
ROAR, Fear the beast



2 Years
04-16-2014, 11:23 PM

The morning sun would find the brute in sleep, with the due of the night hanging upon his coat in silver shines like crystals. Littering both the creature and the grass surrounding and proving the chill of the night. With the approach of day the air would become that faint touch warmer and the sparkling due would heat against his pelt. The night however had been too long and even with the force of the day against his closed eyelids he could not find his way back to the present. The wind was still and without the burden of scents, and this perhaps was why the little movements of the squirrel where curious instead of frightened. It would approach with a reckless caution that some might label as insanity as it approached the backside of the wolf. From here it would reach out a paw and gently swipe it through the coat of the beast. It would freeze, hardly daring to breath and waiting, but nothing, the beast slept on.

It seemed to gain in courage with this silence and stillness, its abundance of recklessness far from over. It would run two hands through the base of his coat right by his rump, and when once again no reaction came it would finally full with confidence and its little body would hop upon its rump. Here it would disturb the fur, pushing it out to create a nest within its warmth. It would settle within its creation and for a moment would still. But even this, it seemed, was not enough for this insane and crazy creature. It would flop on its belly with the fur and run its paws through the plush velvet of the coat, making no noise but more than enough movement to disturb the dead, and still? the beast slept on.

"My sounds""My Soul"



5 Years
04-17-2014, 09:59 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Morning had been met with a chipper mood and a bright grin by the young Ebony female. It was so exciting to be part of a pack again after the stay she and her family had made beside the Rio Grande. It was a different world here, different even than Seracia. She had been young when she had lived there and far too eager to gain her independence to truly give much of her attention to the way the place functioned, but now that she was older, a year this season and a fact that she was proud to point out, she thought it time that she begin to focus more on what would be demanded of her as a member of Ebony.

But it was still hard for her to break away from her typical wanderings, and ever since her mother had had Kailos and Lior she had been doing much less of it. A little adventure away from everyone and on her own was probably overdue, and she did admit that getting away from the pack's boundary and into places that she had yet to explore already was proving to be exciting. She grinned widely as she padded at a swift trot, ears alert and yellow-gold eyes taking in the scenery. What to do, what to do... She had so much of the day ahead of her and everything available to do. There was no one that she needed to answer to, at least not until tonight when she planned to pester her mother again for time with the younger siblings. Maybe she would be rewarded with babysitting solo again!

Something crossed her path ahead of where she traveled, making the grey-gold girl freeze as she watched it disappear again into the foliage. Quickly Anais trailed after, slinking into a crouch and carefully placing her paws to try and minimize noise. Was it a squirrel that she had seen? Curiosity drew her along, and at a safe distance she crept in its wake, watching as it approached another large object. At a glance she had mistaken it for merely being a rock of some sort but as the little squirrel touched it she perked her ears with the realization it was actually a sleeping wolf. And was the little squirrel...curling up on it? Her smile returned brightly, the sight simply too unexpected and cute for words. "Awww!" The noise started off soft but grew in volume, her excitement getting the better of her as her tail wagged. But upon realizing her potential mistake, she stilled and went silent, biting the inside of her lip as she waited to see if either squirrel or wolf had heard.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
04-17-2014, 11:03 PM

The squirrel seemed quite content with its achievement, its fur puffed up in pride, its claws pushing through the luxurious fur and enjoying every moment of it. That was, right up until the moment a noise would alert it and it would turn in alarm to see another wolf, only this one was very much awake and attentive, its eyes upon it. It would still in shock, eyes swivelling down to the wolf beneath it, looking for signs of life. The brute's ears would twitch in annoyance as a sound penetrated into his dreams, and his tired form would be drawn closer to wakefulness, enough so to feel the weight of something above him and sense the presence of another wolf watching him. Surprised he would shake out his coat, not noticing the annoyed huff and scramble of something on its back as it lunched itself forward and scaled the nearest tree.

