
Marked to Die: Battle Training!



5 Years
04-19-2014, 01:58 PM

Mist lightly coated the ground on this crisp, autumn morning. The sun was rising and casting its rays over the cool ground, rays being swallowed into the mists that always clung around the souless forest. Finding a clearing D?gmar Thyre climbed on top of an exposed stump, left over and ground away from some unfortunate tree she supposed. D?gmar felt better than she had in a long time. The pups were gone and it was time to get down to business.

Tipping back her head she howled for the soldiers of Arcanum to gather. As well as anyone else that was interested. It was time to begin the battle training that would become a regular part of their lives. D?gmar had every intention of living up to her duty and her title. Hati didn't seem like the organized type so she figured she'd initiate the gathering and then if he had any ideas or anything to add to her plan then he could do so.

D?gmar wasn't sure how her training method would be received by her fellow packmates but she was fairly set in her ways. If any of them had a problem with it she would listen to suggestions though the bottom line was simply this. If they thought they could do better they were welcome to challenge. D?gmar was all too aware that she could be surpassed by her pupils but until then she was in charge and sought to better all of her packmates. Especially the younger ones. So she would start from the beginning. Some of the older members might be bored at first but if Arcanum was to be a true military force then all members needed to be up to speed on the arts of battle.

OOC: And so it begins! :3 You have til April 26th at Noon Alacritis time to respond. If you have potential members in the acceptance process or being force-claimed pm me on D?gmar's account or Hati on Tea's and we'll work something out. The same goes if you are on abscence. If you're curious of the training format click HERE I will be updating it soon. Thanks guys!


04-20-2014, 01:44 AM

A smile tugged at her lips as a call echoed in her skull causing the Queen to lift her head. Daegmar. The woman was already living up to her rank. There was no doubt that this woman would thrive as Marquis, and the rest of her pack would thrive. Limbs would lift the behemoth, carrying her towards the source. The Queen was interested to see who would arrive and how they would behave for the new Commander. It didn't take long for the Queen to arrive, and she would be the first. "I am happy to see that you are already starting training." Words would roll off her tongue with ease as the Queen seated herself at the edge of the clearing. She was no running this meeting, she was merely an observer and she would behave as so.

Her thoughts wandered, wondering if Zaria would arrive, she had taken notice of the girls change in behavior and scent. Caeto was back, that was the only explanation, and the Queen imagined that he had joined the pack. It didn't take long for her thoughts to jump to Kylar, wondering where he had ventured off to. The pair were together more often than not, but she had not seen him privately in a few days, and secretly she missed his presence, missed sleeping beside him, missed his touch, she missed him.

The thought of a missing male immediately had Basilisk invading her thoughts, darkening her mood. Her second in command had failed to make an impression on the pack, failed to earn their respect. His lack of presence had been more than disappointing. He had wanted this pack, she had worked so hard to provide him with a home and power, and now he was throwing it away. Lips threatened to curl back but she contained it, keeping her composure as the sound of paw steps closed in.


04-20-2014, 01:49 AM

Caeto had returned and he had joined the pack. The girl had been overjoyed, it lifted her mood and made her want to rejoin society. So when a call echoed across her home, the dark girl jumped to her feet, icy eyes glancing around in search of Caeto. She was slightly disappointed to see that he was gone, but she was certain he would be nearby. Long limbs carried her quickly to the source of the call, eyes coming to rest on the familiar figure of her mother and then new Marquis. She would nod to her mother before addressing the commander. "Daegmar, right? I am Zaria." She had made it point to get to know each of the members of the pack, but she had some trouble matching names to faces and she wanted each of them to know who she was and for them to see that she was serious about her rank and her future. She would take a seat within the clearing, waiting for the rest of the pack to arrive and to see what this meeting would entail.

Talk like this



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-20-2014, 11:11 AM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
He may have been pissed that Daegmar had called a warrior's meeting without him - sure, he hadn't done it or anything, and yeah he didn't even really want to, but he had the rank damnit and she would show him that respect - but he was in a good mood and inclined to be pleased with Daegmar after she'd dumped all those pups on his unprepared idiot brother so when he stalked into the meeting it was with a sardonic grin tugging one corner of his mouth up, baring those teeth. "Getting started without me?" he growled, his voice surprisingly amiable for him. "What have you got planned?"

