
Testing the Waters

Requiem I


2 Years
04-16-2014, 11:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

After plenty of wandering close beside the den he shared with his mother and siblings, Requiem had decided to branch out. It was not that he had truly felt the need to - there still seemed much about that place that he had yet to learn of and see - but he knew his siblings were starting to branch out already, and if they were surely it would be expected of him too? Besides, his family was so large and extensive that there seemed little trouble in leaving the safety of the location he had grown up in. With family members and trusted friends all over the place he somewhat doubted he could even get very far without someone supervising, even if it was from afar. He was the son of Song, child of the Oracle of Ludicael; even if his title was not impressive, he had faith the pack would be there to watch over him, just as he hoped one day to do the same in return.

The golden brown boy with the arrow-shaped marking padded comfortably, albeit slowly, alongside the stepped waterfall. He was close there beside the edge of the measured pools, large growing paws finding no trouble with the pace he had set. Somewhere someone was watching, but that was fine. He was starting to get used to the feeling as he an his siblings were a bit of a hot topic and attracted attention easily from the members of the pack. He only hoped they might not decide to stay for long there within the shadows and merely observing; he very much would have enjoyed having another wolf around on his first solo adventure beyond the den.

Teal-green eyes were watchful of his steps though occasionally shifted curiously to watch the way the water fell from one pool to the next, meandering swiftly yet musically down the falls. It was awfully lovely here, peaceful, a good place to relax and enjoy the tranquility. Hopping down one more short ledge, Requiem paused and stood staring at the nearest shallow pool, watching the way the water collected before continuing along its way. Though the weather had a while ago begun to cool and was still growing progressively colder, he was tempted to enter the water. Was that a silly notion? It hardly appeared to be moving at a dangerous speed. Maybe just a little..?

Giving in if only slightly to the little curious voice that spoke within his mind, the pup turned and carefully dipped one forepaw and then the next into the swirling current, shivering initially from the temperature and then smiling as he felt it rustle and pull at his fur as it pressed onward around his forelegs.



3 Years
04-18-2014, 03:45 PM

Dutiron had been rather eager to get out an explore; the world was so fascinating and there was an awful lot that he had to learn about it. Eagerly he would take in as much knowledge as he could, and attempt to work out various things on his own when no adults were around to help him. There seemed to be no stopping his thirst for discovery and only this morning had he forced his Aunt Novella to explain various new things to him. Eventually he had silenced his questions though, and with her prompting gone to find one of his siblings to play with for a little while, there was still so much he could have asked but so caught up in his studies, it wasn't often that he shared his adventures with his litter-mates.

So off he had gone, his first point to check had been the den, though only Descant lay there, fast asleep, still rather poorly. Dutiron wished he knew exactly what was wrong with his brother, how they could possibly help him. He knew little about healing of course having never know of its uses beyond the various extra things that his mother would give Descant though if he needed any excuse to spark an interest in learning about the topic, his brother would certainly work wonderfully.

Leaving the boy in rest, he had ventured away once more exploring the various parts of the Ludicael lands until he caught sight of the familiar brown figure stood at the water's edge. With a cheery smile and a happy wag of his tail, Dutiron would venture forth to close the distance between them, a small frown forming across his features as Requiem would step carefully into the water. Why he felt like a paddle now he had no idea, but not currently tempted to join his brother, he would stop before hitting the water. "What are you doing Requiem?" He would ask curiously, wondering if his brother had a good reason to be in the chilly water now.

Requiem I


2 Years
04-26-2014, 02:14 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The boy smiled as he stood there upon the edge of the waterfall, forelegs wet past his ankles while his back legs remained clear and dry. He tried not to let his teeth chatter as the cold seeped well beneath his skin, numbing his toes and eliciting another sudden shiver soon after the first, but they clicked against one another within his grin. Maybe this was not such a bright idea after all. It did feel nice, but he was entirely sure it would have been even nicer if the coldness of the water was more enjoyable. As it was he was currently at risk of his paws turning into odd-shaped icicles and he doubted his mother, or his siblings for that matter, would have been very impressed with him for it.