The brute shook his fur again and with a sigh brought his head up to see the girl watching him. had it been her that made that noise? he wondered, as his ears swivelled towards her. ?What was that!? he asked in amazement, raising his head to look at her, only to wince, and stifle a cry as something smacked into the side of his head, he would look down to see an acorn settling into place beside his paw. Eyes would widen, and he would look again to the she-wolf, this time there was an accusatory glare there as well, as through somehow she was responsible for this.

"My sounds""My Soul"



5 Years
04-18-2014, 01:54 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Oh no! The wolf might not have reacted right away, but the squirrel did. Apparently she had not been as quiet as she had hoped. It looked her way and then down at the wolf it sat upon, both of then seeming to hold their breath in wait to see how the slumbering canine would react. He was a bit slow on the uptake - likely a product of his sleep - but the squirrel reacted well before she did. It leaped say from the wolf and bounded for the nearest tree, disappearing up its trunk. Anais had jumped slightly in place at the sudden movement from the squirrel and watched as it ran away, her yellow-gold eyes falling back down to take in the form of the mostly grey mass that was unfurling itself into the shape and semblance of a wolf.

And a disgruntled wolf at that. Squirrel forgotten, Anais gazed at him with wide eyes, half expecting him to say something angrily for the simple fact she had woken him from rest, and considering these were unclaimed lands there was no telling just how necessary that sleep was. Her ears began to tip backwards against her head guiltily, waiting for a reprimand, but all that was uttered was a question, confused and surprised. She had only enough time to blink, to merely begin figuring out how she was going to answer, before he flinched, struck by something on the side of his head. She had seen the hurled object as it hit, though did not realize its true identity until she noticed it as the male wolf did. There it sat, the thrown acorn, looking so inconspicuous and harmless there where it rested on the ground.

It was only another second before she put everything together and realizing what had happened she succumbed to laughter. She tried at first to hold it back, the noises muffled and incoherent, before her attempted seriousness completely crumbled away as a fit of giggles claimed her. The squirrel had actually thrown an acorn at him! And all because he had woken up. But because she had been the one to wake him up she supposed there was still some responsibility for the incident placed upon her shoulders, and with the stare the now conscious wolf was giving her she thought he might have known it too. Feeling guilty and embarrassed by her own behavior, Anais quickly tried to cover the last of her laughter by clearing her throat with a cough and promptly folded her ears back again, only muttering a single quiet, "Sorry," as she was mostly sure the squirrel had answers his first question for him.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
04-18-2014, 02:58 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2014, 03:02 AM by Crucifix.)

His accusatory glare would become even more suspicious as, after a few moments of surprise had passed she would fall into laughter. What was more uncanny was the sound that echoed this she wolf in the tree tops, a high pitched chittering sound that also sounded suspiciously like amusement. His eyes would swivel upwards, and he swore he saw a flash of orange, but when his eyes focused on the tree, he could see only the brown of bark. His eyes would return to the she wolf, and witness her failure to hold in the laugh that shook her being. He would roll his eyes and stretch out his tired muscles before falling into a better sitting position. From here, he would take in the girl before him, see that her eyes held a lemony gold and the sparkle of amusement even as her body shook and struggled to contain her amusement. She boosted shades of browns and greys and even cream and looked to him to be a fairly young wolf.

?No, really? he said, and now that he had shaken off the last webs of sleep there was amusement, rather then anger in his tones ?What did I miss?? This wasn't exactly the nicest way to be woken up, but he supposed it kept life interesting. The pain in his head had been quick to fade, so it seemed there was nothing last to this incident. He was just about ready to shake it off when another object came hurling towards his head. More awake, and perhaps slightly prepared this time he managed to dive to side and the hurled acorn skimmed against his ear and skull as it passed him and hit the floor. With a growl he turned to the squirrel, and this time he could see it, perched high up in the branched, tittering and laughing at him. ?So your the culprit!? he said, shaking his head and quickly moving further from that tree, which happened to put him a lot closer to the stranger. ?There is something wrong with that creature? he would scowl, shaking his head before returning his attention to Anais ?I'm Crucifix, ah, who would you be??