He absently ran his tongue over his teeth as he ran his gaze over the small collection of wolves. Cat and her daughter were the only two who'd shown up so far, though that was hardly surprising since a queen and heir would be expected to be on the ball when it came to meetings. "You know we can't treat you like royalty if you're going to participate in these spars, right?" he asked abruptly as it occurred to him, intense gold gaze fixing on Cataleya but including Zaria in his words. Better to get this conversation out of the way before anyone else showed up. "These meetings aren't going to help either of you improve a bit if we spend all our time bowing and scraping and walking on eggshells because you're a queen and her heir and we're afraid you'll get pissed and kick us out cuz you don't like the way we talk to you when we're teaching or if you lose a match." He shrugged, spiky pelt rippling restlessly as he did. If the queen chose to take offense to that, whatever. It was the way he worked.

Now if only everyone else would show up so they could get this all over with.

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
04-20-2014, 02:11 PM

It did not take long for wolves to start showing up. The first was Queen Cataleya and D?gmar smiled and offered a nod of greeting and respect to the ruler of Arcanum. "Thank you. I'm pleased to see you Lady Cataleya, are you planning to participate?" She wasn't sure if the leader was going to join in the battle or if she would prefer to watch but she figured he'd ask.

Shortly following was Zaria, the Dauphina of Arcanum. "A pleasure, Zaria. Welcome." D?gmar was anxious to see the skills of the Dauphina. She'd yet to see the other battle and that was true of most of her packmates. Consumed in her own battles she hadn't much time to observer her fellows. This lesson would be fairly basic and offer a chance at gathering a preliminary assessment of the Arcanum wolves.

Next was her fellow Marquis, Hati. She grinned. "I knew you were in the territory and were anxious to get started so I figured we could skip a conference this time. Don't worry I have a plan. Since we have so many young wolves I figure we'll hold a few meetings going over basic aspects of training, defenses, attacks, control and reactions. Then have them combine their skills at the end. I believe this will be more prudent then pairing of wolves and praying their instincts kick in." She had no idea if he'd approve or not but she was fairly set on this training regime and would not change it unless he proposed something better.

Hati turned to address Cataleya and D?gmar flinched a bit as his uncouth behavior. Though he did have a point. She nodded. "I agree with my partner, gruff and crude though he may be. I would expect everyone to listen to and respect us, including the duke and duchess though they rank above us. There is no intent to go easy on anyone here." Hopefully Cataleya would understand and not decide to maul Hati right there and then for his rudeness. It would take awhile to culture the male if such a thing was even possible. And then again, was Arcanum not composed of the "scum" of society?



4 Years
04-20-2014, 02:13 PM

Hearing the howl, Narfi would stir in her cluttered den, limbs stretching out, knocking over a few items around her. A low satisfied groan left her limbs as she felt the muscles beneath her coat stretch out, ready to be used as soon as possible today. Quickly once that was done she would twist around, rolling over onto her belly before standing and squeezing out of her den where she would then shake debris out of her fur. Off she went, heading in the direction the howl had come from, gaze scanning the area and nose sniffing at the air to see who had already arrived. Only a pawful of member so far, good, she wasn't late.

Quietly she would move in from behind the gathered wolves, taking sit a bit to the side, gaze going to the Monarch then towards the one who seemed to have called them, the Marquis Draegmar.



04-20-2014, 02:20 PM

All the pleasantries would be shared and soon her daughter would arrived followed by Hati. She didn't pay much attention to the conversation until it was turned to herself and her daughter. Easy laughter rolled off her tongue as her Marquis's shared their concerns, particularly Hati, from the day she had met him he had never been good a subtly. "No worries you two, you do not need to walk on eggshells or worry about repercussions when sparring with myself or my children. I'd be greatly disappointed if you went easy on us." She would put to rest any concerns about how far they could push the Monarch and her Heir, battle was just that, battle, there was no holding back, for those who held back often ended up dead. "I believe Zaria is the only one participating today, I'm here only to observe and see where everyone is at. And when any of my Commanders call training meetings together, I accept everyone to listen and respect you, if there are any problems, just let me know and it will be dealt with." She hoped that there would not be anymore worries coming from the pair about anything, she had covered most of their concerns.


