
Kara's Plotter!



Rapid Poster - Silver
12-06-2022, 12:21 AM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2023, 03:58 AM by Kara. Edited 5 times in total.)
[Image: ddjtcis-28dd017f-5c89-42a0-b9d5-cdc84183...9iGMUS4fPg]
Banshee Klein . 5yo . Fighting and Healing . Single . Ashen
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Important Information: Banshee Klein was born in Ashen but after her parents Nepthys Ithuriel and Hannibal Klein pretty much abandoned her she ended up joining Armada and becoming the adopted daughter of Sirius. She stayed in Armada for some time before leaving and vanishing off to unknown lands. In this time Banshee ended up falling in love and having her first litter. Out of this she got her daughter Verity but her relationship quickly turned horribly toxic. When her daughter turned 6 months old the two of them made an escape and made their way back to Ashen where they both currently reside.
Plot Ideas: Banshee is going to be focusing on raising her daughter but I'd like her to make some friends. Both in and outside of Ashen. She is a fairly likeable and outgoing gal so this shouldn't be hard. These bonds can form over skill threads as well, mostly looking for spars at the moment though. Seeing as she just got out of a bad relationship I don't think she'd end up in anything serious for another few seasons. BUT, Banshee is a hopeless romantic and falls hard so the right Wolf may be able to sweep her off her paws! So, I am open long term to romance plots. (I'd love for her to have an on-site litter before she gets too old.)

[Image: dfihnv7-b301359b-5ef5-42d4-957c-38224a61...hYnmK786mM]
Verity Klein . Pup . Healing and Hunting . Single . Ashen
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Important Information: Verity Klein was born to Banshee Klein and Daevar Faine. She was raised in a very sheltered and rather toxic situation before her and her mother escaped right around her 6 month mark. Banshee led Verity to safety and they joined Ashen.
Plot Ideas: As of right now Verity is rather young but very much a curious little creature. Her interests in healing, nature, exploring, and hunting are all blossoming. This being said I am looking for copious amount of healing and hunting skill threads for Ver! Since she is a pup she wont be exploring outside of Ashen too much yet so I'd love for her to make friends in the pack. I'm totally down for her to have puppy crushes and what not but obviously nothing serious due to her age.

[Image: dfg9xcm-75e9aa36-ef7c-4e10-8f67-3616d615...cijgWbyNrc]
Vaella Velennis . 1yo . Intelligence and Healing . Single . (Joining Valhalla?)
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Important Information: Vaella comes from a long line of royalty and was once a crowned Princess of the Velennis line. But, after her region being in a season long war her Father, the King, was killed in battle and his throne was usurped. Vaella, some of her siblings, and a few pack mates were able to escape and they made way to Boreas. In this journey they ended up getting split up and Vaella was left to survive on her own.
Plot Ideas: Currently Vaella is holding fast in Western Boreas in hopes of reconnecting with her family. But, in the mean time I'd like her to develop some relationships. As she is a rather strong personality I can see her winding up with friends and rivals. She is also very in tune with her desires and will participate in flings, one night stands, and long term relationships. (Especially if she benefits from it in some way.) At the moment she does not have much going on so I am really open to pretty much any and all plots of all themes for Vaella. Throw it at me!

[Image: dfhg1o1-d3633943-38bb-4007-8c29-8be2c79a...FvwXUc9Flk]
Incubus Klein . 4yo . Navigation and Fighting . Single . Ashen
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Important Information: Incubus was born to Deathbelle Ravage Klein and Hannibal Iber Klein in Ashen. This is where he grew up before ultimatly leaving to go do his own thing for a few years. He was roaming around as a loner and rather enjoyed the freedom. In his early years the only thing on his mind were good food, beautiful females, and a nice place to rest his head. But, just before he turned 4 Incubus decided it was time to return to his homeland and actually make something of himself. Thus, he found himself joining Ashen which is where he currently resides.
Plot Ideas: Incubus is currently open to pretty much anything and everything. (Other then death or serious maims.) He is going to remain in Ashen for the foreseeable future do I'd like him to make some connections within the pack but honestly throw anyone at him. He is also very focused on skills currently, I want him to get to Master Fighter sooner then later, so throw all the spars or other fighting skill threads at me! He can be a rather rated M character so if you need a Wolf for those Rated M plots he may be your guy, depending on what it is. Also, I do want to work on his Navigation as well so exploration threads are very welcomed and could be a great reason for him to meet your Wolves and see what happens.

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Thyri Trygg . 2yo . Hunting and Fighting . Single . Loner
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Important Information: Thryi came to these lands in hopes of reconnecting with her family. She is currently reuniting with her cousin, Víðarr Trygg, and may be following him to join Ethyria. (She is my firecracker viking babe.)
Plot Ideas: Thyri is a new character so she doesn't have much going on currently, lets change that! Honestly, once again, I am open to anything and everything. I am all for Thyri getting into some trouble and having to fight or work her way out of it. She's somewhat of a stereotypical viking. Shes interested in taking what she wants and doing whatever it takes to get it done. So, if you have some Chickens or treasures to be stolen, Thyri is your girl. She is a lusty character as well so any flings, one night stands, or maybe even long term romance is welcome. It may take her while to settle down, right now she's just interested in doing whatever she wants. I want her to get to double master asap so im in need of ALL of the Fighting and Hunting threads you guys can toss her way.

[Image: rhys-ref-600-px.png]
Rhysand Malveaux . 2yo . Fighting and Intelligence . Single . Elysium
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Important Information: Rhysand is a newer character and leans on the neutral to evil side of the scales and has recently joined Elysium.
Plot Ideas: He's a slippery little snake always looking to make new connections, gather intel, and cause some chaos for the sake of entertainment. Rhys is Pansexual and open to romantic relationships such as; flings, one night stands, and long-term romance. Long-term romance will take some time to work towards but is totally plausible with the right partner. Also, having recently joined Elysium I'd love for him to meet his pack mates! Of course Rhys is very much in need of skill threads, he is Fighting and Intellect, so throw any and all of those at him, pls and ty.

Feel free to reply to this thread, DM me on Ardent, or message me on discord @ Reduction#0629 ! <3