black tongue appearing for a moment when he gives a small squawk to his friend. Excitement dances in the pup’s eyes as he says, “Okay, Jolly. Just like we talked about.” The bird makes a few clicking sounds before nodding and spreading his wings.

With a great shriek, Jolly Roger yells for all the beach to hear, “PIECES OF EIGHT!” Jack winces as the sound grates along every one of his nerves and he scowls at Jolly, saying, “What does that even mean.” The macaw looks to him, turning his head slightly so one of his eyes can focus on the patchwork pup a little better before doing a very uncharacteristic bird move and shrugs his wings.

The pup huffs out a breath as Jolly takes flight, slowly circling higher and higher above the ground. Jack wants to be able to counter all kinds of attacks so, he had come up with the idea to have Jolly Roger make different kinds of aerial attacks on him so he can try to find them off. Body crouches low, paws sliding out as he drops his center of gravity, coiling his muscles in preparation for the attack to come.

Roger doesn’t attack right away and, instead, makes several wide circles around the pup. Jack stays tensed, proud that the bird is smart enough to try and get him off his game by not attacking right away. Icy gaze follows the flight path of the macaw, waiting for the inevitable moment that is to come. A flash of yellow is all the warning Jack gets as Roger suddenly tucks his wings to his body and plummets toward the ground.

When he gets close, wings unfurl and beat the air with heavy strokes as black talons aim for Jack’s back. It is disconcerting how, one moment, the bird is over to the pup’s left, high in the air, and the next he is right above his back, seeking to latch onto his scruff and pull him sideways. The pup reacts, folding his legs and shoving his weight to the side so that he lunges away, paws slapping out at the bird while he growls in mock anger.

Jolly deftly avoids the attack, beating his wings hard to can gain some altitude and Jack moves to regain his position. However, Roger does not allow him time to reset, immediately dropping lower to flash his sharp talons toward the pup’s face. The growl is more of frustration, this time as he dodges, teeth snapping at the bird’s feet. Both attacks miss but Roger caws his disbelief at Jack and the pup sticks his tongue out while gathering his paws under him.

Jolly beats his wings, seeking, once again, to climb out of reach but Cal has something in mind for him. Muscles coil as he dips his front end low, nose almost touching the black sand before, in one smooth motion, all the energy is released. Front legs leave the earth first, shifting his weight backwards as Jack jumps upward, forelegs reaching for his macaw friend.

Time slows as his back paws leave the safety of the ground and, for one brief moment, Calico Jack knows what it feels like to fly. Front legs stretch out as he flies upward and Jack can see his bird friend’s eyes widen in shock as he joins him amongst the clouds. Glee races along his nerves as legs wrap around the bird the same moment gravity takes hold of his body.

Pulling Jolly to his body, Jack curls his body around his friend and he feels the macaw tuck his wings in a moment before their bodies slam into the ground. Now, the pair had not been that far off the ground but, when you are small, everything seems so much higher and further away than when you grow up.

The wind rushes from Cal’s lungs as they land and his legs loosen from around Jolly Roger’s body and the macaw quickly springs free to preen some of the feathers Jack had tousled. Once air returns to his lungs, Jack plasters on a huge grin and rolls over, standing to shake out his coat. Once done, he looks to Jolly and says, “Try again tomorrow?” The bird just clacks his beak and shakes his head as laughter fills the air and the boy and bird begin to head back home.

WC: 914

"Calico Jack" | Jolly Roger