
Under the canopy




Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-27-2022, 12:13 AM

Their father had decided to take them with him on an herb-collecting trip to Boreas. Only two of them could come with him on the trip, however, Alexander and his sister Haydée had been the lucky two allowed on this trip. They had come far, walking through different lands in Auster before making their way up into Boreas. It had been a long walk, and they had stopped to rest several times, their father worrying about the pups getting too tired or sore to keep going. Alex thought they were doing pretty well though! They had made it to a land that their father called Cryer’s Ravine, and above them a canopy sent leaves falling down throughout the area.

They were beautiful, colored in reds, oranges, golds, and even brown! Alexander liked the way they fell, almost as if they were dancing in the air on the way down. It was fun to chase them, trying to grab them before they hit the ground. In truth, the young boy was just delighted to be away from home and get to see new and exciting things. His tail wagged back and forth as his green gaze shifted toward his smaller sister, a lopsided grin appearing on his face.

“Hey,” He spoke in a happy tone, hoping to catch her attention. Their father was already working on checking for herbs, and as they moved through the crunchy leaves, he was excited and had a plan in mind for interacting with her. “What do you say to a spar? Right here, right now, just you and me?” He turned to face her, lowering his front half to the ground as his tail and bottom wiggled in the air. A spar could be fun! Then they could be more like their mother, right?

Word Count: 299 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
11-28-2022, 11:51 PM

The beautiful autumnal day holds so many great wonders for the traveling pups. The smaller of the two looks at the world with big, round eye; her gaze slowly roaming from the grass to the trees before lifting up to explore the canopy of woven branches and leaves. Haydée is ecstatic for this opportunity to be outside of their familiar lands and to be sharing this journey with her brother and dad!

The joy she feels wipes away any of the exhaustion that their long trip caused and, instead, has her full of a newfound energy. Haydée cannot stop moving, her short legs begin to bounce as the girl hops around the space and the multicolored leaves that litter the ground crackle and crunch underneath her paws. The sound has a happy squeal erupting past her lips as she dances, enjoying the day and the bonding time she gets.

Alexander had been the other lucky pup to get the chance to go explore with dad and the smaller girl is glad to have him with her. Haydée’s whole body, wiggles with excitement, the energy that is building inside trying to find a way out. Her brother’s happy voice catches her attention, pulling her scattered focus to him as he speaks. A spar? Head tilts at the idea before a joyful bark bursts from her small mouth and she exclaims, “Yeah! But, but, no headbutting! Corbin always makes me do the headbutt fights like he does with his sheep. Those hurt too much.”

A sage nod is given to Alex as the girl thinks of her larger sibling headbutting her and Haydée’s mind reels at the very notion. With her plea voiced, the smaller pup copies her brother stance, front end dipping down into a play bow as her tail sticks up. Body wiggling from barely contained excitement, the girl slaps her paws on the ground, jittering forward a couple steps before bouncing backward again. Giggles fill the air around the pair as her eyes sparkle with the utter joy that only children seem to possess.

Energy builds in the few moments that the girl prepares herself, her energy suddenly limitless as she stares down the battle ahead. Without warning, a loud, piercing bark rents the air and Haydée launches herself at Alex. Small form explodes forward as she charges straight at Alexander. Aiming her body at his chest, the girl’s only thought is to try and plow into him and, hopefully send the pair tumbling through the crunchy leaves. Laughter fills the air as she goes, excitement driving her to throw caution to the wind and do the first thing that comes to her mind.

Haydée vs Alexander for Puppy Spar!
Round 1/?
Age: Under 6 months
Size: Extra small
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Intellectual

WC: 445
Total WC: 744/1500

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-10-2022, 09:28 PM

Haydée’s energy appears to be limitless during their trip, and Alexander could feel the good vibes coming from his sister even before she answered. This sort of stuff was what the pup loved most about hanging out with his family. They always had such a good time! He wiggled in excitement as she agrees to the idea of a spar, though she has one thing that she doesn’t want to do. She brings up the headbutt fights that Corbin has them do, just like he does with his sheep, and Alexander gives a nod. “I won’t! I don’t like them either. My head ends up aching for ages after, and it's hard to focus on other fun things when it's hurting like that.” At least the condition was easily agreed upon.

Their father was focused on gathering herbs and so, while Hay prepares, the boy shifts the leaves at his paws. They are pretty, beautiful colors of reds, oranges, golds, and even browns. They remind him of when he was first aware of the world, and the magical autumn that had settled over the Falls. That autumn was gone, but it seemed that it was here in this part of the land. His father had called this part of the landmass Boreas. The air was cooler here, unlike back at the falls where things were warming up at last. But getting moving with a playful spar could be just what they needed!

There is no warning before Haydee moves, suddenly piercing the air with a bark, and then launches herself at him. Alexander barely has time to set the defenses that Ears before she is crashing into him. As he falls, however, the boy reaches up with his forelegs, hoping to grab his sister as they tumble into the leaves. He can’t help but squeal with delight, however, and regardless of who wins this “spar” he is glad to be having a good time with his little sister.

