
cleanliness is close to godliness


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
11-21-2022, 10:19 AM
Ysmir was quite happily settling into his life with Gwyn. They shared the library together, and living with her was so much better than he had ever expected. A long time had passed since he met her, but he knew now in hindsight it had been love at first sight. Ysmir didn’t know what happened to the majority of his family, it was like they had simply disappeared. Now though, Gwyn was his family. The Hallows was his family, and he needed to start making his mark here. Gwyn became his whole world, he had to start putting down his roots here. The gods brought her into his life, he would devote his life to her now.

It was small steps though, how did someone who couldn’t even talk get to know his pack mates anyway? Training was a good start, but for now it was an even smaller pawstep forward. He was cleaning up the library he shared with his beloved. He was being careful not to move anything around, mostly he was working on dusting, ridding the room of cobwebs, and straightening up the bed and lounging areas. Carefully he returned a book to the shelf that had been left by the window. Everywhere little reminders of the woman he held his heart. Ysmir wore a smile as he worked, speeding his efforts in hopes of being done before Gwynevere returned.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
11-27-2022, 05:12 PM
Gwynevere walked down the rows of greenery and plant life in the greenhouse that had taken up a good portion of her time since she was very young, tending to the familiar plants—some of which she had planted and raised herself. This place, like the infirmary, was one of her pride and joys and as the seasons changed she was making sure that it was in good shape. She spent a good part of the morning pruning some old leaves, watering the plants that needed it, and laying out some fertilizer that she had been experimenting with. After she was done with the more necessary tasks, Gwyn paused at a large patch of lavender that had nearly overgrown the area it was restricted to. It was one of her favorite plants in the greenhouse so it did of course get a bit more attention than the others and that showed in it's progress.

With a little smile she picked up a small basket that was left on a shelf by the door and then went about collecting a sizable bouquet of the fragrant, light purple flowers. She had never really taken much interest in fixing up the small library that she had claimed as her room when they moved into the castle, but now that Ysmir shared the space with her and gave her a reason to go back to it every night she liked to do little things like bringing fresh flowers to fill a vase she kept on one of the side tables. It wasn't much, but with as busy as her tasks as the lead healer kept her it was really only the little things that she had time for. Sometimes she felt guilty that her duties kept her so preoccupied, but whenever she and Ysmir did have time together she felt like they more than made up for it.

With her flowers collected, she left the greenhouse and came back into the castle, making her way up the flights of stairs and down the hall to the room she shared with her lovely man. As she nudged the door open, she found Ysmir already there, dusting and picking up their modest shared space. Her lavender and mint gaze blinked with surprise and an appreciative smile pulled at her features after she placed down the basket that she was carrying. "You didn't have to do all of this!" she insisted as she came over to lean into his side, tipping her muzzle up to give his cheek an affectionate kiss. "It's looking great though, handsome. Thank you."

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
11-28-2022, 10:01 AM
Ysmir used a huge paw to gently nudge the book back into its place on the shelf before he moved on to the next task, half of him wondering just how much longer he’d have before Gwyn reappeared. She was almost always busy with her tasks in the pack, being lead healer had her always going to and fro. Ysmir did what he could to soothe her, to help her relax when they had their own quiet moments. He’d also help by making sure their room was clean and tidy so she had one less task to have nagging at the back of her mind.

Before he could though, the door swung open to bring his dearest back home. Dual toned eyes lifted to her features, slightly disappointed he hadn’t finished, but also warmed by the way her own expression lifted at the realization of what he had already done. She put down her basket, which was full of flowers almost as lovely as she was, before exclaiming her appreciation for him. He turned to embrace her as she approached, giving him a sweet kiss on his cheek in appreciation.