"My sounds""My Soul"



5 Years
04-22-2014, 12:07 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

To his credit, the mottled grey wolf was taking his rude awakening surprisingly well, and no sooner had he finally come to from his rest his demeanor appeared to change. There was no longer animosity within his stare - a stare that was a strange but unusually attractive shade of purple and drew Anais's gaze toward it. In fact, he rather seemed amused if anything, as if his scowls from a second ago had been nothing but a product of crankiness. Personally Anais very much preferred this new mood to the first, and with a growing smile and a tentative giggle she answered, "You made a friend while you were sleeping." Surely he could guess what type of friend it was, as well as how their relationship was now. The squirrel had made it plainly clear to Anais at least, and she was only a bystander.

A little unsurprising, another acorn streaked down from the tree but this time the young male wolf was prepared. He saw the projectile coming and managed to duck in time to miss it, though only just. Head tilting back, Anais struggled to spy the culprit upon his perch and wondered why it had thrown another acorn. The first time at least had been funny; now it seemed a bit unnecessarily antagonistic. "Hey!" she chimed in, coming to the wolf's defense whether he wished her to or not, "It's not funny anymore. Stop." Likely it would go ignored, but she felt the need to try. After all, it was partly her fault he had gotten on the wrong side of the squirrel in the first place.

By the time her attention had shifted downward again to return to the wolf she noted that he was closer, taking refuge in the distance he had placed between himself and the tree the squirrel had claimed. Unbidden, her eyes sought his, and eventually they were met with that still strange color, so different from the blues and golds of her family. He introduced himself and asked for her own name. "Anais," the grey-gold girl answered simply, though haltingly added with a rueful, backward lean of her ears, "the one who woke you up."

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
04-22-2014, 06:49 PM

He hoped he was safe from the rage of the projectiles lobed at his face now that he was no longer under the shade of the tree and stood instead closer to where this strange female had stood. He was secretly impressed with the aim of the insane creature that had targeted him for its play, but not nearly enough to allow it a little more practice. The young girl that had woken him had spoken, but since he had been busy ducking and escaping he would only now answer her, offering first a sheepish smile in return to her words. ?I can say the feelings are mutual? he grinned, indicating that if 'friendship' equalled lobbing acorns at his head he would happily return the gesture to his 'friend'

He was surprised however that the girl had come to his defence, chiming in that the actions where no longer funny, and he would hear the angry chittering in response, and wondered if it was the equivalent to squirrel swearwords. He would grin at the girl before him, his amusement mostly on the show he and the squirrel had probably given her. 'Roadkill' he thus decided to dub the insane creature, although hoping that he had seen the last of it. She would give her name now, and he thought upon the uniqueness of it, he hadn't heard a name like it before. She also admitted that she had been the one to wake him up. ?I'm glad, considering who I was unconsciously sharing a bed with? he laughed, shaking his head and trying to push Roadkill from his mind. ?I'm Crucifx, the resident Squirrel-whisper, or so our friend thinks. And. I know you don't know me, but want to go for a stroll? This place feels a little to crowded? he said, and his grin's where still free across his muzzle. He still felt the need for the lull of sleep, and his tiredness for the long hours of the night before, but clearly there would be no more getting rest, not for a while anyway

"My sounds""My Soul"



5 Years
04-23-2014, 12:14 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

As the boy laughed the yearling girl did the same, her own giggles adding to the sound of his. Yes, perhaps it was for the best that she had woken him up when she did. Not even she had been able to predict the sort of aggressive behavior that the little tree-bound creature possessed when she had been following it, and if the response she had gotten to her comment made toward it was any indication she did not expect it to change its ways any time soon. More than likely, if she got too close, she would even become its next target.

Another quick chuckle followed the first as Crucifix claimed to be a squirrel whisperer, and Anais was glad her newest acquaintance could laugh at it. She had been worried at first that the grumpiness he had exuded when he had woken up would linger, particularly after his unknown bed buddy had decided to chuck a few acorns at him. It was all promising for her as she liked to make friends, and considering this grey colored wolf had been nothing but smiles and grins since he had woken up, his apparent demeanor friendly and carefree, Anais had hopes of making another. Especially one with such pretty eyes.

