
It's Ethical...

seasonal prompt


The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-26-2022, 01:48 AM
TW(?): Ethical euthanasia

He hadn't been here before. But as he moved from one land to the next, he came across a cavern he hadn't yet explored and as he went further in, he spotted a glow further ahead. Curious, the melanistic youth followed the path deeper into the cave until it opened up into a large cavern, and in that cavern were hundreds of glowing mushrooms. Their color was perhaps the only thing that gave color to his eyes, the glow of blue and purple and green mushrooms was mesmerizing, and yet...he could only really think about what sort of medicinal properties they held. He walked up to a cluster of blue mushrooms, peering at them closely but not touching them yet. As he inspected them, a shuffling movement from behind caused him to whirl around in surprise, hackles bristling as he searched for the source. "Who's there?" He questioned into the dim light. Another shuffling, sound, followed by some rough coughing. "You're sick." He said in his usual monotone voice. "Yes, and these are to be my burial grounds." Phantom tilted his head, a question forming on his lips but before he could ask what this stranger meant by that, they spoke.

"Do you know what some of these mushrooms do?" The phantom boy shook his head in silence. "I found out two seasons ago. They help you sleep...and depending on how much is used, you may fall into an eternal slumber. Never to wake again." Phantom remained quiet for a heartbeat or two, "But...why would you want to sleep forever?" His brow furrowed when he asked. "Sometimes life comes to a point where you just want to sleep. My mate...she did that. Because of those mushrooms." Silence fell between them, though Phantom spared a glance towards the cluster for a moment before the silence was interrupted. "I'm...too tired to move. Yet I can't seem to stay asleep. I can tell you how to prepare those if you help me. I can see that you're curious about them." Phantom didn't need more than a moment to think before he nodded. He reached for a mushroom, and just as he was about to pick one, the stranger yelled "Don't! Touching one can make you very ill with just the residue alone!"

Well...he supposed he should've been more careful before picking a random mushroom. Though he was sure he could already figure out what it was used for. If it helped this guy's mate sleep, then surely it was a sedative, as well as a poison or some such. He looked around for something to use, and when he spotted a stick, he picked it up and poked it into the mushroom, tugging and lifting it to rip it from the ground. He imagined he might only need one if just the residue would make him sick...

He walked over to the stranger, placing the mushroom on the ground. "Good, there is a stream of water over there for you to wash your paws in case you get any of it on you. Now, put the mushroom in this bowl, and mash it. Add some water, and keep mashing and mixing until it's drinkable." Phantom nodded and did as he was told. He picked up another rock and started to carefully mash the mushroom until it looked like chunky goo. He then grabbed a ball of moss, dipped it into the water (and washed his paws while he was at it), squeezed it into the bowl, and mashed it some more.

He was careful to avoid splashing any of it on himself, though while he worked, he had to ask. "Why are you down here?" "My hind legs don't work anymore. As a result of an injury...and best, I can drag myself around. But it's not a life I wish on anyone." Silence. "And...your mate...?" The stranger took a little while to answer, but when he did, Phantom was met with a pained voice. "She fell ill. No amount of medicine could cure her...except for these mushrooms...they're the only thing that will cure me, too. You're young now, but someday you'll understand. Sometimes euthanasia is the kindest way to help someone." Euthanasia...? He didn't know what that meant, but he assumed it was what these mushrooms were called. Although the guy was ailing, could hardly walk, and had lost his mate...the "euthanasia" mushrooms had cured her. And would cure him, too, apparently. "I'm done." He stated as he stopped and stepped back.

"Good, thank you for your help, child." Phantom nodded, and watched as the old stranger pulled the bowl close to him and drank the concoction. When the stranger was done drinking, he sighed and laid his head down. Phantom settled himself onto the ground and watched in silence, wondering if there was something he could say that might fill the silence. "Are you...feeling better?" He asked quietly. He didn't know how long it would take for the mushroom drink to work, but he supposed he'd find out. "Yes...I'm already starting to feel better. It will help me rest...did you wash your paws?" Phantom blinked for a moment in confusion, then realized he hadn't after the second round of mashing. He got up and went to the stream, dipping his paws in and scrubbing them with the moss he had used earlier until they felt clean enough. When he finished, he turned and moved back to the old man. Though something Or perhaps it was just his imagination. "Is it working?" Silence. In fact, the whole cavern was eerily silent...except for the sound of the stream. He didn't hear any breathing except his own. Didn't hear any movement. And even the scent in the cavern had seemed to subtly change..."Old man...?" He moved closer, lightly poking the stranger's side and it took him a moment to realize he had stopped breathing.

"Oh..." He settled onto the ground again, head on his paws as he stared at the stranger's face through the dim light. He had never seen anyone die before...and technically, he didn't see him die, but...he shuffled forward slightly, touching his nose to the strangers and holding it there for a few heartbeats before getting up. "Rest easy." He whispered, before heading out. Well, at least he knew what these mushrooms could do...he would have to remember to come back better prepared to harvest some next time.

WC: 1,068
