
Is it to good to be true?



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-26-2022, 08:47 PM

It seemed Fern was stuck with an overprotective mate but things could be worse.  Rudy wished he could just keep Fern in the safety of their room until the children were born.  She was clearly round now, there was no way to doubt what she had said of pups within.  It wasn’t a lack of faith in her but the fear of what if something happened to her, especially with all the strange things happening.  Neither of them could forget what had happened the last time magic had shown up in the land.  Now it wasn’t just their lives but their children as well that could be at risk.

Still, the magically made autumn was undeniably pleasant.  All the plants were in bloom here making this place as great as Fern gully had been.  The smells of the area had plants Rudy didn’t have names for.  Hunting for game would be important but in a different way than before.  Too much prey could be an issue as they might overeat the vegetation, then again there was a whole lot of that right now.  Weaker animals might manage to live they should die to keep their genes strong.  While it could be said that wolves were killers in regards to the prey, in some ways wolves helped preserve the species' life by taking away the weak and keeping the numbers in line.

Rudy wasn’t about to mention any of this though.  Rudyard had no desire for Fern to work right now when she needed to rest and focus on their future children.  This was just a relaxing walk through a magic autumn land that seemed as full of life as his mate's belly.  “What do you think?  Do you think this will turn dangerous?”  

"Rudyard & Fern"


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-27-2022, 12:11 AM

The appearance of the statues and the magical autumn that has settled over the castle has a deep worry settling in the gray woman’s chest. It feels like the time when she had first appeared here, when the fireflies covered the land and the sickness took hold.

Rudy has been overprotected of her since he found out she was pregnant and, with this new development, he seems to not want to let out her of his sight.  Truthfully, Fern is grateful for him, for the company he offers especially when her mind turned back to the previous year’s events and the sickness that had taken ahold of her mind. She had been certain then, that she was going to die, that the ooze would choke her death or the deep, unfathomable anger she had felt would eat her away from the inside out. When the worry had been too much, they decided to go for a walk.

And had found this… beauty. The trees at the castle had taken on autumnal colors and the air is pleasant and alive with magic. Plants have sprung up from the ground where there had been none before and, here among the graveyard of ancient creatures, bright, colorful flowers turn their heads up at to them. Bees lazily buzz from one pollen laden flower to another. Bright green vines of ivy creep up and over the bones, twisting around them and appearing to pull them back down into the earth. There is no sadness here, no fear. There is only life and happiness. Her round belly makes moving  a little slower but Fern still enjoys the walk she is on with Rudyard.

Rudy’s question pulls her blue gaze over up to him, a smile pulling at her lips even as worry gnaws at her stomach. Softly, Fern says, “I hope not. After all we have been through, I hope that this only helps us and our children. I hope it blesses the land and wolves that walk upon it. At least… that is my wish as a mother.” Eyes sparkle as she moves to rub against Rudy, trying to draw strength from him.

"Fern Carpathius"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-27-2022, 10:09 PM

Aside from the fact Fern and Rudy had no idea if there was danger coming from all of this everything seemed perfect.  Was it possible after all the horrible events magic had caused that for once it could be only offering the good side of itself?  If it wasn’t for the fact Fern was pregnant Rudy might have been willing to accept that idea until something made him believe otherwise.  Fern and Rudy were capable of protecting one another.  Fern was carrying children inside of her that they couldn’t just leave in the safety of their room while they fought.  Their pups weren’t even born yet but they were now they were becoming the center of his world.

Despite his wariness, watching leaves meant for autumn weather roll slowly across the land made it hard to treat all of this as a threat.  Everything felt peaceful.  The plants smelled so alive and fresh, the magic in the air seemed to give a new sense of life altogether.  "You know, regardless if we can trust t or not, autumn is here to enjoy.  Let’s keep the window open tonight.  The air is fresh so we might as well enjoy it.”  Could trouble come?  Possibly but it would be whether or not the window was open, right?  Closing themselves in wasn’t good for either of their health or the pups.

Rudy lowered his chest, looking at some purple flowers, small yet so full of life. Rudy was about to dig it up then stopped himself.  “I’m not going to harm anything growing here but,” a small grin to Fern, pointing at the flower," “a gift to you.  Unfortunately, it has to stay here but, think of it as yours to come and see whenever you like.” A pause before adding, "“with me of course.” She wasn’t going out here alone.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-28-2022, 09:56 PM

Paws slowly plod along as Fern looks over the land, enjoying the sights and smells that the magical autumn brings. For now, the gray woman allows herself to hope that this magic will not be malicious toward her and her family. Leaves from the trees of the castle tumble slowly along the ground as the gray couple walk and she watches their passing with a quiet awe. She skirts around the blooming flowers and does her best not crush any plants or bugs as she goes.

Rudy’s voice pulls her blue gaze over to him and a smile appears on her lips. He is right, they might as well enjoy this experience while they can. Fern pulls in a deep breath, allowing the cool, crisp air to fill her sinus with the dozens of heavenly smells that linger in this place. As she exhales, a content sigh rolls out and she says, “I am thankful for this. The life it brings. I hope this bodes well for us.” A bee buzzes slowly by and she stops to allow it safe passage.