04-20-2014, 02:24 PM

The second Marquis would arrive shortly after herself, though his name escaped her, the girl would greet him with a dip of her head. The conversation went from pleasant to rather rude, on the mans behalf, rather quickly. Her gaze would shift to her mother briefly, wondering how she would tolerate the mans gruff and rude behavior. But her mother took it all in stride and brushed away their worries. "She is right, I don't want any special treatment in my spars, no one would learn anything." She added her own two cents before falling silent again, watching as another figure silently slide into the scene. The Duchess, though they had not be formally introduced, she had known the girls rank. It surprised her that her mother had filled so many ranks with young wolves, though each seemed capable in fulfilling their duties.

Talk like this


04-21-2014, 02:04 AM

He was not a morning person... So when the howl ping ponged though his skull while the mist still was settled over the earth he allowed one verdant green eye to open and narrow. Mother fuckers. A low grumble would begin in his chest and rattle it's way up through his throat to clang against ivory teeth. This sound would not cease even as massive male would lift himself and stumble groggily out of his den. God damn. Mother fuckers... Jaws would gape, the disgruntled sound ceasing for a short time as he yawned, trying to dispel the weariness that still clawed at his mind but it did little to help so the male would simply set off towards the call at a less then enthusiastic pace. He came to the meeting as Hati was speaking, harshly singling out Cat and her daughter that Kylar had yet to meet. He would snicker, for once not speaking up in defence of is queen as he slithered closer to the gathering. He really didn't make a formal appearance until Narfi slunk onto the scene. He doubted Cat would participate so if there was to be a spar today he honestly wanted to see what his comrade had. Though he did not doubt the girl she was young and he wanted a little proof that she had what it took.

So the massive male would lumber onto the scene, head dipping to the two who had called the meeting, a wink thrown Cat's way before he moved towards Narfi and seated himself near her. "Partners?" He rumbled softly for her and her alone to hear. Normally he would not bother with these sorts of meetings, finding that they more messed with his style then helped him but hey. In a pack full of yearlings he really was curious as to what they could do.




4 Years
04-21-2014, 09:27 AM

The boy almost hadn't come. He was brooding, a false sense of pride telling him that he did not need to answer the call, but then... He did didn't he? He had grudgingly remembered the silvery woman's words upon his acceptance into the pack. He also knew he would need training if he was going to exact his revenge. And so he had risen to his paws with a sigh and headed out to answer the call.
Novocaine was starting to show his size now, it would only be a season and he would be a yearling. He had not been quite so happy when he had realized that he was not going to be quite as big as he had hoped. Others would easily out weight him, something the boy naively believed would make him weak.
Finally he arrived, not the first that was for certain. Steely gaze swept over the gathered wolves, only recognizing Cataleya, the alpha. He surpressed a growl and moved amongst the gathered wolves, seating himself in the midst of the group to wait.

talk, think

Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]



3 Years
Extra large
04-22-2014, 11:04 AM

A familiar voice would echo eerily throughout the mist cloaked forest, the behemoths audits turning toward the summon as it ended as soon as it had begun. Though he could not remember her name one of the higher ranking females was calling the pack together, which only brought him to assume it was a meeting. It would be a few minutes before he would even think to heed her summon, as his attention had been set on skinning a hare before she had called. He would continue to rip flesh from muscle despite the draft, but once he had peeled back the last patch of fur he would immediately drop the skinned carcass and begin to stride toward the gathering, a mangled hare pelt locked tightly between his jaws. There was not a particular reason why he had decided to skin and take the hare's pelt, he had simply been bored and it had occupied him until now.

