
Black sheep in the crowd [pack meeting]



04-21-2014, 02:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2014, 06:09 PM by Vaughan.)

Some time had gone past since the queens last meeting; the news of her pregnancy was no suprise to vaughan, seeing as he saw her before hand. Large paws would skim the terrain, pulling his huge mass along Ebony grounds until reaching Firefly lake. It was time to pull Ebony together, to see where everyones skill was at and to get training in order. His muscles would tense, his cold gaze looking within the water which mirrored his reflection. He would sigh, before letting out a strong howl for everyone to attend, he needed to know who had remained Active around Ebony, and who need to be Demoted or Promoted. He had noticed a few had slacked on their important roles, so now it was time to sort it out, quickly.

Vaughan would patiently wait for them all, his healers, warriors and hunters. Each individual made the pack stronger; and he could only hope they would all arrive. He had a lot to say, and wished not to bore everyones socks of, but get straight to the point. The dark lord wanted to make sure even the new members would make there mark, to get an equal chance to rise up in the ranks. Though, Vau made sure to keep a note to those who had remained loyal from the very start, afterall he wanted to make sure everyone was rewarded fairly.

NOTE: This is mandatory. Those who fail to post by the 1st of May will be demoted or punished.

image by Luisiana


04-21-2014, 02:54 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2014, 07:05 PM by Elsa.)

Elsa was eager to see all her packmates again as she decided it was time to share the exciting news. She pushed away from her herbs stores as she headed towards the lake and Vaughan's call. When she arrived she sat near Vaughan but not too close and nodded in greeting. "Ser Vaughan, I have something to inform Raisa about. Will she be here today?" She asked as she awaited her mate Hajime to arrive as well as the rest of the pack. She assumed their queen would be there but assumptions often made asses out of wolves who assumed. Her stomach was starting to round and it was becoming obvious that she was expecting children.


Katja the First


8 Years
04-21-2014, 03:06 PM

I can't feel the way I did before

Don't turn your back on me
Katja was restlessly patrolling near the rock garden that day. Something had been bothering her for some time and she was fairly sure she'd finally figured out what the gods were trying to tell her. She was failing in her vow to bring her cousin to justice. Farther from finding him than she'd been before, she hadn't even found a scent trail since she'd left her sister to heal after the earthquake. Jaeger was there, she knew he was, but he was nowhere to be found. She was simply going to have to resign herself to a longer stay in Alacratia, which meant she was going to have to immerse herself more fully in Ebony to facilitate that stay.

So when the call rang out - not Raisa's, but the male who had taken over for her when she'd given birth - summoning the pack for a meeting, she moved to go there immediately. Surprisingly, considering she'd been on the far side of the territory and had needed to weave her way around and over the rocks to get here, she was the second to arrive. One of the healers who had attended Raisa's birthing was there as well as the high lord. Katja's eyes moved around the area before seating herself nearby Vaughan with a sharp nod of respect for him. She sat as she always did, perched like she was one heartbeat away from leaping to her feet again in violence, though her masked face was unreadable and completely calm. It wasn't in her to make small talk, so she simply sat quietly, eyes taking in the details around her as she waited for the meeting to get started.

I won't be ignored

Time won't heal this damage anymore



8 Years
04-22-2014, 06:08 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 06:20 AM by Maximous.)

The high lord's call had reached Max deep within his den. Normally the dark man would have answered immediately but he was organizing his herbs and picking out the next plants he would teach the young Callisto. He still had a few common ones for her to learn and then he would move on to the ones that were more difficult to find.

By the time the man had made it out from beneath his tree he had assumed many others had already answered the high lord's call. However his arrival would prove other wise. He was the third to appear before Vaaughn, Elsa and Katja being the first two though in what order he was not sure.

As he gave a small bow to the other male he wondered where his student was but said nothing. Silently he sat next to Elsa and the alabaster woman made him wonder of the other lass that he had taken back to the boarder before calling for a higher rank to either send her on her way or except her as another Sola Knight. He looked forward to seeing her again though he wasn't sure why.