The offer her company made might have given any other level-headed girl pause but strangely there was no such hesitation from the grey-gold wolf. Truth be told, she was a rather impulsive girl, prone to acting and reflecting on things after the fact. This instance was no exception. She had already made up her mind about this young male in the short time she had spoken with him and already she liked him. He seemed happy, and he had made her laugh. For right now, she could not imagine turning down company like that. "Sure," Anais answered with a bright smile, her tail beginning to wag as she wondered where her adventure with Crucifix might lead them.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
04-23-2014, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2014, 03:09 PM by Crucifix.)

No rest for the wicked, or so it was said. Certainly no rest for the Crucifix with the way his night and day had gone so far. The young wolf beside him, for indeed she seemed to be still within her pup years despite her explorations into rogue lands (or perhaps she was indeed a rogue) seemed unfazed with their adventures so far if her light laughter was anything to go by. Despite himself, he was amused to see her laughter to his follies and her easy nature that allowed her to agree to a walk with him. They would head off, the positioning of the squirrel deciding their direction as the moved directly opposite and away from where it had decided to perch.

The day was warm and sunny, a light bit of bright to make up for his rude awakening, and he could hear the sounds of creatures as they foraged and moved about in search of food and a good place to see the day. It was those sounds really that reminded him of his empty stomach, and naturally the second his thoughts went there his stomach would grumble with the thought of food. It the sounds of scrabbling in the tree tops about him added to the sound of his stomach he said nothing, did not even cast a glance to confirm his suspicions ? besides he had an idea that the damn creature was to clever to come within height reach of his claws. ?Up for a hunt?? he was ask his morning companion, already casting his nose to the air in search of possible scents. When the one of rabbits came to him he would nod his head to the right and veer to the side. He had a feeling there would be rabbit holes ahead, with the strength of the scent. In a few moments his thoughts would be confirmed, as the play-place of rabbits was discovered before them. He would crouch against the grass, casting a glance to Anais to see if she was preparing herself for a hunt.




5 Years
04-26-2014, 08:36 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The boy guided them away from the tree and its current resident which Anais thought was a good idea. The pesky creature would have likely pelted them with any spare acorns it could have found on their way away from it, and though it had been amusing enough when it had happened the first time to Crucifix she was not altogether eager to take his place in the target practice. Her smile was firmly set in place, as if having found a permanent spot upon her features, and though for the most part her yellow-gold gaze stuck to observing their surroundings an occasional sidelong glance was made at her grey companion, curious if he had a direction for their walk or a purpose. Not that she needed one. The morning was an enjoyable one, and simply having someone there to share the walk with was entertaining enough for her. Although she was beginning to wonder whether he would have been bothered if she tried to speak and fill the quiet.

Before she could offer any questions or comments to strike up their conversation again Crucifix suggested a hunt, and though she was not immediately hungry herself it did seem like a fun idea. Her own hunting partners had only ever been her parents during training and then her brothers once they had learned the fundamentals. Could it be as fun with someone that she had only just met? Or would it be even more of a challenge? "What did you have in mind?" Anais asked with a slight lean of her head, but rather than answer he motioned for her to follow. Figuring something was up, the grey-gold youth fell silent and stepped after him, nose attempting to catch up and figure out whatever it was that the male wolf had already taken note of.

As expected, she caught the scent and had her suspicions reaffirmed once they had found their prey. Bright eyes focused intently on the group, scoping them out to judge how many they had to choose from as well as which one might make the easiest catch. Which one would Crucifix decide to go for? Seeking that answer, she cast her gaze in his direction again, a silent, unasked question hopefully visible about her face and within the focused set of her ears. He was the ringleader for their hunt; how did he want it to happen?

