
only know you love her when you let her go



5 Years
04-21-2014, 06:04 PM

Life flicked by so quickly again. All his hopes of having children, raising them into warriors, becoming the beloved husband of such a beautiful woman, rooting her on no matter what the cost...gone. Descended. Faded away within the blink of an eye. He so dearly wondered where she was. The boy didn't need to see her, he just wanted to know if his children were okay and his mate was safe and sound, cuddled within a den with her pups and raising them as a loving mother should. But, not only he hoped she was okay, he hoped to see her again. And to see what he had created with Six. The little darlings he could call, 'sweetie', or 'babycakes.' He's always wanted to use those little nicknames for his babies. And he's always wanted a little girl to name Deirdre, or Hikari. Yes...that's what he wanted.

But the devil always had to take away his happiness! Well, screw the world! If he ever found some damned wolf who captured Six...he'd try to kill them on the spot. Dead. Gone. Then he'd be back with his love. His darling. But now he had made a decision. Glaciem-, well, that was an option. But that pack was full of wolves and everyday the reminder of Six would make him grow emotional. So he did not decide to become part of them. Instead, Tortuga. He had heard of their great need of pack members. So, instead of joining a great an powerful pack, he decided to join one less fortunate. One that needed new recruits. Strong recruits. And the boy was strong now. Six has changed the little soft ball of fur of a man into a strong, powerful brute. But loving anyways, to anyone he meets. He was ready.

Trees, a ton of them, lined up before him as his large paws carried him across the soft earth. The man's charcoal black fur intertwined with twigs from trees from other land terrains, debris from the ground, and such things as those. The man really didn't care about how he looked anymore. Whether he was smelly, scarred up, full of dirt, uncomfortable, etc.. He had constant headaches from crying so much about Six and his children, and his legs ached excessively because all the searching he's been doing. So the man practically looked like an abandoned pup left for dead, but much, much larger. The only thing he's eaten in awhile was a skinny little doe who he found stuck in a tar pit. Water was plentiful, but that was about it. He hoped, after joining this pack, he could collect himself and snap into reality.

The man suddenly snapped back into focus as he bumped into a tree. It rattled softly and a few dead leaves fluttered down behind him. He could smell the aroma of a few wolves- but not very many. Plus, most of them were faint. What a shame. As the smell of wolves became stronger, Aldoro decided to stop and summon someone who could help him out. The man quickly threw his crown up and spilt the corners of his lips, releasing a loud, cracked howl. Once finished, he lowered his head and rested his chin on the support of his chest, seating himself in the shade of the many trees and awaiting a pack-wolf's arrival.




8 Years
04-21-2014, 06:30 PM


in defense of the innocent

Border patrols were getting so much more interesting these days; it seemed that word of Tortuga was finally beginning to spread, and with it came loners seeking to join, or seeking trouble. In the past few days she'd chased off a couple trespassers who thought a smaller pack would be easy to steal from. And now? A cracked howl drew her to the border. She was on her guard, as she always was when on patrol, but even more than that, she was curious and concerned. That voice sounded broken, distressed. A loner in trouble? Her legs flashed as she bounded toward the sound. Bursting through the trees to come upon the spot, she slowed to a halt. Her gaze quickly took in the situation - a young male, no pack scent, no obvious injuries, but incredibly scruffy-looking and... though she was loath to be so rude as to say it... a bit smelly. He looked like he'd not bothered to groom himself for a month.

Qanik was a little taken aback, and though her posture didn't show aggression, neither did she have any intention of relaxing. The wolf was outside of the packlands, so there was no reason to chase him off, and he looked distraught and distracted and more than a little pitiful rather than aggressive, but still she remained in a slightly defensive posture. Better to be safe than sorry. "You call for Tortuga, rogue?" she asked, her tone civil though guarded. "I am Qanik, legionary of the pack. Are you in need of assistance?"


cowardice is the only sin



5 Years
04-21-2014, 10:59 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2014, 11:01 PM by Aldoro.)

It was only a matter of minutes before a new aroma entered the area. He guessed it was one of the pack wolves looking to see why he was on their territory. But personally he hoped it was a wolf more higher-ranked. More responsible of taking care of the pack. That way he could collect the proper information he needed about the pack without feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Because when it came to socializing these days- his lack of experience always caused himself to look stupid. But it wasn't his fault. The man was simply depressed, and didn't bother caring for himself in any way possible. Food, smell, he didn't care anymore. All he wanted was to hear the voice of his wife again. And perhaps the voices of his little sweetheart babies.

A woman white as snow emerged from the trees, standing almost defensively before him. She had pretty blue eyes and a strange look twisted upon her face. The girl looked...disgusted. But he couldn't blame her. He truly did look quite hideous. Aldoro slowly dipped his head with respect at her presence, tail tucking between his hind legs as a sign of submission. He slowly lifted up onto all four paws and lifted his head to speak. Indeed I did. I'm looking to join your rather weak pack, to help build it back to health. The man lifted his chin a bit higher and planted his bicolored eyes upon the girl again, giving direct eye contact as he rethought her name. The boy managed to smile weakly and part his lips to a few more added words, It's nice to meet you though, Qanik. I'm Aldoro...




