
Dance with the devil

Alastor, Seasonal



6 Years
Dire wolf
10-31-2022, 11:52 PM
Stark white paws stood out against the lush green grass of Alias Island. Kavik's massive form trudged leisurely through the dense pine forests of the island, walking his rehearsed patrol route with grace and finesse. Cold icy blue eyes shifted to and fro, keeping his gaze out for any signs of anything out of the ordinary. While ordinarily not one to enjoy the menial labors and chores of foot soldiers, Kavik would be remiss if he opted out of taking any and every opportunity he had to keep currying favor with Manea. The sexy violet alphess had entranced him, and just like a shark smelling blood in the ocean, when he saw the deterioration of Manea's marriage and her strife with her husband that day, he knew he had a shot to work his way into her graces and finally achieve what he had always wanted. A position of power and influence within a pack, a chance to be the alpha he never would have been back home. All he had to do was stay the course and keep cozying up to Manea while Alastor seemingly did all the work breaking down their relationship for him. He didn't even have to sabotage the other brute!

And so, Kavik ran his patrol route to help take some of the work off of Manea's shoulders. Perhaps she would be inclined to reward him for all his hard work later. A pleased shiver rippled down the male's spine as he thought of all the different ways she could do that, a grin playing on his lips. Man, Alastor really didn't know how good he had it when he decided to go off and bang some other chick. And speaking of the giant moronic Commander of Elysium, Kavik spotted the massive black wolf walking through the woods as well and heading in his direction. Alastor appeared to be walking a patrol as well, and from the looks of the bitter and frustrated expression on his face, he reasoned that he and Manea had not kissed and made up yet. Ah well, all the benefit for him!

As the two wolves passed one another, Kavik gave Alastor a saccharine sweet smile meant to twist that knife deeper into his back. Alastor, on the other hand, simply leered at the white wolf and huffed, his thinly veiled rage making Kavik feel all sorts of giddy inside. He did so love playing this game of torment with the wolf while he was bedding his wife on the side. "You're looking a little tired today, Commander," he said to his foe in passing, the devilish smirk on his face doing him no favors. "I feel that. Especially when I'm up all night pleasing our Matriarch." He snickered to himself; oh, he was really pushing his luck today!

WC: 469 / 1500

"Kävik av Fjellen"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-01-2022, 12:03 AM

Alastor was not a happy wolf. Not only had his life started to tailspin into a chaotic maelstrom from which neither he nor Manea seemed willing to compromise on their stances, but now he was forced to deal with the reality that every day he spent away from her was another day she was likely fucking about with that white prick she had brought home a season ago. Ordinarily Alastor wouldn't have given a damn who Manea wanted to sleep with, since they shared all their partners save for their one personal wolf—Relm for him and Irilyth for her. But since she had gotten in such a tizzy about him coupling with Relm, it seemed as if Manea was deliberately going out of her way to piss him off and try to hurt him. The white wolf, Kavik, had just been the latest in a long line of offenses she had dealt him, and he had taken each and every one of them in stride, but no more. This time he would stand his ground—no matter how much it wounded him to do so.

Yet even with him no longer living at home, bedding with Relm for the last couple of weeks, only returning to Alias Island to perform his duties as Commander, Alastor just kept himself moving forward. He threw himself into his work, pouring himself diligently into his patrols and training regiments with the other warriors. He and Relm had come up with a plan to bolster their fighting force in the event of a raid and that had taken up much of his time. Still, as each day wound down, he would find himself stealing glimpses of Manea and Kavik, knowing they would be going back to his home and sleeping in his bed that night. That was what pissed him off the most. The amount of disrespect Manea showed him and the callousness towards their relationship with her actions had solidified in his mind that he would not be the first to apologize. He would suffer in silence and ride this ship to the bottom of the sea if needed. But he would not give in first.

All these thoughts weighed heavily on Alastor's mind while running his morning patrol, so much so that he didn't see Kavik at first until he was almost right upon the arctic wolf. Blacks eye blinked and looked up at his nemesis, leering at that stupid smile on his ugly mug. Gods, he wanted to reach over and peel his face off right here and now, but something told him that maiming or killing his mate's new lover would only end badly for him. So Alastor grunted and grit his teeth, bearing the struggle—for now. At least he did until Kavik opened his mouth and goaded him with his words. Alastor froze in place, turning to face the departing white wolf with unbridled rage on his expression. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" he snarled, wheeling about to storm over to the other wolf. When Kavik didn't stop, Alastor lumbered into a full on charge at the other dire wolf, aiming to throw his entire weight into the other man's hips and send him sprawling. "Feeling brave, snowflake? Say that again!"