Eyes roam over to the huge bones the lay unearthed, noting the way that the vibrant green vines stand in stark contrast to the old, sun-bleached bones. A skull lays on its side, one eye socket exposed and she nudging Rudyard to points a pale paw at it. In the vacant socket, a bright orange flower that has bloomed, replacing the eye for this dead creature. It seems fitting and a lesson for all those who wander the ridge; that there is life in death, beauty even where life is gone.

Her mind turns to her mother and a sad, knowing smile tugs at her lips even as she looks to Rudy. He offers her a purple flower and she grins, nodding at his statement and, says, “It gives us a reason to come back here, to see my flower. But, it feels wrong to claim it as only mine. How about, it is our family’s flower and anyone can come and visit it, if they wish.” Fern does not want to lay claim to something that can be enjoyed by all who pass by.

His added statement about coming here with him is met with a soft laugh and she reaches up to lightly kiss his cheek before saying, “Of course, my love. But, be warned. We will be visiting it. A lot.” Blue eyes sparkle with joy as the couple continues on.

"Fern Carpathius"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-28-2022, 11:43 PM

Rudyard nodded with Fern, “A part of me would enjoy this lasting a good while but the timing is a poor one.”  Rudyard glanced upwards at the sky, eyes squinting up in the direction of the sun and then back to the landscape.  A soft chuckle escapes, pointing towards a patch of grass, “last time we had creepy fireflies but look, this is so opposite.” In the direction, he pointed were bees dancing about between some white wildflowers.  “Out of season, not where you’d expect to find them and yet those bees look perfectly normal and act perfectly normal.  Peaceful.”

Rudy glanced to where Fern pointed, noting the flower growing out of the skull.  Rudy of course couldn’t read her thoughts of life in death but even if he had, his mind was going down a different path.  Rudyard didn’t care for how close life and death mingled there.  He only wanted to see life, at least until his children were born and old enough to care for themselves.  Rudyard would gladly fight for a cause but his mind was constantly focusing on his children.  Maybe it sounded like a broken record but perhaps that was how a first-time dad’s thoughts were supposed to sound?

Rudyard raised a brow at Fern suggesting the little flower is now one belonging to the family.  Lowering his head so that it's only a foot from the flower he whispers to it, “psst, you are now adopted by the Carpathius family little flower.  That means it's your job to be the strongest of every flower here.  Grow well.  We’ll be watching you.”

Rudyard's puff of a tail sways back and forth some as Fern gives him a little kiss.  Rudyard gently licks under her jaw in return.  Even if trouble did come from all of this, at least for now the weather was enjoyable, the sights and smells pleasant whenever he could hold off the worry.  

Looking all about them Rudy finally nods his head to the side, towards the castle.  “Let’s go back or now.  We can come out again tomorrow.  We'll have to see Willow again after all."  Yes, he named the flower.  "For now, I think we should go in and discuss names for our kids.  We could also get to know our nieces and nephews.  They can be like our practice before we have our own kids.”  Rudy couldn’t believe he’d become an uncle so close to becoming a father.  Art’s children were already wonderfully dear to him.

“It’s as if all this life came out in our world at the same time it's coming from within us.” A last thought with a sigh and starting to turn around unless Fern were to stop him.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-29-2022, 10:49 PM

Fern has to agree with the timing of this event but there is another side to that coin. A smile tugs at her lips as she catches his eye, softly saying, “You know, it seems fitting. We met during the Long Night. When the darkness took hold and fear reigned. Now, our children are going within me during this.” She gestures a paw around before watching Rudy glance up to the sun, wondering if he too, falls asleep worrying that the sun will not raise in the morning.

So far, there have been no signs of it but, last year, there had been no real signs either. The sun rose less and less until it finally did not and night encompassed the land, holding the wolves in its icy grip of dread while the strange illnesses took hold. He is right, where the other had been creepy and sometimes scary, this is the opposite. Bees and butterflies occupy this land, fliting from pollen laden flowers and sweet-smelling plants. This is life, joy, and the cycle that all of them are bound to.

Even the skeletons are bright with life, flowers growing where there once vacant eye sockets, each skeleton full of color after so many years. Where there should be worry building in Fern at the strangeness of it all, there is only a gentle peace that comes with the knowledge that, no matter what happens, Rudy and Fern are going to facing it together. A content sigh rolls out as Rudyard offers her the flower and, after her question, he leans in to whisper to it.

Of course, he speaks loud enough for her to hear and a loving smile pulls her lips wide as she moves to press gently into his side. He suggests they head back to the castle before addressing their flower as ‘Willow’ and the gray woman’s heart melts even more for the motley gray man with the puff tail. A joyful laugh bubbles out as he speaks of the new pups that reside in the castle and she nods in agreement.

Fern concedes, saying, “That sounds good. And the nice thing is, if we get them too wound up, we can send them back to their mom and dad.” Happiness gleams in her gaze but she does not turn back just yet. Before they move to head back to the magical autumn trees that surround the castle, she reaches out to tenderly run a paw pad as carefully as she can on the purple leaves of their flower. Softly, she says, “We will be back Willow. I hope you know how special and loved you are.” Blue eyes flick over to Rudyard as she smiles warmly at her love.

With that the couple set out back toward the castle and Fern bites back a sudden feeling of regret as she leaves Willow behind. However, with Rudy by her side, she knows that tomorrow they will be here. Bright and somewhat early.

"Fern Carpathius"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.