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
04-26-2014, 09:27 PM

The girl had seemed quite content to follow where he lead, and her carefree nature and responses was a breath of fresh air. She made little noise, another indication of her easy nature, although he was also equally fine with chatting as he was with silence. She had voiced his question, and indeed his answer had been to beckon her on with the scent of rabbits in his nostrils. They had reached the spot and he had fallen into an observatory crouch. From her his attention would return to Anais to see what she herself was doing. What he saw from her with that glance was a question, it seemed she was more then willing for him to take the lead and follow after him. He Stalked a few steps forward, upon the verge of the bush line but not yet within sight of the rabbits.

From here the silver black boy would scoop out his prey and see immediately that they did not have the best vantage point. He would swish his tail gently at her, indicating for her to follow. He would go left, creeping through the under-bush to the point he had decided upon. He would still again, ensuring that everything on the other side was still as it had been. Yes, a few elderly rabbits lounged about in the clearing a little bit away, watching the play of the adults and young ones. These would be his choice tonight. He would aim for them to catch a rabbit each. He would switch his tail to the side, fanning it out, indicating also with his head, telling her to bound out of the ferns in an arch, to go left first them go inwards, to cut the rabbits off from there hole as he went right then towards them to catching their fleeing form. He tensed, waiting for her to be ready, the second he was, he would give her 2 seconds head start to scare the prey then leave himself.

"My sounds""My Soul"



5 Years
04-28-2014, 09:41 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Anais took one step after Crucifix when he decided to move forward and then stopped, giving him a moment to get himself settled before she attempted to follow after him. There was no sense for them both to be creeping up into the same spot and potentially running out of room to the point that either one of them messed up and made an unnecessary noise. How embarrassing that would have been! And Anais was far too interested in making a good impression. She did not quite understand it yet - the drive to do the same around her siblings was really a healthy competition - but here it was different and she was still unsure what to make of it other than that was simply what she wished to do.

Ahead of her Cru's tail swished and he meandered away to the left, and as he did so Anais quietly stalked up into his place to get the same look at their prey that he had a moment ago. Finally she could gather a little better the plan that they would likely follow, words unspoken but assumed with confidence. It made her smile. There they were, the rabbits all mingling innocently in their little clearing, oblivious to their quiet observers. Oh yes, this was going to be fun.

The excitable girl had to stop herself from wagging her tail and making noise when it was imperative that she remain quiet, and turned her head minutely to glance again at her companion. He was set, finally in a place that he no longer moved from, and with a few gestures of his tail and head she was given her instructions. With an understanding nod, she glanced back at the rabbits and their surroundings, waited just a moment longer to steel her nerves with a deep breath, before she made her initial leap.

They were startled. Her jump had brought her close to their burrow and spotting it she hurried leaped to close the gap and separate them from their desired location, causing them to scatter in the opposite direction. Crucifix would be waiting there for them by now, and with a growl that only slightly bared teeth Anais was on their heels, ready and willing to grab a startled rabbit when Cru managed to jump out and surprise them with his own catch.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
04-28-2014, 10:46 PM

Perhaps they had just met, but there was a definite understanding that rippled between the two of them. She had been quite in her steps as she followed them and it was with approval that he had looked on. She had been quick to respond to any of his indications and seemed to understand his plan as he readied for the hunt. It may be that he had never known her before today, but he had the utmost confidence in her for this hunt as they finished their preparations.

His eyes where fixed upon the elder rabbits, and the second she was ready Anais had lept from her place and successfully bounded before the rabbits and their get away, he barely had time to silently cheer her on as he too leapt free of the undergrowth and into the clearing. As they turned from the girl in startled chittering and turned in the other direction ? his direction, they would come to a surprised halt, one rabbit would go left, heading for the undergrowth the beasts had emerged from, another would go right, further into the clearing in the hopes of making it to a hole. Cru would dive for the right, the one that had been faster, in the thoughts that he was closer, and the hesitation the left rabbit had given would give her a moment to dive also for that kill. His teeth closed about his catch and before he could mercifully twist its neck in his jaws, its hard gave out with a sudden, resounding thump against his skin and was no more. He turned, tail wagging pleased behind him as he looked up to see how Anais had faired.