His brother's approach had been masked by the quiet yet consistent sounds of the falls, and the brown pup jumped ever so slightly before he glanced over his shoulder. Dutiron stayed at a distance from the water, either already aware of its temperature or taking a cue from Requiem's chattering teeth to know it was not fit for being in. Smile gaining a new edge of embarrassment, he replied, "I just...wanted to touch it." A small pause was made mid-phrase around another shiver and finally taking the hint he backed out if the water and lifted each forepaw in turn, giving them a little shake and a few licks to try and warm them up. So silly of him to go into the water! "Won't be doing that again soon."

Paws taken care of, he stood with his gaze lingering over the waterfall, still in quiet admiration over the loveliness the location offered, when he let his teal-green eyes rove back to Dutiron. "Have you been out here before?" he queried, head leaning slightly to one side. So new to the location, any helpful insight would have been nice for Requiem but simply having his brother to possibly scale down the side of the waterfall with him would have been fun enough.



3 Years
04-26-2014, 12:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 12:59 PM by Dutiron.)

The water certainly didn't look warm from Requiem's reaction and Dutiron wasn't at all tempted to join him. Perhaps if he had decided to take a little dip in the hot springs it may have been a little different but even then the boy couldn't say he was overly eager for a paddle just yet.

"I just...wanted to touch it." Requiem's answer struck him as a little odd, if he was that eager on touching the water he could have easily dipped a paw into it rather than start wading into it. Still, he wouldn't judge too much and would simply smile slightly at the comment. "So walking in was the best idea then?" He spoke light-heartedly, not meaning the words in a cruel way. "Won't be doing that again soon." He chuckled lightly as he climbed back out. "Seems like a good idea."

"Have you been out here before?" Dutiron gave a little nod of his head in response. He'd spent some time exploring the lands of the pack though he certainly wouldn't say he knew them all that well just yet. This place included. "Yeah, have you?" He didn't spend long on his answer, quickly shoving the attention back to Requiem.

Requiem I


2 Years
05-11-2014, 01:32 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

When Requiem had asked his question he had not actually been anticipating a positive response. His siblings might have been more adventurous overall, but he had not been able to fully wrap his mind around the idea that they would have wandered even this far already. It made more sense for them to stick close to the den, to mom, and to each other. How was it that they could get the nerve to go further than that?

His teal-green eyes widened in surprise, his mouth falling slightly agape in wonder. "You have?" he questioned, his tone incredulous. When had this been? Had someone been there, either watching or actively participating in the young wolf's wanderings? So he does know more! Quite suddenly his options were opening up in front of him, wishing to know and learn of everything that Dutiron had learned during his previous - or maybe it was more than just one previous? - excursions.

"I didn't know you'd gone this way before," he admitted, feeling a little bit of awe for his sibling. "I haven't. Not until today." It sounded like he really needed to begin stepping up his exploration game, or at least to make a better effort to keep up with his siblings. "What did you do out here?" he asked, adding with a gentle laugh, "Probably not climb into the waterfall."



3 Years
05-12-2014, 04:23 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2014, 04:24 AM by Dutiron.)

Dutiron had been the first of the siblings to leave the den, already the young boy had proven his confidence several times in his short life. Eager to learn all that he could, even if for now it was limited only to the pack lands. On the first trip out his older sister Novel had told him about the Ludicael territory and he'd longed to see them for himself. Though he'd still stuck closer to the den to start with, it hadn't taken him too long to start branching out and exploring a little more.

This new realisation certainly seemed to shock Requiem initially and Dutiron stood still and quiet as he awaited his brother to calm slightly from what was for some reason a big shock to him. He would chuckle at Requiem's comment on not swimming in the water here and gave a nod of his head. "You're right. I certainly didn't do that." He confirmed with the small smile still upon his face.

"I didn't really do much. I couldn't find anyone else here so I just sort of wandered around for a bit." He explained truthfully. It was more fun seeing things with others, although he didn't crave the attention of his family, the company was certainly still welcomed.