While he sat there he also remembered the way he had treated Elsa the last time he had seen her. He felt bad about it and she needed to know that he hadn't meant to be bossy or treat her like a pup who didn't know the first thing about healing. "I apologize for the way I treated you when we were helping Raisa and the other queen. I know your a smart woman and I didn't mean to make you feel as though I thought otherwise. In the future ill try not to be such an ass toward you when we have to work together." He hoped she would except the apology.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


04-22-2014, 07:17 AM

Vaughan's call went to his ears easily. The new member of ebony was quick to enter the call knowing his mate would be there as well. Of course when she came into site the man came to greet her with affection. Happily rubbing against her side and giving her a lick over the top of her head. He wagged his tail happily as he turned to Vaughan and dipped his head. Looking towards the others, faces he did not know, and hopefully would know in the future.
"Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you." he said in a kind tone. Red eyes looking them over, he never felt so odd with a clean slate like this in his life. It was like tortuga all over again, but at least here he felt a bit more home and at ease.




7 Years
04-22-2014, 10:19 PM

Kassander had been out on his own again in search of the herbs he had learned about from Elsa when he heard the call. It sounded important so he ran as fast as his puppy legs could carry him to where the meeting was. He saw Elsa and a man he did not know, he presumed to be the father as he had found out Elsa was pregnant during his lessons, sitting near the front. He rushed up and sat next to her, looking at her with eager eyes. "Can I have another lesson soon Elsa?" He asked the Sola in a hurry.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-22-2014, 10:38 PM

The femme had been feeling rather ill lately, out of sorts and in mild pain. Her very bones ached at times, but it was nothing a good run couldn't fix. Long legs arced across the terra as she made her rounds, checking the borders and occasionally stopping to scent mark. A strong howl rang out in the middle of the territory, far from the edges of the Rock Garden where she was investigating an unfamiliar scent. She did not recognize this call immediately, and was quite skeptical. With a sigh of resignation shuddering through her flanks, powerful paws would once more pound over the dirt as she followed the summons. Eventually she came through to the edges of a lake, small enough to be considered an oversized pond, really. The pack was assembled there, a few faces that did not she did not recall having seen before making her chest swell with pride. Crown would remain held high, the masked soldier regarding the ranks with intrigue. Her eerie optics of liquid magma and ghostly blue scanned them over, noting who showed promise of being warriors in the future, who would serve better elsewhere. Muscles rippled beneath her thick ebony pelt, a lattice work of scars visible across her powerful frame as she moved. A cursory nod was given to the High Lord, Vaughan, out of nothing other than respect.

Tall audits would flick atop her head as she sought her Queen. It was unusual for a regent to be absent from a pack meeting, especially with their youngsters present. Brow would quirk curiously as she skimmed over the heads of the rest of the group, finding no sign of the soot furred leader. Now, where could she be? Was the great leader of the Ebony pack ill? Had she decided ruling did not suit her? Many options presented themselves, but none seemed altogether plausible as they might be. Something was amiss, that was definite. The small stub of her tail would twitch, the only sign, however minute, that she was uneasy. Thick cords of muscle would quiver as her haunches were slowly lowered to the ground amid the assembled, watching everything around her with no signs of emotion on her severe features. When the meeting began, maybe there would be answers.

"Talk" "You" Think




04-23-2014, 03:02 AM

Isidora did a bit for the pack, though she by no means as responsible as the others. A bit of a child at heart, the girl had never been the ambitious type and wouldn't start it now. She was happy with her rank; she would much rather be responsible for supervising and entertaining the children of the pack than trying to teach them, she'd prefer to socialise than solitarily inspect borders or see off any threats. Her fighting and healing skills were beyond hopeless, and if she was quieter her hunting would probably improve greatly. She was hardly the model member, but she was here and she would remain loyal in her own way.