He would reach the group within a few moments without much effort, his newly attained harness on and tightened around his massive frame. Spikes littered the ebony leather that encased his body, and as he approached the queen his lips would curl with pride. He would pay no mind to the others, his frigid amethyst stare locked on the pink hues of his monarchs as he attempted to close the distance. Despite the members who had gathered around her he would attempt to slither up beside her left side, his neck extending outward as he attempts to gingerly slide the spikes on his snout along her left side. He would not press firmly enough to pierce and tear flesh- he merely wanted to show her the beneficial prize he had attained. He would stand beside her now, the bloody hare pelt dropping toward the earth as his mouth gaped open, crimson liquid staining his canines as he eerily gleamed down at her with pride. "Cataleya, look what I have found." He would seem to lean toward her as he anxiously awaited her approval, his tail flicking behind him as he anticipated a positive reaction.


OOC: crappy post, don't judge


04-22-2014, 01:36 PM

The loss. She would never let it happen again or she would die in the process. She was determined to learn and improve upon her meager skills and so when the stormy female heard the call she rushed forth from her resting place and towards the meeting area. Defensive skills, offensive skills, dodging, she could always improve all of it. When she arrived she dipped her head out of respect towards the monarch and that who had called them all together, D?gmar. The Comte, or commander of hunters who was soon to be calling a hunt, was pleased and displeased with her rank. There was one thing she was after, she was after a specific role. She wanted to be the monarch's right hand wolf, the one who was sent to do all her dirty work. She had many skills to hone before that would happen.

Her amber eyes caught the other wolves gathered though she only focused on the monarch and the one of the Marquis had that called them together. "Hello." She greeted in an emotionless tone. She hated getting her emotions involved [even though it seemed to happen a lot] because it tended to interfere with her strategy. It was sad to know they were just flesh and bone. So easy to destroy... time would reveal her plan, but now was not that time. For now she was just the violent and forever loyal Comte of Arcanum.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
04-22-2014, 03:16 PM

He would arrive, however, not the first. During his time in his mothers pack, he had grown accustomed to walking the shadows alone and in solitude. Occasionally he would see a pack member moving here and there, though he never really bothered to talk to them. He lumbered through the trees, having thought about ignoring the howl that went out from the unknown, but thought otherwise. Perhaps he could pull something from whatever it was that was going on.

He would arrive quietly, ice blue eyes gazing at those already gathered. The cobalt titan would lumber towards his mother, towering over her as he leaned forth to nuzzle her. He was one now, and already he had reached his full height, though his muscle hadn't entirely filled out. He held the lankiness of a teenager, though it would soon change once he decided to start training. Perhaps soon he would ask his mother to give him some private training. He would sit beside her, head held high as he gazed at his sister and gave nothing more then a nod. Lately, he had not been one for least not anymore. He waited, for things to commence. An expressionless look on his features. There was a reason he was this way now, if certain events had not happened, he would have been all too eager to begin training.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


04-26-2014, 07:31 AM
Ooc: sorry for the fact that this is late and kinda last minute.


When N?tt heard the summoning howl she heaved a sigh. She was pissed at herself because of how badly she had fucked up during her fight. And now she had to attend lessons. Brilliant. She moved slowly not wanting to be the first there. She knew that she would be punished for being late, but if she was late, she would just make something up. When she arrived in the clearing she saw a group of people, the only ones that he recognised were Cataleya and the bitch who had pinned her in battle. Clearly she wasn't late. The black temptress bit back a growl. She stopped where she was, about six feet from the bigger group of wolves. Not acknowledging anyone. She hated having to gather in big groups she was not meant to be around such people. She was a queen and people like this should be her pawns.

Monster by Imagine Dragons on Grooveshark




5 Years
04-26-2014, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 07:55 PM by Dægmar.)

They filed in one by one and D?gmar greeted each with a nod. Already she could feel the excitement mingling in her limbs as well as an unusual case of nerves but that was rapidly squashed. She'd taught brats before as an Elite Governess, though this would be her first time training actual soldiers. Even so there were bound to be some unfamiliar with even the most basic battle skills and she would see everyone be brought up to snuff.