Ysmir shook his head afterwards, it really wasn’t such a big deal. He grinned down at her before he kissed her again. Now that their relationship was so much deeper the male had a difficult time keeping his paws off her while he had her. Ysmir’s kiss was maybe too passionate for the moment, but he couldn’t say how much he loved her, he had to rely on actions to convey just how deep his love for her was.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
12-07-2022, 02:35 PM
Gwynevere continued to be astounded by just how sweet and thoughtful Ysmir was for her. She leaned into him as he pulled her into an embrace and shook his head in denial of her insistence that he hadn't needed to go to all of this trouble. She knew he enjoyed doing these things for her so she'd never tell him to stop, it only boggled her mind that she could be so lucky as to have someone like him to trust her heart to. Maybe cleaning up the room wasn't a huge task, but it was something she never would have asked him to do and it was something that took a task off of her endlessly growing to do list. That alone earned her appreciation for this kind, wonderful man. She slipped her forelegs around him as he held her, leaning into his larger frame with complete trust that he would support her as she enjoyed being back home with him again. This room that had started mostly as just a space to store her things and sleep on occasion had turned into a home now that she had Ysmir to share it with and she was excited to see how their relationship continued to develop here.

She shared a little grin with him before his lips found hers, pulling a happy hum from her as she returned his kiss and began to hold herself a little tighter to him. Ever since their relationship deepened and their exploration of more physical pleasures opened up to them it was hard to deny that she simply wanted him always. He had opened up a whole new world of experiences to her and she wanted to try all of them. Was it perhaps a sudden jump in affection simply just for cleaning up a bit? Of course, but she didn't care. She loved this man and these affections were the best way they had to communicate that fact. At some point as she continued to kiss him, her eyes slipping closed as she deepened their kiss and started to get lost in him, she heard the door close behind her, the sound of the latch making her jump a bit as she realized she had left it wide open when she walked in. She quickly pulled away from their kiss and glanced back over her shoulder at the door, seeing her white raven Eilwen flying away from it toward the window to flutter out into the mid day sky, clearly helping the two lovebirds get some privacy. She looked back up at Ysmir with a bashful grin and a chuckle, her ears flicking back shyly.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
12-15-2022, 07:04 PM
He would never be able to voice his feelings to the one he loved, and even if he did the words would be strained and quiet. Not even capable of encompassing how he really felt. So he relied on his actions, from everyday little tasks like this, to the more obvious physical affections that they shared. She leaned into him and put her arms around him as well, holding almost as tightly as he metaphorically swept her off her paws. He knew there was more work to be done yet, but now that she was wrapped in his embrace there wasn’t much to be done. Ysmir loved this beautiful woman with all of his heart, she was his family now. He would do absolutely anything to see that lovely smile. Ysmir didn’t want to see her cry or be scared ever again.

The dark coated man was leaning into her kiss, his eyes closed and the rest of the world disappeared as he lost himself in her lips. Both of them were surprised with the sound of the door closing behind them. He pulled away enough to look up towards the door where Gwyn’s raven had pushed the door shut. Ysmir couldn’t help the chuckle that fell from his lips as his lovely lady returned her bashful gaze to him. Now that they were in private he could divulge again. This time he really did sweep her off her feet, laying her down against the soft furs at the center of the room. He ran one dark paw down her side, his toes drifting through her luxurious fur. He trailed down her side and rounded against her hip, pulling her closer to him.

Ysmir grinned down at her, holding her tightly against him. Wishing so bad that he could tell her how much he loved her, but just as eager to show her.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
12-26-2022, 11:52 PM
With the door closed and their privacy now truly ensured, Ysmir seemed all too eager to take advantage of that fact and no sooner than she had looked back up at her wonderful boyfriend was she getting swept off of her feet. She giggled and wrapped her forelegs around the back of his neck to hold herself steady against him as he guided her down onto the furs, finding herself in what was now a much more familiar position under him. Once this part of their relationship had been unlocked it was like they simply couldn't keep their paws off of one another. With their communication limited the way it was, their physical affections had become a crucial part of their relationship—not that she was complaining in the slightest. Peering up at him while his paw traced down her side, she wondered to herself if she could ever feel happier than she did when she was with Ysmir. She brought her muzzle up to his as he pulled her hip tighter against him, claiming his mouth in a passionate kiss that was far more confident than she had been the first time she laid under him like this. He brought out the very best in her and now she could freely show him just how much he meant to her.

"Gwynevere & Ysmir"