She wasn't the first to arrive to the meeting, which to be honest wasn't really much of a surprise. In she would come bounding, skidding to a halt dangerously close to Platinum who had arrived a few moments before her. Sitting in her spot, she'd give a grin to the serious female not minding the fact she didn't really know her all that well. "Hello" She would greet her cheerily, if it wouldn't be too disruptive the girl probably would have ran around saying hello to the entire pack. Her attention would rightfully turn to Vaughn but only for a moment before she looked to Platinum again. "What's he doing up there? Where's Raisa?" She would ask the High Lady.

by azzy


04-23-2014, 07:26 AM


The white maiden had gone searching for plenty of herbs that day and was mildly dozing when the call rang out. She recognized the voice immediately as Vaughan, the dark regal male who had accepted her into these Ebony ranks. There was a light smile dancing on her lips as she rose to her feet and began to run. She wasn't the first to arrive, of course, seeing that again the meeting had been held on the opposite side of the pack grounds. It also didn't help with her speed when the potent pain of her freshly injured ear caused her to sway every now and then. But she made it to the meeting nonetheless, sadly the eighth to arrive, and nodded at all who had attended. There were plenty of wolves she did not know, a few healers along with a High Lady and a younger pup who resembled the queen. Another heir of hers?

Adelaide regained her attention quickly and entered the circle of members, still smiling. "Sorry if I am late, Sir Vaughan, I was not near Firefly Lake when you called. I hope all is well?" She gave him a polite curtsey and turned to give one to the High Lady as well, respecting their superior ranks. Then the snowy girl moved to seat herself among the other Sola Knights, waiting for an explanation. Would their queen be attending on this fine day?

She certainly hoped nothing was wrong, after all. Ebony had become her new home.




5 Years
04-23-2014, 11:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been outside of her den studying, the drying bits of plant laid out neatly upon the uneven stone of the Steppe. Had she been closer to the end of her self-imposed lesson she would have answered more quickly. Instead, the black and grey girl had taken the time to bring them back into the safety of her den before she left the Steppe to venture to the lake, the location she knew Vaughan's call had originated from.

Her thin, grey legs carried her shadowy body to the lakeside and slowed almost leisurely as she approached the group as a whole. Silvery-blue eyes fixed themselves first upon Vaughan at the head of their pack, in the place that their Alpha should have claimed. Having not yet met her, Callisto had to wonder where the ruling lady was. Gaze panning, she found Maximous, her instructor, in apparent conversation with another wolf. She had thought to join him when she arrived, but since he seemed busy the lean yearling girl simply sat amongst the gathered, quiet and stoic and straight backed as she awaited Vaughan's purpose in calling them together.

Image by Maka.



5 Years
04-24-2014, 12:53 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had taken some time, but Anais and her family were finally on their way to the meeting. Both young pups, Lior, and Kailos, were beside her as the grey-gold girl walked before her parents, making sure to keep them close and well behaved - or at least as well behaved as she could. Occasionally her yellow-gold gaze would drift over a shoulder to watch her mother's progress, worried about her poor spirits though proud of her for choosing to come along. She had been so dejected after the fall of the tree onto her, the scars left behind that crossed her right eye. Hopefully this was a step toward her getting out of that funk.

As they came upon the gathered wolves, the yearling wolf paused to glance out across the unfamiliar faces, only recognizing Vaughan at the head of the group. Hmm, where to sit... "C'mon, guys, this way," she whispered to the pups, guiding them to an open spot within the group. Taking a seat and hoping they would do the same, Anais glanced toward her parents with a smile, both encouraging and eager to be at their first pack meeting in Ebony.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



11 Years
04-24-2014, 02:17 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 11:26 AM by Bane.)
Bane dunked his muzzle into the lake moments after the sound of Vaughan's howl, his two eldest sons following their fathers lead. The deer had been taken at amidst as made it's way to the lake. The elder had been in the trailing back to prevent it's escape while his sons, Jakart and Nako, came in from either side. A three way pincer, and it had worked beautifully. The pale wolf didn't even have to move much, and that's what bothered him.?He'd much rather be a Sola Knight where his age could be used for knowledge and not meat, that much he would leave for his sons to provide for the pack. The blood was cleaned off of his muzzle and he inspected his sons with a glance. They looked presentable to the pack that was meeting just along the lakes shoreside, and with a jerk of his head signaled for the two younger wolves to follow.