After a time when no more new faces showed themselves she moved to get the meeting started. She had quite a collection of egos after all, it would be difficult to stave off boredom from such a crowd. "Let's get started. We'll be trying something a bit different with this training. Each lesson will be devoted to a particular aspect of fighting. Defense, Attack, Control, Reflexes and Anticipation. When we've covered each aspect a final session will be held where I expect everyone to perform to perfection." It was a similar method to what she'd used to train her charges and she hoped it would serve the wolves of Arcanum well. After her method though she'd look to Hati to see where else he'd like to take them. The brute was a cold warrior. She didn't not expect him to enjoy teaching basics but the battle and war strategy? that was certainly something. "We'll also begin learning to fight multiple opponents within the next few sessions. For now lets focus on Defenses and getting everyone up to speed. For you more seasoned members turn your minds to sizing up your fellows, psyching yourselves up or whatever you wish if you feel this does not pertain to you." Though a little refresher never hurt anyone, D?gmar was more interested in training those that were willing to learn than flailing against those that didn't.

She moved down from her perch and stood her ground. "The basic defenses are thus and should be instinctive to most of you. Fur and hackles raised?" as she spoke she demonstrated the moves to make sure the visuals would help it sink in. "Shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched back and head tilted slightly forward to protect the throat and jugular. Widen your stance to evenly distribute your weight and keep yourselves balanced. Limb's bent and muscles coiled to attack or defend. Toes splayed to grip earth. Ears pinned to your head, jaws parted, tail held parallel to spine or tucked and brows furrowed." She would leave the tail to others, she personally preferred to have it available for balance especially if she was the one attacking but there was also merit in having it tucked along one's underside to lessen blows to underbelly and to keep it from being broken as easily.

"Needless to say when you're in battle many of your defenses will be sacrificed. Your neck can rarely stay scrunched if you are attacking or retaliating for example but there are other ways to improve your chances. Namely doing what you must to keep balance! Lay in the dirt during battle only if you mean to be buried in it. I want everyone here to work at keeping their defenses as solid as they can. Sacrifice fancy attacks if you must, your defenses are all I'll be judging you on this time."

She turned to Hati, stepping aside slightly to let him know it was his turn to have the floor. Hopefully he could keep his temperament some what in check if she hadn't bored him to death. "Hati will pair you up for spars, now. After the pair spars you'll fight again on teams to practice team work and battling multiple opponents. I don't want to see any permanent maiming. This is no time to show off what a "badass" you are. I promise you know one will be impressed. We are to small right now to allow permanent injuries to weaken the over all pack. That said though this is no time for fisticuffs, rip flesh, break bones? our healers need to practice their arts as well." Grinning she fixed her attention on Hati to let him continue the meeting.

ooc: Turning it over to Tea now. She'll get everyone paired up and set any additional dates like for starting spars or such. D?gmar is open to being paired, I do believe both Marquis are to participate in sparring as well. If you're late still feel free to post and listen to the lesson though know that you may not have a sparring partner and may also get a talking to later. Thanks guys!

OH! And regarding multiple opponents since the Arcanum OOC rules recommend having players spar twice per each training session after the individual spars are finished we may also have multi-player spars. I'll mention it in the OOC THREAD, feel free to drop your opinion in. Tea can also list the sparring partners there if she would like. :3



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-27-2014, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 10:59 AM by Hati.)

Several wolves showed up without even acknowledging the Marquis pair who'd called the meeting, causing Hati's pelt to bristle in anger more every time. If this kept up he was going to look like he'd been struck by lightning. Even his own sister ignored him, though Nott wasn't really right in the head so who knew if she even recognized him. It's not like he was asking for them to bow and fawn over him; he just wanted them to acknowledge his presence and give him equal footing to his partner.

It didn't seem any more wolves were showing up, and Hati had to fight down the furious rage that clawed at him. This was not the whole of their pack by far. Did they care so little for Daegmar's rank that they would ignore her call? A deep rumble was beginning to sound deep in his chest when Daegmar interrupted to begin the training. He listened, though his gaze was traveling over their students. The format seemed pretty close to what they had used for very young wolves, and even as adults their practice spars often focused on one area over the others. Seemed reasonable to start at the beginning here, too, since there were so many yearlings and they had no idea where they were in training.