8 Years
04-22-2014, 07:13 AM


in defense of the innocent

Qanik took in the change to a more submissive posture neutrally. Once, a year or two ago when she still lived with her family, she'd met up with a young wolf scouting for another pack - ultimately the pack that had destroyed her family - and he had employed a trick whereupon he'd mimicked a submissive posture until she'd let her guard down, then fought his way free. She preferred not to make the same mistake twice. She did incline her head to acknowledge his respect, though.

At his words, however, her dark eyes flashed dangerously, stocky body tensing as she drew herself up. "Mind your words, stranger, and do not mistake our small size for weakness." She spoke sharply, but Qanik's temper was mild and the anger was quick to drain away, leaving her once more calm and collected. "What do you have to offer Tortuga, then, Aldoro?"

She knew it would be unwise to turn away any wolf with potential simply because of a misspoken word, but she was wary of him nonetheless.


cowardice is the only sin



5 Years
04-22-2014, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 03:41 PM by Aldoro.)

The boy knew immediately that she had taken his words the wrong way. The man didn't mean weak as defenseless, rather weak on members. Sometimes he could screw up his words-...especially when his mind had been focusing on one thing for long period of time. So yet again he couldn't blame her for stiffening up on his words a bit. It seems he couldn't blame her for any of her actions. It was all his fault, most of the time.

Aldoro dipped his head farther down and released a soft huff, tail continuing to tuck between his legs. His eyes left her and moved to the ground slowly. Him and her both knew if he tried to attack, he'd be beaten immediately, due to little strength and food. But he didn't plan on fighting anywho. If she didn't want him in her pack, so be it. There were plenty of other packs out there he could eventually join. Although, for now, this is the pack he wanted to join. And this pack only.

Ah, I think you took my words the wrong way, miss. You see, I meant weak in size. Not strength, nor anything within that range. He spoke sincerely, words filled with respect and honesty. The man hoped she'd consider him, despite his horrific first impression. He slowly began to smile again, his chin lifting as he rested his eyes on the woman. The answer to her question rolled off his tongue neatly to a simple part of his maw, But I offer you and your pack my full loyalty. I will forever stay and fight at your side, and risk my life in order to protect the pack. Even if I am only one simple brute, who now looks rather weak within your eyes. But I assure you I am more than I seem now. He puffed out his chest with confidence of his words, trying to show her that he wasn't as weak as he seemed.

But just because he was possibly joining a pack, it didn't mean he would forget about his love.




8 Years
04-23-2014, 08:28 AM


in defense of the innocent

"Loyalty is no small thing," she observed quietly in response to the boy's assertion. She'd made no reply to his claim that she'd misunderstood him, for what was there to say about that? It was purely a matter of trust, taking him on his word that he meant no harm, and Qanik was too cautious when it came to the pack to take someone solely on their word. Every time she made the decision whether or not to bring someone into the pack, she risked putting the entire family in danger, and the thought made her more than a little nervous. She would not, however, turn away a sorely needed body for such a flimsy reason.

Besides, she could not help but pity him.

"Mark me, Aldoro - if you come hoping to take advantage of a weak pack to cause trouble, you will sorely regret choosing Tortuga." The darkness of her blue-gray eyes promised violence were he to choose such a path. "If that is what you are here for, I give you this one last chance to walk away unscathed, for once you cross the border as part of the pack, if you betray us you will face my fangs." The threat was delivered with complete calm rather than in anger; though Qanik was by nature a peaceful wolf, she would do anything to protect her pack... her family.

"However..." Here her voice and face softened, relaxed as she regarded him. "If you come peacefully seeking a home and a family, then I happily welcome you to Tortuga, Aldoro. I would be pleased to have another brother willing to work by my side." Were he truly seeking a home in Tortuga, she hoped he would not take her caution personally. Were he not... well then it would be personal.


cowardice is the only sin



5 Years
04-23-2014, 03:53 PM

The man was quite taken aback as the woman began warning him, that if he tried to take over the pack she'd use him as her scratching post. Or, something like that. But the boy had absolutely no intention to harm the pack and attempt to take over. Even if a pack had less than three members. Aldoro was gentle giant, and usually, when not depressed, always in a good mood. He's playful, loving, kind, and easy to get along with. Not the best with combat or defense, but good with befriending all he can. But in the condition he was in...even if he was evil and looking to snatch the pack, he'd loose and die within days. He hasn't eaten in quite a while, he hasn't bothered to take care of himself, and he was just- weak. What harm could he possibly be to the pack?

Though a little offended, the man continued to smile. He dipped his head and bubbled a soft bit of laughter, pausing for a moment and registering her words once more. Then he replied, Well, fortunately I'm here for family and a home. But thank you. I greatly appreciate your consideration. He guessed he was now apart of their pack. And oh how he wished he could prove to her that he wasn't one to fear. Big, scary, yes, but loveable when happy and in a good mood. Soon he would be normal again. That happy gentle giant he used to be.




8 Years
04-26-2014, 06:35 PM


in defense of the innocent

Aldoro assured her that he was simply there for a family and a home, and Qanik gave him an accepting nod. Though still uncomfortable with the fact that she had the power to accept or reject this wolf, at the same time it was a relief not to be completely dependent on others to make all the decisions. She wasn't sure she was the one who should be making the choices, but her family was looking to her now as well as Roman, so she would need to live up to their expectations. "Aldoro, I shall be happy for you to join our pack," she rumbled. "Welcome to Tortuga." She made a gesture, beckoning him to join her on the pack lands.

OOC: sorry for the short crappiness, just wanted to make it clear that he's Tortugan now. :)


cowardice is the only sin