Word Count: 328 Words
Total Word Count: 1,072 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Alexander vs Haydée for Puppy Spar!
Round 1/2
Age: Under six months
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Saber fangs - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Intermediate Hunter
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
12-23-2022, 06:46 PM

The small girl is overjoyed to be outside the pack lands, exploring the world alongside her father and brother. Sure, picking herbs isn’t exactly something she is interested in but that doesn’t really matter because it means that she gets to be out here, spending time with them. As their father moves off to collect some herbs, Alexander proposes a truly fantastic idea in the form of a friendly fight. Of course, Haydée eagerly accepts, moving to face off with him.

As the days pass, her brother seems to grow taller and taller while she remains closer to the ground. Height isn’t a big deal to Haydée since her dad is short but she does know that some wolves may underestimate her based solely on her stature. Well, maybe not Alex but, you know, other wolves. Looking to Alexander, she lays down the stipulation about no headbutts and he easily agrees, stating what she knows happens afterward.

A giggle escapes and she gives a fierce nod before starting to prepare for the spar. She dips easily into a play bow, small paws stomp the ground in eager anticipation of the moments to come. Colorful leaves rustle and snap as she jitters forward excitedly before dancing back into her starting position. She tries to wait, she really does but the energy and happiness quickly become too much to hold inside. Giving a sharp, joy filled bark, Haydée launches forward and aims straight at her brother’s chest.

Kicking up leaves as she passes, her small form plows into his chest, sending the two pups tumbling head over heels through the leaves. Snaps and crackles of the fallen leaves sound out as their bodies pass over them causing the joyful girl to laugh with delight. Haydée feels her brother’s strong legs wrap around smaller body and she finds herself enjoying every moment in this fun-filled day. The girl does not care if she wins or loses, all she can think about is wishing that she can play with her brother and have fun for the rest of their lives.

Still, they are having a spar, so sharp, needle-like teeth strike out, aiming for his chest in the hopes of delivering some strong nibbles there. Haydée doesn’t want to hurt him but she does hopes that he might release her so that they can bounce through the crackling leaves… together.

Haydée vs Alexander for Puppy Spar!
Round 2/2
Age: Under 6 months
Size: Extra small
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Intellectual

Total WC: 1,468/1500

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

3 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-31-2022, 05:37 PM

Sparring with Haydée was something that Alexander was personally looking forward to. He appreciated her willingness to spar with a larger opponent. Corbin was smaller than he and Dorian were, and while he seemed to be growing like a weed, Hay and Nessie remained on the smaller side. But Alexander had never once considered the smaller sizes of his sisters might be viewed as a weakness. They were mighty, if not more so than he was. Alexander didn’t mind fighting and enjoyed sparring with his siblings, but he hadn’t found the thing he really wanted to improve on yet. That could come later, they were just pups now after all.

As Haydée moved on the leaves the colorful, dried flora rustled and crunched under her paws. Alexander’s ears twitch at the sound, a pleasing sound to the young pup. Maybe after the spar, they could just play in the leaves? He shifted slightly, the leaves creaking as he prepared for his sister’s lunge. The finer point of fighting had yet to be figured out, but that was okay! They didn’t know the finer points yet, they could just have fun!

Alex becomes distracted by the flurry of leaves as Hay races through them, her smaller form plowing into his chest before the two pups go tumbling through the leaves. Sharper crackles and snaps came from the leaves as their bodies pass over them and, finding Haydée’s laughter infectious, Alexander laughs too. For a moment he forgets that they are sparring and that this was meant to be a serious moment. They were having fun, and to the boy, that is all that matters. Not winning or losing, but just enjoying the moment. Hay remembers, however, and as her teeth nibble on his chest he splutters, still giggling.

“H-Hey hahaha!” Rather than move his muzzle out in an attempt to grab onto one of Haydée’s ears to nibble on them the boy attempts to pull her closer in more of a bear-hug maneuver. He just hoped that he didn’t squish her too much!


Word Count: 342 Words
Total Word Count: 1,810 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Alexander vs Haydée for Puppy Spar!
Round 2/2
Age: Under six months
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Saber fangs - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Intermediate Hunter
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

The Judge


01-14-2023, 04:18 PM

And the winner is...


HAYDÉE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.



Attack Roll: 40
Defense Roll: 27
Agility Roll: 48
Perception Roll: 71
Total: 186
Attack[40] + 5% Bonus[2.00]: 42.00
Defense[27] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 27.00
Agility[48] + 10% Bonus[4.80]: 52.80
Perception[71] + 15% Bonus[10.65]: 81.65
Total[203.45] + -20% Bonus[-40.69]: 162.76


Attack Roll: 2
Defense Roll: 95
Agility Roll: 48
Perception Roll: 66
Total: 211
Attack[2] + 20% Bonus[0.40]: 2.40
Defense[95] + 10% Bonus[9.50]: 104.50
Agility[48] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 48.00
Perception[66] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 66.00
Total[220.90] + -20% Bonus[-44.18]: 176.72