Daegmar glanced at him as though inviting him to add to it, and he shifted. He hadn't really planned anything, but... "I'm sure it will choke some of you, but you're going to be learning to work as a team as well. Strategy, tactics, situational awareness... they're important in one-on-one fights but they're essential in a war. Another pack lays siege to us and you don't know how to fight together and keep from tripping over your packmates, and we're all dead. I have no plans to die anytime soon so expect that to be worked in to the lessons somewhere too." He gave them all a fierce glare, then let Daegmar take back over.

She added that they'd be learning to fight multiple opponents as well, then went on to say they'd be concentrating on defenses today. Seemed like a good place to start. If the big bad warrior types didn't like it, they could suck on a cactus for all he cared. Daegmar went on to talk about the various defenses, and Hati joined in when she'd paused after demonstrating, pacing forward to his demonstrating partner and poking various parts as he elaborated. "When you have your brow furrowed, don't just frown and think that's good. You need your eyes narrowed and your face really scrunched to pull skin in to protect it." He cocked his head to the side to display his own scarred eye. "I'd have lost this eye if I had left my eyes wide open and unprotected like an idiot. As for the tail, guess that depends on what style you like to fight with. You get in and muscle your way through everything you're probably going to want to keep your tail tucked to keep it from getting bit off. Protects your belly and your balls a bit if you do it right. But if you're a tricky, in-and-out, speedy sort you'll want to keep it out for balance. Helps with those quick turns and all. Now, having your weight evenly distributed is good to start out with because you can move in any direction you need to, but once you start really scrapping you're going to need to be ready to readjust your balance. A little extra weight to your hindquarters with your back rounded a bit, that's going to give you more power for those really strong leaps. Extra weight to the fore will help you shove back a pushy opponent, but they can use that against you by hooking a foreleg so be careful. Experiment a little when you're not sparring."

He shut his jaws with a snap and let her continue, and she went on to elaborate about the importance of keeping balance, and Hati nodded approvingly. His partner was no idiot, that much was clear. Then she'd stepped back to give him complete control of pairing them up, aad Hati glanced around with narrowed eyes, sizing up the various wolves. He didn't know their skill levels, so he'd have to go by just age and size.

"All right," he ground out finally. "You and you," he began pointing with a paw to indicate Zaria and Kaneyna. "The pup will go with Daegmar," he pointed to Novocaine, "Nott and the Duchess, then you and you," he indicated Sora and Neios, "but take off those damn spikes, this is a practice not a deathmatch. I'll take our duke here. Remember what Daegmar said - concentrate on your defenses. No permanent injuries, we need all the warriors we have whole and useful. Otherwise..." A feral grin bared his teeth. "Have... fun."

OOC: Pair up and spar IN THIS THREAD. It'll help get you used to the Siege format. Keep the spars short, and defaults will apply even though they're spars so we can get through this faster. Get the spars started BY WEDNESDAY. At least one member of every team should be able to manage that. And as Hati said, have... fun. :)


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


04-30-2014, 11:23 PM

She would listen as the man spoke, pairing them off and giving them explicit directions to follow. Her icy gaze would shift to her opponent, eyes roaming the darker girl. He had explained their defenses, most of which the girl already knew, after all her mother had trained her. Rising, the girl would pad over the Comte, dipping her head in greeting. She would move away from the crowd, turning to face her opponent once they were clear. She would adjust her position until they stood about four feet away from her each. "You may begin."

Before the words even left her mouth, defenses were falling into place. Crown lowered to level with her spine, chin tucked defensively against her throat, ears pinned and eyes narrowed. Hackles would lift, her shoulders would roll forward, tail would straight with her spine, prepared to act as a rudder. Her limbs would shift to square below her, bending to lower her center of gravity, toes would spread and claws gripped the ground for traction. Lips would curl back to reveal fangs as she waited for the girl to attack.

The Heir would tune out everything around her, focusing soley on the ebony girl, watching her every movement, watching for any signal of what she might do in her attack. Breathing would slow, adrenaline began to flood her system, anticipation filled her chest. A low growl vibrated in her throat, eyes bright with excitement. It had been forever since she last sparred with someone. She was looking forward to get the chance again.