"My sounds""My Soul"



5 Years
04-28-2014, 11:24 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Anais was proud of herself. It was obvious she had acted according to plan and propelled their hunt in the direction Crucifix had hoped it would go in, and for it being her first hunt with someone who was not related to her it was an incredible success. She would have grinned had she had a moment to celebrate, but he was moving and so were the rabbits, and if she was going to catch one to add to whatever he caught then she needed to act fast.

Two of the rabbits, the elder pair she assumed from the look she had gotten of the group before she had bounded into their midst, split apart, one heading away and into the grasses and the other skittering in its frantic paced escape to get back to one of the burrows she had failed to notice earlier. Its hesitation, unintentional and completely accidental in its careless haste, was all that she needed. She gave chase, singling it out and digging her paws into the ground to propel her quickly after it in the hopes of catching up while Crucifix set his sights on its partner in crime that was headed in the opposite direction.

Her speed worked in her favor, and the poor rabbit's stumbling made it even better. She was upon it in an instant, her paws bringing her close as she reached down to snatch it up by its neck. Her initial grip was not entirely as strong as she had wanted and her prey seemed to notice, squirming in its attempt to get away but a quick adjustment remedied things and the rabbit met a swift end. She hovered over its body as it stilled, a little surprised at her luck since she was sure it was going to get away when she had not secured her grip. Somehow she had managed, and grabbing even more securely onto the neck of her catch, she lifted it upward and turned to face her companion, laughing triumphantly and grinning around the catch in her mouth while her tail wagged with excitement.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
04-29-2014, 12:24 AM

Crucifix, having not asked would never have guessed that this would be her first hunt outside her family. She was a good listener, quick to understand and without any hesitation as they delivered their attack. They had lunged, and success was already hanging evident from Cru's own jaws. He would take in a whiff of his kill, look about him to see that all other rabbits where gone, quivering in their burrows at the sight of the hunters upon their home. He ignored the nervous heads that popped from holes and instead turned and moved back to the young wolf and immediately he saw that he too held a rabbit within her grasp. His tail set loose behind him in joy as he stopped before her and put his prey against the ground. ?Nice catch! You must do this all the time? he laughed, clear praise in his tone as he settled himself against the ground and admiring their two kills, with one each there was plenty to go around and his day was definitely looking brighter now.

?And now, we enjoy breakfast? he insisted, nodding for her to dig into her well earned meal before doing the same himself. Any other conversation would have to wait as he filled his hungry belly with the warm taste of a fresh meal.

"My sounds""My Soul"



5 Years
05-01-2014, 11:28 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her newest friend seemed pleased that even she had managed to make her own kill, and in all honesty Anais was a bit impressed by her own skill too. She had been wanting to do well, to put herself and what she knew she could do in a good light, and she had miraculously been successful. Of course, Crucifix had probably been too busy to see her near miss, but just knowing that she had been close to losing it made the victory feel that much greater. It was just a little detail she planned on keeping to herself.

They had met somewhere in the middle of the clearing the rabbits had moments ago claimed, and as soon as the rabbit was out if his mouth, lying still on the ground between them, he complimented her. Though her tail began to wag even faster at the unexpected praise, the grey-gold girl was grateful she still carried her rabbit in her jaws so that it hid the sudden and noticeable widening of her grin, a sensation of giddiness accompanying it. A few embarrassed yet pleased chuckles sounded muffled from behind her mouthful of rabbit scruff, and upon hearing the oddness of the noise she promptly set it down at her feet, still grinning a little too brightly. All the time. What would he say if she told him it was her first true hunt without a family member present?

There was no time to find out. The purple-eyed boy had been hungry when he had initiated their hunt, and undoubtedly that hunger was worse now. He was lying before his kill and giving the word for them to begin enjoying their breakfast, and finally calming down enough from her praise-induced high, Anais muttered a quick, "Right," before following suit. She sank to her stomach, rabbit between her outstretched paws, and holding it in place she began to feed in companionable silence with occasional curious glances being made toward her company.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
05-01-2014, 03:27 PM

It was a relief to delve into the catch and begin the process of filling his rumbling stomach. Truly, with the scent of fresh kill a tangible aroma against his nose it was hard not to feel the protesting need of his stomach. So it was with relief that he dug into his catch and eyes would quickly flick onto Anais to ensure she was doing the same. He had somewhat noticed her excitement, her little actions before placing the rabbit on the ground before her, the flick of her tail and knew that she had enjoyed the hunt easily as much as he had. He offered her a warm grin through bloody fangs.