WC: 544
Total: 1013 / 1500


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




6 Years
Dire wolf
11-01-2022, 12:10 AM
Oh he had gone and done it now! Kavik heard Alastor's remark, but didn't stop to address the enraged wolf. Instead he continued to walk away, willfully ignoring his Commander's fury like he wasn't even there. Perhaps that was a mistake, since the next thing Kavik heard was the thundering of paws, and then shortly after he was crumpling to the ground as he was thrown from his feet. He grunted when his shoulder impacted the ground and rolled with his momentum, landing on his paws to face off against a snarling Alastor. Kavik bared his teeth back, but his snarl relaxed into a taunting grin, blue eyes shining with a wicked humor to them. "What, didn't hear me the first time? Maybe I should make Manea moan louder next time so you get the picture." Was he asking for a fight? Hell yeah he was! This would all be used as ammunition against the emotionally hijacked wolf when he brought the fight up to an already pissed off Manea.

It would have been easy for him to fight back against Alastor, but for now Kavik played the passive hero, not engaging in Alastor's antics. He rose up, muscles tensed, prepared to move as he needed to in order to avoid his opponent's strikes. Alastor came at him with another swipe of those deadly clawed paws and Kavik ducked easily beneath the blow, then skirted around to Alastor's side to get out of his striking distance. "Hey, don't worry, big guy! I'm taking good care of her while you're off playing house with another woman." Kavik gave a mocking chuckle, his tail flagging and wagging like a playful pup, showing just how trivial he found this whole matter to be.

WC: 290
Total: 1303 / 1500

"Kävik av Fjellen"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-01-2022, 12:25 AM

By the gods, did this cretin know how to run his mouth! Alastor had never met such an incessant, obnoxious, loudmouthed prick before in his entire life! Every barbed word was carefully crafted and delivered with just the right amount of smugness to infuriate him, and knowing that this bastard had been mating with his wife was just the worst part of all. Black lips peeled back from pearly fangs, vicious snarls pouring from the ebony dire wolf as he swung for Kavik, then swung again and again, gemstone claws extended and seeking to rend the flesh of his opponent. Alas, Kavik was much more agile than his muscular form let on. Maybe it was his rage or his homesick fatigue catching up to him finally, but Alastor could not land a blow on him, try as he might. Kavik ducked beneath his swipes, dodged to the side when he went to bite or pounce him. And worst of all—he did not engage him back. The two of them were locked in a dance in the woods, with Alastor advancing on Kavik and Kavik expertly maneuvering out of the way.

The stalemate between the wolves was eventually broken when Alastor landed another swipe on Kavik's leg, earning a yelp from his opponent as his claws cut through his thigh and tripped him over. Alastor wasted no time seizing his opportunity to pounce, landing directly on top of Kavik and moving to press his paws to the other wolf's chest to pin him. One giant paw slid up to rest against the other male's throat, blood red gemstone claws extending out to press into his tender flesh in a grim warning. Violence smoldered in the dark depths of Alastor's eyes as he loomed over the fallen Kavik, spittle falling from his bared teeth while snarls and growls rumbled in his throat. "The only reason I haven't torn your throat out and fed it to you is because I know Manea has a soft spot for you. But don't think I won't rip your entrails out and leave your corpse on the beach for the crabs if you dare push your luck with me again."

WC: 363
Total: 1666 / 1500


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




6 Years
Dire wolf
11-01-2022, 12:35 AM
All of his taunting and mocking of Alastor had done what he intended it to do. They enraged Alastor, incensed him to a state of clumsiness and feral recklessness. He wanted the dire wolf mad and out of control so he might make a mistake and do something he regretted. Well, Kavik got his wish all right, in the form of Alastor's claws ripping through his thigh on one well timed strike. The searing pain that flashed through his muscles drew an involuntary yelp from the wolf and he landed wrong on his dodge, slipping under his weight. Alastor didn't waste any time it seemed, because the next thing Kavik knew, a massive weight was knocking him to his back and then pinning him to the ground. He choked as pressure was pushed into his windpipe and sharp razors pricked into his throat. When his world stopped spinning, he realized he was pinned beneath Alastor, the Commander's claws digging into his skin where his carotid and jugular beat with his pulse.

Alastor snarled out his threat and pressed harder, cutting off Kavik's breathing with a choking gurgle. The cocky white wolf realized he should have felt fear in that moment, but all he could feel was triumph. He had gotten to Alastor, gotten him to lose control and wound him, leaving physical evidence to show Manea. He hadn't laid a paw back on Alastor either, making the situation seem even worse for the Mendacium brute. And best of all, his opponent even confirmed what he knew—Alastor couldn't kill him without risking jeopardizing his own relationship even more! Kavik grinned up at Al, raising his paws in submission as he conceded defeat. Alastor snarled again, but released his throat, allowing Kavik to suck in a quick breath. Before he could get to his paws, one thickly muscled black leg kicking back to nail him in his stomach, knocking the wind from him. While Kavik doubled over and gasped, Alastor growled and trudged off into the woods, leaving a breathlessly laughing Kavik alone to nurse his wounds and plan on finding Manea. He might have taken a few knocks, but he was going to screw over Alastor big time with this.

"Kävik av Fjellen"