
If you want the truth[healer meeting]


04-17-2014, 02:14 AM

ooc:; Bri has told me that any healer is allowed to hold meetings. So as such Vahva is calling one, to apologize for her past rude/secluded behavior and perhaps get to know and become closer with the others.
The woman would stand tall and strong over and above all else. The valhallans would once more be her home, and would always be her home. With all that had happened, she had all the confidence that her mother had to do what she was doing. As of right now she had so many supporting roles, that she wanted to get herself only farther involved and immersed in their world if any at all. The maned and scarred woman would stand tall and raise back her head in a clear call for healers. It was one place to start wasn't it.
There was nothing like a friendly get together, a place to talk, to get to know each other. Along with what she wanted them to hear about her part of things. After her little kidnapping ordeal(which probably no wolf but erani even knew about) she had ridden herself from what of a bad attitude. The past would stay in the past and her eyes would look to the future. She would fight, she would heal, and she would hunt. But for now she would make peace with the healers and make new friends. Possibly even gain new trust. After all, she had to remind herself these were the generations her mother put her trust into so why couldn't she?




04-22-2014, 09:03 PM

She had been cleaning out the den when the call rang out from Druid's moor. Pausing her head would turn to look over her shoulder, ears perked up. It sounded like a call for the Healers. As Primary, she had to respond to it. With a glance to the old bedding at her paws she shrugged, it could wait till she got back. Another sweep of her sky blue gaze told her Amia went off somewhere yet again. Since Cormalin started training her, the girl had paws as silent as the fog in the moor. Imena was never sure when she came and went till she spoke up now. With a sigh she turned away from the den and took off at a brisk pace.

Luckily enough her little cave wasn't too far from the moor, but it was still a good distance. Since the time Erani spoke to her and Cael had returned, she seemed more alive now. The self inflected bites on her forelegs were healing smoothly, fur growing back, her eyes were bright and full of life. Amia also helped her a lot. The girl just knew what to so or say to make things better. She had a gift, that girl. In time the figure of Vahva came into view and the dark woman gave a happy bark in greeting before she was close enough to talk."Hello Vahva, how are you today?" She asked softly as she settled down on her rump.




10 Years
Athena I
04-23-2014, 07:14 AM

Finally, Carl felt almost fully adjusted back to pack life. He had kept himself busy with looking for different herbs in all the nooks and crannies of the Valhalla territory, occasionally making himself participate in a spar, and working on his hunting through trial and error. He was secretly enjoying the training in all fields rule that Erani implemented. He still hated the idea of fighting, but he did feel more prepared in case another war would ever come to Valhalla's door step.

He was using this morning to work on his hunting. He wanted to surprise Imena with some lunch, but so far he wasn't having much luck. Finally he spotted a rabbit in the brush several feet ahead of him. It wouldn't be enough for the both of them, but perhaps there was more where this one came from. He crouched down, trying to the shadows and down wind of the rabbit as he creeped toward it. Just as he was about to make his move to catch it, a howl cut through the air, making the rabbit turn and run into the bush. He sighed, his ears folding back in disappointment. He stood up once again, staring at the spot where his prey had disappeared into, till he realized the howl was a call for healers. His ears perked up, his two-toned gaze turning toward the sound. It wasn't Imena's voice, but it wasn't a distress call either. He wondered who could be calling all the healers together if not the Theta Primary.

He turned and trotted off toward the call, arriving soon after Imena did. He looked to Imena first, smiling softly, before looking to the blue haired wolf who had apparently given out the call. He dipped his head in greeting, giving the other woman a small smile as well. "Hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Cael."



04-30-2014, 07:48 PM
{{Ooc:: Writing this as if Cael and Arwel have already met for their spar, just so you know Shelby. :3}}

A call for a meeting, though not necessarily for the pack, would go up. Ears would perk in curiosity as the male chewed the last bit of a hare he had caught in these misty lands. It was a call for the healers of Valhalla and, though not a healer himself, Arwel wanted to learn what he could about the strange plants that grew all over the world. Of what uses they might hold. Even if it was enough for first aid, just to slow a wound's bleeding and lesson the pain slightly until one of the actual healers got there it would be enough. Of course if he could pick up more than all the better, right?

After burying the bones of the fallen prey Arwel would make his way to the source of the call. Three wolves... only three wolves had showed up to this meeting. He would look upon each, only really knowing one. Cael. The Eta was one he had spared with, and Arwel flashed him a warm smile. "Good to see you again, Cael. Doing well I hope?" Then the brute would look to the two females, giving a respectful nod. "Greetings to you both. I am Arwel. I hope you don't mind if I join you all... I'd like to see what I can pick up about herbs and their uses."