The walk was short, growing voices giving their greetings to packmates as Bane nodded to all he passed along the edge as he made his way to the rest of his family.?"There you all are," Bane said as he loped up to Tahlia with a nuzzle as he sat beside her. "hows the only fine thing in Ebony doing. Doing as good as protecting our young I hope." Bane added. Tahlia had taken the injury to her eye and well... she was being very self conscious about it. Frankly Bane couldn't about the fact that she was now blind in one eye. If that was the worst thing to happen protecting their two youngest, then the loss of sight and a bit of pride was the best thing that came out of the earthquake for their family. Their two pups, their three yearlings. Everybody was ok. And complimenting Tahlia a bit more wasn't such a bad thing if it meant keeping her spirits up.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
04-24-2014, 04:29 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

While her daughter took the lead with her younger children, Tahlia walked more slowly behind. Uncharacteristically her head remained low, gaze staring at the ground before her paws. Part of her wanted to retreat, to go back to hiding within the privacy of the den. All this time, she had taken so much pride in her appearance, going through pains to ensure she looked her best. And all it had taken was a sudden earthquake and an unstable tree to take it away. It had been worth it overall - her babies were safe and sound because of her sacrifice - but now her vanity had returned, and inwardly she balked at what had been done.

Lifting her head she set her dark gold, whole left eye and her scarred, cloudy right on her children and then beyond to the wolves of Ebony, her paws slowing nervously. So many new faces... At least very few of them had seen her before to know what had happened. Anais chose their spot and Tahlia followed to sit beside them, watching the pack and spotting her husband and sons as they came to join the group. Bane was quickly at her side and even as he spoke she pressed her face into his neck, smiling a little despite herself at his remark. At least he was unfazed by her new appearance; his opinion mattered more than her own. "Better now that you are here," she murmured sincerely, angling her head for her good eye to meet his before letting her attention return to the meeting's events and taking comfort in her husband's supportive presence.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-24-2014, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2014, 05:24 PM by Epiphron.)

It was strange to be in Ebony without most of her family. The woman was not truly alone, she had her husband -- but she couldn't help but feel inextricably lonely being here. Epiphron would never admit it out loud, but having not seen any of her children was remarkably painful. When she'd first married Maverick, she'd never expected children so quickly, nor had she envisioned them being so important to her. They ran through her mind almost constantly. Soon, she would visit Seracia to make sure her youngest children were faring well.

Her mood was solemn as a call rang out over the land. It was not Raisa, but a voice unfamiliar to her. She would rise quickly and turn to head toward the group meeting. As she drew closer, her sapphire gaze danced over the group that had gathered. Many were familiar at a glance, but she could only put names with a select few faces -- Isidora was one of them. And.. Bane? And his wife? He had been banished from the Kingdom of Seracia long ago, and it seemed he had found himself here. She would remain silent as she drew closer to the growing group. She could not help but share her husband's dislike of the man, though her feelings were not overly strong.

Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias was silent as she reclined to her haunches, watching Vaughan with a curious gaze. She hoped her husband would join her soon, and her head tilted to the side as she searched for him in the distance.



5 Years
04-29-2014, 05:37 PM
Jakart's head rose at the sound of the summon. A pack meeting during the grown males of the family first hunt together. Rather the ending, his tongue swiping over the side of his muzzle to clean the blood as he finished swallowing a piece of thigh. All three of them had good sync together, able to take down the deer no problem. His father had flagged behind a bit, a worried glance given up at his aged sire. The three bloodied wolves would leave their kill for now, Jakart being the last to vacate. The youngest yearling nosed his brothers shoulder at the lakeside. "How was my sync?" Eyes hung onto the feathers adorning Nako's head for a moment. A praising word was spoken and Jakart beamed with closed eyes, tail wagging a few times while cleaning his muzzle off in the lake.

With wet faces Bane led his sons to the conglomerate of Ebony wolves forming, both sons following their fathers path around the edge of the gathering. Such a friendly bunch Jakart had noticed with a moment of shy intrigue, all greeting one another and polite. Anais was sat next to, the nickname he called his littermate. "Hi Anye." The yearling cheerfully nuzzled her marked shoulder. He tried to sit up straight and not slouch as his mother had taught them. The scarred shoulder of his sisters was stared at, conflicting thoughts about having one bouncing around in his mind.