When she too bit into her prey he relaxed a little more, and continued his own feast, with her single word ?right? pulsing through his mind. He was quickly noticing how little this girl spoke. She seemed quite content to go with the way of things, and she was clearly a quick learner. Despite all this, or perhaps because of it she seemed to offer few words in return. Perhaps she was more of an observer, more content to watch and learnt then to speak. It was a good trait, and a rare one to find in the young. He tore through the rabbit with relative ease, the meat still warm in his jaws. When he set it aside there was little more than skin and bones remaining. Wiping his paws against the gently damp grass and licking his lips against his fangs he would turn his gaze back to Anais. ?So tell me about yourself Anais, do you often travel the rogue lands?? he would ask, the very silent she boosted bringing out a curiosity inside him.




5 Years
05-01-2014, 10:51 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

In the excitement of making a new friend - and avoiding a not so nice squirrel - Anais had failed to take notice that her own morning appetite had grown too. The rabbit made a lovely breakfast, filling her to contentment, and even still with a teeny bit of meat on the bones she stopped, pausing in the hopes that what she had so far eaten might settle enough for her to finish the rabbit and not waste any of it. They had gone through all the trouble of catching them, and it being her first catch without family - and with her new purple-eyed friend - she hardly felt right letting it go like that. Best to savor the memory.

She was still licking her own lips, rabbit between her paws, when he addressed her by name, her ears immediately perking up to listen to his friendly question. "Well, not so much anymore," she admitted with a little side motion of her head. If these were the types of things she was missing out in by being inside pack territory though then maybe she needed to do so more often. "My family recently joined the pack Ebony, so I've been there a lot. Learning about the pack lands and helping mom with my little brother and sister." Two points of pride for her, it was impossible for her to mention both siblings without a smile. Even so far from home they were still on her mind.

But that was not to say she was in any big hurry to get back to them. Today was something of a hooky day, and really it was much too early for her to turn in. She had the whole rest of the day to do things, to explore places! How much free time did Crucifix have? "I'm just having an adventure day," she admitted, smiling yet again as her tail brushed across the ground in a subdued wag. "Do you have adventure days?" she asked, the question almost rather timid as she peered across at the mottled grey wolf. Was that was brought him out this way, and what had caused him to take a nap with an unlikely adversary?

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



2 Years
05-02-2014, 04:11 AM

It was easy to surrender his thoughts to her words, to settle his hunches against the earth and keep the lumiescent lights of violet against her form. He knew very little of this 'Ebony' pack she spoke of, other then having heard its name before in passing. And her words easily painted a picture of her family oriaintated life, or her, her mother and siblings. She mentioned nothing of a father and wondered if it was them alone against the world. Ragardless, she had come out a fine and pleasant creature, as evident from their meeting to this moment.

Perhaps it was in his nature, to try to take in more then what was actually said, but his level eyes didn't cease in their gussing. The pride in the words of her siblings was evident, and met with Cru's own approval ? his responabilities to his family was a deep chord inside him, and what he would do for his siblings, to ensure their health and safety breached the ethics of even his own familys nature. But her words would come again, changing the path of his own thoughts as she spoke of adventuring. ?i'm sure you can see my adventures are plenty exciting enough? he said with a laugh, refraining from rubbing his head with a bloodied paw in remebrance of the acorn that had found its mark there. ?But yes, I live for adventuring and doubt i'll ever want to give them up? he smiled to the girl before him, forcing his mind to remain with the precent and not on all he had discovered seen and met within his times 'advernturing'

?For some reason I don't know much of Ebony... are they a small pack?? he was ask, for despite her young age she was bound to know more of this then he did. Crucifix was always aiming to broaden his horizons and understand all of this world his family had chosen to reside in.