
Hot coals are sitting on butterflies



4 Years
04-20-2014, 02:20 PM

Things were simply, quiet, and Arian was trying to stay on her feet unlike a lot of other wolves. After gathering her share of herbs for Seracia she was left in wonder if it was a good decision to stay or not. After Syrinx went away, she had become rather curious as to what happened to him and his family. She was grateful for her family, the time she trained with them in Amenti had been wonderful. It had given her the opportunity to see beasts fight, and warriors win. Specially Syrinx, so large, she had been in awe in him she had been in respect to him as well. She liked him, and she missed him even if they hadn't really spoken. She knew his daughter though, and even she was someone Arian had enjoyed the company of.
Arian had a pigeon in her mouth, from catching it earlier. Hunting and training had been how she would like to spend her spare time. Rather than lazing about, waiting for the day to pass by. She wasn't two years of age yet, limiting herself to lots of things. So she would try to perfect herself the best she could, with her bright attitude as well. It made her giggle a little bit on the inside.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



Extra small
04-26-2014, 05:56 PM

Syrinx had left and had made himself a lot of enemies in both staying here, and then turning around to leave. He had abandoned the trust of his allies in Amenti, and he knew that should he ever choose to rule again he would face tests of time. He had to gain back what he had lost in Alacritis, except now, he could admit that he was more ready than ever--and it was obvious as to why he was more willing now. He was not as youthful, and having left Alacritis had allowed him to explore himself. Wisdom was something he could claim to have a better grasp on. Still, he would not claim to be any prodigy of Cairo; because there was so much he was still missing. Cairo had held the capacity to make the rest of the world thrive positively around him. Syrinx wanted his blood to be the only living thing in existence and to actually get there; that was harder said than done. Syrinx had an adamant desire to completely rid the world of anything that wasn?t a fraction Adravendi--or that which held no positivity for their blood line. It was help that he needed and that he wanted to go through and really assist. He had a carnal desire for this life he had not written. Placing it in motion was easier said than done.

?He also no longer held much water to strangers. They all deserved to burn--except the rare few. Some impressed him and others did not, and yet, as eyes turned on a youth that was in the distance he could easily admit that his curiosity was blossoming. She was something different and he was well aware of the fact that she was easily resembling his lineage. She looked like an inverse Epiphron and he desired far too much to question her. Who was your mother? He let his nose guide him into her past--and the scent of the land Epiphron once ruled bridled her coat; however, Epiphron was not to be scented on her. She was not the Adravendi?s daughter then? She would hold no importance to the russet arkhos should she fall short of that bloodline. Swallowing the saliva growing in his maw he let a low growl resonate in the back of his throat and he stared at her expectantly. It was as though he expected her to understand the question running through his mind.

?Then it erupted from his throat, ?Who are you??



4 Years
04-28-2014, 03:47 PM

Arian would be clueless for the most part, for a long time until she scented the man. And it was easy to tell who he was, for his size, and the manner in which he walked she had memorized so easily. Her head would turn towards the growl, to see a beast who would strike fear into anyone who was in their right mind. He easily towered the small girl as she dropped the pigeon and kept her eyes locked on him. Syrinx it was, and someone she dearly respected, and held no fear for. She had seen his wolves fight, she had bonded with his daughter. Sure they all had a bit of evil in them, but it was something needed unless they all wanted to die. At such a young age she even knew this herself, regardless if she had been adopted or not she had felt the blood of them through her veins like a ghost. Arian would not deny her right to be an adravendi and she had done nothing to soil the name thus far. As she watched him in his growling fury, a smile slightly curved on her face in a friendly manner.
"Arian, Arian Adravendi daughter of Epiphron and Maverick. And you are Syrinx, the king who I look up to no matter how intimidating you may be." the words left her lips easily, she would tell the truth and nothing of it of what she believed. Arian didn't have a hint of fear within her, she had learned there was worst things to fear in the world. After spending time in Amenti she had at least learned a small set of fighting to tear into enemies never in a way she would have expected. She may have been a healer, but one day she still wanted to fight and be able to hold dear the things she loved. "You're back Syrinx... everyone's been wondering where you've been." She doubted he cared but, it was a statement all the same.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



Extra small
04-30-2014, 03:00 PM

?He contemplated, powerfully, what to do about the odd child. A gleam in his eye only told him that there was something important. It took but a moment of watching her and studying how she looked at him. Her features were sharp like her mothers, bright like her fathers, and they were also bold as any Adravendi?s should be. She stood and looked at him with what he regarded as reverence. In his mind she was all too aware of his ability to tear her apart and leave her behind should it be a wish. Though, her words were quick to be spoken and he cracked a slight grin. She knew her blood would be her saviour. Never would he harm someone that he was sworn to. And; even inadvertently...he was sworn to protect the little girl. Especially, being the daughter of his direct sister. She was of superior importance. His niece needed to be questioned though. She wasn?t living with Epiphron; was she?
??Where is your mother? Your sisters?? He wanted to hear her admittance that she was separated from her maman. The scent that held a mother and daughter together was gone. He needed to know what had happened. His family falling apart in his leave was not something to be taken lightly; nor was it something the canine was going to stand and consider. The behemoth planted his haunches firmly against the earth and took to staring at her for a moment much longer than anticipated. He was indeed, a fallen king, but a supporter still stood and still watched? Interesting. It was the least he could say to that. There were those in Alacritis that still regarded him, and it was on that pedestal he would remain. ?One born a king does not lose his title because his crown was taken. One remains a king when he offers his life to take his crown back,? And take a crown back he would. Even if it was not his own. A sly grin wrapped over his muzzle and he lifted his chin and stared down at her. His eyes were grave, menacing, and they were (above all else) prying. He wanted the truth.



4 Years
04-30-2014, 05:02 PM

No matter what Syrinx did, she would not be afraid of him. Somewhere deep in her heart she trusted him to treat her well. He was a strong and noble kind, while others might assume him nasty and quick to kill she believed if the world did not have these certain wolves then ones like her would not have homes at all. her crystal blue eyes looked over Syrinx, she hadn't been able to look at him this close before. When training in Amenti it had all but been distant and now he was even closer than ever and she was amazed not only by his appearance but just how his attitude was. Arian was a strange one, she didn't consider it but since her family left her alone she had been subconsciously climbing the ranks as her blood let her in the hopes of reaching the top. It was going well, as far as her conversation with the new Queen, apparently she had a feeling she was the soon to be heir of Seracia.
Syrinx asking about her mother and father made a small sting in her heart, but she wouldn't just let it pull her away. Her blue eyes would narrow for a moment, but then soften the same she placed her fuzzy rump on the ground. "They all went their separate ways, I stayed in Seracia and Mother and father went to Ebony. I don't know where my siblings are, I just know I've been concentrating on trying to raise my rank in Seracia." she answered clearly all that she knew. Her siblings some of them were no where to be seen. She knew perhaps one was in Seracia but they hadn't been talking to her out of the little conversation they had when their parents left. Once Syrinx spoke of his crown she smiled brightly at him.
"I'll be waiting Uncle, I'm trying to become the Seracia heir myself, and it's looking good so far. I have to say...I'm excited that your back and well. The time I spent in Amenti under your rule was the most intriguing of my life." Her tail would support with a mild wag. She hoped he didn't find her happiness annoying, or any less weak for the healer became so interested in the fighting they put on. Beasts ruled there, and she wanted to see it again it was no lie. Maybe one day she would be able to fight as they did, but at the moment she was far to young and concentrating on her own goals since her family left her behind.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.