7 Years
04-30-2014, 10:41 AM
The deer almost got away if it wasn't for Nako's positioning. With a leap and outstretched paws the fully grown yearling brought his fangs around the deers neck and landed on his side as his momentum brought the animals down from its run. The prey kicked and choked out its cries of distress, a snap reporting through the branches of the lakeside forest as the buck was silenced. The two others with him, Bane and Jakart, erupted through the bushes to find him already through the hide and starting on the chest cavity. His father and half-brother waited as of the liver was torn free and swallowed with a few jerks of his head. The prize of a kill, all three of them beginning to feed after that. Wet crunches of bone and the ripping of lifeless flesh sated the wolves hunger as they devoured the deer. Nako's one good ear was the first to flicker at the sounds of the howl, all of them stopping and looking up. His father gave a sigh and motioned for them to finished what they had in their muzzles. They would come back for this after the meeting with the whole family or bring pieces back to the den should the pups be tired.

Paws sank into the gritty shore as he dunked his muzzle to clean up. At his bothers touch and question Nako spoke a curiously toned 'fine.' Jak didn't have to ask that. They got their prey to feed themselves and the rest of the family back at their dens. His chin rubbed between the often timid younger wolf's ears before they raced to catch up to their father. The meeting still had wolves trickling in, Nako eyeing a white and red pelted she-wolf in curious disbelief as he sat with his family. Epiphron was in Ebony; so that could only mean that Maverick was here too. A stiff but curt nod was give at the familiar wolf, and his attention turned to the one who had summoned them.



5 Years
05-01-2014, 07:00 PM
What was this now? Some wolf was calling them all together... But why? The femme would pause in her play, ears lifting with a frown. She wasn?t entirely sure what it was all about but... She decided that she wanted to go see what was going on. Besides... It sounded like whoever had called the meeting was important... And it wouldn?t be good if she didn?t show up and made him mad, right?

So the gray, tan, black, and white femme started off in the direction of the gathering of wolves. There were so many already there... And Lior was surprised to see that their pack had so many members. ?Wowwy!? She exclaimed. She would look for a member of her family then and, spying Anais, the girl trotted up to her sister?s side.

?Anais what?s going on?? She would ask, tilting her head to the side.

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



3 Years
05-02-2014, 03:57 PM

What was this? A meeting? Svetlana was playing with Korrin when the call went out by the black male with the white marking on his face. She?d look to her companion, a little frown on her face. ?It sounds important. Korrin thinks that we should go, Svet.? The little fox kit was doing a bit better now that these wolves were looking after her, and of course the herbs the white and black furred woman gave her were helping. Already the little thing looked much better, and had more energy that helped her keep up with the chubby pup.

Svetlana would rise, the faded version of Raisa letting out a little giggle. ?Then lesss go!? She would move at a fast pace, short legs carrying her in the direction of the gathering with the small black fox at her heels.

They would arrive to see many other wolves there, and Svetlana?s blue eyes would brighten when she saw there were other pups there too. That meant more friends and playmates. But the child figured it wasn?t time for play... So she would pad over near Vaughan, plopping down and panting a little as she looked up at him with bright eyes. The pace she had taken was too much for her at this point in her life, but it got her here.

Korrin would settle down next to the pup, her gray eyes looking upon all the wolves that were gathered. ?Many many wolves... Korrin not so sure Korrin likes this.? She would whisper to the wolf.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



05-09-2014, 02:04 PM

As soon as the mans call had projected he wouldnt wait long. First to arrive was Elsa, a dedicated wolf to the empire kingdom. He'd smile before she took her place. Next to arrive would be Katja, another wolf who he deemed worthy, in his eyes a least. Since Raisa was recovering after the birth it was katja he had noticed had been pulling the weight the most around here. He would nod in respect as she would do the same, eager to announce everything. Soon the area was beginning to fill with the Ebony wolves, some he knew and others not quite so. Which, would have to be changed. Many would come, ranging from healers and warriors alike, as well as the hunters. His tail would flick easily at his heels, the last to arrive was one of Raisa's blood, so alike in appearance. He would grin as she'd sit close beside him, Once everything would settle he'd find it time to begin.