ZARIA vs KANEYNA for SPAR: Round: 0/2


DEFENSES: Crown lowered to level with her spine, chin tucked defensively against her throat, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, tail straight and even with spine, legs squared and bent, toes spread, claws digging into the ground


Talk like this



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-02-2014, 07:23 AM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

Hati watched for a moment, but none of the wolves except the heir seemed like they were in a hurry to get started. His hackles rose and his lips peeled back in a snarled of anger. "Move your asses, people," he snarled. "Don't make me stand around babysitting you all damn day. This is war training, not a fucking daycare. Stop gawking at Zaria and worry about your own fight." The rate this was going, they would be hanging around for the next week waiting for these brats to stir themselves, and they still wouldn't be doing any team fights. Well, he wasn't going to wait for it, and there was a mighty convenient way of venting some of this frustration right here.

He rounded on the duke in a rage, defenses snapping into place as he did. Let Daegmar sit and watch them for a while and repeat defenses defenses defenses! over and over until it got through their thick skulls or she lost her voice - he was going to go for a more practical lesson.

Hati vs Kylar - Round 0 of 2

Out Of Character Notes: No one else seemed interested in getting their spars started on time so I hopped back in. These aren't supposed to be one at a time spars, it's siege training!

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 11:29 AM

Audits would turn toward the ash hued woman as she spoke, his brow furrowing inquisitively as she handed the meeting over to an ebony hued man. He remembered seeing them both at previous meetings, and could only assume that they were both high ranking members of the pack, since they were calling meetings together and all. Most of his words would go into one ear and out the other, Neios's frigid stare blank and emotionless when his name was mentioned. It was enough to fully grasp his attention though, and he would shift his eyes toward the blue male he was to fight shortly after. He did not know who this Sora was, but he was not the least bit afraid, or concerned. He had yet to be quelled by an enemy, and so he had no reason to fear defeat. He was invincible. Though a growl would slip from his lips when Hati demanded he remove his harness he would do so without retaliation, his lips creasing into a displeased sneer as he slipped the last piece of leather off his body. He would gently pick up the harness as if it were a child, and he would place it a few yards away on a large boulder where he could keep an eye on it while training. He would then make a v line toward this said Sora, approaching the boy with his tail curled proudly above his hips, and his towering head raised dominantly toward the sky.

Surprisingly they seemed to be the same height, but this did not worry Neios. He had suppressed both small and large enemies, so surly this boy would be no problem. The ashen woman had mentioned this round was only focusing on defenses, and so the boy would flag them all perfectly in an attempt to protect himself from any attacks Sora may attempt. His head would drop to align with his spine, his ears would fold against his skull, his eyes would narrow, his muzzle would scrunch, his lips would curl to fully unsheathe his fangs, and his chin would tuck to protect his throat and vitals. His shoulders would roll forward to add padding around his neck, his hackles would raise along his nape and spine, his knees would bend slightly, his weight would evenly distribute throughout his four limbs, and his tail would lower to align with his spine to be used as a rudder when turning. Claws would grip the earth as toes splayed and flexed, an attempt at giving him a stable grip on the soil. His abdomen and bodily muscles tensed beneath his hefty weight, ready to spring at any moment as he glared into the azure gaze of the boy before him. "Go on, attack me." He would taunt, ebony lips creasing into a sneer as he waited for the boy to make his first move.

-:Fight Stats:-

Round: 0/2


Defenses: Second paragraph.
Attacks: None
Injuries: None

OoC Notes:



2 Years
05-02-2014, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2014, 01:59 PM by Meinx.)

Oh, so late. Though not extremely to realise that it was just training. She would listen from afar, sighing at the boredom that had overwhelmed her. THough, It was only their job that they where doing. To improve their fighting skills somehow, Though meinx rarely does see the point in this. She would yawn before standing, making her way towards the crowd Everyone seemed to be paired, so instead she would stand and watch, not particularly caring about the outcome. She would listen to the advise that someone would give about the face, which would come in useful for those who didnt know. her tail would tap at her heels before sitting, waiting to see who the victors in the spars would be. She would be next to Cataleya, speaking quietly. " Sorry im late, i was well away from Arcanum, though i dont mind waiting for the next activity." Meinx really didnt at this stage, though if she must she will.

OOC: Sorry for how late this is, Revising and exams literally took all my muse away. My replies may be a little slow.

image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.