His tongue would swipe against his thin lips, before departing his large maw. "Firstly, im sure your all wondering why its me who has called and not the queen you have all become used to." He'd take a moment to look upon everyone before continueing, hoping all would make it easy for him, or atleast be understanding. " Im Vaughan, for all of you who have not yet had the chance to meet me. As you should all know Raisa has given birth to 5 beautiful children, 2 of which have made it here!" He'd look towards Svet and kassander, the only two who had attended. Which was a shock in itself seeing them withought there mother by their side. " Raisa is currently recovering after the birth, and will not be attending this meeting. I hope your all aware that it wont be for long that she may appear abscent. She'll soon be on her toes with thing. but for now i think its time we all began shifting some ranks around and get some training in order."

He would take a deep breath, before continuing, knowing this will be a lengthy speech. " Firstly, it has come to my attention that not all the high lords and ladies have been doing their duty to high standards. Ebony expects for their members to remain active and social. Those who have failed to attend this meeting will be demoted." Vaughan would excuse Mavericks abscence, seeing as he had quite a serious injury after the disaster. But sif? She hasnt been seen since she had arrived. Vaughan would hope that his warning was clear enough. For he was never to keen on the whole idea of demoting. " Platinum, Epiphron. I do hope to be seeing you more active, ive seen very little of you both, which needs to be changed." He would leave the discussion as that, but there was no denying the disappointment filled within his voice. " Furthermore, Im happy to announce that there will be a promotion." He would smile, before turning towards the dark woman." Katja, your dedication towards Ebony has been noted and will be rewarded. I promote you to high lady, i trust you'll keep everyone in check." Vau hoped everyone else would come towards an agreement, there was no denying katja was a hardworking and rather admirable lady.

" Now, i think its time we all had some training... Ebony needs to be kept strong." He would look upon the healers, the hunters and warriors, thinking on who'd be best for the job. He took only a few moments before announcing. " Adalaide, you shall hold a training session dedicated on healing. Elsa, Maximous im sure you'll be willing to attend and learn from the lesson. You have both already proven worthy in your skills. But i think now its time to see how Adalaide is before deciding on sola master." She'd give her a single nod, hoping she'll succeed in the lesson that he hopes she'll provide. " Katja, you'll also be in charge in the hunting lesson, along side Tahilia, im sure you'll both work excellent together. I want to be sure everyone knows how to provide for there friends and family." He'd only spare a moment to look at them both, hoping they'd both do him proud. " Hajime, i have faith that you'll do well in warrior training. All wolves need to know the basics. Defenses, attacks and strategy" It wasnt long ago since vaughan had met up with him, and he was sure that the new member was keen to prove his self. " To the rest of you, i do hope you'll all attend these lessons. Not just out of courtesy but for your own good. your skills must remain sharp"

image by Luisiana

Katja the First


8 Years
05-09-2014, 02:51 PM

Vaughan began the meeting. At first there was little of interest. A more official announcement of the pups, an explanation for Raisa's absence. He spoke of the high lords and ladies who had not been properly doing their duties, and demotions for those who had not even attended the meeting as well as his expectations for the ones who had not been active. He then announced a promotion. Katja's silver gaze tracked Raisa's second as he spoke but she made no move otherwise, until he unexpectedly turned to her. It was unexpected, she had not known Vaughan thought so highly of her efforts nor had she desired rank, but it seemed the gods had a purpose in this as they often did. Considering this development, she inclined her head to him in acceptance.

It also seemed she was to organize a lesson in hunting, something she would be more than happy to oblige in. She was continually surprised that no one in Ebony was starving with the way they clumped around like giants. Perhaps she could teach them a more effective way. Again she nodded her acceptance, and glanced toward the wolf he'd indicated would lead the warrior lesson. A new wolf, one she had yet to meet. It would be intriguing to see what skills and tactics he would speak to them of. And on to the healer who was to guide the healers in a lesson of their own. Now Katja spoke up. "Would an Ebon welcomed be, if interested they be, to a lesson in healing?" Basic healing was a skill any should have, a lesson driven home when she had found her elder sister bleeding out after being trapped by the earthquake and being forced to depend on her for the knowledge to assist her, a risky proposition when she could have lost consciousness.
